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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada




JULY, 1971

(Fortress of Louisbourg
Report H A 13)



On July 24, the French officials, having settled the terms of transfer of the colony back to its former possessors, went on a tour of the fortifications. Boucher, the acting engineer-in-chief recorded that the barracks:

was reestablished in all its parts where it had been badly treated by the artillery during the siege, it has been occupied to the present time, but the floors in general are rotten because they were not cleaned and are unable to be used during the coming season; the roof is presently shingled. The wing which used to be used as governor's lodgings is shored up at one of the exterior angles and will require considerable repair, the roof is slated as it was.(1)

In August Boucher made a detailed estimation of repairs needed for the whole of Louisbourg and revealed that the most serious problem in the barracks concerned the wall of the governor's wing facing the town, which had to be reconstructed from the foundations to the first floor. The two angles were to be redone in cut stone as were the four ground floor windows. Ten other windows plus eight in the chapel, were also to be replaced in cut stone and the ditch which the English had used as a refuse dump, was to be excavated and cleaned. All the ground-level floors were to be rebuilt with timbers and planks. The shingle roof required repair, but the clock-tower which had been hit and left in a useless state would be, he felt, costly to repair. The usual staircase and lock and bolt repairs were also specified.(2)

By December Boucher was able to report a number of works completed by Claude Coeuret, a contractor working under the authority of the ordonnateur. The seats in the chapel, which the English had installed, were dismantled and the wood was used to make a temporary altar and for many of the floor repairs. A partition was added to one of the rooms of the north wing, allowing it to be used for two prisons. Beds, tables, and buffets were constructed. Locks and bolts and keys, including spring bolt for the main door, were installed. Seventy-seven windows were replaced and 407 cleaned and puttied. The roofs of the outbuildings, which had blown off during a storm, were replaced. Two coats of whitewash were applied to the sanctuary of the chapel, and holes in the walls were filled in.(3)


1. Boucher to Minister, 24 July 1749, AN, Col., C11B, vol. 28, f. 300v.

2. Estimation des reparations, 30 August 1749, AN Col., C11B, vol. 28, ff. 316-18.

3. Etat des reparations , 31 December 1749, AN. Col., C11B, vol. 28, ff. 339-41v.

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