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14 Samuel Sparrow to William Slater, Registered at three of the Clock in the afternoon on the twenty second day of January 1783, on the Oath of Mather Byles ~~~~~~~~ |
}This Indenture made the sixteenth Day }of May in the Twentieth Year of the Reign }of our [?] Sovereign Lord George the }Third by the Grace of God of King of Great }Britain France and Ireland &ct and in }Year of our Lord one thousand seven }hundred and Eighty Between Samuel Sparrow |
of Halifax in the County of
Halifax and Province of Nova Scotia
Merchant for and on behalf of William
Randall of Morden College in the County of Kent in the Kingdom of Great
Britain Gentleman of the one part, and William Slater of Halifax aforesaid
Merchant of the other part, Where as the said William Randall by a certain
writing or Letter of Attorney under his hand and Seal duly executed dated
the fifteenth day of April 1779, Did Authorize the said Samuel Sparrow in the
Name of him the said William Randall or in his behalf to bargain Sell Alien
and Confirm that certain Messuage or Tenements Lands Heriditaments and
promisses with the Appurtenances Situate Standing lying and being in the North
Suburbs of the Town of Halifax in the County and Province aforesaid, being
described Letter A, Number 12 on the Road or water Street leading to the
Careening yard measuring Fifty six feet in front and Two hundred Fifty Six feet
in depth with the House thereon Standing and being known by the Name of the
Red Hospital &ca Now This Indenture Witnesseth that the said
Samuel Sparrow for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred Pound
Current money of the Province aforesaid, to him in hand paid by the said
William Slater on behalf and to the use of the said William Randall, the
Receipt whereof the said Samuel Sparrow doth hereby Acknowledge, he the said
Samuel Sparrow for and on the part and behalf of the said William Randall hath granted Bargained and Sold aliened and
Confirmed Unto the said William
Slater his Heirs and Assigns for ever All that Messuage or Tenements and Lands
aforesd aforesaid [sic] Situate lying and being in the North
Suburbs of the Town of Halifax aforesaid being described Letter A number 12,
on the Road or water street leading to the Careening yard, measuring fifty six
feet in front and Two Hundred fifty Six feet in Depth, with the House thereon
standing and being known by this Name of the Red Hospital and all other Houses
Building and Erections thereon standing and being and also all trees woods
underwoods Commons pastures, profils Commodities advanatages, Heriditaments ways waters
and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage or Tenaments
above mentioned belonging or any wise appertaining and also the revission and
Revissions Remainder and remainers Rents and Services of the said promisses
and of every part thereof; and all the Estate Right Tithe Interest Claim and
Demand whatsoever of him the said William Randall of in and to the said
Messuage Tenement and promisses and every part thereof To Have and to Hold the
said Messuage or Tenement and all and Singular the said Promisses above
mentioned, and every part and parcel there of with the appur=tanances Unto the
said William Slater his Heirs and Assigns to the only proper use and behoof of
the said William Slater his heirs and Assigns for Every and the said Samuel
Sparrow for and on behalf of the said William Randall the said Messuage or
Tenament and promisses and every part there of against him the said William
Randall and his Heirs and against all and every other person and persons
whatsoever to the said William Slater his Heirs and Assign under the
Conditions of the Original Grant shall and will warrant and for ever defend by
these presents In Witness whereof the said Samuel Sparrow for and on behalf of
the said William Randall hath hereunto [Sol?] his hand and Seal the day and
year first above written |
Sealed and delivered in the presence of |
£ 100 Witness Exd |
[Source: NSARM, RG 47, Halifax County Deed Book 19, pages 28-29, microfilm 17874]
Samuel Sparrow
Nova Scotia, Halifax County, Deed Indexes, 1749-1958
Grantee and Grantor Indexes to Deeds
"Nova Scotia, Halifax County, Deed Indexes, 1749-1958." Images. FamilySearch. : accessed 2015. Nova Scotia Archives and Records
Management, Halifax.