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Info-Research Solutions
Researching the
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada
by Linda Hoad
In Historians,
Preliminary Architectural Studies,
Volume 02, Unpublished Report HG 02
(Fortress of Louisbourg, 1972,
Report Number H G 02 02 02)
This study has been prepared using only primary sources (i.e. the Domestic Architecture file), and will have to be completed by studies based on secondary sources, plans, photographs, and drawings.
There seem to have been several distinct styles or types of floors used in Louisbourg in the 18th century. In the first section, each type will be described as completely as possible, including a comparison of prices. The second section will deal with the location of the various types. The third section deals with the size of doors, the fourth with the surrounds, including - sill, jambs, lintel and reveal. Hardware will be dealt with in a separate report.
By far the most common type of door in Louisbourg was the emboitée door. Perhaps the best description of this type of door is that given in the 1733 contract for Isle St-Jean:
7th article
Doors and shutters will be made of one pouce thick pine boards, emboité at both ends with oak or birch, well planed, with tongue and groove joints well pegged. All the wood used for this work should be of good quality, and well seasoned.
7e article
Les portes Et Contrevents seront faits avec Planches de pin dun pouce franc depaisseur emboitte par Les deux bouts de bois de Chesne ou de Merisier Le Tout bien blanchi et assemblés avec Renures et Languettes bien Chevillées, tous Les bois qui Seront Employe pour Cet ouvrage Seront bien Sec et bien Sain . . . [NOTE 1].
This type of door could be made of wood 2 pouces thick or 1 pouce thick. The following table illustrates the variation in prices for these doors.
(1) 1719 Marché for the fortifications: (2 pouce doors - 36 livres) (1 pouce doors 30 livres)
(2) 1733 Marché for Port Toulouse: (1 1/4 pouce doors - 23 livres)
(3) 1733 Marché for Isle St-Jean (1 pouce doors - 18 livres)
(4) 1734 Engineer's house (2 pouce doors - 36 livres)
(5) 1737 Marché for the fortifications (2 pouce doors - 29 livres) (1 pouce doors - 20 livres)
(6) 1749 Repair toisé (2 pouce doors: 32 livres) (1 pouce doors - 22 livres)
(7) 1753 Devis for the fortifications (2 pouce doors - 29 livres) (1 pouce doors - 19 livres)
There is only one specific reference to emboitée doors in private dwellings, and the price is not given.
The specifications indicate that the emboitures were to be hardwood (oak or birch) and the rest of the door of softwood (pine or fir).
The size of the emboiture is mentioned in only one instance, the specifications for the Royal Battery in 1723; it was to be 5 - 6 pouces wide [NOTE 2].
The only specification for this type of door occurs in 1753 [NOTE 3], when it is stated that they should be pine, 1 or 2 pouces thick., tongue and grooved, joined with oak battens. (embouvées seulement et Liees avec des barres et Echarpes de Chêne). [I assume that this means two or three transverse battens joined by (a) diagonal member(s)] These doors were to cost the same as emboitée doors (19 livres and 29 livres respectively).
However, there are several other references to this type of door. Normally., they were 1 pouce thick and cost about 5 livres each. Those constructed in 1718 for a guard house were "planed on both sides, tongue and grooved and joined with three battens" (embouvetées, parées des deux côtez et barrées de trois barres); those built for the first barracks kitchen and basement had two leaves and only two battens, since they were only 4 pieds high [NOTE 4]; a cabanne door was planed on one side and had three battens nailed on. (une Porte de planches blanchis dUn Costé garny de trois barres CLoués). This door was valued at 6 livres [NOTE 5]. Except for the 1753 price, battened doors were considerably cheaper than emboitée doors.
No specifications for portes vitrées have been found and the best description found to date is in the 1749 repair toisé in reference to the hospital [NOTE 6]. The door is described as half glass and half panelled (Portes moities Vitré et moitié a panneaux), and cost 34 livres per square toise. (i.e. 17 livres for a 6 pieds by 3 pieds door.)
