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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada




September 1971
(Revised 1978)

(Fortress of Louisbourg
Report Number H D 17 R)


(1744 - 1745)

Lot I Lot A Lot B Lot D Lot E Lot F Lot L Lot M


The features at Louisbourg were reconstructed to the period 1744 - 1745. To rank the credibility of the evidence described in a Block Report, the following criteria was used:

CREDIBILITY: "A" - Very high reliability of information - the most relevant documents support the conclusion: "B" Some major documents do not support the conclusions, but the weight is still clearly for the conclusion: "C" The evidence seems to be relatively equal "for" and "against" the conclusion, but internal factors (within the documents) and such things as experience of the researcher tend to weigh in the direction of the conclusion: "D" Much conflicting evidence with no preponderance in any direction, based mostly on an experience with the type of problem (generally), or, no primary evidence but based on experience and secondary sources, etcetera.


(1) DATE OF BUILDING: 1738-1768 plus/minus. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(2) OWNER: Owned by Nicolas Pugnant dit Destouches, baker until his death in 1740. In 1745 owned by his widow (Marie Brunet) and their children. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(3) FUNCTION OF BUILDING: Residence. Possibly used for baking bread. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(4) BUILDING SIZE: Scaled, 24 pieds, running east-west along the Quay by 26 pieds, running north-south into the block. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(5) BASEMENT: Building had a basement. A room (chambre basse) probably located here. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1749 rental agreement ("B" credibility)]

(6) GROUND FLOOR: Ground floor consisted of a kitchen and two cabinets. Possibly chambre basse was on this floor instead of in basement. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1749 rental agreement ("B" credibility)]

(7) FIRST FLOOR: First floor consisted of a chambre and two cabinets. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1749 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(8a) ATTIC: No indication of layout, probably not divided in 1745. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1749 rental agreement ("B" credibility)]

(8b) ATTIC: In 1750, two partitions were to have been made. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(9) ELEVATION: North elevation seen on three views; elevation very close to that of lot G house of Commissaire-Ordonnateur. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1745-1 and 1745-1a ("A" credibility)]

(10) ENTRANCE STEPS: Four steps up from street to front door [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(11) BASEMENT STEPS: No information.

(12) EXTERIOR WALL: Exterior wall was masonry. [BASIS: Plans 1746-1, 1746-6, 1767-1 and 1768-1 ("A" credibility)]

(13) FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: In 1750, gravel or sand was to be spread on the basement floor. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(14) EXTERIOR WALL FINISH: The repairs in 1750 were to include a crepi finish on the exterior wall. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(15) STAIRS DETAILS: There was a circular staircase between the ground floor and first storey. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1749 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(16) CUPBOARD: Not necessarily under the stairs. In 1750 a china cupboard was to be constructed. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(17) FLOOR DRAINS: A drain was located in the basement. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(18) ROOF SHAPE: All plans and views agree that the building had a pitch roof with north and south slopes. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1745-1, 1745-1a, 1758-6a, 1758-9 and 1766-1 ("A" credibility)]

(19) ROOF COVERING: The covering seems to have been wood shingles. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(20) DORMERS: Four gable dormers were located on the roof - two on the north slope and two on the south slope. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5 and 1745-1a ["A" credibility)]

(21) CHIMNEYS: One chimney appears on Plan 1739-5. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(22) CHIMNEY LOCATION: It is in the east wall [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(23) CHIMNEY CONSTRUCTION: Chimney on 1739 view seems to be masonry. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(24) CHIMNEY CAP: Chimney cap shown on 1739 view. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(25) EXTERIOR FINISH (ABOVE ROOF): In 1750 a crepi finish was to be put on the chimney. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(26a) DOORWAYS: Two exterior doorways appear on the 1739 elevation. One is located in the center of the ground floor north wall. To the east of this doorway is the second, leading to the basement. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1745-1, 1745-1a; 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(26b) DOORWAYS: It is probable that there was an exterior doorway in the south wall to provide access to the courtyard. [BASIS: Not given ("D" credibility)]

(27) DOOR SURROUNDS (EXTERIOR): The absence of cutstone or brick surrounds on Plan 1739-5 suggests wood surrounds. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(28a) WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: North wall: There are two windows on the ground floor north wall - one on either side of the centre doorway. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1745-1, 1745-1a ("A" credibility)]

