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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada




September 1971
(Revised 1978)

(Fortress of Louisbourg
Report Number H D 17 R)


[PAGE 56:]

There was a house on Lot M by 1717. It was a small building with a small addition on the east half of its south wall. In keeping with most other buildings on the plans, a hip roof is shown on the house. (See Plans 1717-2, 1718-2, 1720-4 and N.D. 6).

Because it was in the region reserved for the king's storehouses and the unloading of provisions, the northwest corner of Block 2, encompassing the future Lots M and A, was unconceded at the time of the 1717 concessions and 1718 confirmations. A house belonging to George delasson was situated on what was to become Lot M, but delasson was living on the north side of the harbour and appears to have been renting his Block 2 house to Laurent Cordonnier [NOTE 1]. Cordonnier was inhabiting the building on 2 November 1717 [NOTE 2]. The 1717 concessions and the 1718 confirmations implied that the property belonged to Laurent Cordonnier, while the house belonged to George delasson. It is possible that "Laurent" was his surname and that he was a shoemaker, "cordonnier."

George delasson, a former merchant of Plaisance, received official concession of Lot M on 30 April 1722. The property ran 25 pieds along the Quay, and 57 pieds into the block. It was bounded by Lartigue's magasin on the west and a lane 6 pieds wide on the east [NOTE 3].


A new house appears to have been built on Lot M by 1722. (See Plans 1722-1 and 1723-2). The building faced the Quay and ran lengthwise into the block, parallel to Lartigue's magasin (Lot A). In 1724 a contract of sale for Lot L described the delasson building as a magasin, suggesting perhaps that a magasin was located in the building at the rear [NOTE 4].

[PAGE 57:]

The ordinance of 1723 gave delasson's house as the west boundary of the properties to be divided between the widow Rodrigue and Lartigue [NOTE 5]. The 1723 list of property owners described "Lasson" as a merchant-tavern keeper [NOTE 6]. In December of the same year deLasson's two houses, the one in Block 2 and the one on the north side, were used as collateral in a business agreement [NOTE 7].

George deLasson apparently never occupied his Block 2 house. In 1725 he was still residing on the north side [NOTE 8]. In October of 1726 he authorized his nephew, Jean deLasson, to handle his financial affairs, including the rent of his "Maisons & habitations" [NOTE 9]. By the end of August, 1729 George deLasson was dead and Jean deLasson was his heir. [NOTE 10]. [DeLasson's death does not appear in the Louisbourg parish records of the period 1727-29].

Julien Auger dit Grandchamp and his wife, Therese Petit, acquired the Lot M house and property from Jean deLasson on 30 August 1729. The property was the same size as when conceded, measuring 25 pieds (E. by W.) along the Quay by 57 pieds (N. by S.) in depth. Full payment of the Price of 3,250 livres was acknowledged on 15 November of the same year [NOTE 11].

The size of Lot M had changed by 1734. The property measured 24 pieds on the Quay and 60 pieds into the block. As he did for Lot L, Vallée referred to the Lot M owner as "Pierre," rather than "Julien," Auger dit Grandchamp [NOTE 12]. The 1735 arret which followed Vallée's survey confirmed Auger in his ownership of Lot M [NOTE 13].

Lot M was one of a two-building complex. Auger, an innkeeper, had owned and occupied Lot L, to the immediate east of Lot M, since 1724 [NOTE 14]. His 1736 representation for the continued ownership of Lot L claimed that he was still inhabiting Lot L [NOTE 15]. When he died on 1 April 1741, however, Auger, his wife, and presumably their minor daughter, Marie Louise Auger, were inhabiting the Lot M house. Also probably living in Block 2 were two male Negro slaves who were enumerated in the inventory - Asar, purchased on 7 August 1738 and evaluated at 350 livres, and Louis, purchased on 24 January 1741 and evaluated at 800 livres [NOTE 16].

The inventory made in April of 1741 indicates that the Lot M residence was the service area for the Lot L inn. The furnishings for the Lot M [PAGE 58:] building were far from luxurious. They were usually described as worn, and estimated at a low value.