Other prices found are 6 livres (1753) [NOTE 7], and 11 livres (1749) [NOTE 8]. It is not known whether all portes vitrées were panelled, or whether some were entirely glass.
Again, there are no specifications for this type of door, which is described as "portes d'assemblages et a Panneax' or "une porte qui etoit a moulloure" or "porte façonnée." Possibly the best description is for the early barracks doors: "two double-leaf entrance doors of oak, with 5 panels on each leaf, joined with a lap joint [?]. (deux portes doubles dEntrée bois de chesne, a deux battans avec cinq panneaux chacun, assembled a joint reconvert) [NOTE 9]. These doors cost 20 livres each (1718); other prices are 27 livres per square toise (1753), [NOTE 10], 30 livres per square toise (1749), [NOTE 11], and 52 livres per square toise (1727) [NOTE 12].
This type of door appears only twice in the documents, in remarkably different circumstances, and may have been more common than would appear from the number of documentary references. The best description is for the door of the Magasin de vivres: "large double-leaf door of 2 pouces planks, planed, lined with 1 pouce planks." (Grande porte Brisée de madriers de deux pouces, blanchis, Et doublé de planches dun pouce). This door cost 36 livres per square toise [NOTE 13].
The other reference is to an entrance door to a house which required a lining of Boston boards (to be applied to the outside) in order to strengthen it. (pour fortiffier La porte la doubler en dehors en planche de Baston) [NOTE 14]. This is not a particularly good example, since the lining was added after the door had been in use for some time. It is not known what type of door existed prior to the addition of the lining.
The specifications for the Royal Battery in 1723 contain an ambiguous reference to entrance doors, including doors to the casemates or basements and the towers, which may mean that the doors were two leaf, or that they were lined: "Les Portes d'Entrées seront doubles de chesne avec assemblage de 2 pouces d'Epaisseur [NOTE 15].
There are two references to fabric in connection with doors. The first is to the door of a cabanne which was made with a piece of cloth, held in place by a stick (la porte netoit qu'un morceau le toille avec un baton qui la tenoit tendu en travers ...) [NOTE 16]. The other reference is to 9 aunes of red kersey sold to Desmarest for two interior doors. (pour 9 aune de Carizé Rouge que j'ay fourni pour les porte de sa Chambre et celle du greffe). The doors are also mentioned out the relationship between the fabric and the doors is not specified [NOTE 17]. There are what appear to be curtains hanging in a doorway in the hospital (ND 82); this doorway leads from the ward to the chapel and, therefore, the comparison may not be appropriate. Another explanation of this fabric is suggested in an inventory which lists a small curtain to cover half a door "un petit [rideau de fenetre] a [ ? ] Le Jour de La moitié d'un porte" [NOTE 18]. This suggests a glassed door (as described above) with a curtain covering the glassed section. The curtain was held in place with rings (anneaux), unlike the regular window curtains which had targettes.
There are several references to doors which are not specific enough to be fitted into the above categories, but which may well be one of the types discussed.
A private house contract specified strong planks (fort madriers) for the "large" (possibly "entrance"') doors [NOTE 19]. There are several references to local wood (planches du pays) used for doors [NOTE 20]. Levasseur's house had 12 oak doors [NOTE 21], and Vallée's front door was made of hardwood [NOTE 22], although the majority of the doors in Louisbourg seem to have been of pine.
Panelling, the altar, steps, and doors were built in the old chapel for 14 livres per square toise, considerably less than was usually paid for doors [NOTE 23].
The Magasin de vivres doors, except the main door, were built at a cost of 24 livres per square toise [NOTE 24]; 30 livres per square toise was the price of 1 pouce emboitée doors at this date, and it seems quite possible that these doors were the batten type.
A door was built in a partition in the bakery for 18 livres per square toise in 1745 [NOTE 25]; this is also less than the price for emboitée doors and may signify a battened door.
This section does not consider the exact location of doors, but only whether the door is inside a building or on the exterior. In general, there seems to have been a door wherever there was a doorway. This will be indicated more clearly in the report on hardware.
