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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada




August 26, 1971

(Fortress of Louisbourg
Report MRS 60)



Properties 1 to 11, located between the Dauphin gate and the passage, are considered first. Some attempt has been made to correlate these concessions with the plans (see Appendix B), since the plans of this area tend to be more accurate than those of the whole fauxbourg area. In 1739 there were supposed to be only five inhabitants between the gate and the passage (see supra. p. 17 , but the documents and plans would indicate that this figure is inaccurate.

1. Perré, Antoine

In 1717, Perré was granted a concession including his "habitation" and his flakes Thus he was already established in the fauxbourg before 1717. The original concession measured 60 toises along the coast by 30 toises, and was bounded by Rodrigue's property on the east and by Lambert's house on the west [NOTE 1].

The governor and intendent issued a decree in 1724 stating that Perré and Daccarette (now the owner of Lambert's house and property) must leave 2 pieds free for a distance of 21 pieds (the length of the gable of Perré's house) to allow easy access to their respective flakes [NOTE 2].

In 1725, an evaluation was made of a storehouse of Perré's that had burned. It may not have been on this property; in any case, the building was 45 pieds long and 20\ pieds wide and was valued at 500 livres [NOTE 3].

Antoine Perré died before 1728, because in that year his widow built a house on the property, marked R on plan 737-6 [NOTE 4]. The Veuve Perré died in 1735 and the document describing the placing of notaries' seals gives a good description of the house [NOTE 5].

There were 2 cabinets, a main room, and a kitchen, with an attic above these rooms. To the west of the house there was an adjoining storehouse There were two cabannes nearby, in the courtyard

In 1736, the estate was liquidated and Sieur Martin Benoist, the husband of Jeanne Perré, one of Antoine Perré's daughters, bought the house and property for 3000 livres [NOTE 6].

In the following year, Verrier requested that the house be demolished because it was too close to the glacis of the Dauphin Bastion. He had warned the Veuve Perré of this in 1728, but she had paid no attention to him [NOTE 7]. Benoist indicated that he had already lost a part of the property for the construction of the glacis and the Dauphin gate, and asked 1000 livres compensation for demolishing his house [NOTE 8]. In 1741, an official estimation was made in order to determine the compensation to be awarded [NOTE 9].

The house was described as built of timber, shingled, with a double chimney. It was 48 pieds long and 25 pieds wide. The storehouse was made of upright pickets, 29 Pieds long and 25 pieds wide

The date of the demolition of the Perré house is not known In 1744, Jeanne Perré, the Veuve Benoist, sold the timber and other materials from a house outside the Dauphin gate to Georges Desroches [NOTE 10].

Plan ND 66 indicates what should be the Perré houses on the plan and elevation. The dimensions do not correspond to the written description, but the house is of timber and the storehouse of upright pickets

Plans 730-2, 737-6, and 740-1 indicate buildings that suit the description in the inventory of 1735, and the estimation of 1741. Plan 737-6, however, indicates that the next building to the west also belonged to Benoist. This building is approximately 50 pieds by 20 pieds and the garden is approximately 15 toises by 10 toises

Plans 739-2, 742-2, and 742-6 do not show the buildings at all, but they reappear again on plan 744-5.

Plan ND 66 gives a good visual representation of the Perré house, but plan 737-6 is probably more accurate with regard to dimensions and location.

2. Lambert, Jean

Lambert's concession of 1717 was for a property 60 pieds wide and 50 pieds deep "sur le devant de la coste." Since Perré's land was bounded by Lambert's house, it must have been built prior to 1717 [NOTE 1].

In 1722, he sold the house and property to Joannis Daccarette. The house was built of pickets, with the ground floor of split pickets, and the upper floor of planks. Thus the house must have had one story and an attic. The partitions and cabinets were made of olives and the garden behind the house was surrounded by pickets [NOTE 2].

There is no further evidence for this property and no cartographic evidence unless the small house to the right of ND 66 can be assumed to be Lambert's house --- the depth of the property is not correct, but in other respects it seems to suit the verbal description. The second house from the left on 731-1 also represents Lambert's house.