To the right on entering the house, presumably from the Quay, was a room which seems to have been a kitchen. The fireplace hardware received the highest estimate in the room (20 livres) and included two andirons, two kitchen andirons, one pot hanger, one shovel, one pair of tongs, and a tripod. The room was furnished with an armchair and eight straw chairs (estimated at a total of 10 livres), a kitchen buffet with two doors and a drawer (estimated at 6 livres), a rough bed (couchette, estimated at 2 livres), a pine table with its trestle (estimated at 3 livres) and an old tapestry rug (estimated at 2 livres 10 sols). A small cupboard attached to the fireplace contained a bronze mortar with an iron pestle (estimated at 3 livres). Pewter items totaling 4 livres and a sugar basin and cover of faience, worth 2 livres, completed the list for the room.

To the rear of the first room was a second room, a chambre, which apparently was a crude living area and a storage area for goods used in the operation of the inn. Two beds (estimated at 4 livres and 2 livres respectively), and a small fir table with two poor chairs (estimated together at 1 livre 10 sols) were found here. Also enumerated were six chamber pots, four drinking pots (pots a boire), two items (not able to be deciphered), and a salad dish, all of faience (estimated together at 11 livres 10 sols), and a bottle holder (canevette), with 12 empty bottles (estimated at 5 livres). Heat for the room seems to have been supplied by a brick stove, for which an iron plate, pipe and grill (estimated together at 18 livres) were in evidence [NOTE 17].

What seems to have been Auger's office was at the rear of the house. An English desk was evaluated at 20 livres, while an armoire with two doors was evaluated at 10 livres. Auger's valuables were located here - six silver spoons, six silver forks and a silver goblet (estimated together at 163 livres 10 sols) and important papers and deeds. Eleven pairs of bed sheets, 17 tablecloths and eight dozen napkins were stored in the armoire. Thirty packs of playing cards (estimated at 7 livres 10 sols) were also mentioned [NOTE 18].

The 1741 inventory estimated the Lot M house and property at a value of 4,000 livres, 1,000 livres less than Lot L [NOTE 19].

[PAGE 59:]

The histories of Lots L and M were closely interwoven after 1729. In 1741 the Auger family was occupying both properties and probably continued to do so until the evacuation after the siege in 1745 [NOTE 20].

It is assumed that the widow reoccupied both buildings after her return in 1749. In 1752 she was residing "En Sa Maison Rue de Quay" [NOTE 21]. The legal proceedings over the guardianship of her granddaughter, Catherine Koller, placed the widow in Lot L [NOTE 22]. It seems probable that she was occupying both the Lot L and Lot M houses. No rental agreement or contract of sale has been found, the plans continue to show the Lot M building, and the 1753 sale of goods seems to indicate the same number of fireplaces as in 1741 [NOTE 23].

The chronology section for the Lot L house and property should be consulted for the period from the widow's return in 1749 to her death and the sale of her goods in 1753. Both the 1741 inventory and 1753 sale are appended at the back of this report.

The Lot M house last appears on the 1758 views. (See Plans 1758-6a and 1758-9).


There is no documentary description of the Lot M house. View 1731-3-(2) seems particularly reliable for Lot M, as it does for the other Block 2 buildings. It is recommended that careful attention be paid to this plan and also to Plan 1731-1 for reconstruction purposes.

The Lot M house was wooden. (See the 1731 views). With the exception of 1745-la and possibly 1758-6a, the views agree that it was a one-storey house with an attic. In 1741 the living quarters seem to have been confined to the ground floor, because, as interpreted, the inventory does not mention an attic for the Lot M building. As mentioned above, the house seems to have had three rooms in 1741 - a combination living area and kitchen on entering (presumably through a door facing the Quay), a second room to the rear of the first, and what seems to have been an office at the rear of the house [NOTE 24].

Cartographic evidence favours a roof with a hip on the north end, facing the Quay, and a straight gable on the south end. (See Plans [PAGE 60:] 1725-9a, 1734-4, N.D. 24 and N.D. 105. Also see Views 1731-1, 1731-3-(2) and 1758-9). Verrier's 1725-9a roof plan shows a roof covering of horizontal planks. In contradiction, 1730-2, 1745-1, 1745-la, 1758-6a and N.D. 76 show a north straight gable while Plan N.D. 89 shows a hip on both ends.

The 1722 concession stated that a gutter (dalle) was to be made between the Lot M house and Lartigue's Lot A magasin, on their roof framings, to catch the water from the eaves [NOTE 25].