In the following locations, 2 pouces emboitée doors were used
(1) Engineer's house street entrance., and main entrance to house
(2) Barracks, chapel, and prison exterior doors
(3) Hospital entrance door, and door to the terrace
(4) Entrance doors or interior doors (1753 devis)
In the following locations 1 pouce emboitée doors were used
(1) Barracks and hospital interior doors
(2) Ancien magasin exterior doors
(3) First Governor's quarters interior doors
(4) Royal Battery interior doors
(5) Hospital interior doors; (6) Bakery - master baker's lodging (interior)
(7) Vallée house interior doors (the thickness is not specified).
Thus, in general, 2 pouces doors were used outside, and 1 pouce inside. There were exceptions to this, of course, but it will serve as a guideline. It should be noted that only one specific reference was found to emboitée doors in private dwellings.
Battened doors were used in the following locations
(1) A charpente house - all doors [NOTE 26]
(2) Courtyards and similar places (1753 devis)
(3) Guard house and prison of first barracks (2 pouces)
(4) Kitchen and basement of first barracks (2 leaf)
(5) Storm doors on guard houses (1749 repairs)
(6) Magasin de vivres doors (1749 repairs)
(7) A cabanne (entrance door [NOTE 27]
(8) Latrines in the King's Bastion (1749 repairs)
(9) Vallée house
Portes vitrées were used in the following locations
(1) A piquet house - leading into the garden, [NOTE 28]
(2) Guion house - leading onto the balcony [NOTE 29]
(3) A house - in an area that could be used as a shop [NOTE 30]
(4) Hospital (a) cabinet doors in some of the Brothers' rooms;(b) door between the chapel and the ward (1749 repairs)
(5) Bakery - in the master bakers lodging (1749 repairs).
It is difficult to draw any conclusion about glassed doors from this evidence. They seem to have been used both as interior and exterior doors (usually not as the street entrance), and in private dwellings as well as king's buildings. The use of glassed doors in the bakers lodging and the Brothers' cabinets seems curious - was there perhaps a need for light in these areas?
Panelled doors were used in the following locations
(1) De Mesy house on the north side of the harbour [NOTE 30]
(2) Chapel - either side of the altar
(3) First governor's quarters entrance doors (double leaf)
(4) Royal Battery entrance doors (2 pouces)
(5) Barracks main entrance
(6) Hospital - door to the parlour (1749 repairs)
(7) Engineer's house - several interior doors (see, architrave section]
(8) Vallée house - street entrance.
Panelled doors were used both inside and out, but seem to have been used outside exclusively for important entrance doors (e.g. the main entrance to the barracks). There is only one reference to panelled doors in primate dwellings, but the use of this type of decoration often depends on evidence for other features in the same building. (e.g. in the Engineer's house, the attique above the doors is mentioned, and from this evidence one can assume that the doors were panelled.)
The following table shows the sizes which are specifically mentioned for doors and gives an indication of the variety that can be expected.
(1) Barracks - governor's wing - HEIGHT: 6P 2p x WIDTH: 3P 4p; HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: 3P
(2) Barracks
(a) soldiers' rooms - HEIGHT: 6P 2px WIDTH: 2P 6p
(b) officers' rooms - HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: 2P 6p
(c) attics - HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: x 1P 4P
(d) sergeants' room HEIGHT: 6P 2px WIDTH x 3P 4p pieds
(2) First governor's quarters HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: 2 1/2 P
(3) Royal battery HEIGHT: 5P 9p x WIDTH: 2P 4p
(4) Magasin Des Vivres HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: 2P 5p; HEIGHT: 6Px WIDTH: 3P; HEIGHT: 6P 3px WIDTH: 3P 9p; HEIGHT: 6Px WIDTH: 2P 6p; HEIGHT: 5P 5px WIDTH: 2P 3P; HEIGHT: 7P x WIDTH: 5P
(5) Engineer's house HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: 3P; HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: 2P 6p; HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: 2P 2p; HEIGHT: 6Px WIDTH: 2P 8p; HEIGHT: 5P 9p x WIDTH: 1P 9p (possibly the latrine).