3. Lessenne, François

François Lessenne dit Francoeur, a cannoneer, was conceded a lot in 1722, between Daccarette and Pontarly. The lot measured 50 pieds along the coast [NOTE 1]. Lessenne lived on this property until at least 1735 [NOTE 2], and used it for fishing. He lodged a complaint against Sieur Col [?] in 1736, because of a cabaret which the latter had established on his beach [NOTE 3].

It is not known whether Lessenne continued to occupy his property in the fauxbourg. The New Englanders established a siege battery on his lot in 1745 (see supra, p 6). Lessenne died in 1758 in his son-in-law's house inside the town [NOTE 4].

Lessenne's property is probably indicated by the H-shaped buildings shown on plans 730-2, ND-24, 731-1, and 737-6. These buildings are only dotted in on plan 740-1 and only one building appears on plan 739-2, 741-2, 742-2, 742-3 and 744-5.

4. Pontarly

Nothing is known about this concession, except that it was made sometime between 1717 and 1722. In 1717 there were 37 toises left unconceded between Lambert and Dastarit [NOTE 1]. Lessene's lot occupied 50 pieds to the east of Pontarly [NOTE 2]. René Perré had a lot 60 pieds wide between Pontarly and Dastarit [NOTE 3]. Thus Pontarly's lot must have been approximately 18 toises wide. His lot bounded René Perré's in 1725 and 1753 [NOTE 4].

 5. Perré, René

In 1725, Perré rented a house and garden situated between Dastarit and Pontarly to Jean Preville for 200 livres a year. It consisted of a kitchen and other rooms and a small garden which was not enclosed [NOTE 1]. Later in the same year the house was sublet to Simon Rondelle [NOTE 2].

In 1753, Perré's sons sold the property to Nicholas Hamelin. It consisted of approximately 60 pieds frontage, bounded on the north-west by Desroches, married to the Veuve Dastarit, and the south-east by Pontarly. The price was 500 livres, and no building was mentioned. There was no concession certificate available because it had been burned in 1745 [NOTE 3].

A house of the correct size is dotted in on plan 740-1, appears on plans 730-2 and 737-6, but does not appear on plans 739-2, 742-2, and 742-6.

6. Dastarit, Joannis

Dastarit's concession of 1717 was for 9[? ] by 14 [toises], surrounded by unconceded lands [NOTE 1]. Dastarit died sometime before 1735. In that year his widow married Laurent Dibarrat [NOTE 2], and an inventory was made of the Dastarit property [NOTE 3]. The house appears to have had one main room, two bedrooms and a shed. There was also a storehouse, a small cabanne, and a kitchen or cabanne for the journeymen fishermen. There was an attic, possibly above the last-mentioned building, but more probably above the house. The inventory indicates that the Dastarit property was used for fishing.

In 1744, the Veuve Benoist sold timber and other materials for a house to Desroches [NOTE 4], and in 1753, Perré's land was bounded by Desroches, who had married the Veuve Dastarit [NOTE 5] . The date of this marriage is not known, and there may be no connection between Dastarit's property and Benoist's house timber.

Since the dimensions of the concession are illegible, it is difficult to relate this property to the plans. It is possibly the house with three small buildings evenly spaced behind, shown on plans 730-2, 737-6, 739-2, 740-1, 742-2, and 742-6.

7. Paris, Antoine

In 1722, Paris was given a concession to build a house, flakes and a garden, and the beach for drying fish. The concession was 28 toises wide and 98 toises deep, running south-west and north-east, bounded by Dastarit and Lachapelle [NOTE 1]. Although Paris owned several lots in the town, he lived in the fauxbourg, and had a considerable fishing establishment there.

Paris died in 1732, and the inventory provides a good description of the house. It consisted of a main room, a kitchen, and 3 cabinets, one on the quay side of the house, and 2 on the yard side. There was a storehouse east of the house, and an adjoining bakery. To the west of the house there was also a storehouse. There was an attic, but it is not clear whether it was over the house or over the latter storehouse. In addition, there were cabannes for the journeymen fishermen. (The description of similar buildings on Paris' property at the lies Michaud indicated that they were of pickets covered with bark ) A part of the lot was covered with fish flakes [NOTE 2].