(28b) WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: East Wall: probably blank [BASIS: H D 17 ("B" credibility)]

(28c) WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: West wall: probably blank [BASIS: Not given ("C" credibility)]

(29a) WINDOW AND OPENING: SECOND FLOOR: North Wall: three windows are located above the three ground floor openings. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1745-1, 1745-1a ("A" credibility)]

(29b) WINDOW AND OPENING: SECOND FLOOR: East Wall: probably blank [BASIS: H D 17 ("B" credibility)]

(29c) WINDOW AND OPENING: SECOND FLOOR: West Wall: probably blank [BASIS: not given ("C" credibility)]

(30) WINDOW AND OPENING: DORMER: Two gable dormers appear on the north slope and two on the south slope. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1745-1a ("A" credibility)]

(31a) WINDOW SURROUNDS (EXTERIOR): The absence of cutstone or brick surrounds on Plan 1739-5 suggests wood surrounds. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(31b) WINDOW SURROUNDS (EXTERIOR): Double Leaf: In 1750, seven double window frames with glass were to be supplied for the Destouches House. [BASIS: H-D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(32) FENCING: Picket fences are shown in the yard of the Lot I house on Plan 1739-5. The east and south perimeters of the yard are lined with pickets while an east-west fence with an opening seems to divide the yard into two sections. [BASIS: H-D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("B" credibility)]

(33) PALISADE: A palisade to be built in 1750 on the west side of the property. [BASIS: H-D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(34) LATRINES: Latrines to be built in 1750. [BASIS: H-D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(35a) OUTBUILDING: Magasin to be built in 1750. To be a frame building with a plank roof, 30 pieds by 20 pieds, and was to contain a storage bin for bread. [BASIS: H-D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)]

(35b) OUTBUILDING: Small poultry shed to be built in 1750. [BASIS: H-D 17 - 1750 rental agreement ("A" credibility)].


(1) DATE OF BUILDING: c1742 - 1768 plus/minus [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(2) OWNER: Owned by Joseph Lartigue until his death in 1743. His widow, Jeanne Diharse, the owner in 1745. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(3) FUNCTION OF BUILDING: Functioned jointly as residence and storehouse. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(4) BUILDING SIZE: Scaled, 24 pieds along the Quay and 60 or 62 pieds along the Rue Toulouse. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1734-5 and 1753-1 ("A" credibility)]

(5) GROUND FLOOR: The ground floor was divided into a house with four rooms and a hall on the north end, and a magasin on the south end. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(6) FIRST FLOOR: Floor plan not known. [BASIS: not given]

(7) ATTIC: Floor plan not known. [BASIS: not given]

(8) ENTRANCE STEPS: Plan 1753-1 shows two exterior doors on Rue Toulouse. The more northerly one has one step and the other has two steps. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(9) EXTERIOR WALL: Exterior wall was masonry. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1753-1 and 1767-1 ("A" credibility)]

(10) QUOIN STONES: Quoin stones are shown at the northwest and southwest corners on the 1753 west elevation [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(11) INTERIOR PLANK PARTITION: Partitions seen on 1753 plan of ground floor. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(12) EXTERIOR WALL FINISH: See Plan 1753-1 [BASIS: H D 17 - 1753-1]

(13) STAIRS DETAIL: Enclosed staircase with 10 treads shown on 1753 floor plan. Turns at top. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(14) ROOF SHAPE: Evidence contradictory. A roof with a hip on the north end and a straight gable on the south end seems more acceptable. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1753-1, 1758-9 and 1766-1 ("C" credibility)]

(15) DORMERS: The 1753 elevation shows four gable dormers on the west slope. One dormer is seen on the north section of the east slope on a 1745 view. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1745-1 and 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(16) FINIAL: A finial appears on the north end of the ridge on the 1753 elevation. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(17) FINISH TRIM EAVE AND GABLE END: An eave finish attempted to be shown on Plan 1753-1. Possibly a gutter. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("D" credibility)]

(18) FIREPLACES: One single and one double fireplace appear on the ground floor of Plan 1753-1. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(19) CHIMNEYS: Two chimneys appear on Plan 1753-1. Note that the location of the more southerly one does not correlate with the more southerly fireplace. Plan 1766-1 also shows two chimneys. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1753-1 and 1766-1 ("B" credibility)]

