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to the Samuel Sparrow Home Page
[p. 109]
Sydney, 14th October 1785
I have furnished you Mr. John Wilkinson with my Bills on the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury To That Amount of £ 3429 .3 . 4 Sterling at Thirty Days sight, he will inform you of his having contracted to supply a quantity of Provisions for the use of the Settlers on this Island. I hope you will make Every Exertion to procure about one Thousand Barrels of good Merchantable Flour and Two hundred and fifty Barrels of good Pork, and Ship the same with the utmost Expedition for this place, We are in great need of Provisions, You will Charter a Vessel or Vessels on the best terms you can, and you are to ensure that Amount of the Provisions so Shipped. You will also procure the undermentioned Articles and send them with the Provisions, including this Amount.
I agree that you
Charge a Commission on on the whole purchase of five per Cent,
and the Customary Commission for the making [p. 110] making Insurance;
particular regard should be had to the Goodness of the Vessels, as a
Disappointment of the arrival of any part of the Provisions, might be attended
with Serious Consequences; If you cannot in Time invest the whole Amount of the
Bills in the Different Articles, I desire that you will Either Sell the Same for
Cash, or transmit them to your Friends in England on your own private Account,
but I hope you will succeed in making the whole Purchase, and especially of the
Provisions, which is the first object. If you cannot lay out all the Money, and
that you dispense of any part of the Bills for Cash, or remit them to your
Friends, I shall allow you a Commission on the amount of the same at 2 1/2 p. Cnt.
and if anything in the price can be saved by your paying the freight of the
Vessel or Vessels at the place of Shipping the Cargoes, I desire that you will
do it, for which I shall allow you a Commission of 5 Pr. Cent.
You will please to advance Captain Wilson of the schooner Sydney fifty pounds Currency on [p. 111] on Account of the hire of his Vessel, for which he is to settle with you. I agreed to give him £ 40, for the Trip, he allows time taking days to take in his lading, and if it exceeds that time, he must be paid 20/ - per Diem.
Mr. Wilkinson
sends the Bills by John Jodrit, Master of the Schooner Swallow, she being a much
better Sailer than the Sydney, this vessels is to return with a load of Potatoes
and other Articles to be purchased by the Master under your orders, The amount
of which you will pay, and Charge a Commission of 5 pr. Cent
I have great dependence on your attention to the whole of this Business, and [] on your utmost Expectations to Compleat the Purchase of the Provisions in good time.
I hope to see Wilson return and most of those casks fully loaded with the Flour and Pork, which will be very acceptable - I suppose his schooner will carry about 600 or 700 barrels.
I am with much regard
S. Sparrow
Your most obedient and
most humble Servant
/signed/ J.F.W. DesBarres
(P. S.
Rum almost 300
Molasses 50
Oats 20P.S.
Mr. Wilkinson having observed that remitting any of the unappropriated Bills on your private accounts might be attended with some risk, I have agreed that they should be sent to Sir Herbert McWorth & Co. and left in their hands for my use
Butter and
Hogshead 50
Hyson }
Pouchong }Teas 20
Bohen }Endorsed
Sydney 15th Oct. 1785
Lieut. Govr Des Barres
to Mr. SparrowOrders for purchase of Provisions
and Supplies at Halifax(Copy)
Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, Original Correspondence (CO 217), Colonial Office, Cape Breton "A", DesBarres, 1784-85, M.G. 11, C.B., Vol. 1, October 14, 1785, pp. 110-112
National Archives of Canada, State Papers, Colonial Correspondence, Cape Breton, Volume 63, October 14, 1785, p. 115 - 1785, October 14, Sydney J. F. W. DesBarres to Samuel Sparrow, Sends bills on the Treasury to be applied for the purchase of provisions for Cape Breton. Terms of his agency