In 1731, Paris had agreed to rent the beach, flakes and one cabanne to Sieur Dartiague for one year [NOTE 3].

In 1733, Bernard Paris rented the property on behalf of his brother and sisters to Dominique Collongue for 6 years at 500 livres a year [NOTE 4].

Bernard Paris sold the property on behalf of his brother and sisters in 1751 to Nicolas Larcher for 3000 livres. It was 28 toises by 98 toises, bounded by Dastarit and Lachapelle, and did not include any buildings [NOTE 5].

The buildings shown to the west of the house assigned to Dastarit fit the inventory of 1732. (see plans 730-2, 737-6, 739-2, 740-1, and 742-6)

Plans 757-6 and 758-28 show Larcher's property in approximately the same location. He seems to have used the property for fishing because there are flakes indicated on plan 758-28.

8. Nadau dit Lachapelle, Henry

Lachapelle received his concession in 1722. His lot measured 19 toises along the coast and 17 toises in depth, bounded by Paris and Parisien [NOTE 1]. Lachapelle set up a fishing establishment [NOTE 2], which must have been quite prosperous, as his daughter boarded at the Louisbourg convent for at least 22 months [NOTE 3].

Lachapelle rented his property in 1734 to Sieur Dechevery for four years at 400 livres a year [NOTE 4].

Lachapelle's first wife died and he remarried sometime before 1737 [NOTE 5]. An inventory was made in 1743, when his second wife died, and from this inventory we learn that Lachapelle had also died before 1743. The inventory, however, does not contain any details about the house, although we learn that the widow was living there at the time of her death [NOTE 6].

The Lachapelle heirs rented the property, including a house, a cabanne, the beach, and the flakes, to Leonard Lhermitte in 1743, for 420 livres a year [NOTE 7]. A property sold by Bertrand Imbert to the Veuve Lartigue in 1752 (see infra, p 31) was bounded on the east by the late Lachapelle [NOTE 8].

Julian Fizel acquired a lot, described as a fishing establishment, in 1752 from Sieur Antoine Didron, who had purchased it at an auction. In 1753, Fizel made a payment of 2000 livres to Marie Angelique Nadau, the daughter of Henry Nadau dit Lachapelle [NOTE 9]. This evidence suggests that Lachapelle's daughter sold her father's lot at auction to Didron who in turn sold it to Fizel. Thus Fizel made the balance of the payment directly to Marie Angelique Nadau the following year. The property is shown on plans 75B-2B, 751-27, and 757-6; it is in approximately the same position as the Lachapelle lot, although the house is further from the shoreline than Lachapelle's house.

Fizel died in 1757 and an estimate of the property was made. It consisted of a house and a large storehouse, both built of wood, a beach, enclosure, yard and garden, and was valued at 7000 livres. Fizel did not live on this property, but it would appear from the inventory that it was being used for fishing and farming [NOTE 10].

9. Lartigue

Antoine Heron dit Parisien was conceded a lot in 1717, 22 toises  by 21 toises, between two unconceded lots [NOTE 1]. He ceded this lot, including a house, to Joseph Lartigue in 1722 [NOTE 2]. In return, Lartigue ceded him a house in Block 2, which Parisien sold to Julien Auger dit Grandchamp in 1725 [NOTE 3]. The lot which Lartigue received was bounded by Lachapelle and by Saint Antoine Le Passager.

Lartigue was still in possession in 1736, and had a fishing establishment on this lot [NOTE 4].

In 1741, Lartigue seized a fishing establishment outside the Dauphin gate near the passage, belonging to Basile Borny, described as an inhabitant of Niganiche. Borny owned Lartigue a considerable sum of money which he was unable to pay back and Lartigue intended to sell the property at auction in order to collect his debt. The house was described as made of pickets with a plank roof and a chimney. All the rooms were in bad condition, and there were no flakes and no beach The property seized measured 43 toises along the sea, 23 toises along the rue du fauxbourg, 69 toises along Lachapelle's property and 60 toises along Romain's property [NOTE 5]. Although there is no record of the sale of the lot, it is undoubtedly the original Parisian property, somewhat enlarged.