(20) CHIMNEY CONSTRUCTION: Chimneys on Plan 1753-1 are brick. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(21) CHIMNEY CAP: Chimney caps shown on Plan 1753-1. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(22) DOORWAYS: Following Plan 1753-1, two exterior doorways face the Rue Toulouse and none face the Quay. Center doorway on ground floor north wall appears on 1745 view. Plan 1766-1 supports three openings. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1753-1, 1745-1 and 1766-1 ("B" credibility)]

(23) DOOR SURROUNDS (EXTERIOR): Surrounds on Plan 1753-1 are wooden. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(24a) WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: North wall - possibility of three windows, or two windows and a center door [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1745-1, 1753-1 and 1766-1 ("B" credibility)]

(24b) WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: West wall - three windows in a window-door-window-door-window situation appear on 1753 plan. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(24c) WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: South wall - blank in 1745 [BASIS: H D 17 - all plans ("A" credibility)]

(24d) WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: East wall - three windows appear on 1753 plan [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(25a) WINDOW AND OPENING: SECOND FLOOR: North wall - three windows in north wall [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1745-1, 1753-1 and 1766-1 ("B" credibility)]

(25b) WINDOW AND OPENING: SECOND FLOOR: West wall - five windows are situated on second floor west wall on Plan 1753-1 [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(25c) WINDOW AND OPENING: SECOND FLOOR: South wall - two windows in the south wall. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1758-9 ("C" credibility)]

(25d) WINDOW AND OPENING: East wall - two windows or more, possibly, on the second floor east wall. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1758-9 ("C" credibility)]

(26) ATTIC: No details for attic area.

(27) DORMER: Four shown on west slope and one on east slope [See 1 (c) of B]. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1753-1 and 1745-1 ("B" credibility)]

(28) WINDOW SURROUNDS (EXTERIOR): Wooden surrounds shown on 1753 elevation. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("B" credibility)]

(29) EAVES TROUGH: Possibly seen on 1753 west elevation. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1753-1 ("D" credibility)]


(1) DATE OF BUILDING: 1719-1745-1767. In 1745 apparently stopped functioning as an inn. In 1767 was used as a storehouse or stable. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(2) OWNER: Owned by Jean Seigneur dit LaRiviere, who died in February of 1745. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(3) FUNCTION OF BUILDING: Functioned as an inn and residence. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)]

(4) BUILDING SIZE: The building filled the west boundary of Lot B (38 pieds) and was the approximate size (e-w) of the Lot C house (22 pieds). [BASIS: H D 17 ("B" credibility)]

(5a) GROUND FLOOR: In 1745, the ground floor had four rooms: To the right on entering, (presumably from the Rue Toulouse), was the kitchen whose major furnishings were seven straw chairs, a kitchen table, a small table, a buffet, and a large cupboard. Situated behind the kitchen was a small room, furnished with a small bed and five wooden chairs. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 apposition of seals and inventory ("A" credibility)]

(5b) GROUND FLOOR: To the left on entering was a room with a small cabinet at the rear. The furnishings on this side of the house included a mattress, 2 tapestries, an armchair, a beer caldron, and a small table. An armoire stood against the alcove in the cabinet. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 apposition of seals and inventory ("C" credibility)]

(5c) GROUND FLOOR: A magasin adjoined the house. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 inventory ("A" credibility)] (6a) SECOND FLOOR: The building probably had one and a half stories. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 apposition of seals and inventory ("C" credibility)]

(6b) SECOND FLOOR: A small room was located above the ground floor. Two mattresses, two feather beds, 6 wooden chairs, two small beds, and another bed were among the items inventoried here. The room was situated to the left of the stairs. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 apposition of seals and inventory ("A" credibility)]

(7a) EXTERIOR WALL: Exterior wall was wooden [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1746-6, 1767-1 1768-1 and ND 27 ("A" credibility)]

(7b) EXTERIOR WALL: Possibly shared the masonry wall of Lartigue's second Lot A building. [BASIS: H D 17 ("C" credibility)]

(8) STAIRS DETAIL: Steps (dégres) led to the room upstairs. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 apposition of seals ("C" credibility)]

(9) BEDS: There possibly was a built-in bed in the cabinet. More research in Domestic Architecture needed. [BASIS: H D 17 ("C" credibility)]

(10) ROOF SHAPE: A pitch roof with east and west slopes is indicated by the plans. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1725-9a, 1730-2, 1734-4, ND 89 and ND 105 ("B" credibility)]

