business since 1996
- © Krause House
Info-Research Solutions -
(January 26, 1943, Leamington, Ontario, Canada - )
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© Parks Canada/CD-0277-56 |
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Parks Canada/CD-0277-87Entrance Also published: Nov. 1933 - The front entrance of Point Pelee national park outside of Leamington. (The Windsor Star-File) |
postcard Provided By Kathleen Haack - Photogelatine Engraving Co |
Provided By Kathleen Haack |
First Entrance Built c. 1918 |
Second Entrance Built c. 1933 |
Third Entrance Built c. 1960 |
The School at Point Pelee also has failed to report. I have supplied such particulars as I could learn from other sources. The settlement at the Point is at a great distance from any post office. It being difficult to reach that neighbourhood in winter. I left the blank report at Leamington, the nearest post office, in the hope that it would be received in good time, but I have not heard from the trustees. There are only a few French families there and a few Indians. The fifty dollars granted by the Department for the benefit of that Section are still available for 1872, since by the advice of the clerk and treasurer of the township I retain the order on the County Treasurer, the services of last year being already paid in full...
Annual report of the normal, model, grammar, and common schools in Ontario for the Year 1871, By Ontario. Chief Superintendent of Education, Ontario. Dept. of Education, Ontario. Legislative Assembly, 1873, p. 102 -
We have had great difficulty in getting trustees to enlarge the school premises beyond the half-acre. There is only one school — that on Point Pelee — where children play on the roadway. The schoolhouse is in a red cedar grove, the school grounds being unlimited or unfenced. The unsurveyed roadway passes through the only clear space near the schoolhouse ...
Report of the Minister of Education, Ontario Education Dept., 1896, p. 179. See also: Sessional papers - Legislature of the Province of Ontario, Volume 1, Ontario. Legislative Assembly, 1895
c. 1905
Students of Point Pelee School
Miss Blair, Teacher
The Leamington Post, January, 2001
Note: in 1911 the ages of some of the students were:
Melburn De Laurier (13); Roy De Laurier (18); Louise De Laurier (21); Helen E.
Grubb (16); Ross Tilden (14);
Winnie Tilden (12); Nellie June Wilkinson (13); Wilfred Wilkinson (17); Nina
Chambers (12)
Photo: At School
Description: Riel [Grubb] and Jim [Grubb] at Point Pelee School built in 1910
Attached To: Sarah Fossie May Mooney (1893-1991)
Public Member Photos & Scanned Documents
1934 -
Lake Erie Coast Chart No. 6. Vermilion to Port Clinton, Ohio, Point Pelee to
Colchester, Ont. 1934
Eric Krause at Point Pelee: 1943-1968
Eric Richard Krause
In 1938, Friedrich Wilhelm Krause and his wife Maria Mietz Kornelsen moved to Point Pelee where he and Maria purchased their own fishery.
Point Pelee National Park extends from the mainland of Essex County in southwestern Ontario, Canada.
Point Pelee, "Pointe-Pelée" or "bare point" [its eastern side was rocky, with no trees] by French explorers, became a national park in 1918. Commercial fishing continued in the park until 1969.
It forms the southernmost point in mainland Canada. Its latitudinal position is the same as the northernmost counties of California.
See also: Maria (Meitz) Krause Personal Chronology
See also: Karl Rudy Krause Personal Chronology
See also: The Fisheries of Point Pelee
See also: Krause Photo Album
In 1938, my grandparents (Opa and Oma) Friedrich Wilhelm
Krause and Maria Mietz Kornelsen, with my father and his brother (Karl Rudy Krause - b. September 3, 1931)
moved to Point Pelee where he and Maria purchased their own fishery. [By
`1938 Oma had put enough money aside so that they could buy two fisheries at
Point Pelee, which they turned into one ( Bought out McLellan and then
further north that of Sid Tilbury where they operated their Fishery until
Point Pelee Park: - Salaries and wages: supt., R.J. Grant, 9 m. at $1,740, 3 m. at $1,860, house allowance, $240 [CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND RESOURCES HON. T.A. CRERAR, MINISTER, CHARLES CAMSELL, DEPUTY MINISTER REPORT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1938., p. 96 (44), Vote - Crédit 146 - National Parks Bureau: National Parks and Historic Sites Services - Bureau des parcs nationaux: Services des parcs nationaux et des sites historiques
One day a man with very bushy eyebrows came to our house. It was Mr. John Tiessen [Point Pelee Orchards] we heard, and he was asking Dad to come and work for him in the apple orchard at Point Pelee. There was also work for all of us! This could be the beginning of an easier life for our parents. A large truck was found, so that the move could be made in one trip. Then we heard Dad say, that they would sell the baby buggy, because after all, they wouldn't be needing it anymore. We did very well at the Point and soon the opportunity for Dad to buy his own farm came along ....
One day a Mr. Tiessen [Point Pelee Orchards] from Point Pelee came over with a truck, & everything was loaded except the second-hand piano, & we followed in our good, second-hand car. It was like a garden of Eden. A huge apple orchard, and the whole family had things to do. Margaret & I were given our first job; picking up brush after the pruning. Then the trees could be climbed where the apple thinning began. This put us in the mood for singing & yodeling, for it sure was a lot of fun working outside in the sunshine along with the rest of the young people like ourselves.
Soon it was time to cut asparagus & with that came daylight saving time which made it 5 A.M. & you had to keep a sharp eye on job. It grew so fast in the spring that it had to be cut again in the late afternoon. Now some of the early apples were ripening, so up went the ladders. Hoeing between the asparagus rows also kept us quite busy, but that was easy in the soft sand.
Our evenings were spent around the fires built on the beach to keep the mosquitoes away. We did as lot of singing here, mostly cowboy songs, & some went for a swim. This is where my husband-to-be came to join us, & we began to go out together. I was 15 & he 17. My curfew was 10 P.M., after that the door was locked. I was late only once when Bill got the car stuck on a stump in the bush where he drove ...
Jake Tiessen, Unknown male, |
Description provided by Louise (Mathies) Ross; Photo Supplied by Alisa (Krause) McClurg
Note: John Tiessen [Orchard Manager, Point Pelee Orchards
- - The Leamington Post. October 20, 1932 - pg.
a German Mennonite from Russia, who
came to work at Point Pelee Orchards with his family in 1927.
Henrietta O'Neill, In Search of a Heart (Friends of Point Pelee, 2000), p. 59
"John Henry Tiessen, Isaak Tiessen and Margaret Tiessen, for purchase of land,
Point Pelee National Park, $20000 ..."
Public accounts of Canada, Volumes
1-3, 1961, p. 25-20
"TIESSEN, Henry — b 30-1 1-20. nk Margaret m. Point Pelee. ed 13-3-44 ..."
Mennonites at War: A Double-Edged Sword: Canadian
Mennonites in World War II, by Neufeld, Peter Lorenz
(1997), p. 122
(and relatives) OF THE KRAUSE FAMILY
At one time, some three hundred private landholdings existed within the boundaries of present-day Point Pelee National Park. Over the years, the Park management has been buying these holdings, so that today only three remain. One of these has for many years been held by the William Krause family, some of whom are members of the Mennonite church. The Krauses are operators of the only commercial fishery on the west side of the Point. The fishery was formerly located inside the park; today it is several kilometres north of the entrance gate ...
