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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of
Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du
Administration Of Justice At The Fortress Of Louisbourg (1713-1758)
Plumitif d'audiences - Cahier non entier portant sur les années 1720-1725. (Les pages sont
numérotées de 1 à 45, avec plusieurs pièces détachées insérées ici et là dans le registre.) Folios
734-836: 1720-1725 G2 178 Folios 734-836 H J 31 Archives Nationales, Section Outre-Mer, G2,
Volume 178
There was a dramatic case when a mother imported her daughter from France to
Louisbourg. On the sea voyage over it was alleged that the girl had been violated
by a young man. The young man denied the charge though he did admit that he
had taken certain liberties with the girl. The mother was furious and skeptical, and
demanded an examination of the girl's person. A commission made up of a priest, a
surgeon and a mid-wife examined the-girl and came up with the decision that she
was only "partially deflowered". [Source: R. J. Morgan, Gossips' Tour of
Louisbourg, Unpublished Report H F 30 (Fortress of Louisbourg, July, 1975), p.
- Another case of alleged male victimization of a female was
brought to the Louisbourg Conseil Supérieur in November 1721. In
contrast with Carrerot and de Gannes, however, the principals in this
case were an adolescent, an érivain named Claude Auguste de Brise,
aged seventeen, and a child, eleven-year-old Marie-Louise Plantin.
Marie-Louise's mother (Anthoinette Isabeau, veuve Plantin) claimed
that her daughter had been "deflowered" by the young man
during their ocean voyage to Louisbourg and she wanted the civil
authorities to force the youth to marry the girl. To back up her
argument she submitted a promise of marriage which she had obtained
from the young man. In his defence de Brise admitted that he had been
intimate with the girl, but only at her insistence and that he had
refrained from "deflowering" her. As for the promise to
marry, he stated that it should be considered invalid because the
girl's mother had extracted it from him at knife-point. Aside from
ordering a medical examination of Marie-Louise, which determined that
there had not been "a complete deflowering," the Conseil was
uncertain as to what to do with the case. So it passed it on to an
ecclesiastical court in France, the officialité at La
Rochelle, which specialized in cases dealing with promises of
marriage. The officialiaté's final judgment in the matter is
not known, but while it was considering the evidence the Marine
authorities took the precaution of detaining de Brise, just in case he
would have to marry young Marie-Louise [A.
J. B. Johnston, Religion in Life at Louisbourg, 1713 - 1758
(Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1984), p. 126]
Veuve Planton versus Briere
[October 15, 1721]
[752: p. 13a -] Council assembled to consider the "viol pretendu" of Marie Louise, minor
daughter of Anthoinette Isabeau veuve du Sr. Planton, by Sieur Briere, "écrivain du Roy
dans le vaisseau du Roy le portefaix" during a trip from France to Isle Royalle. After
examining the conclusions of the Procureur Général, the Council ordered that a
Sera faitte a la d. Marie Louise ... par le frere claude ... Religieux de la charitté, chirugien
Major des Troupes, le Sieur la grange, Me. chirgien en ce port, du sr. lartigue. aussy
chirugien, en presence de La femme du sr. delachaume sergent des Troupes et De la
dubordieu Mere qui Cettiffiront ensemble la d. visitte et letet de la fille et [?] sera fait en
presence de la mere partye plaignante et de Mons. degoutin conseiler deputé par le
Conseil pour estre present a cette Visitte..."
Signed De Mesy.
[759-762: pp. 17-18a - November 27, 1721] Council assembled to consider the dispute
between "Anthoinette Isabeau Veuve Planton Mere de Marielouise planton fille Mineur
demandeur en Requeste de laccomplissemt d'une promisse de Mariage faitte par le sr.
Briere ecrivain sur le vaisseau du Roy le portefaix En datte du 24e. septem. dernier faittes
abord du. d. Vaisseau ..." Briere appeared before the Council and, after taking the oath to
tell the truth declared
that his name was Claude Auguste de Briere de Raney "Natif de
versailles age de dis sept ans et demy ... fils [760] de sebast en Briere controlleur general
de la maison de feu Made. la dauphine ... et dauguste lecompte sa Mere ..., servant a
present decrivain de Roy Sur le vaiseau le portefais;"
that he knew Marie Louise (age 11
years) and recognized. "son billet ou promesse de mariage;"
that on the night of Sept. 23
"la petitte fille estant couchée dans sa chambre, et luy dans un hamac en dehors elle lavoit
poussé avec la Main en luy disant de venir coucher avec elle; sur quoy Il semoqua delle et
luy dit ce quen peut dire a Un enfant, ensuitte sendormitt, Mais quelque Temps après la
petitte fille layant, de Rechif poussé et Reveillé, et le fanal de la ste. Barbe se trouvant
estain il alla couche avec elle et Resta un Instant pour contante sa passion sans cepandant
lavoir defflorée, se contentant de Badiner entre ses Cuisses, ensuitte se Restira dans son
that he had not done this a second time;
that there were 12 or 15 persons "dans
la s.t Barbe" that night;
that the next day Antoinette Isabeau came to him and after several
"Reproches & [761] Menasse, sur 1uy avec un Couteau que le d. declarant luy osta en luy
disant qui la Ste. Barbe Nestoit point Un endroit a disputte sur cette Matier et sortit";
on that afternoon
"estant Redemandu dans la ste. barbe et sestant Raproché de la d.
Anthoinette planton mere qui estoit sur son lit, il luy demanda cequelle souhaittoit de luy
elle luy Repondit quil ny avoit quune dotte pour sa fille qui pent 1uy Rachette lhonneur
quil luy avoit osté;"
that he answered that they could settle nothing on board ship, but
would do what was necessary when they went ashore;
that he had gone "en haut sur le
pont," and an hour and a half later she came and told him that "elle estoit convenue avec
Mr. de Verville and the latter wished to see him;
that he went to find Verville in his
chamber and conferred with him a long time;
that Verville told him that the woman
wanted a promise of marriage from him;
that he explained to Verville why this was
impossible and told him that she had said only that she wanted a "dotte" and not a promise
of marriage when he spoke to her earlier; Verville told him to that the promise would
carry no weight and would appease the woman so he made. the promise in Verville's
chamber [762] that same hour;
that the promise was only "pour calmer cette femme et
lappaiser ....";
that the promise was not binding because he needed the consent ...
Signed by Briere, De mesy and Genier.
"Ensuite le conseil a fait venir Marie Louise planton fille Mineur danthoinette Isabeau
Veuve planton, de laquelle on a peu Tire aucun [interrogation]
Attendu son peu d'avancemt. en Raison, et Meme dans la confrontation faitte avec le d. Sr.
Briere ..."
Signed by Briere, De Mesy and Genier.
The Council assembled to examine and judge "diffinitivemt." the complaint brought against
Briere by the Veuve Planton. After hearing all the evidence, including the certificate of the
surgeons to the effect that
"Il ne paroit pas Une entiere defloration de la d. Marie louise
louise planton," they "Ne voit dans cette affaire aucune preuve de Rap Ny de Viollence en
consequance Renvoye la d. anthoinette lsabeau veuve planton Mere plaignante par devant
lofficialité de la Rochelle pour luy estre fait droit sur la validité de la promesse de Mariage
du d. sr. Briere cy Mentionné et autres pretentions le deffendeur condemné aux depens de
Signed by De Mesy.
Court Cases,
Trials, and Interrogations: Criminal