(11) ROOF COVERING: The roof is wood-shingled on Plan 1725-9a. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1725-9a ("B" credibility)]

(12) FIREPLACES: A fireplace was located in the kitchen, presumably the south-west room [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 inventory ("B" credibility)]

(13) DOOR LOCATION: Seals were applied to: a door with a lock in the cabinet in the room on the left, the door of the main entrance, the door of the small room upstairs. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 seals ("B" credibility)]

(14a) DOORWAYS: The description of the inventory suggests an exterior doorway in the center of the west wall [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 inventory ("D" credibility)]

(14b) DOORWAYS: It is probable that a doorway in the east wall led into the magasin. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1745 inventory ("D" credibility)]

(15) WINDOW LOCATION: There is no historical information for windows in the Lot B house. The Lot A and C houses would have blocked windows in the north and south walls. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1725-9a to 1768-1 ("A" credibility)]

(16) OUTBUILDING: A magasin abutted against the east wall of Seigneur's house (See below) [BASIS: Not given]


(1) DATE OF BUILDING: Not known. First definite appearance on the 1746 plans. "Much out of repair" in 1768. [BASIS: 1746 plans; C.O. 217, Volume 25, folios 141-141v; Dunn, Block 2, Pages 102-103].

(2) OWNER: André Carrerot

(3) FUNCTION: House [BASIS: Plans 1767-1, 1768-1, C.O. 217, Volume 25, folios 141-141v].

(4) EXTERIOR WALL: Wooden, which could mean either charpente or picket construction. [BASIS: Plans 1746-1, 1767-1, 1768-1, C.O. 217, Volume 25, folios 141-141v].


(1) DATE OF BUILDING: Constructed by 1723. In 1768 still standing but "much out of repair" and shown as part of Lot F (Bigot) stables [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1723-1, 1768-1, C.O. 217, Vol. 25, Folio 141 ("A" incredibility)]

(2) OWNERS: 1. Dominique Detcheverry (blacksmith) and Joseph Dugas (carpenter) 1723-1728. 2. Joseph Dugas 1728-1733 3. Dugas heirs: Marguerite Dugas, his widow, and his children (1733, 1749). [BASIS: H D 17, Dunn, Block 2, pages 107-119 ("A" credibility)]

(3) FUNCTION: 1. Dual residence 1723-1728 2. Single residence 1728, 1733, probably in 1745 3. Stables, possibly converted by New Englanders (1745-49), 1768. [BASIS: H D 17 - Ibid ("A" credibility)]

(4) BUILDING SIZE: 45 pieds along the Rue Royalle by 24 pieds [BASIS: Not given ("A" credibility)]

(5) LAYOUT: One and a half stories. [BASIS: H D 17, Dunn, Block 2, Page 114 ("B" credibility)]

(6a) GROUND FLOOR: The inventory in 1733 suggests a ground floor plan of: chambre (probable living room-kitchen) in southeast corner, cabinet (probable children's bedroom) in the northeast corner, cabinet (probable pantry) in the southwest corner, chambre (probable parents' bedroom) in the northwest corner, cabinet possibly in porch. [BASIS: H D 17 - 19-22 Septembre 1733, AN, Outremer, G, Volume 182, Pages 641-658 ("A" credibility)]

(6b) GROUND FLOOR: When first constructed, the house had a central passage leading from street to backyard. Not mentioned in 1733 inventory and probably blocked when house converted to single dwelling. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1730-2 and ND 24, 19-22 Septembre 1733 la cit]

(7) FIRST FLOOR: had at least one chambre as well as attic space. [BASIS: H D 17 - 31 Octobre 1726, AN, Outremer G3, 2058 [1726, No. 40]; 19-22 Septembre 1733, op. cit, Page 646 ("A" credibility)]

(8) PORCH: Possible use of addition (s) on north wall. [BASIS: Not given ("C" credibility)]

(9a) EXTERIOR WALL: Charpente construction [BASIS: H D 17 - 5 Octobre 1722, AN, Outremer G3 ("A" credibility)]

(9b) EXTERIOR WALL: Probably picket fill [BASIS: H D 17 - 2058 [1724, No. 3]; 6 Novembre 1726, AN, Outremer G3, 2058 [1726, No. 54]; 31 Octobre 1726, loc cit. ("B" credibility)]