Other than the the Krauses, few, if any, Mennonites were ever owners of property in the Park. Nevertheless, many Mennonite families lived within the Park from 1930-60. Some rented homes and worked in the area, others share-cropped, some managed orchards, and others fished. During those years the largest commercial operation, I believe, was Point Pelee Orchards, growers and shippers of apples. A number of its managers were Mennonites, and the owners must have had a preference for "Johns"— namely, John Tiessen, John Toews, and John Penner ....
Victor D. Kliewer, editor, The Mennonites in Essex and Kent Counties, Ontario. An Introduction (Essex-Kent Mennonite Historical Association, Volume 1, 1997, p. 90. -
Entrance to Point Pelee National Park, Leamington, Ontario, Canada 16
1943 - 1969
See also: The Memoirs of Annie Krause (Mathies) - Married To A Krause
See also: Annie Krause and Her Personal Chronology
1943 - 1968
1943 - 1968
Tuesday, January 26
Eric Richard Krause
Certificate of Birth - Registered February 22, 1943
January 28
Krause - At Hopewell Hospital, Leamington, on Tuesday, January 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krause of Point Pelee, a son.
The Leamington Post, January 28, 1943, p. 7
Eric Richard Krause
(b. January 26, 1943, Leamington, Ontario, CANADA)
Photographer: H. A. Dunn, Leamington, Ont
Photo supplied by Louise Ross (Mathies)
Eric Richard Krause
(b. January 26, 1943, Leamington, Ontario, CANADA)
1943 - 1949
@ Google Earth
I lived my early days (1943-1949) in a house we rented from Ed DeLaurier, just north of the Delaurier House
Billy Krause
Krause - At Hopewell Hospital, Leamington, on Sunday, May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Krause of Leamington, a son. -Leamington Post, May 10, 1945, p. 4
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
Name: William F Krause
Occupation: Fisherman
Year: 1945
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex South
Name: William H Krause
Year: 1945
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex South
Eric R. Krause and FW Krause
Eric R. Krause
Eric R. Krause and FW Krause
c 1949
F. William Krause, Maria M. (Kornelsen) Krause, Eric R. Krause, William A. Krause (Billy)
Eric R. Krause
William A. Krause (Billy), Eric R. Krause
Top Left: Karl R. Krause - "Rudy", H. William (Bill) Krause, Unidentified, F. William Krause
Bottom Right: Eric R. Krause, William A. Krause (Billy)
Eric R. Krause (6 Years Old) / Karl R. Krause - "Rudy"
Windsor Daily Star Staff Photo
Windsor Daily Star Staff Photo
Point Pelee Fisherman Catches 140-Pound Sturgeon
Six-feet long and tipping the scales at 140 pounds, this is the largest sturgeon Mr. William Krause of the William Krause and Son fishery at Point Pelee has caught in 21 years. The sturgeon was lifted out of a pound net yesterday. Left is Mr. Bill Krause and at right is his son, Eric. The large fish yielded 45 pounds of cavier. All three sturgeons are valued at $200.
The Windsor Daily Star, May 21, 1949, p. 7
A large sturgeon weighing 140 pounds, was hauled in by the William Krause and Son's fishery at Point Pelee last week-end. Caught in a pound net, it was the largest sturgeon caught at Point Pelee in many years. The large fish yielded 45 pounds of cavier. Mr. Krause says the fish was the largest caught by him in the past 21 years.
Those were the days. This picture taken 26 years ago shows the crew of a Wm Krause and Sons Fisheries boat with three large size sturgeons. The fish, a source of caviar, were taken in pound nets and were quite common in those days, but are somewhat of a rarity today.
Left to right are: Bill Scheller, Wm. H. Krause, Rudy Krause, Vern Scheller, Wm. Krause Sr. and Bill Wilson. Krause Fisheries are still active in the fish business on Lake Erie.
[Leamington Shopper - January 15, 1975]--------------------
Where I lived - Built by my father, c. 1949
Picture to the right: My sister Kathleen Ann (b. March 8, 1956) in the foreground.
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
- William Krause Jr Essex, Ontario electoral district 1949
- Mrs Annie Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1949
- Mrs Marie Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1949
- William Krause [Krause?] Essex, Ontario electoral district 1949
Name: William Krause Jr
Gender: Male
Occupation: Fisherman
Year: 1949
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Mrs Annie Krause
Gender: F (Female)
Year: 1949
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Mrs Marie Krause
Gender: F (Female)
Year: 1949
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex South
School Year 1949 - 1950
MAY 31, 1950
[Photo by Johnston's Studio, Chatham, Ontario, Order Number 988-B]
Point Pelee Mersea School
Eric Krause, Front Row, 2nd From Left
Teacher - Miss A. Koshlay
[Several later teachers were Mr. Eric Slater, Donald LaMarsh, Fay Noble]
Back Row (L to R): Harold Girardin, Doug Fields, Vernie Toews
Second Row: Norma Moody, Margaret Toews, Bernice Sheeler, Nancy Moody, Rosie
Third Row: Janet Grubb, Nancy Copeland, Diane Fields, May Lou Delaurier, Marilyn
Fourth Row: Rudy Penner, Gary Sheeler, Lary Girardin, Terry Copeland, Wayne
Girardin, Bob Girardin
Front Row: Billy Toews, Eric Krause, Donny Gruner [Bruner], Roger Mallott, Harry
Grubb, Bev Fields
Birding at Point Pelee: a birder's history of one of Canada's most famous,
By Henrietta O'Neill
Photo Supplied by Alisa (Krause) McClurg / Photo Supplied
by Louise (Mathies) Ross
L-R: Linda [Regehr] Toews, Eric R. Krause, George Toews, William (Billy) A. Krause
Photo Supplied by Alisa (Krause) McClurg
Annie (Mathies) Krause, Eric R. Krause
L-R: William (Billy) A. Krause, H. William (Bill) Krause, Annie (Mathies) Krause, Eric R. Krause
Photo Supplied by Alisa (Krause) McClurg
H. William (Bill) Krause, Annie (Mathies) Krause and Eric R. Krause, William (Billy) A. Krause
Eric and Billy selling apples gathered
from our orchard behind our house
Photo Supplied by Alisa (Krause) McClurg
Eric R. Krause, William (Billy) A. Krause
My Mother and I were well acquitted with Tink White.
A very nice man who often arrived bare footed in the winter!
Point Pelee Road
Date July 9, 1952: the "fish bugs" were bad that day
( Postcard)
POST 1952
Eric R. Krause
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
Name: Henry Wm Krause
Occupation: Fisherman
Year: 1953
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Rudolph Fisherman Krause
Occupation: R.R. No
Year: 1953
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Mrs Annie Krause
Gender: F (Female)
Year: 1953
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Mrs Maria Krause
Gender: F (Female)
Year: 1953
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex South
School Year 1955 - 1956
ERIC: AGES 12-13
Eric R. Krause and William A. Krause (Billy)
My brother
Billy to the far right. Me, to the far left top, mostly hidden.
(Photo Supplied by Alisa Krause (McClurg)
Teacher: Mr. [Eric] Slater
Front Row (2 Children) : Betty Greenwood, Connie Taveirne
Second Row (7 Children): Margaret Kelso, Analiza Hamm, Carlene Ribble, Erica Penner,
Mary Baltzer, Martha Anders [Note: One child's name is missing: Either the child
with the cast, or the one next to the right]
Third Row (12 children): Nancy Copland,
Terry Balkwill, Doug Tilden, Dick Grubb,
Dick Brunner, Danny Balkwill, Ron Tilden, Dennis Ribble,
Frank Anders, Mary Kelso, Barbara Main, Bill Krause Jr.
