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  Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada

1998 Louisbourg & Area Christmas Bird Count


Susann Myers

The fourth annual Louisbourg area Christmas Bird Count, since its revival in 1995, was another successful event. Heavy rains the day before the count and gale-force winds overnight had led many to fear the worst, but we made up for the weather with good numbers of hard-working participants and had a good day of birding, once again followed by a very enjoyable pot luck supper hosted by Carol Corbin.

62 bird species were seen on December 19th. The numbers of seed-eating birds were low again this year, despite a good cone crop. Pixie Williams, a biologist who participated in the count, noticed that many of the spruce cones have not opened, which may help to explain the low bird numbers. Birds were also scarce at feeders on Count Day, but feeders did produce the only good numbers of American Goldfinch, Blue Jays, Black-capped Chickadees and sparrows, as well as a few additional species for the count. Cathy and Francis Mailman had an immature male Red-winged Blackbird and an American Woodcock in their yard at Main-a-Dieu. Warren Bagnell had Common Grackles at his feeders during Count Week and he, Pearl Magee and Bill & Dianne Bussey all saw a Yellow-rumped Warbler in their yards on Count Day. Mona MacLeod had the only Evening Grosbeak for the count at her feeders, as well as a large flock of Bohemian Waxwings. A Common Snipe visited Bonnie Dalziel's yard throughout Count Week.

Field observers had some high points as well, including the Northern Harrier seen at the Fortress by Gerald Lalonde and Junior Metcalfe, and the Rough-legged Hawk and Spruce Grouse spotted by John McKay, Ken Donovan and Rob Boone near Big Lorraine. Donald F. Campbell and John W. MacInnis found a Dickcissel in Bateston, while Carol Corbin and Bill & Helen O'Shea saw a Black-headed Gull and 2 Common Murres, which are very unusual on this coast, at Main-a-Dieu. Carlton, Janie and Gwendolen Lunn saw 12 Common Goldeneye, 15 Oldsquaw and 2 Dovekies in their tour of Louisbourg Harbour, while John Lunn provided the definitive early-morning count of gulls for the harbour and spotted a lone Ring-billed in the crowd. In Catalone, Eddie Bussey found a clearing where 50 Robins and hundreds of Bohemian Waxwings were feasting on Mountain Ash berries. Philip Magee, birding in the New Boston Road area, added a Northern Flicker, a Downy Woodpecker, 2 Red-tailed Hawks and 4 Great Horned Owls to the count. Geraldine Metcalfe found a Yellow-rumped Warbler at Gooseberry Cove, while Lynn Ellis and I saw a Double-crested Cormorant at Little Lorraine.

Many thanks to all who participated, and particularly to Bill Bussey for organising observers in the town of Louisbourg and Carol Corbin for hosting the supper. Participants were:

In Louisbourg: Jean Bagnell, Warren Bagnell, Dianne and Bill Bussey, Margie Cameron, Bonnie Dalziel, Cyneth and Gordon Hutt, Shirley Kennedy, Carlton and Janie Lunn, Gwendolen Lunn, John Lunn, Minnie MacLeod, Joey and Pearl Magee, and Florence Miron.

At feeders outside Louisbourg: Lucille and Tom Ley, Cathy and Francis Mailman, Mona MacLeod and Carter Stevens.

In the field: Philip Burke and Lee Anne Reeves; Eddie Bussey; Donald F. Campbell and John W. MacInnis; Carol Corbin and Helen & Bill O'Shea; Ken Donovan, John McKay and Rob Boone; Lynn Ellis, Geraldine Metcalfe and Susann Myers; Gerry Lalonde and Junior Metcalfe; Philip Magee; Joan Mills and Mary Lou Blundon; and Margaret, Pixie & Rhys Williams.

Susann Myers, Compiler

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