Justice Website Design, Content and the Reports © April 2, 2002 by Eric Krause, Krause House Info-Research Solutions (© 1996)
All Images © Parks Canada Unless Otherwise Designated

  Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada

The Administration Of Justice At The Fortress Of Louisbourg (1713-1758)

General Introduction 

Classification in the Provincial Archives

Série B: Cours et juridictions

Here are gathered all the judiciary archives for high and low justice all through the Généralité. Lower courts seldom contain documents about colonial people or matters. As a rule these will be concentrated in the higher commercial tribunal, called Consulat and, most important of all in the Siège de l'Amirauté.  The archives of the provincial Parliement must also be checked. all other courts are of secondary importance and should only be tackled for specific matters one is sure to find there. In this preliminary report, we have given all our attention to the Admiralty courts which carried the bulk of maritime and thus colonial affairs.

Besides the main Admiralty Court, there was 52 sièges of Amirautés in the provinces, apart from those in the Colonies. They had a double function: administrative (inspection des navires, cargos, rôles d'équipage, perception des droits, rapports de mer, états de service des capitaines de commerce, etc.) and judiciary (requêtes, procès portant sur les affaires maritimes). ...

[Source: Extract from Fortress of Louisbourg, Preliminary report on the French archives outside Paris, Unpublished report H H 50 (Fortress of Louisbourg, c. 1965).


General Introduction