A chimney appears on the west side of the house on Views 1731-1 and 1731-3-(2). It seems that a fireplace and a stove utilized the chimney. The 1741 inventory itemized fireplace utensils in the living area kitchen in the front of the house and components of a stove (poele) in the second room to the rear of the first. It is possible that the same arrangement existed in 1753. The 1753 sale also included fireplace utensils for two fireplaces, probably one in both the Lot L and Lot M houses, and stove components. A small cupboard was attached to the chimney in the first chambre in 1741 [NOTE 26].

Two ground floor windows and a center door were located on the north wall. (See all views except 1745-1a). The windows appear slightly above the level of the door. (See 1731-3-(2) exception). Accepting a north hip on the roof, a dormer window was situated above the door. This feature is given on Views 1731-1 and 1711-3-(2). Although 1745-1 and 1753-6a show a north gable wall, they agree that there was a central window in the gable end. Two windows appear under the roof on Plan N.D. 76.

The structural details of View 1745-la seem unacceptable for the Lot M structure. As with the Lot L buildings, the house is raised to a height of two storeys and an attic. A ground floor door, two first-storey windows and two attic windows appear on the north wall.

The east and south walls appear on Views 1758-6a and 1758-9 respectively. Two lower-storey and two upper-storey windows appear on the east wall; a center door and two windows on the south wall. Two east windows are faintly indicated on 1758-9. Both 1758 views are questionable. It is probable that the east and west walls were blank because of the close proximity of the houses in Lots L and A.

[PAGE 61:]

The location of the south wall varies on the plans. It is shown adjacent to that of the Lot L house, adjacent to that of the Lot A house, and mid-way in between. The majority of plans favour the second location adjacent to the Lot A south wall. On Plans 1722-1, 1723-3, 1724-2 and 1725-9a, the building abuts against the magasin in Lot B.

The final paragraphs of the structural details for Lot L should be consulted. The corridor mentioned in 1752 and the curtains sold in 1753 could have been in either the Lot L or the Lot M house.

I. [PAGE 196:]

[NOTE 1:] A.C., C11B, Vol. 2, ff. 153v.-54, 155, Toises particuliars des Concessions accordées a chaque habitans du port Louisbourg, 10 novembre 1717; A.F.O., Gl, Vol. 462, f. 103v., Projet de Brevet de confirmation des concessions faits aux habitans de Louisbourg, 22 juin 1718.
[NOTE 2:] A.F.O., G3, Carton 2056 (1717, No. 49), Micoin notaire, [untitled] Vente: Jean Rapiot à Joseph Lartigue, 2 novembre 1717.
[NOTE 3:] A.F.O., Gl, Vol. 466, pièce 83, ff. 7v.-8, Concessions, 1720-23; A.C., C11B, Vol. 5, f. 27, Etat des terrains concédé dans la ville de louisbourg sous le bon plaisir du Roy par messieurs les gouverneur Et commissaire ordonnateur de lisle Royalle jusqu'au 15.8bre.1734. et autres dont Sa Majesté a disposé par son memoire du 31.may.1723, 24 octobre 1734; A.C. B, Vol. 63, f. 567v., Arret du C.eil qui confirme les concessions faites dans la Ville de Louisbourg jusqu'au 15.8bre. 1734, 5 avril 1735.
[NOTE 4:] A.F.O., G3, Carton 2058, No. 32, np. 1, Micoin notaire, [untitled] Contract de vente: Antoine Heron à Julien Auge dit Grandchamp, 10 juin 1724; Ibid, No. 33, np. 1.
[NOTE 5:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 190, No. 3, ff. 64-64v., Ordonnance du Roi, 31 mai 1723.
[NOTE 6:] A.C., C11A, Vol. 126, pièce 111, (p. 237), Estat des Emplacements concédés a Louisbourg dans l'Enceinte de la Place relatif au plan de 1723, 1723.
[NOTE 7:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 178, pp.293-94, [untitled] Declaration de "Georges Lasson qui se constitue pour Pierre Jorbes, 15 décembre 1723.
[NOTE 8:] Ibid, p. 449, [untitled] Sommation au Sieur Georges de Lasson au sujet du paiement d'un billet, 9 octobre 1725.
[NOTE 9:] A.F.O., G3, Carton 2058, (1726, No. 37), Procuration du sieur George Delasson en faveur de Jean Delasson, non neveu, 27 octobre 1726.
[NOTE 10:] Ibid, Carton 2037 (No. 55), np. 1, Contract de vente dune Maison Passé par le S. delasson aux S. grandchamp & aud. Therese petit Son épouse, 30 aoust 1729.
[NOTE 11:] Ibid, npp. 1-3; ibid, (No. 56), npp. 1-2, quitt. finalle du prix de la Maison vendue Par le S. Delasson au S. auger grandchamp & a Son Epouse, 15 novembre 1729.