Back Row (7 Children): Bruce Tilden, Eric Krause, Harry Grubb, Larry Greenwood,
Larry Balkwill, Don Brunner, Tom Moody
School Year 1956 - 1957
ERIC: AGES 13-14
ONTARIO, PART I, Elementary Schools, November, 1956. ... This Register contains
the names of all the Elementary Schools of the Provincial System and of the
teachers employed therein as of November, 1956 ...
Point Pelee --- (secretary) Mrs. Eleanor Simpson
--- Donald LaMarsh[ ]
Eric Richard Krause
Elementary School of Ontario - Certificate of Graduation - June 28, 1957 - With Honours - Donald R. LaMarsh (Principal)
Be it known that
has satisfactory completed the prescribed Course of Study of the
and by proficiency in scholarship and integrity of character is entitled to this
Given at POINT PELEE this 28th day of June/1957
Donald R LaMarsh
Jack Hood School Supplies Co, Ltd.
Stratford, Ontario
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
Henry Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1957
Rudolph Krause city, Ontario electoral district 1957
Mrs Naria [Maria] Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1957
Name: Henry Krause
Occupation: William
Year: 1957
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Mrs Naria Krause
Gender: F (Female)
Year: 1957
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex South
71 Krause, William, fisherman, R.R. 1, Leamington
72 Krause, Mrs. Naria - R.R. 1, Leamington [Mrs. Maria]
73 Krause, Henry, William, fisherman, R.R. 1, Leamington
74. Krause, Mrs. Annie - R.R. 1, Leamington
75. Krause, Rudolph, fiserman, R.R. 1, Leamington
School Year 1957 - 1958
ERIC: AGES 14-15
Christmas Exams
Grade 9B - Krause, Eric (10-10), 74.2 -
The Leamington Post. February 6,
1958 - Page: 4
May Exams
Krause, Eric (10-10), 77.4
9B ...
Pass ...
Eric Krause
The Windsor Star, July 10, 1958, p. 4
See Also July 9, 1958: Same - p. 7
SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, PART I, Elementary Schools, November, 1957 ... This Register contains the names of all the Elementary Schools of the Provincial System and of the teachers employed therein as of November, 1957...
Mersea Point Pelee ... SECRETARY AND TEACHER ...
sec .... Simpson, Mrs. Eleanor
LaMarsh, Donald , pdf version, p. 224
Eric Krause - Off To ROTC - Borden Ontario
Eric Krause - Off At Some Point To A Two Week Summer Air Cadet Camp at Borden Ontario
[Brother] Billy Krause - Editor
[Note: Eric Krause Was Also Involved With This Newsletter In Earlier Years]
School Year 1958 - 1959
ERIC: AGES 15-16
Christmas Exams: 10A2 - Krause, Eric - (9-9), 79.8%
Promotion: 10A2 - Krause, Eric - Honors (75% or better)
-The Leamington Post. September 10, 1959 - Page: 16 [Actually February 5, 1959]
GRADE 10A-2 ...
Honors ....
Eric Krause ...
The Windsor Star, July 13. 1959, page 9
PROMOTED TO GRADE 11 (Eligible for Intermediate Diploma) -The Leamington Post. July 16,
1959 - Page: 17
Eric R. Krause Junior Basketball - See Eric Krause Sports
I took driver training offered at Leamington High and received my diploma in June, 1959
June, 1959
1958 - 1959 Driving Training Course - 15 Year-Olds Accepted First
Driving Training Will Be Offered Again in 1959-1960 As It Was In 1958-1959 -The Leamington Post. August 20, 1959 - pg. 6
My first car was a small used 1953 Hillman that my father (mostly) and I (very little) fixed up. Its brakes were notoriously bad and its signal lights came out projecting from the side walls when required.
Eric R. Krause's 1951 Hillman
Eric Krause - July 2, 1959: Intermediate Certificate,
Grades VII and VIII
and one of the courses in Grades IX and X
School Year 1959 -1960
ERIC: AGES 16-17
Christmas Exams: Grades 11A1 and 11A2 - Krause [sic], Eric - (8-8), 78.4% -The Leamington Post. February 4, 1960 - Page: 2
Leamington Exam Results ....
11A1 ....
Honors ....
Eric Krause ....
The Windsor Star, July 13, 1960, p. 8
FROM 11A1 ....
Honors ....
Eric Krause ....
The Windsor Star, July 13, 1960, p. 12
Promotions: Honors (75% or better), Promoted From 11A1, Eric Krause -The Leamington Post. October 20,
1960 - Page: 22
[Graduation] Medals for students over over 80%: Eric Krause -The Leamington Post. December 29, 1960 - Page: 8
Outstanding Academic Achievement - Grade Eleven - Eric Krause -The Leamington Post. December 29,
1960 - Page: 8
Eric Krause School Year - 1959-1960
The Leamington District High School Board
Outstanding Academic Achievement
during the school year 1959-60
J. N. Hume
[? Brown]
Eric R. Krause - School Days - 1959-1960
Eric R. Krause Hockey - See Eric Krause Sports
- Krause versus Happy, p. 385
- Gordon, C.C.J., Essex County Court dismissing the plaintiffs' action for a declaration that they had acquired a possessory title to certain lands at Point Pelee on Lake Erie. The counterclaim was also dismissed but there was no appeal on that part ... p. 386
- ... Krause agreed to pay the taxes, alternatively Krause's payment of taxes in the circumstances was really payment of rent which amounted to an acknowledgement of the owner's title: ... p. 390
- The action was brought by the plaintiffs for a declaration that, under the Limitations Act, they had acquired a possessory title to part of lot 15 plan 397, in Mersea twp., at Point Pelee on Lake Erie. The property in question had no buildings ... p. 390
- Krause, referring to the lands now claimed by possession, testified as to the ... wrote Krause as follows I have discussed the sale of the Pointe Pelee ... p. 391
- C.A Krause v. Happy [Judge] McGillivray, J.A., p. 395
- C.A Krause v. Happy [Judge] McGillivray, J.A., p. 397
Thursday, April 28
Warm Weather Brings Smelt Run
The warm weather over the week end has started the smelt running at Point Pelee in Windsor, David Mathews of Deford reported this week
Mr. Mathews and three companions took 55 bushels of the silvery fish Sunday night. They fished from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. The run started at 9 p.m., Mr. Mathews reported.
[Cass City Chronicle, Thursday, April 28 -]
Wednesday, July 13
LEAMINGTON EXAM RESULTS ... PROMOTED TO GRADE 12 ... 11A1 ... Honors ... Eric Krause ...
The Windsor Star, Wednesday July 13, 1960
EARLY 1960's
Point Pelee Public School SS# 24 Mersea ... Annie Nicholson, pictured here with her students, was the last teacher to work in SS Point Pelee .... At a trustees meeting in May 1961, Inspector Crawford announced that Gore Hill would be the building site for such a [centralized] school.