In 1752, Bertrand Imbert sold this same lot, which he had purchased at an auction in 1742, to the Veuve Lartigue. There were no buildings on the lot, but it was described as suitable for fishing, and was sold for 2600 livres [NOTE 6]. This lot is shown on plan 753-1 (property IV) .

10. Romain, Antoine

Sieur Saint Antoine Romain was conceded a lot in 1717 suitable for building a house The location is not accurately given, and it was bounded by two concessions of which we have no record (Brissonet and Laviolon), However, the privilege of keeping a boat for the passage (see supra, p, it) indicated that the lot must have been in the fauxbourg [NOTE 1].

Romain died sometime before 1738, and Louis Salmon married his widow [NOTE 2]. In 1733 Salmon was described as an "innkeeper living at the passage." [NOTE 3]. It is possible that he combined Romain's ferry service with the inn.

Salmon's wife died in 1738, and an inventory of their possessions was made From the inventory, the house appears to have had a main room, another room to the east with a smaller room beside it, and a cabinet to the south of the main room. The property was also described in the inventory and was evaluated at 2000 livres. It consisted of 2 houses joined together, 67 pieds long and 19 pieds wide. Half of the building had two floors and a plank roof. There was also a garden 13 toises long by 11 toises wide [NOTE 4].

Salmon rented the house, yard, and garden to Pierre Herpin in 1739, for 6 years at 350 livres a year Herpin was obliged to roof the house and to build 3 cabinets and a room at the west end of one half of the house [NOTE 5]. No further references to the property have been located to date.

11. Frican, Jacques

The only evidence of Frican's residence in the fauxbourg is the inventory made in 1737 after his death, The house was situated at the passage and consisted of one large room and a forge. The house measured 48 pieds by 20 pieds and was built of pickets, with a plank roof. There was a 22 pieds extension at one end, also roofed with planks (presumably the forge). The lot was 45 pieds wide and 70 pieds deep, and was estimated at 800 livres [NOTE 1].

There were several concessions on the heights of land behind the properties already described. Buildings indicating the location of these concessions are shown on plans 730-2, NO-24, 731-1, 737-6, 739-2, 742-2, 742-6, and ND-69.

12. Auger, Julien, dit Grandchamp

The lot eventually bought by Julien Auger dit Grandchamp was orignaIly conceded to Philipe Ducret, a Swiss soldier, and then sold to Charles Frederik Demerveilleux, a Swiss officer in 1729. Demerveilleux sold it to Grandchamp in 1730 for 510 livres, at which time the lot was described as 60 pieds wide and 90 pieds deep, running east and west. The lot, with a house on it, was located behind the Antoine Paris concession [NOTE 1]. (see Appendix B)

Grandchamp died in 1741, and from the inventory we learn that he had acquired two adjoining lots in 1735 and 1737. The property, including the enclosure, and the house was valued at 2000 livres, although there was nothing in the house [NOTE 2]. It is unlikely that Grandchamp ever lived on this property, although there is no indication of what use he made of it.

13. Cazenave, Bernard

In 1755 Cazenave received a lot a little to the south of a small pond near the barachois It measured 88 toises 4 pieds by 110 toises 4 pieds. There is no further information concerning this lot.

14. Niquet

No documentary evidence was found concerning Niquet's property. It appears on plans 758-2B, 751-25a, 751-27, 757-6, 757-7, and 758-31. The lot is south of the pond in front of the Dauphin curtain and is usually shown with a large garden.

The next set of properties are located along the south shore of the barachois. Attempts to relate these properties to the plans have failed completely and thus no reference will be mare to the plans in the following discussions.

15. Baudry, Pierre

Pierre Baudry, a joiner, was conceded a small lot along the south coast of the barachois in 1723. In 1730, he commissioned his son, Pierre, to sell his property, because he was on the point of leaving for Canada with his family [NOTE 1]. The son sold the lot in 1731 to Etienne Guerard, a journeyman fisherman, for 910 livres.