(1) Barracks HEIGHT: 5P 6px WIDTH: 3P
(2) Madame Desmarest house HEIGHT: n/a x WIDTH: 4P
(3) Guard house HEIGHT: 6Px WIDTH: 3P
(4) Prison
(a) entrance HEIGHT: 4P x WIDTH: 2 1/2 P
(b) cachot HEIGHT: 3 1/2 P (grills are mentioned)
(5) First governor's
(a) quarters HEIGHT: 7P x WIDTH: 4 1/2 p
(b) kitchen and cellar HEIGHT: 4 1/2 P x WIDTH: 4P
(6) Royal battery HEIGHT: 5P 9px WIDTH: 3P
(7) Magasin de vivres HEIGHT: 6P x WIDTH: 3P 6p ; HEIGHT: 6P 6px WIDTH: 6P 6p; HEIGHT: 8P 8px WIDTH: 6P
(8) Engineer's house HEIGHT: 6P 4px WIDTH: 3P 10P; HEIGHT: 7P 9p x WIDTH: 5P (courtyard entrance).
In addition, there are numerous references to two- leaf doors, giving a certain idea of the size.
(1) House - entrance door [NOTE 32]
(2) house - entrance door [NOTE 33]
(3) House
(a) front and rear entrance doors
(b) one interior door [NOTE 34]
(4) Vallée house
(a) interior doors
(b) door to the courtyard
(5) Storehouse - entrance door [NOTE 35]
(6) Storehouse - entrance door [NOTE 36]
(7) Barracks and hospital - exterior doors
(8) First governor's quarters - entrance door
(9) Magasin de vivres - main entrance door
(10) Hospital
(a) entrance door
(b) door to the terrace.
Most of the references to 2 leaf doors are to main entrances to buildings., front and rear., although there are two references to storehouses, and two references to interior doors with two leaves.
The evidence suggests that many exterior door, especially the front and back entrances to houses, were double leaf, and that some interior doors were also double leaf. Exterior doors were, on the whole, somewhat wider than interior doors but almost the same height (except in special instances, e.g. main door of the Magasin de vivres). The only general conclusion that can be drawn about the size of doors is that there was considerable variety.
There is only one documentary reference to a door sill - it was to be of 7 by 8 pouces timber, and was placed at the entrance to a house [NOTE 37]. It has not been possible to determine the nature of the house in question, although it is quite likely that it was a charpente house.
Reference is made to cut stone, brick, flat stone and timber used as door jambs (Barracks, Magasin de vivres, Engineer's house toisés) . Archaeological evidence has illustrated the use of the first three materials, for which there are no detailed documentary references. The information for timber jambs is slightly more specific, although it too should be supplemented by archaeological evidence.
Two references deal with timber surrounds in conjunction with masonry structures. The first reference is to repairs to a cellar door in masonry and timber. (Les Reparations necessaires a la Porte de la Cave ... tant en massonne quen Charpente ...) [NOTE 38].
The other reference describes how a thief escaped from the prison in one of the casemates by removing a jamb anchor holding the door frame in the masonry (par Le moyen d'une patte De fer Dont La queue Tenoit Dans Le mur Endedans deladitte Casmatte et a un Jambage de Bois du Cadre dela ditte porte ... ) [NOTE 39].The other references are, for the most part, rather vague, and use the terms "cadre", "Chassis dormant,", and "Dormant" interchangeably. The only detailed references indicate that 7 by 8 pouces timber was used for a doorway leading into the yard of a house (Chassis de porte du courroir à la cour) [NOTE 40], and that 10 by 10 pouces timber was used for the door and window surrounds of the bakery on the Island Battery (Longueur ensemble des potteaux d'angle des fenetres at portes de la boulangerie) [NOTE 41]. The bakery was of charpente construction, and it appears that these members were an integral part of the frame.