[PAGE 197:]

[NOTE 12:] A.C., C11B, Vol. 5, f. 27, Etat des terrains concédé dans la ville de louisbourg sous le bon plaisir du Roy ..., 24 octobre 1734.
[NOTE 13:] A.C. B, Vol. 63, f. 567v., Arret du C.eil qui confirme les concessions faites dans la Ville de Louisbourg jusqu'au 15.8bre.1734, 5 avril 1735.
[NOTE 14:] A.F.O., G3, Carton 2058, No. 32, 10 novembre 1724.
[NOTE 15:] A.F.O., Gl, Vol. 462, ff. 126v.-27, tres humbles Representations faites a a [sic] Messieurs les Gouverneur et Commissaire ordonnateur de l'Isle Royale. Par Nicolas Pugnan d. detouche maitre Boulanger, Jean Baptiste Guyon navigateur, et auger grandchamp aubereiste de cette ville, [l736].
[NOTE 16:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 197 suite, dossier 142, pièce 1, np. 1, procés verbal du scellé Ches la veuve de Julien auger aubergiste, 1 avril 1741; ibid, pièce 5, npp. 1, 4, 8, 10, procés verbal de levée des Scelles, et inventaire de la Succession de feu Sr. Julien Auger, 19 avril 1741.
[NOTE 17:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 197 suite, dossier 142, pièce 5, npp. 2-4, procés verbal de levée des Scelles, 19 avril 1741.
[NOTE 18:] Ibid, npp. 6-10; ibid, pièce 1, np. 2, procés verbal du Scellé Ches la veuve de Julien auger aubergiste, 1 avril 1741.
[NOTE 19:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 197 suite, dossier 142, pièce 5, np. 11, procés verbal de levée des Scelles, ..., 19 avril 1741.
[NOTE 20:] A.F.O, G3, Carton 2037 (No. 55) np. 1, Contract de vente dune Maison Passé par le S. delasson aux S. grandchamp & aud. Therese petit Son epouse, 30 aoust 1729; A.F.O., G2, Vol. 197 suite, dossier 142, pièce 5, npp. 1-14, procés verbal de levée des Scelles, et inventaire de la Succession de feu Sr. Julien Auger, 19 avril 1741.
[NOTE 21:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 211, dossier 528B, pièce 3, np. 1, [untitled] Acte de tutelle des enfants de deffunts Jodocus Koller et Catherine Marie Auger, sa femme, 24 septembre 1749.
[NOTE 22:] Ibid, Vol. 201, dossier 242, pièce 4, npp. 4-5, [untitled] Enquete Civil faitte ... a la Requete De Baptiste Guyon ... contre La veuve De grand Champ auger, 10 juin 1752.
[NOTE 23:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 197 suite, dossier 142, pièce 5, npp. 2, 5, procés verbal de levés des Scelles, et inventaire de la Succession de feu Sr. Julien Auger, 19 avril 1741; ibid, Vol. 202, dossier 286, npp. 4, 26-27, Proces verbal de vente des effets provenant de la Succession de la deffunte therese petit faite a la Requette du Sr. Joseph Brisson, 20 septembre 1753.

[PAGE 198:]

[NOTE 24:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 197 suite, dossier 142, pièce 5, npp. 1-14 passim, procés verbal de levée des Scelles, et inventaire de la Succession de feu Sr. Julien Auger, 19 avril 1741.
[NOTE 25:] A. F.0., G1, Vol. 466, pièce 83, ff. 7v.-8, Concessions, 1720-23.
[NOTE 26:] A.F.O., G2, Vol. 197 suite, dossier 142, pièce 5, npp. 2, 3, 5, procès verbal de levée des Scelles, et inventaire de la Succession de feu Sr. Julien Auger, 19 avril 1741; ibid, Vol. 202, dossier 286, pp. 4, 26-27, Proces verbal de vente des effets provenant de la Succession de la deffunte therese petit faite a la Raquette du Sr. Joseph Brisson, 20 septembre 1753.

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