At that time the lot measured 55 pieds along the sea by 36 toises running north and south. The southern boundary was the road running between Baudry's garden and Sieur Denoyer's house. There has been nothing found concerning Denoyer.

The property included a picket house, part of which was covered in bark, and part in planks. There was a double chimney, two rooms with fireplaces and three cabinets . Two of the cabinets had plank partitions and the other, in the part of the house covered with bark, had a picket partition. The part of the house covered with planks had an upper and lower floor. The house faced the sea, with a courtyard to the south. There was also a garden south of the house, surrounded with pickets A storehouse was also included in the sale, but there is no indication of its location.

Baudry also sold three beds, an armoire, a table, a buffet, and two andirons for the chimney for 49 livres. He and his brother were allowed to stay in the house for several months, in one of the cabinets which could be locked, and to use the fireplace [NOTE 2].

16. Rabasse, Jacques

In 1734, François Hauteville, a fisherman, was conceded a lot between Baudry and Dubordieu's garden. The lot contained 48 pieds along the coast [NOTE 1]. (Lot A below)

Hauteville sold the lot in 1737 to Jacques Rabasse, a navigator, for 60 livres. The sale included a house, yard and garden. The property bought by Rabasse was bounded on the east by another lot belonging to Rabasse (Lot B below) and on the west by the Veuve Dubordieu [NOTE 2]. The date of Rabasse's concession is not known, but it must have measured approximately 55 pieds by 32 1/2 toises.

Rabasse's son Jacques, also a navigator, married in 173S, and his father gave him the property acquired from Hauteville [NOTE 3]. (Lot A)

The Rabasse property is next mentioned in 1753. The father had died and his widow had married Claude Gueret. The two sons renounced their right to their mother's part of the property (Lot A, Sketch 2); that is, to the part containing the buildings, which had been built by Gueret. This must mean that the house bought from Hauteville in 1737 had been replaced. Gueret also contributed a lot south of the rue du fauxbourg to his wife's share of the property, and promised to build a frame for a house 35 pieds by 24 pieds for each of the sons, on their share of their father's land (Lots B and C, Sketch 2). This frame would not include the roof, trusses or foundation [NOTE 4].  [Sketch 1: Not Presently Available]

Robert Rabasse

Robert Rabasse, a pilot, sold his lot (Lot C, Sketch 2) in 1754 to Joseph Delpierre, a glazier, for 200 livres . The lot was 51 1/2 pieds by 18 toises, bounded on the north by his brother's property, on the east by Claude Gueret, on the west by Nicolas Hamelin, and on the south by the rue du fauxbourg. He also sold a picket house frame which was built on the lot [NOTE 5].

Jacques Rabasse, fils

[Sketch 2: Not Presently Available]

Jacques Rabasse gave his part of the property (Lot B. Sketch 2) to the Veuve Fautoux in 1756 because of a debt. The house was rented at the time to a surgeon. The lot measured 55 pieds by 88 pieds, bounded by Claude Gueret, Nicholas Hamelin, Robert Rabasse and the rue du fauxbourg [?] The house and property were evaluated by experts at 1150 livres. The evaluation is very detailed and provides an excellent description of the houses

The house was 30 pieds by 22 pieds, built of pickets, with a double chimney of stone and clay. The roof was of planks, covered with grass. There was an upper and lower floor of rough planks, and partitions of the same material. In the main room of the house there were four windows with sashes to hold 12 panes of glass, but there was no glass in the windows. The kitchen had two small shuttered windows without sashes. The shutters could be locked. There were two exterior doors, one with a lock and one with a bolt. The roof was framed with round pine rafters. Outside, there was a masonry well, surrounded and roofed (probably with wood). The property was almost completely surrounded with pickets, rails, or with rails and brush supported here and there with small pickets. There was a gate frame in the fence between Rabasse's lot and Gueret's lot, in line with Rabasse's main door [NOTE 6].

In January 1757, the Veuve Fautoux sold the property to Antoine Simon, a corporal, for 1,000 livres [NOTE 7].