(10) ROOF SHAPE: Pitch [BASIS: H D 17 - All plans except ND 24 ("A" credibility)]

(11) ROOF COVERING: Planks [BASIS: H D 17 - 6 Novembre 1726, loc. cit. ("A" credibility)]

(12) DORMERS: Possibly two on both north and south slopes [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5, Dunn, Block 2, Page 115 ("B" credibility)]

(13a) FIREPLACES: Fireplace located on both end walls on ground floor [BASIS: H D 17 - 19-22 Septembre 1733, loc. cit; Dunn, Block 2, Page 115 ("A" credibility)]

(13b) FIREPLACES: Slight possiblity of fireplace upstairs in the east section of the house. [BASIS: Not given ("B" credibility)]

(14) CHIMNEYS: On end walls. Both described in 1733 as "une cheminée simple". [BASIS: H D 17 - Ibid; Gibson Clough's Journal ("A" credibility)]

(15) DOOR LOCATION: Door on Rue Royalle. Prior to 1728 separate entrances would have been necessary for the duplex. [BASIS: H D 17 - 19-22 Septembre 1733, op. cit. Page 641b ("B" credibility)]

(16) GARDEN: Garden shown along the north boundary of the property [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1730-2, 1731-3 and 1734-4 ("A" credibility)]

(17) FENCING: Property enclosed by a picket fence. Plan 1731-3 also shows a picket fence between courtyard and garden while 1739-5 shows a small section of fence between buildings in Lots E and F. An opening on to the Rue Royalle appears in the latter fence. It would have been necessary for this to have been large enough to accommodate Dugas' horse and cart. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-3, 1739-5; 19-22 Septembre 1733, op.cit. Page 649 ("A" credibility)]

(18) OUTBUILDINGS: Magasin built by 1733. (See Block 2 report) [BASIS: H D 17 - Dunn, Block 2, Page 117 ("A" credibility)]

(19) GARDEN WALLS: See (f) above. [BASIS: Not given]

(20) PASSAGEWAY: Entrance to Lot E yard from Rue Royalle through fence opening, between buildings in Lots E and F. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5 ("A" credibility)]


(1) DATE OF BUILDING: 1739-1768 [BASIS: H D 17 -Dunn, Block 2, Page 121, Dunn, Block 2, Property of the Commissaire Ordonnateur, Pages 43-45 9 ("A" credibility)]

(2) OWNER: [BASIS: not given]

(3) FUNCTION: Stables serving the Commissaire Ordonnateur's residence in Lot G. Contained sheep, poultry and "other things necessary for nourishment" in 1739. [BASIS: H D 17 - 19 dec. 1739, C11B, Vol. 21, folio 268]

(4) LAYOUT: Probably one storey. First-phase building divided into four equal sections [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5]

(5a) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: Plans indicate the stables built in two phases. First phase building was in southwest corner of Lot F. In its second phase, the building extended along to fill the south boundary of the lot. Both phases completed by 1745. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1741-2, 1744-5 and 1745-11 ("B" credibility)].

(5b) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: The first phase building appears on Plan 1739-5 as charpente with location of posts detailed. Completed building was wooden. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1767-1 and 1768-1 ("A" credibility)]

(6) FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: Two square toisés 4 pieds of planking laid on 5 x 5 pouces beams in 1744. [BASIS: H D 17 - 30 oct. 1744, [AFO DFC], No. d'ordre 203 ("A" credibility)].

(7) INTERIOR WOOD PARTITIONS: Three partitions shown on 1739 plan. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5].

(8) ROOF SHAPE: Pitch [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1739-5, 1741-2, 1744-5 and 1745-11].

(9) DORMERS: One centered on south slope on first phase building in 1739. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5].

(10) FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS: Stove, or possibly fireplace, in first phase structure in 1739. Firewood supplied in 1739. There is no fireplace shown on 1739 plan. [BASIS: H D 17 - 10 nov. 1739, C11B, Volume 21, folio 135 ("A" credibility)].

(11a) DOOR AND OPENING; WINDOW AND OPENING: Plan 1739-5 locates a window and door in each of the four rooms on the north wall. Each of these features is set between posts. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1739-5].

(11b) DOOR AND OPENING; WINDOW AND OPENING: Gibson Clough's sketch (c. 1759), which is not particularly reliable in its fenestration, presents a number of doors and windows on the north wall and a door and two windows on the east wall. [BASIS: H D 17 - Gibson Clough's Journal ("D" credibility)].


