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  Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada

Volume 3: Number 3



Vol. 3, No. 3, August - août, 2001

It seems like such a long time since our last Hear Ye! Hear Ye! issue. We have had a very busy summer and here are some of the highlights.

Learning & Discovery Pass Program

All Parks Canada eligible staff received a Learning & Discovery Pass which gives employees and their families (up to 2 adults and dependent children) free entry into five different national parks or national historic sites administered by Parks Canada.

The objective of this program is to encourage employees to experience and learn about national parks and historic sites across the country, to share best practices, and to enhance the quality and relevance of work throughout the organization.

Comments from various employees tells us the passes are being used.

Congregation of Notre Dame Exhibit

The opening of this new exhibit took place on a very sunny Thursday, May 31, 2001. The ceremony was enjoyed by all who came including Senator Al Graham, Sister Lorraine Caza, Leader of the Congregation and Sister Georgina MacInnis, Provincial Leader. Sister Marie-L.Arsenault was the MC for the occasion. Joe and Gisela O’Brien were down for this opening and enjoyed the exhibit and the music of the Cape Breton Chorale. The exhibit is a beautiful tribute to the work of these special women. You can read all about the exhibit on the CND webpage at

Cultural Resource Management Conference

The first ever Cultural Resource Management Conference was hosted by Louisbourg from June 16-20,2001.

There were 100 participants from across Canada.The conference begain with a day trip to Louisbourg looking at cultural resources issues. There was also an evening spent at Lousibourg enjoying a meal in the period restaurant. The conference was a tremendous success and it is hoped that it will become an annual event.

Jingdezhen @ Louisbourg

Once again we hosted the porcelain festival from July 6 to 20th, 2001. Artists from China demonstrated the intricate steps of traditional hand-crafted procelain production. The demonstrations featured clay, glazes, tolls and studio furniture imported from Jingdezhen, China exclusively for this festival.

The artists were located in the Chevalier House and their shows were daily. Statistics for the festival were 14,097 out of 19,196 visitors to Louisbourg.

News from AGB

Alexander Graham Bell was the location for the sponsor reception held during the Wayne Gretzky Invitational Golf Tournament held at Bell Bay. Those who attended had the added bonus of great viewing from the site for the annual Canada Day fireworks display at dusk which was complimented by a great display of thunder and lightning.

On Canada Day visitors really enjoyed the chance to sign a red or white paper maple leaf and write a message if they wished. The leaves were then glued on some of the windows in the orientation area to make large Canadian flags. One of the flags was set within a globe painted with watercolours on a large window with the wording ‘Folks From all Around the World say Happy Birthday Canada’. The entire effect was pleasing and participation was excellent.

CBC’s Newsworld with Colleen Jones did a live broadcast from AGB and CBC Canada Now was here for the weather spot with Bruce Rainnie.

Alexander Graham Bell held its annual Aviation Day festivities on Sunday August 19th. This day is our opportunity to celebrate Alexander Graham Bell’s experimental work with kites, some large enough to carry a passenger, and airplanes particularly the "Silver Dart" which made the first controlled, powered flight in Canada and the British Empire on February 23, 1909 right here on Cape Breton Island in the village of Baddeck on the Bras d’Or Lakes.

Visitors (we were very pleased with the turnout and the number of local pople who attended) enjoyed tetrahedral kite and party hat making; a stellar performance by Bubbles, the Clown; model airplane displays, gigantic bubblemaking and face painting; cake and fruit punch; viewing a two-seater locally home built airplane, sitting in the plane and asking its owners quesitons; and a delightful concert of Celtic music with the young musicians, The Cottars.

One lucky visitor won a great selection of items from The Telephone Pioneer Gift Shop. Now we will catch our breath and get ready for our annual Harvest Home, modelled after the fall picnic day the Bell’s used to host at Beinn Bhreagh for the local community. Harvest Home takes place Saturday, September 15th rain or shine.


Our deepest sympathies go to Joan MacKay and family on the death of their sister, Carmel Cameron on July 10th.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Brian Harpell and his family on the death of his mother, Peggy Harpell on August 15th.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Jenna MacLean and her family on the death of her grandmother just this past week.

Did you know....

....Lee Anne Reeves has been seconded to Kejimkujik for a period of time. Ceiridwen Robbins is coming to Louisbourg for the summer months. Good Luck, LeeAnne and Welcome Back Ceiridwen!!

....Just heard that John Johnston became President of the French Colonial Historic Society. This society is made of academics and non-academics interested in colonial history. They meet every year in various sites across North America - they met here in Lousibourg in 1995.

....Carol Whitfield is on french language training for two months.

....The Feast of Saint Louis is coming up on August 26th. This is a great day to bring out the whole family and enjoy the fortress.

....Statistics for this summer are 87,344 as of August 19th. We are down by about 6% from last year.

....Congratulations to Jody Harpell and Danielle Baldwin on their marriage which took place in July.

We all wish them many happy years together.

If you would like to make a submission to the Hear Ye! Hear Ye! newsletter, please send the information to Donna MacNeil at

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