17. Dubordieu Jean

Dubordieu received his concession in 1717: 6 toises by 30 toises "on the highest land at the end of the harbour" [NOTE 1]. Dubordieu died sometime before 1737, because in that year Hauteville's property was bounded by the Veuve Dubordieu's land [NOTE 2].

There is no further information concerning this property until 1753, when a guardian was appointed for Dubordieu's children. His widow was then living in Lorembec [NOTE 3]. The succession was abandoned and the property sold. In the estimation it was described as 20 toises along the road at the edge of the barachois, 29 toises along the property formerly belonging to Hauteville (then owned by Rabasse), 23 toises along his son's property, and 14 toises 3 pieds along the rue d'en haut [NOTE 4]. From the announcements of the sale, we learn that Jean Dubordieu file is also dead and that the Veuve's land was uncultivated [NOTE 5]. Nothing at all has been found concerning the son's property. The Veuve's lot was presumably bought by Nicolas Hamelin, since his property bordered the Rabasse lots in 1754 and 1756 [NOTE 6].

l8. Hotellier, Magdelaine

The lot to the west of Dubordieu fils was conceded to Magdelaine Hotellier (or Lottelier) and to her husband Etienne Maçé. It was taken back by the king and reconceded to Magdelaine Hottelier in 1743. She sold the lot in 1750 to François Gaillard for 200 livres. There were no buildings on the property, which measured 48 pieds along the chemin du barachois, and along the rue du fauxbourg, 114 pieds along the east side, bounded by Dubordieu firs, and 96 pieds along the west side, bounded by the Veuve Dumingo [sic] the wife of Pierre Perrigord [NOTE 1]. The Perrigord concession which has been located (see infra, p 41) does not seem to be the one mentioned here.

In 1754, Gaillard sold the west half of the property to Michel Bertrand Pelletier, a sail-maker, for 850 livres . Gaillard and Pelletier agreed to share the house and other buildings on the lot, and not to move the partition which separated their living quarters [NOTE 2]. (see also p 42)

19. LeTourneur, Pierre

Pierre LeTourneur was conceded his lot in 1757. It lay south of the chemin du barachois, 9 toises by 21 toises on the east and 26 toises on the west. The property was bounded on the east by the Hottelier heirs [NOTE 1]. There is no further information concerning this concession. This property appears to be in the same location as that of the Veuve Dumingo, wife of Perrigord, mentioned in the description of the last concession.

20. Perrigord, Pierre

Pierre Perrigord, master stone-cutter, received a concession south of the rue du fauxbourg in 1742 [NOTE 1]. The documents concerning this concession are very confusing, and the dimensions of the lots do not seem to fit together. It is known that the lot was bounded on the east by Sieur Piaresse [?], and on the west by a rue sans nom [NOTE 2].

Perrigord sold half his lot to Etienne Chapeau, a soldier and a stone cutter, in 1750 for 300 livres.3 He sold the other half in 1754 to Jean Minaud, a master blacksmith, for 100 livres [NOTE 3].   At that time Minaud had already "established" his half [NOTE 4].

Chapeau sold half of his lot in 1754 to François Moisel, a joiner, for 150 livres [NOTE 5]. In the same year, Minaud sold a quarter of his lot to Guillaume Legoubin, a master carpenter, for 65 livres. Legoubin was described as being already in possession [NOTE 6].

21, Masson, François - Bourguignon dit Bergerac, Jean

Two other concessions were found south of the rue du fauxbourg. The first of these was conceded in 1740 to Jean Bourguignon and measured 10 toises by 30 toises. The other lot was conceded to François Masson, a merchant, in 1741, and measured 8 toises 5 pieds by 30 toises.

In 1743, Bourguignon and Masson exchanged lots. The lot given by Masson to Bourguignon included a picket house covered with planks, containing 5 cabinets, Only the upper floor was planked. There was also a garden surrounded by pickets on the property [NOTE 1].

In 1752, Bourguignon sold his lot to Pierre Vildieu for 250 livres. The property was bounded on the east by Pierre Alain [?], on the south by an unconceded lot, and on the west by Louise Chenelle [?]. This is the last reference found concerning the property, and nothing more in known about the neighbouring properties [NOTE 2].

