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Tiege - 1848 Village History
Copyright 1996, Elli Wise

Notes: Please see the Introduction to the Village History Project for additional information.


(Copy of the Odessa Newspaper 42nd edition 1904 No 174)

This colony was founded in 1805. Its founders had already emigrated to South Russia in 1804. They had arrived after a twelve week journey, along with other emigrants at Chortitza. They spent a long, hard winter there and used part of their funds to buy food for the people and butchered and ate what little stock they had brought.

Having arrived at the place of Mennonite settlement at the river Molotschna, where in the earlier year already nine villages had been founded, settling161 families, divided into 8 colonies, they had chosen the parcel of land which was distributed by a lottery. That is how Tiege became, with three villages, lying at the first river branch of the Molotschna, named Kurudujuschanlee, at 55 werst away from the then district city of Orechow. The land belonging to this colony stretches from northwest to southeast. There is a steppe river, Juschanlee, being the border between the land of the Mennonites and the Tartars. The site of the land is as advantageous as is its characteristics. The village possesses two bottom land areas, measuring 4 1/2 to 2 1/2 Dessjatine per owner. Erected dams provide for adequate watering which enhances the production of the hay fields. The topsoil is mixed with clay , being all clay at the slopes. At the river bottoms the soil is black, occasionally mixed with alkali, but fertile. One cannot find rocks and shrubbery in this region. Rocks must be brought from the 24 werst distant Juschanlee (Jushanin) creek. These rocks are only used for the foundations of the buildings. The planted trees grow in the bottom land as well as in the higher elevations but are not lasting as long as in some other areas. The characteristic of the soil however, requires frequent tilling. The more often it is done before planting the better and faster the growth.

The founders must have been concerned while looking at the bare steppe land, and have wondered if a tree ever would grow there. All the news had been discouraging. They must have missed their beautiful trees and gardens they had left behind. It did not take long, though and lush gardens and orchards appeared in the steppe, all planted with enthusiasm and loving care.

The name Tiege originated from a small creek in West Prussia and a village, of the same name in the district of Marienburg. Kornelius Toews, aged 70, was from that village He found the Kurudujuschanlee creek similar to the Tiege creek and expressed to name the colony such, in memory of his homeland. The settlers of the colony Tiege all came from the Marienburg and Elbing districts and the founders were Gerhard Kroeker, Klass Wiebe, Johann Klaassen, Peter Kroeker, Klaas Wiens, Abraham Kroeker, Martin Hamm, Kornelius Toews, Philipp Isaak, Peter Isaak, Wiwe Neufeld, Abraham Fast, Franz Isaak, Jakob Reimer, Abraham Kroeker, Isaak Wall, Johann Wiens, David Harder, Abraham Toews, Michael Hamm. Some had owned farms back in Prussia, while others could not acquire any there. These emigrants did not have a leader and also arrived in different parties. The limitedness of land and support in Prussia was the main reason to emigrate. The news from the Russian regime of advantageous
land offers and support by the Crown, as well as an assurance for freedom of religion, brought hope to find a prosperous future for them and their children. They helped each other with the necessary preparations for the trip. The village authorities as well as the Russian consulates of the cities aided the emigrants to ease their efforts with this undertaking.

The first 161 families to emigrate, formed different parties, put their trust in God and without big good-byes were on their way. In the border city of Grodno, they experienced friendly support of their new country men. This provided for a happy arrival at the place of their settlement. They elected a leader to aid with the settlement decisions in the villages.

The steppe, assigned to the settlers, was still occupied by nomads, the Nogaier tartars. These nomads had kibikten (dismountable tents) as their homes which they could easily take with them on their wooden wagons. Each tent could house a complete family.

To give the descendants a concept of their ancestors frame of mind as to how they found the conditions at the beginning of the founding of the colonies, here is a short description of the old homes and the new. Prussia had a beautiful landscape, and some of the emigrants had owned nice farms there. They had lush meadows, streets bordered by trees and beautiful gardens ready to harvest as they were leaving. Here they found nothing but an empty bare steppe land, no shrubs, trees or houses to shelter from the hot sun. Their future neighbors a foreign race and its rough looks bringing fear. The many privations and the uncertainty of their future - all aided to their discouragement and somber mood. But there was no time to worry and complain. They measured the sites, and distributed them by lottery, built huts for shelter and started to build the houses with such an energy never witnessed in this area.

The total funds the community had brought with them possibly amounted to 8,500 ruble but not all shared in that. Also, some owners had brought horses, cattle and sheep. Kornelius Toews and Franz Isaak were so rich that they could forego assistance from the crown.

During his trip through the Crimea, His majesty, emperor Nikolai acknowledged the privileges given to them by emperor Paul. He assigned state representative Hahn as head of the Welfare Committee, for him to assess situations personally and to support their welfare to reach their goal to their satisfaction.

Assistants: Aaron Huebert, Kornelius Baerkmann
Mayor: Johann Toews
Teacher: Peter Sawatzkij

as translated by Elli Wise 9/96
Coordinated with GRHS Village Research Clearing House
Coordinated with AHSGR/GRHS Translation Committee Chairman

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©2005 GRHS; Last modified 06/13/2006 22:28:33 GRHS Home Page

[Source: ]

Namen bei der Gründung      Namen nach 1915    Wirtschaft-ten am 01.01.1911  Einwohner-zahl am  01.01.1911    Namen ab 01.01.1945


13. Tiege                                  Beresetschka                               33                                          579                                                    Orlowo

Diese Steine: Die Russlandmennoniten. Adina Reger and Delbert Plett. Steinbach: Crossway Publications, 2001 - - p. 234

Karte der Dörfer Ohrloff und Tiege,Molotschna Kolonie, aus William Schroeder, Seite 40.

Diese Steine: Die Russlandmennoniten. Adina Reger and Delbert Plett. Steinbach: Crossway Publications, 2001 - - p. 252