Names in No Particular Order (Incomplete List)
Martha Anders, Mary Anders, Danny Balkwill, Sharon Finlayson, Marni Girardin,
Andy Girardin, Rob Girardin, Sharon Knight, Laurie Knight, Cathy
Knight, Bobby Knight, Patti Krause
[First Cousin of Eric Krause], Shirley Ley, Joanne Ley, Billy Ley,
Moody, Valerie Moody, Paul Moody, Erica Penner, John Penner, Victor Penner,
Carlene Ribble, Dennis Ribble, Pat Ribble, Nancy Sheldon,
Connie Taveirne, Ron Taveirne, Chris Taveirne, Shelly Tilden
High enrolment in September 1961, forced the school board to taxi grades seven and eight to The Ridge in Leamington. The last ratepayers meeting for Point Pelee took place in December 1961, and at this gathering, the board was given the power to act until dissolution of School Section Point Pelee.
Lot 21 was bought from the Public School Board, Township School Area "A", Township of Mersea on March 31, 1964 and the building was torn down by Park Maintenance shortly thereafter ...
[Source: Henrietta O'Neill, In Search of a Heart (Friends of Point Pelee, 2000), pp. 96-98]
Complete List (In Order)
Miss Nickel, Paul Moody, Dennis Ribble [Brother-In-Law of Eric Krause], Ron Tilden, Martha Anders, Sharon Knight
Victor Penner, Gail Marchand, Shirley Ley, Mary Anders, Patti Krause [b. 1952, First Cousin of Eric Krause], Ron Taveirne
Marni Girardin, Shelley Tilden, Valerie Moody, John Penner, Pat Ribble
Andy Girardin, Suzanne Marchand, Robert Greenwood, Terry Marchand, Laurel Knight
JoAnne Ley, Valerie Pierce, Sandra Ingersoll, Bill Moody, Gerald Crowe, Bob Knight
Rob Girardin, Chistine Taveirne, Paul Krause [b. 1956, First Cousin of Eric Krause], Sharon Finlayson, Robin Pierce
Pamela Ingersoll, Kathy Krause [b. 1956, Sister of Eric Krause], Richard Greenwood.!/group.php?gid=22916359039&v=wall#!/photo.php?fbid=413789428742&set=o.22916359039&type=1&theater - Credit Lorie Begin.Ray Knight, was the Chief Park Warden, beginning 1957
[Source: Henrietta O'Neill, In Search of a Heart (Friends of Point Pelee, 2000), p. 49]
Photo Supplied by Alisa (Krause) McClurg
Eric R. Krause and Pepper. Mowing the grass behind his parents house. Apple trees in the distance.
Where I lived - Built by my father, c. 1949 (H. William (Bill) Krause)
Home / Home / Sister Kathy
My sister Kathleen Ann (b. March 8, 1956) in the foreground.
Rear of House and my dog Pepper/ Road to Fishery across from home
Krause's E&B named after Eric and Billy
(Photo Supplied by Alisa Krause (McClurg))
1960's - 1965
Eric R. Krause's 1939 Pontiac
Its Last Days - Served Me and Brother Bill Well
School Year 1960 - 1961
ERIC: AGES 17-18
Christmas Exams: Grade 12A, Eric Krause (8-8), 69.5% -The Leamington Post. February 9, 1961 - Page: 21
Promotions: From 12A1 - Pass (Below 75%), Eric Krause -The Leamington Post. July 13, 1961 -
Page: 14
Leamington High School Results ....
GRADE 12A 1 ...
PASS .... Eric Krause ....
The Windsor Star, July 13. 1961, p. 17
Eric Krause - July 4, 1961: Secondary School Graduation
Diploma of the General Course, Grades X1 and XII,
in English, History, Physical Education, and in the following five optional
Mathematics, Science, Latin, French, Agriculture
Students Honored at Graduation
Secondary School Graduation Diplomas - General - Eric Krause -The Leamington Post. December 28, 1961 - Page: 8
Eric R. Krause Hockey - See Eric Krause Sports
School Year 1961 - 1962
ERIC: AGES 18-19
June Papers:
Krause, Eric - Eng. Comp. 52; Eng. Lit. 54; Hist.
72; Alg. 53; Lat. Auth. 57; Lat. Comp. 62; Fr. Auth. 50; Fr. Comp. 50 -The Leamington Post. August 16, 1962 - Page: 9
Graduation Ceremonies - Secondary School Honor Graduation Diplomas: Eric Krause,
[Presently attending] Leamington District Secondary School -The Leamington Post. December 27, 1962 -
Page: 9
Shirley Bostwick - Robert Cartlidge - Bob Chalmers - Linda Cornies - John Dick - Helga Ebert - Joan Gillanders - Nancy Hacker - Marjorie Hatt - Edna Konrad - Rudy Konrad - Helmut Kosemple - Eric Krause - Jim Matheson - Donald McKeen - Margaret Neufeld - Judy Parish - Joanne Patkau - Herwig Pimiskern - Joyce Pirie - Beth Reid - George Scott - Otto Stein - Ron Steingart - George Takaki - Margaret E. Tiessen - Linda Toews - Nick Toth - Frances Unger - Gerrit Van Drunen - Marjorie Wilkinson - Ken Willan
Ron Browne - Audrey Coatsworth - Ronald Derksen - Gerry Dobson - Eleanor Frederisy - Lynn Foster - Donna Gorbold - June M. Graham - Linda Harris - Michael A. Iler - Bev James - Mac James - Henry Krueger - Judy Lambier - Pat Leamon - Neal Manery - Helen Martins - Richard Medel - Linda Myles - Trudy Pimiskern - Lois Marlene Preston - Jim Reid - Sheila Lidwell - Morris Roach - Peter Scott - Ken Shilson - Murray Shilson - Penny Sellon - Pauline Sandra Slaney - Vic Stehle - Walter Sworniowski - Barbara Symes - Ted Vickery - Ted Warren - Gordon Wickham - Klaus Wiebe - Don Wilkinson - Charles Wust
1961-1962 PHOEBUS: 1961-1962LDSSPhoebusYearBook.pdf
Note: This is the year that I played Junior B hockey full-time with the Leamington Flyers, which impacted upon my study time. While I graduated, I failed trigonometry badly - had to take it, no choice - thus requiring that I repeat the entire year in 1962-1963 in order to continue on to university. In place of trigonometry I took botany and zoology which were much more enjoyable.
What our graduating Grade 13 class intend to do next year: Eric Krause - University of Western Ontario - Law -The Leamington Post. May 31, 1962 - pg. 3
At this time I was dating classmate Helga Ebert [later Helga Begley, Harrow, Windsor] , 5 Park Street, Leamington. She went on to teach Grade 1, Margaret D. Bennie school, beginning September 1963. -The Leamington Post. June 27, 1963 - pg. 1
[Canada Voters List, 1935-1980:
Helga Ebert, school Teacher, Residence: 1965 - Essex, Ontario, Canada
Ditto 1968 ]
Helga Ebert
Windsor Teachers College Yearbook 1963, p. 13, Form 2
Front: Paul Reid, John Kornelsen, Don Haggith, Ken Playford, Jim
McAullife, Ron St. Peter, Eric Krause
Centre: Wayne McLean, Brian Harris, Bob Derbyshire, Bob Fox, Eric
MacKenzie, Fred Epplett, Jim Butcher, Jim Banyai
Back: Don Robert, Terry Jackson, Max Riediger, Terry Wilding, George
Sherman, Mike Sherman
Coach Eric MacKenzie
Eric R. Krause (Photo by Max Moran, Leamington)
Leamington District High School Yearbook - 1961-62 Phoebus
Photo Supplied by Alisa (Krause) McClurg
February, 1962: L-R:
William (Billy) A. Krause, Eric R. Krause at the home of F. William Krause and
Maria Mietz (Kornelsen) Krause, their grandparents
Photo Supplied by Alisa (Krause) McClurg
(Left to Right)
Around the table:
Eleanor Krause, Paul Krause, Karl Rudy Krause, William (Billy) A. Krause, Eric
R. Krause, Annie
(Mathies) Krause, Kathy Krause,
Patti Krause
Maria Mietz (Oma)
Krause, F. William (Opa) Krause
At their house (Probably February, 1962)
The article is attributed to the 1960-1961
season, but clearly this is the 1961-1962 team given that the
Leamington Post and News published on Thursdays,
and "tonight (Feb. 22)" mentioned in the article is a 1962 date.