(1) DATE OF BUILDING: c 1717 - c 1757. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)].

(2) OWNER: Owned from 1724 to 1741 by Julien Auger dit Grandchamp, innkeeper. Louise Therese Petit, his widow, was the owner in 1745. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)].

(3) FUNCTION OF BUILDING: Was an inn in 1745. Prior to this had functioned as a storehouse-house and an inn-house. [BASIS: H D 17 ("B" credibility)].

(4) BUILDING SIZE: The size, scaled from plans, varies. Plan 1731-3 scales 21 pieds along the Quay by 42 pieds into the Block. [BASIS: H D 17 ("D" credibility)].

(5a) GROUND FLOOR: The ground floor had a small kitchen. A large room, located in the front (presumably north) of the house, was the principal room of the inn, containing 8 feather mattresses, 2 dining room tables, 18 straw chairs, a beer caldron, etc. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 inventory ("B" credibility)].

(5b) A small room was also located on the ground floor [See A 2 (g)]. Note also (19) below. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 Inventory ("C" credibility)].

(6) ATTIC: Does not seem to have been partitioned. Served as part of inn - seven rough beds or bunks inventoried here. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 inventory ("C" credibility)].

(7) LEAN-TO: The small room in the inventory was either located "beside" or "against" the kitchen. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 inventory ("D" credibility)].

(8) EXTERIOR WALL: Exterior wall was wooden. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1 and 1731-3 (2) ("B" credibility)].

(9) PIQUET: The north facade seems to be picket on the 1731 views. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1 and 1731-3 (2) ("B" credibility)].

(10) CABINETS (ARMOIRES): A cupboard with a door was attached to the partition wall of the small room on the ground floor. In 1741 only one item found in it - a pewter plate. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 apposition of seals, 1741 inventory ("B" credibility)].

(11) ROOF SHAPE: Pitch roof with east and west slopes. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1730-2, 1731-3 (2) 1734-4, 1745-1, 1745-1a, ND 76 and ND 105 ("B" credibility)].

(12) FIREPLACES: Fireplace in the kitchen. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 inventory ("B" credibility)].

(13) CHIMNEYS: Two plans show a chimney on the east slope of the roof. Possibly another chimney on the center of the ridge. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-3 (2) and possibly Plan 1745-1. Note Plan 1731-1 ("B" credibility)].

(14) CHIMNEY CAP: Chimney cap shown on 1731 plan. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1731-3 (2) ("B" credibility)].

(15a) DOORWAYS: A center exterior doorway shown on the ground floor north facade. Possibility of removal by 1745. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-3 (2), 1731-1 and ND 76. Also Plan 1745-1 ("B" credibility)].

(15b) There was a doorway in the south wall. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 inventory ("B" credibility)].

(15c) Possibility of a doorway in the west wall, giving easy access to Lot M house. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 inventory ("C" credibility)].

(16a) DETAILS OF WINDOW AND OPENING - FIRST FLOOR: Ground floor north wall seems to have had two windows - one on either side of the location of the center door. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-3 (2), ND 76 and 1745-1 ("B" credibility)].

(16b) DETAILS OF WINDOW AND OPENING - FIRST FLOOR: East wall - there probably were windows in the south section of the east wall. The first Lot K house would have blocked windows in the north section. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-3 (2), ND 76 and 1745-1 ("D" credibility)].

(16c) DETAILS OF WINDOW AND OPENING: West wall possibly had windows, as there seems to have been a gap between the Lot L and M buildings. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-3 (2), ND 76 and 1745-1 ("D" credibility)].

(17) ATTIC: Area under eaves seems to have had two windows. Possibility that there was only one. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-3 (2) and ND 76; Plans 1745-1, 1745-1(a) ("C" credibility)].

(18) FENCING: Picket fence on east boundary of area behind (south of) the house on 1731 plan. [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1731-3 (1) ("B" credibility)].

(19) OUTBUILDING: Magasin included in Grandchamp's Lot L - Lot M complex. Does not appear as separate building on the plans. Probably at the rear of Lot L house. Two sheep and twenty foul included in 1741 inventory. One and a half barrels of wine inventoried in the magasin. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 inventory ("B" credibility)].


(1) DATE OF BUILDING: c 1722 - c 1758 [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)].