One reference has been found which suggests that there was no door frame used for a door in the partition of a house. This reference occurs during a trial for theft, when the door is examined for marks of force, and the thief is asked if he opened the door by passing a piece of iron between the door and the plank partition (un morceau de fer quil passa entre la porte et la cloison de planche ... )[NOTE 42]. This may simply be a case of inaccurate terminology on the part of the court official.
Door reveals are mentioned only in connection with the barracks. Ganet explained in 1725 that he had plastered the reveals and lintels of the doors in the barracks. The details are given in the toisé:
Enduits en platre du prix de 10" la toise quarré ... Tableau d'une porte ...
haut. ens. ... 2 - 2 - 6 ...
largeur ... 0 - 2 - 0 ... [NOTE 43].
Ganet also asked for 36 livres per square toise for hardwood planks (oak or birch) 2 pouces thick for lintels for doors and windows. (madriés de bois de mérisié où de chesne de 2 pouces d'epaisseur, qui sera emploié aux apuis et Couverture des fenestres et portes ...) [NOTE 44]. The lintels in the Engineer's house (Palatrage sur les croisées et Portes) were of 10 by 8 pouces timber. [This seems to be excessive, but these are the figures given in the toisé.] The devis for the Rodrigue house specified 2 or 3 pouces lintels (les palastre des dit porte et fenestre et leur apuid Seront de madrier de Bois franc de deux a troix pouce dEpeceur bien proprement blanchie ... [NOTE 45] and those in the Vallée house were 4 by 4 pouces pine (Dessus des portes fenêtre m'entaux de cheminées bois de pin).
There is one reference to a fanlight over a door to a cabinet in the Guion house in Block 2. (un cabinet avec Une Impost Vitrée audessus de la Porte) [NOTE 46]. The entrance door to the Vallée house also had fanlight (La porte de la rue de bois franc façonnée avec son chassis au dessus). Some of the doors in the barracks had fanlights ( ... quatre chassis sur les portes du côté de la place d'armes) .
The only other reference to decoration above a door is the antique in the Engineer's house. (See memo on interior woodwork in the Engineer's house, October 17, 1969.)
Ganet asked to be paid 52 livres per square toise for architraves of oak or birch in 1726 [NOTE 47]. The specifications of 1727 indicate that the architraves were to be of hardwood., well joined at the comers and pegged, with a quarter round moulding between two fillets. They were to be made of wood 11 pouces thick (Les chambranles de bois de chesne ou de merisier pour portes seront bien assemblez avec un quart de rond entre deux fillets, bien chevillez et assemblez par leurs angles, et LEpaisseur de bois ... sera d'un pouce et quart ...)[NOTE 48].
In 1737, the specifications were very similar, except that 1 pouce oak was to be used at a cost of 41 livres 12 sols per square toise. (Les Chambranles pour porter les portes Seront bien assemblés avec un quart de Rond, Entre deux filets chevillées sur les assemblages, et le bois ... auront un pouce franc d'Epaisseur ...) [NOTE 49].
The 1753 specifications did not include the price or the type of moulding to be used, and indicated a thickness of 1 1/4 pouces (... Seront mesurée Egalement Comme les planches & La toise quarrée tout Compris ainsy que Les Chambranles de portes et cheminée et autres ouvrages d'assemblage reduit a un pouce 1 1/4 d'epaisseur ... ) [NOTE 50].
The only specific references to the use of architraves are for the Governor's wing, the Engineer's house, the hospital and the Bigot house. In the Governor's wing, 55 toises 4 pieds of material was provided, 4 pouces wide, for the architraves [NOTE 51].
The architraves in the Engineer's house were included in the price of the doors. (largeur [d'une porte] compris le chambranle)[NOTE 52]. The same formula was used for several doors in the hospital [NOTE 53]. In addition, two oak architraves were placed on the doors leading from the Brothers' lodging to the ward in 1749 at a cost of 17 livres. (Ouvrages de bois de chesne Employé premieremt En deux Chambranles ...).
A pine architrave with a moulding was built for the door to the Bureau des descharges in the Bigot house in 1749 at a cost of 10 livres (un Chambranle de bois de Pin avec moulure ala porte dud. Bureau) [NOTE 54].