Adult smelt first appeared in very large numbers at the western end of the Central Basin in 1951 (Kennedy, 1961). These fish were probably the 1948 year class, which suggests that a large sanctuary existed by 1948. Smelt were not harvested in significant numbers until 1952, and not intensively until 1960. Very large numbers were present in 1953 and 1954, judging from the numbers caught accidentally in the fishermen’s large mesh nets. They continued to be abundant in spawning runs at Pt. Pelee until 1962, then declined somewhat. ... Adult smelt migrate eastward across the Central Basin after spawning at Pt. Pelee ...
Canadian fishermen recall runs of ripe walleyes to sand and gravel areas on the west shore of Pt. Pelee and also along the north shore of Lake Erie near Kingsville (W. H. Krause, personal communication). These areas have been used by few, if any, walleyes in recent years. The grounds off Pt. Pelee have become progressively modified over the past 20 years by a black, malodorous deposit noticeable on trap net anchors. The changes are probably due to domestic and cannery pollution from Leamington and other communities. According to fishermen, various reefs off Pt. Pelee and inshore areas off Pelee Island had large spawning runs until relatively recent years (H. Tiessen, personal communication). These runs are now either small or extinct ...In acknowledging here a special indebtedness to a number of persons for data, observations and comments made available to us, we do not wish to imply that these persons necessarily subscribe to all the inferences we have drawn. We thank ... W. H. Krause ... - Henry A, Regier et al, The Ecology and management of the Walleye in Western Lake Erie (Ann Arbor, Michigan, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, May, 1969), pp. 46-47, 50.
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
Rudolph Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1962
William Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1962
Name: Rudolph Krause
Occupation: Fisherman, R.R
Year: 1962
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: William Krause
Occupation: Fisherman. No. I
Year: 1962
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex South
Graduates win Honors at Exercise ... the annual commencement exercises for the school ... Eric Krause Leamington District Secondary School ....
The Windsor Star, December 26, 1962
School Year 1962 - 1963
FIRST YEAR KNOWN AS LDSS SINCE IT WAS NOW A COMPOSITE SCHOOL -The Leamington Post. October 11, 1962 - pg. 3
ERIC: AGES 19-20
Exam Results:
KRAUSE, Eric - Eng. Comp. 68; Eng. Lit. 63;
Hist. 81; Alg. 54; Bot. 75; Zoo.78; Fr. Auth. 67; Fr. Comp. 63 -The Leamington Post. August 8, 1963 - Page: 2
Ronald Bailey - Daniel Bateman - Peggy Black - Cheryl Bodayla - Bernard Borschke - Wilda Bostwick - John Bovenkamp - Priscilla Brooke - Linda Brown - Robert Cobbledick - Judith Cochran - David Cole - James Cooke - Lynn Davison - Patsy Declerck - Robert Driedger - Mary Evans - Neil Fotheringham - Betty Ann Fox - Helen Froese - Patricia Graham - Judith Harris - Sally Henderson - Carol Hickson - Maxine Keller - Bernard Konrad - John Kornelsen - Douglas Laurie - Patricia Lockwood - John McIntyre - James McKeen - Wayne McLean - Dorothy Manley - Evelyn Marshall - Arthur Martens - Michael Mason - Ann Maurick - Jill Maynard - Ruth Anne Meaden - Gary Mellor - Ellen Metcalfe - Garland Mills - Ronald Moore - Max Morse - Tsuneko Nakashima - Allan Nauer - Joanne Niefer - Jerry Paine - Lori Parent - Katherine Paterson - Walter Pauls - William Pauls - Ilene Phibbs - Ernest Purr - George Reynolds - Mary Robson - William Sallmen - Robert Shaw - Ronald Sheldon - Shirley Shilson - Richard Taves - Larry Taylor - Arthur Tiessen - Elma Toews - Inge Torau - Barbara Van Every - John Warmenhoven - Ann Widmeyer - Harold Wiens - Richard Wiens - Bernice Wilkinson - Roger Wilkinson - Nancy Wright
1962-1963 PHOEBUS
Eric Krause - August, 1963
English Composition, English Literature, History, Algebra, Botany, Zoology, French Authors, French Composition
Eric Krause - August 15, 1963: Secondary School Honour Graduation Diploma
of the General Course, Grade XIII,
in English Composition and English Literature and in the following optional
History, Algebra, Botany, Zoology, Latin Authors, Latin Composition, French Authors, French Composition
In 1983, the 1963 graduates held a reunion
NOVEMBER 16, 1983
Wednesday, August 14, 1963 -Leamington Post, August 15, 1963, p. 1
The second time that I tried to court Lynda. Lynda was manning her Pop stand as usual, this time with Joe Kirkwood Sr. putting on a fabulous exhibition of trick golf shooting.
The first time Lynda turned me down flat when I called for her to go with me to my second Grade 13 graduation. After my call, she laughed with her friends that "Uncle Eric" had asked her out. I was called "Uncle Eric" not just because I was always there to drive her and some of her closest friends to and fro in my 1939 Pontiac coup (Lynda was usually the one to sit sideways in the small back seat), but also because I had already dated most of these same friends!
That August early evening, after work at my Dad's fishery, I came in my father's dated white pants (may have had on white buck shoes as well) to the golf course that her father managed. There I hung out by the fence near her pop stand, talking to her. Asked her out that night for Pizza which she accepted. Shortly afterwards, asked her to go with me to the Drive-In (local passion pit) and again she accepted. Our dating continued unabated after that for 3 1/2 years until we were married on Sunday, December 3, 1966, at a little after 3 PM in the afternoon.
Note: Joe Kirkwood Sr, famous golfer and trick-shot artist, was a good friend of Lynda's father and mother, Mike and Lydia Richards -,_Sr. Of interest, his son was Joe Kirkwood Jr, also a famous golfer, who played the boxer Joe Palooka in the movies and on TV -,_Jr.