(2) OWNER: Owned from 1729 to 1741 by Julien Auger dit Grandchamp, innkeeper. Seems to have been owned by his widow in 1745. [BASIS: H D 17 ("A" credibility)].

(3) FUNCTION OF BUILDING: Residence [BASIS: H D 17 ("B" credibility)].

(4) BUILDING SIZE: The size varies on the plan [BASIS: not given ("C" credibility)].

(5a) GROUND FLOOR: Three rooms constituted the ground floor. The first, to the right in entering (presumably from the Quay) was the kitchen. The room's furnishings included an armchair, 8 straw chairs, a kitchen buffet, a rough bunk, a pine table and a tapestry. [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 Apposition of Seals and Inventory ("C" credibility)].

(5b) GROUND FLOOR: To the rear of the first room was a second chambre which contained 2 beds, a small table, 2 chairs and various pots [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 Apposition of Seals and Inventory ("C" credibility)].

(5c) On the rear of the house was what seems to have been Grandchamp's office. An English desk and an armoire found here [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 Apposition of Seals and Inventory ("C" credibility)].

(6) ATTIC: Views indicate that the building had an attic. It apparently was not in use in 1741 [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1, 1731-3 (2), 1745-1, 1758-6a and ND 76. 1741 Apposition of Seals and Inventory ("C" credibility)].

(7) EXTERIOR WALL: Exterior wall was wooden [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1 and 1731-3 (2) ("B" credibility)].

(8) PIQUET: The 1731 views indicate that it was a picket structure [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1 and 1731-3 (2) ("B" credibility)].

(9) CABINETS (ARMOIRES): A small cupboard was attached to the fireplace in the north room (kitchen). In 1741 a bronze mortar and an iron pestle were found in the cupboard [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 Apposition of Seals and Inventory ("A" credibility)].

(10) ROOF SHAPE: Cartographic evidence leans in favour of a roof with a straight gable on the south end and a hip on the north end facing the Quay [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1725-9a, 1734-4, ND 24 and ND 105. 1731-1, 1731-3 (2) and 1758-9 ("B" credibility)].

(11) ROOF COVERING: Verrier's 1725 plan shows horizontal planking [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1725-9a ("B" credibility)].

(12) FIREPLACES: Fireplace in north room. Equipped with hardware for cooking over the fire [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 Inventory ("A" credibility)].

(13) CHIMNEYS: A chimney on the west side of the house [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1 and 1731-3 (2), 1741 Inventory ("A" credibility)].

(14) STOVE PIPES: An iron plate, pipe and grill for a stove were inventoried in the second room, to the rear (south) of the first room [BASIS: H D 17 - 1741 Inventory ("A" credibility)].

(15) CHIMNEY CAP: Chimney cap is shown on 1731 plan [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1731-3 (2) ("B" credibility)].

(16a) DOORWAYS: Exterior doorway in center of ground floor north wall [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1, 1731-3 (2), 1745-1, 1745-1a, 1758-6a and ND 76 ("A" credibility)].

(16b) DOORWAYS: Possibility of exterior doorway in the east wall, giving easy access to Lot L inn [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1, 1731-3 (2), 1745-1, 1745-1a, 1758-6a and ND 76 ("C" credibility)].

(16c) Probable exterior doorway in the south-east area of the house. Plan 1758-9 locates the door in the center of the south wall [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1758-9 ("D" credibility)].

(17a) DETAILS OF WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: North wall - Two windows were located on the ground floor - one on either side of the center doorway. The top of the windows appear slightly above the lintel elevation of the door on the views [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1, 1731-3 (2), ND 76, 1745-1 and 1758-6a ("A" credibility)].

(17b) DETAILS OF WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: East wall - Windows in the east wall indicated on 1758 views [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1758-6a and 1758-9 ("D" credibility)].

(17c) DETAILS OF WINDOW AND OPENING: FIRST FLOOR: South wall - A window on both sides of a center door appears on rough view in 1758 [BASIS: H D 17 - Plan 1758-9 ("D" credibility)].

(18) DORMER: Accepting a north hip on the roof, a dormer window was situated above the ground floor door [BASIS: H D 17 - Plans 1731-1 and 1731-3 (1) ("C" credibility)].

(19) GUTTER HANGER: A gutter was to be built on the roof framing on the west side in 1722 [BASIS: H D 17 ("C" credibility)].

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