Assuming that the doors in the latter two cases were of I pouce planks, emboitée, and cost 30 livres per square toise, a 6 pieds by 3 pieds door would cost 15 livres. Thus, the architraves seem to be quite expensive., and it is unlikely that they were used on every door, even in king's buildings. In fact, in the Engineer's house, architraves were specified only for the doors which had an attique (5 out of a total of 15 doors). There is only one reference to an architrave in a private house, and it unfortunately gives no dimensions or price. It is in the toisé for the Vallée house and mentions only one architrave, although there are several doors mentioned. (Un chambranle de Porte cy - 1 pied quarré 4 pouces)[NOTE 55].
The evidence for door surrounds and reveals is not very conclusive. However, a few points should be noted. Door sills and jambs are not well-documented.
Door and window jambs in charpente houses seem to have been considered as part of the frame.
The only treatment found for door reveals was plaster, although secondary sources can provide more information on this point. (See memo on interior woodwork in Engineer's house).
There should be a more detailed study made of lintels, since there is considerable information on this point in the toisé not yet incorporated in the Domestic Architecture file. The size of the door, the type of the surrounds, and the building material should be taken into consideration. The evidence presented to date indicates a considerable variety of sizes, from 2 pouces thick to 10 by 8 pouces [?].
Decoration seems to have been used sparingly and was very costly. The evidence given here merely details the information available at present. It is impossible to draw any firm conclusions as to the extent of decoration used until research into other aspects of interior finish has been completed. (e.g. panelling, baseboards, cornices, etc.)
[NOTE 1]: 23 septembre 1733, AC C"B, vol. 14, ff. 318-22. "Marché pour les ouvrages a faire a lisle St- Jean."; [NOTE 2]: 8 août 1723, AC C"B., vol. 6, ff. 298-308(v). "Devis d'Une grande Baterie de Canons ....: ; [NOTE 3]: 25 septembre 1753, Archives du séminaire de Québec,, Surlaville Papers. "Devis et Conditions .... "; [NOTE 4]: 31 décembre 1718, AC C"B, vol. 3, ff. 1l9-30(v). "Etat des fonds ordonnes pour les fortifications de L'Isle Royalle .... "; [NOTE 5]: 21 novembre 1721, AFO G3, carton 2037, nos 23, 24. "Vente d'une cabanne; [NOTE 6]: 31 décembre 1749, AC C"B, vol. 28, ff. 330-51(v). "Etat des Ouvrages de reparations...."; SOURCE 7]: 30 mars 1753, AFL, G2, vol. 212, dossier 540, pièce 2. Inventaire; [NOTE 8]: 31 décembre 1749. "Etat des Ouvrages de reparations."; [NOTE 9]: 31 décembre 1718. "Etat des fonds."; [NOTE 10]: 25 septembre 1753. "Devis et conditions."; [NOTE 11]: 31 décembre 1749. "Etat des Ouvrages de reparations."; [NOTE 12]: 4 mai 1727, AC C11B, vol. 9, ff. 210-29. Barracks toisé; [NOTE 13]: 1 novembre 1727, AC C11B, vol. 9, ff. 180-92. "Toisé définitif Magasin des vivres"; [NOTE 14]: 7 août 1752, AFO G2, vol. 208, dossier 475, piece 72, Reparations dans une