Eric Krause - August, 1963
English Composition, English Literature, History, Algebra, Botany, Zoology, French Authors, French Composition
Eric Krause - August 15, 1963: Secondary School Honour Graduation Diploma
of the General Course, Grade XIII,
in English Composition and English Literature and in the following optional
History, Algebra, Botany, Zoology, Latin Authors, Latin Composition, French Authors, French Composition
In 1983, the 1963 graduates held a reunion
NOVEMBER 16, 1983
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
Bill Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1963
Rudolph Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1963
William Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1963
Marcia [Maria?] Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1963
Name: Bill Krause
Occupation: Fisherman, RJl. No
Year: 1963
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Marcia Krause
Year: 1963
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Rudolph Krause
Occupation: Fisherman, R.R
Year: 1963
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: William Krause
Occupation: Fisherman, RJl. No
Year: 1963
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex South
1963 -1967
School Year 1963 - 1967
ERIC: AGES 20-24
I undertook my undergraduate work - University of Windsor (1963-1967) - while living at the Point excepting for school weekdays during 1963-1964 when I (and Klaus Wiebe who also attended Leamington High) rented an apartment in a home in Windsor. If I remember correctly, I wrote almost daily letters to Lynda back in Leamington.
Vehicle: A used 1956 Dodge obtained in 1964, but kept only for a short time.
U of W Announces Arts, Science Undergrad Graduates
The results of the full-time students in Arts and Sciences ... FIRST YEAR ARTS ... GRADE B ... Eric Krause, Leamington ...
Windsor Star, June 5, 1964, p. 8
This was my good friend Nick Toth and myself, the summer that we worked at the Lakeside Park in Kingsville when Victor Joseph Demel took off with our back wages promised to us to come out of the take from a second, proposed wrestling match. Among our chores, we supervised the pavillion as a roller rink use, prepared the pavillion for the various indoor events, and kept the beach free of seaweed, dead fish, etc. -The Kingsville Reporter. September 10, 1964 - Page: 1
Roller Skating -The Kingsville Reporter. May 7, 1964 - Page: 2
Jos Demel - Lakeview Park -Leamington Post, June 25, 1964, p. 8
Professional Wrestling -The Kingsville Reporter. July 2, 1964 - Page: 3
Hank Snow Presents The Grand Old Opry -The Kingsville Reporter. July 23, 1964 - Page: 5
School Year 1964 - 1965
The first and last time I car pooled in my vehicle to the the university. Too many graveled back roads, and additional weight was taking a toll on the vehicle, and my remuneration was insufficient. After that I rode alone, until the fall of 1966 when Lynda joined me for her ride to the University as well.
1964 - 1967
Dodge 330 4-door sedan
1964 was the last year in the USA -
1965 was the last year in Canada -
This is a 4 door "B" body vehicle
Vehicle: New 1965 Arctic White Dodge 330, 4-Dr. Sedan, 225 slant 6 engine, Torque flight automatic, with radio.
Purchased by father for me (He also purchased a new vehicle for my bother as well - To avoid a sibling rivalry?)
"The 330 four-door sedan was the least expensive full-sized Dodge offered in the 1965 lineup with a starting price of $2,887 ..."
"Long popular with Canadians, Dodge entered its 51st year with
a fresh-from-the-ground-up model line.
The Windsor-based Dodge Division of Chrysler Canada fielded thirteen full-sized
beauties, in four series for 1965,
every one of them just itching to knock the socks off the competition ..."
Every car in the Dodge line carried the economical Slant-Six engine as standard equipment. This year, the mill was rated at 145 horsepower @ 4000 RPM ... Dodge power ranged from the miserly 145-horsepower Slant-Six engine ..."
"An open letter to prospective purchasers promised that the newest Dodge was “a lot more car for your money.” The folks in marketing weren’t kidding. “Dodge has a longer wheelbase then ever before.” Now, it was stretched to unprecedented 3 073 millimetres (121 inches) in length. Inviting people to come and look, the letter read, “It has a wider tread between the rear and front wheels: over five feet (1 524 millimetres). It has hundreds of extra pounds of solid strength. Dodge is big.” In an era when compact cars were king Dodge boldly proclaimed, “thrift comes in a big new size.”
"The envelope was a massive, squarish unitized body punctuated with deep full-length creases at mid-body and the upper door line. The overall look was lean and uncluttered. Quad headlights were imbedded horizontally in an attractive ribbed pattern grille that took on a barbell look. Trapezoidal taillights were the end song of a long, rectangular rear deck cove, called the “Delta.” Bumpers, fore and aft, were appropriately angular ..."
"Billed as the “next best thing to money in your pocket,” the lowest priced Dodge 330 didn’t even get the Polara name. It was offered as a four-door sedan, a six-passenger and nine-passenger wagon. Gone were the carpets, replaced with rubber matting. The upholstery was a highly durable Jacquard fabric with silver metallic threads offered in one of three colours. Rear arm rests disappeared but there were still two sun visors and dual horns. The practical 300 was positioned in the price range of many of the “jazzed up compacts” but staked its reputation on being bigger, roomier and more powerful ..."
In 1965, in Canada, the Dodge line was 330, Polara 440, Polara 880, and Monaco. The Canadian 1965 Dodge 330 was basically a Polara with Savoy (Fury I in the U.S.) interior. The only options on it were Torqueflite and a block heater. Built in Windsor, Ontario, the body was done in one colour, including the trunk and firewall, unlike its USA cousin which could be two-toned. - Price new: Approximately $2500.00
This is an original CANADIAN sales brochure for 1965 Dodge Monaco, Polara 880, Polara 440, Dodge 330
1965 Dodge 330
Source: ?
1965 Dodge 330
Times Colonist, June 4, 1965, p. 8
Eric R. Krause Bowling - See Eric Krause Sports
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
Annie Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1965
Bill Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1965
Rudy Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1965
William Krause city, Ontario electoral district 1965
Mrs Rudy Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1965
Marcla [Maria?] Krause Essex, Ontario electoral district 1965
Name: Annie Krause
Year: 1965
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Bill Krause
Occupation: Fisherman
Year: 1965
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Marcla Krause
Year: 1965
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Rudy Krause
Occupation: Fisherman
Year: 1965
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex SouthName: Mrs Rudy Krause
Gender: F (Female)
Year: 1965
Location: Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Essex South
1965 - 1966
School Year 1965 - 1966
ERIC: AGES 22-23
Graduation 1966 - University of Windsor (Third - Arts - History - Regular)
Graduation 1966 - University of Windsor - Bachelor of Arts
Visitors to Point Pelee for the period April 1, 1965 to March 31, 1966: 697,328
Mersea Township Council - School Board - William H. Krause
[Source: Frances Selkirk Snell, Compilier, Leamington's Heritage, 1874-1974 (University of Toronto Press, 1974), p. 196]
Point Pelee Public School SS # 24 Mersea ... Many familiar Point Pelee names were to continue in the school register and on the school board through the years ... The Tilden, Anders and Krause families also became involved in school politics ...
[Source: Henrietta O'Neill, In Search of a Heart (Friends of Point Pelee, 2000), p. 95]
East Point Beach
Copyright Parks Canada
Lynda began classes in September (she came with me in the car) , but quickly realized that she was not happy there. That year, I was playing a lot of bridge in the "grotto" at the University for money (not huge amounts). When I went to class, Lynda pretty well held my cards and let her (my) partner do all the bidding work, until I returned. At some point before our marriage, she applied to Bell and got employment. Her father was not too pleased when he heard from Lynda at Christmas that she had not been attending classes, and now had a job.
NOVEMBER 10 -The Leamington Post. November 10, 1966 - pg. 5
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Richards of RR 1, Leamington, announce the engagement of their daughter Lynda Jean to Eric Richard Krause, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Krause Jr. of RR 1, Leamington. The marriage will take place at 3 p.m. Dec. 3 at Faith Mennonite Church, Leamington. The bridegroom-elect is a graduate of the University of Windsor.