Masson sold his lot in 1757 to Michel Bertrand Pelletier for 900 livres. The lot included a house which Masson had had built since he acquired the property. No further details are given in the document [NOTE 3].

22. Choumerin, Sauveur

Sauveur Choumerin received his concession in 1755: 22 toises along the chemin du barachois, 14 toises deep on the west, and 22 toises frontage on the harbour, bounded on the south by the road, on the north by the water, on the east by Pierre Chouquet's concession, and on the west by the water and by the causeway [NOTE 1].

A year earlier, February 16, 1754, Choumerin had made an agreement with a carpenter to have a house built on this property. The house was to be 80 pieds long by 19 pieds wide, mounted on sleepers on the side near the water. Choumerin promised to provide all the wood necessary for the building, including planks for windows, doors, dormers and for the roof. The house was supposed to be finished by August of 1755. In return Choumerin ceded another property to the carpenter and promised to provide the materials for the carpenter's house: piquets, 5 joists, 12 rafters, 2000 planks, nails, and to pay for half the chimney. The house was to be 25 pieds by 19 pieds, and the property was on the north side of the barachois [NOTE 2].

Three days later, another contract was made between Choumerin and the same carpenter [NOTE 3]. The terms vary only slightly from the first contract. In February 1755, the contract was annulled and no mention was made of how much progress had been made on the house [NOTE 4].

Choumerin died in 1758 and his belongings were sold. Unfortunately, the document does not describe the house, nor does it state clearly whether Choumerin was living on the north or south side of the barachois [NOTE 5].

23. Chouquet, Pierre

Pierre Chouquet, a blacksmith, received his concession in 1755: 21 toises along the chemin du barachois, 19 toises deep on the east, 14 toises deep on the west and 12 toises frontage on the water [NOTE 1]. There has been nothing more found concerning this property.

24. Gaillard, François

No concession record has been found for this property which lay between those of Chouquet and Buisselievre. François Gaillard owned another property in the fauxbourg, between the chemin du barachois and the rue du fauxbourg [NOTE 1]. (see supra, p. 40)

25. Buisselievre, Pierre

Pierre Buisselievre, a mason, was also granted a concession in 1755: 13 toises along the chemin du barachois by 10 toises deep. The property was bounded on the east by a public passage 18 pieds wide between Buisselievre and the property of Louis Marie [NOTE 1]. No evidence has been found concerning Marie's property.

26. Boisseau, Pierre

Boisseau received his concession in 1741 and sold it to Gregoire Chapelard and François Helouin in 1752. At that time there were no buildings on it and it consisted of 70 pieds frontage on the water by 120 pieds running south-east, north-west. The property was bounded on the west by Perigord, on the east by Thomas Lematayer dit Langlois, on the north by the water, and on the south by an unconceded property.

The sale price was 300 livres [NOTE 1]. There is no further evidence for this property; nor is there any reference to Lemetayer's concession.

27. Pinet Charles

This property was conceded before 1745, but the deed was burned when the fauxbourg was set on fire in 1745. Pinet's widow sold the property in October 1751, to Pierre Penot (or Pellot), a sailor, for 30 livres . The property measured 7 toises along the chemin du barachois and was 20 toises in depth, bounded on the west by Thomas Lecuyer dit Langlois, on the east by Charles Pinet (the son of the original owner), on the north by the road and on the south by unconceded properties [NOTE 1]. Penot sold a part of this property to Jean Tubert, a soldier, in March 1752, for 30 livres . The part he sold was 30 pieds along the road by 35 pieds [NOTE 2].

Tubert sold his portion in April of 1752 to Gregoire Chapelard, a carpenter, for 125 livres . The purchase price included 125 piquets, 20 rafters, 5 lisses (rails, or sill or wall plates), 4 joists, and 50 small rails for the garden [NOTE 3].

28 Metzker, Bernard

Bernard Metzker, a tailor, was granted a concession in 1755 to the west of a property he already owned. The property conceded was near the passage, 21 pieds along the road, 24 toises deep, 24, pieds water frontage, bounded on the west by Nicolas Hamelin [NOTE 1].

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