maison. [NOTE 15]: 8 août 1723, Devis d'Une grande Baterie."; [NOTE 16]: 1 mai 1733, AFO G2, vol. 182, f. 412. Vol dans une cabanne.; [NOTE 17]: s.d., AM C7, vol. 184, dossier LeVasseur, f. 37. "Doit Made Desmaret...."; [NOTE 18]: 24 octobre 1755, AFO G3, carton 2044, no. 19. Inventaire; [NOTE 19]: 30 mars 1735, AFO G3. carton 2041 pt. 1, no. 126. Devis d'une maison; [NOTE 20]: 7 août 1752, Reparations dans une maison; 26 juillet 1754, AFO G3, carton 2042, no. 69, Devis d'une maison; 31 décembre 1749. "Etat des Ouvrages de reparations."; [NOTE 21]: 16 juillet 1732, AFO G2, Vol. 208, dossier 479, pièce 13. Compte pour la maison de Levasseur; [NOTE 22]: 6 mars 1732, AFO G2 Vol. 181, ff. 522-27 "Toisé dela Maison Mensarde de Mr vallée alouisbourg"; [NOTE 23]: 1 septembre 1731, AC C"B, Vol. 12, ff. 122-43. Barracks toisé; [NOTE 24]: 1 novembre 1727. "Toisé définitif ... Magasin des vivres"; [NOTE 25]: 31 décembre 1749. "Etat des Ouvrages de reparations."; [NOTE 26]: 26 juillet 1754, AFO G3, carton 2042, no. 69. Devis d'une maison; [NOTE 27]: 21 mai 1721, AFO G3, carton 2037, nos. 23, 24. Vente d'une cabanne;[NOTE 28]: 20 avril 1728, AC C"B, Vol. 10, ff. 154-54(v). "Etat et denombrementde La Maison [de] Monsieur Dela forest .... "; [NOTE 29]: 1 juin 1756, AFO G3, carton 2045, no. 67. Bail A loyer; [NOTE 30]: 28 juin 1757, AFO, G3, carton 2045, no. 27. Bail A loyer; [NOTE 31]: 22 janvier 1735, AFO G2, Vol. 195, ff. 1-300. Vol chez le Normant; [NOTE 32]: 1 octobre 1753, AFO, G3, carton 2041 Vol. 1, no. 131. Devis d'unemaison; [NOTE 33]: 5 octobre 1753, G2, Vol. 203, dossier 304, f. 84(v). Plumitif d'audience; [NOTE 34]: 1 juin 1756. Bail à loyer; [NOTE 35]: 11 novembre 1751., AFO G2, Vol. 210, dossier 517, pièce 1. Vol dans un magazine [NOTE 36]: 1 juin 1750. Bail à loyer; [NOTE 37]: 7 aout 1752. Reparations dans une maison; [NOTE 38]: 13 juillet 1750, AFO G3, carton 2047 pt. 1, no. 70. Bail A loyer; [NOTE 39]: 11 novembre 1751. Vol dans un magazine; [NOTE 40]: 7 août 1752. Reparations dans une maison. [NOTE 41]: 30 octobre 1744, AFO DFC, no. d'ordre 200. "Toisé provisionnel ... pour l'Etablissement d'un Boulangerie .... "; [NOTE 42]: 5 mars 1733, AFO G2, vol. 182, f. 186. Vol dans une maison; [NOTE 43]: 18 décembre 1725, AC C11B, vol. 7, f. 348(v). Ganet au ministre; 4 Mai 1727., AC C11B, vol. 9, ff. 210-29. Barracks toisé; [NOTE 44]: 12 novembre 1726, AC, C11B, vol. 8, f. 166. Suplement de marché; [NOTE 45]: 13 septembre 1738., AFO G3, carton 2046 pt. 1, no. 55. Marché entre Rodrigue et Muiron; [NOTE 46]: 1 juin 1756. Bail à loyer; [NOTE 47]: 12 Novembre 1726. Suplement de marché; [NOTE 48]: 7 octobre 1727, AC C11B, vol. 9, ff. 127-32. "Devis d'un supplment de marché"; [NOTE 49]: 10 mai 1737, AC, C11B, vol. 19, ff. 176-88(v). "Marché pour Les fortififications"; [NOTE 50]: 25 septembre 1753. Devis et Conditions."; [NOTE 51]: 4 mai 1727. Barracks toisé; [NOTE 52]: 30 septembre 1734. Engineer's house toisé; [NOTE 53]: 1 septembre 1731. Barrack's toisé; [NOTE 54]: 31 décembre 1749. "Etat des Ouvrages de reparations"; [NOTE 55]: 6 mars 1732. "Toisé dela Maison Mensarde."