The Windsor Star, November 12, 1966, p. 32
The Bride's Book
(January 26, 1943, Leamington, Ontario, Canada - )
(December 3, 1966, Leamington, Ontario, Canada)
(June 18, 1946, Welland, Ontario, Canada - )
Photo By Max Moran
December 3 Wedding
Eric R. Krause and Lynda Jean Richards b. Rimmer
Wedding Certificate - Eric R. Krause and Lynda Jean Richards
Mike Richards b. Rimmer, Lynda Richards b. Rimmer,
Eric R. Krause, Lydia (Chwedchuk) Richards m. Rimmer
The Bride
Rev. George Janzen and the Bride and Groom
The Bride and Groom
From Front to Rear. L to R
Row 1: Mary Lynn Setterington, Lynn Wiper
Row 2: Kathy Krause, Paul Krause
Row 3: Bill Krause, Shirley Richards, John Kornelson, Lynda Krause, Eric Krause
Lily Shuster, George Toews, Nick Toth
Lily Shuster, Mary Lynn Setterington, Lynn Wiper, Kathy Krause
Annie Krause, William H Krause, Eric Krause, Lynda Krause, Lydia Richards, Mike Richards/
Annie (Mathies) Krause, H. William Krause,
Eric R. Krause, Lynda (Richards b. Rimmer) Krause,
Lydia (Chwedchuk) Richards m. Rimmer, Mike (b. Rimmer) Richards
Mike Richards, Lydia Richards, Lynda Krause, Eric Krause, Annie Krause, William H Krause/
Mike (b. Rimmer) Richards, Lydia (Chwedchuk) Richards m. Rimmer,
Lynda (Richards b. Rimmer) Krause, Eric R. Krause,
Annie (Mathies) Krause, H. William Krause
Krause-Richards Rites
The Faith Mennonite Church on Sherk Street, Leamington, was the setting Saturday for the wedding of Lynda Richards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Richards, of RR Leamington, and Eric Krause, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Krause Jr., of RR 1, Leamington. Rev. George Janzen officiated for the ceremony. The bride's floor length gown of white peau de soie had an empire waist with a panel of applique down the front. It was accented by a matching coat, featuring a scoop neckline and long sleeves, which formed the chapel train.
Her bouffant veil was held in place by an orchid-like headpiece trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a cascade of white roses with feathered mums.
Shirley Richards, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Kathy Krause, sister of the groom; Mary Lynn Setterington, Lily Shuster and Lynn Wiper, friends of the bride.
Their floor-length gowns of royal blue velvet featured matching capes and they carried white carnations formed in a, sphere with royal blue velvet handles.
The best man was John Kornelson, cousin of the groom. Ushers were Bill Krause, brother of the groom, George Toews and Paul Krause, cousins of the groom, and Nick Toth.
The bride's mother wore a blue brocade dress with matching accessories. The groom's mother was also in blue with navy accessories.
A reception was held in the Tudor Room of Diana Restaurant after the ceremony.
For a wedding trip to the southern states, the bride chose a forest green walking suit with a corsage of baby orchids.
On their return, the couple will reside at RR 1, Leamington.
Lynda Jean Richards and Eric Richard Krause were married at Faith Mennonite Church in Leamington. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Richards and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Krause Jr., all of RR 1, Leamington. Shirley Richards was her sister's maid of honor and John Kornelson was his cousin's best man. After a trip through the Southern States, Mr. and Mrs. Krause will reside on RR 1, Leamington.
The Windsor Star, December 8, 1966 - p. 58
To the Mammoth Cave and Chattanooga of Kentucky, and parts east to Mayflower, Massachusetts and back home
Plymouth Rock / 17th-Century English Village
Krause- In Leamington, Lynda Jean
Richards and Eric Richard Krause '66, on December 3. After a trip through the
Southern States, the couple took up residence in Leamington.Alumni Times, Vol. V, No. 1, Winter, 1967
Eric R. Krause and Lynda lived in the cottage to the left, from 1966-1968
Mom and Dad's Home to the right
Living Room with fireplace and 1950s Room Oil Heater to the right, out of sight / Porch
My parents long ranch house to the right which he built c.
1949. Lynda and I lived in the cottage to the left from 1966-1968.
Rudy and Eleanor Krause lived in the cottage until they moved to their house at
Sturgeon Bridge.
My Krause grandparents (Oma and Opa) lived in the 3rd house to the left of the cottage.
Opa, Eric and Oma, with Lynda on camera, enjoy the deep yard behind their home,
Vehicle: 1965 Blue Plymouth that replaced the 1965 white Dodge that was totaled in a car accident caused by another driver
Car Crash - Eric R. Krause and Lynda Krause -The Leamington Post. April 13, 1967 - pg. 16
Leg Injuries
A 20-year old Leamington woman received minor injuries here when the car in which she was a passenger rolled on its roof into a ditch.
Treated and released from Metropolitan Hospital was Mrs Eric (Lynda) Krause, of RR 1, Leamington. The car was driven by her husband.
Essex OPP said today tre accident occurred at 9:30 p.m. Friday on Highway 3 1[?] miles west of Essex. John Batte of 1237 Surrey Rd. was westbound on the highway when a car before him braked to make a left turn.
According to Police, when Mr. Matte also braked, his car pulled to the left, entered the eastbound lane and was in collision with the Krause vehicle.
The Krause car went put of control and rolled into the south ditch. Suburban Ambulance took Mrs Krause to hospital where she was treated for leg injuries.
The Windsor Star, April 8, 1967, p. 6
New Vehicle - Post April 8, 1967
My 1965 Blue Plymouth
Hi Lynda!
APRIL 13, 1967
Ontario Graduate Fellowship
Several Leamington residents have received Ontario Graduate Fellowships valued at $1,500 which will enable them to study toward a master's or doctor's degree. Included are E. R. Krause, University of Windsor ... -The Leamington Post. April 13, 1967 - pg. 5
Fellowship winners announced
Winners of Ontario Graduate Fellowships for 1967-68 have been announced by Education Minister William Davis.
The fellowships, valued at $1,500, will enable students to study toward a master's or doctor's degree.
Primarily intended to support students in the humanities and social sciences, some of the awards this year are for pure science and mathematics.
The winners are promising students planning careers in teaching at the university level.
Following are fellowship winners attending the University of Windsor.......E. R. Krause, Leamington ....
The Windsor Star, April 10, 1967, p. 5
May 21
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Krause, of RR 1, Leamington, will celebrate their 25th Wedding anniversary on Sunday, May 21, with an open house at their home from 3 to 5 p.m. -The Leamington Post. May 11, 1967 - pg. 4
June 1
Sherryl Dawn Coutts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Coutts of Essex and Cedar Beach, was married at Essex United Church to John Werner Kornelsen, son of Mr. and Mrs Henry Kornelsen of Wheatley. The bride's sister Mrs. Jana Ouellette, was her matron of honor. Best man was the bridegroom's cousin, Eric Krause. The couple left for a three-week motor trip to Montreal and the East Coast. On their return, they will live in Windsor.
The Windsor Star, June 1, 1967, p. 17
(Apr 27, 1967 – Oct 29, 1967 )
Lynda and I drove to Montreal and stayed in the east end in the basement of a private home and took a bus back and forth each day. Over several days, left early in the morning and returned late in the evening, with sore feet. Had a wonderful time!
School Year 1967 - 1968
ERIC: AGES 24 -25
October 19, 1968 - Tenth Convocation For the Conferring of Degrees
Grads get diplomas at U. of W. ....
Master of Arts ....
HISTORY - Eric Krause, Leamington ...
The Windsor Star, October 18, p. 4
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
Mr Eric Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1968
Mr F W Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1968
Mr William H Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1968
Mr William A Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1968
Mrs Linda Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1968
Mrs William H Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1968
Name: Mr Eric Krause
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Year: 1968
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: Mr F W Krause
Gender: Male
Occupation: Fisherman
Year: 1968
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: Mr William H Krause
Gender: M (Male)
Occupation: Fisherman
Year: 1968
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: Mr William A Krause
Gender: M (Male)
Occupation: Student
Year: 1968
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: Mr William H Krause
Gender: Male
Occupation: Fisherman
Year: 1968
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: Mrs Linda Krause
Gender: Female
Occupation: Tel
Year: 1968
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-Essex
87 Krause, F. W. Mr. fisherman, R.R.1, Leamington
88 Krause, Maria Mrs., - R.R.1, Leamington
89 Krause, Eric Mr., student, R.R.1, Leamington
90 Krause, Linda, Mrs., tel. operator R.R.1, Leamington [Krause, Lynda]
91 Krause, William H. Mr., fifsherman [sic], R.R.1, Leamington
92 Krause, William H. Mrs.,- R.R.1, Leamington
93 Krause, William A Mr., student, R.R.1, Leamington
[ ]
Point beach yields body ....
at Point Pelee National Park ...
The body was discovered by area residents walking along the west beach about 200 feet south of Krause Fishery .... -The Leamington Post. April 2, 1970 - pg. 24
All Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
Annie Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1974
Eleanor Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1974
Paul Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1974
Rudy Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1974
William Fisherman Krause Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1974
William Krause Sr Kent; Essex, Ontario electoral district 1974
Name: Annie Krause
Occupation: Rl, Leamington
Year: 1974
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: Eleanor Krause
Occupation: Rl, Leamington
Year: 1974
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: Paul Krause
Occupation: Student, Rl
Year: 1974
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: Rudy Krause
Occupation: Fisherman, Rl
Year: 1974
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: William Fisherman Krause
Occupation: Rl
Year: 1974
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-EssexName: I William Krause Sr
Gender: M (Male)
Occupation: Rl, Leamington
Year: 1974
Location: Kent; Essex, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Kent-Essex
142 Krause, Rudy, Fisherman, R1, Leamington
143 Krause, Eleanor, R1, Leamington
144 Krause, Paul, Student, R1, Leamington
145 Krause, William, Fisherman, R1, Leamington
146 Krause, Annie, R1, Leamington
The Eastern Box Turtle Terrapene carolina in Canada
1981 |
23 July |
“picked up in Krause’s garden, released at NE corner of Tilden Woods” |
U |
PPNP #6742 |
My Grandparent's (Oma and Opa) House - What It Looked Liked in 1994.
Then being rented out to Birders by William Alexander Krause, the new owner,
Robert Morgan in the forefront
c. 2000
At the beginning of this century, only one private cottage [former F. W. Krause property] remains in the park, and visitor attendance has dropped to a more reasonable 350,000 visitors [from] by 1968, a staggering 785,000 visitors ... Over 400 buildings have been removed, along with 6 fisheries [which includes William Krause & Sons Fishery - West Side], 20 kilometres of roads, and 100 hectares of fields and orchards ...
My Parents House - What It Looked Like in 2005
My Grandparents (Oma and Opa's) House - What It Looked Like in 2005
Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 9:09 PM [NOTE FROM ERIC KRAUSE]
Hi Kathleen: Great pictures. This is when the Park was busy, busy, busy - we lived within the Park, and often we had to wait, wait, wait just to get to other side of the road so we could go down to the beach, where my father had his Fishery. Indeed, sometimes the bugs then were so thick that these cars in the Park had to watch it as it was like driving on ice!! As sure you will remember too. Eric
"Wed, 26 Nov 2008 04:53:20 [NOTE FROM KATHLEEN HAACK]
just found them hi eric, i remember having to close up the cottage and stay inside for what seemed like forever when they sprayed (fogged) for those bugs and "skeeters" i used to love to see the fishflies on the window and door screens sunning themselves and fanning their wings in the sunshine. we lived down by the bluebirds cottages and i remember walking barefoot on the tar road in the cool of the morning and by 10am in the summer you better have shoes on if you wanted to walk on the road cause that tar got hot and gooey. we would walk the beach all the way from the cottage to the leamington pier or the other way all the way to the end of the point at least once a week, i think the cottage was about midway between the two. remember falling asleep to the sound of the waves either crashing or whispering along the shore. and looking down the cresent beach curve back toward kingsville watching the sun set on days and days of pure joy.we would have a contest to see who could spot the most freighters on the horizen. i didn't know until this past week that people like your family actually lived in the park, i thought it was a place people could only visit and stay for a while; i've looked at the school pictures you've posted on your site and find it amazing that "real life" went on in the point. i miss those days something fierce. k [Eric - YES - THE SPRAY - We also got the DDT big time as well as insecticide spray as we lived in the midst of an apple orchard.]
Mr. and Mrs. Sahara - "Bluebird" Cabins, Pelee Avenue [Blue Bird Cottages] -The Kingsville Reporter. July 2, 1942 - Page: 3
See also: -The Leamington Post. December 26, 1946 - Page: 10 - "Blue Bird Cottages"
Peter Sahara - Owner of "Blue Bell Cottages" [Error. Should be Bluebird or Blue Bird Cottages] -The Leamington Post. May 29, 1969 - pg. 17
In 1951 my family stayed in cottage #1. We vacationed every year until 1963 and that year we stayed in cottage 10. Then I took my children then in 1965 to 1968. I have many friends in the area and usually get up there once a year. I lived in Detroit and am now in Texas. I goggled Blue Bird Cottages and it was great seeing someone else wrote about them. I recall Mrs. Sarah and Pete very well. I also recall the sign by the flowers that said "please to not pitch the flowers." I also recall Pete asking if we were going to the Bitch, meaning Beach. My dad always got a chuckle when he said that. No hot water and 1 hot shower in the shower stalls. I can recall like it was yesterday the smell of the cedar the shower structure was made of. We ate across the street at Nobel's and at Tina's which was down on the lake road where the opening from the marina to the lake is. I also remember roller skating and diving off the pier. Once in a while we saw a freighter at the pier filling up with Heinz products, and toured the plant as well. Great memories from a great place. Just some of my thoughts I thought you might like to read.
07/18/12 19:41 [NOTE FROM ]
@ Google Earth
My Parents House - What It Looked Like in 2013
@ Google Earth
In my day, the road to Krause Fisheries once stood opposite the lane to my parents house.
When Lynda and I married, we first lived in a cottage
immediately north
of my parents house, between their house and further north, my grandparents
(Oma and Opa's) house.
This is where my uncle Rudy Krause and Wife Eleanor lived before they moved to a
new house at Sturgeon Creek.
@ Google Earth
My Grandparents (Oma and Opa's) House - What It Looked Like in 2013. North of my parent's house.
@ Google Earth
My Parents House - What It Looked Like in 2017
@ Google Earth
My Grandparents (Oma and Opa's) House - What It Looked Like in 2017