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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada




August 26, 1971

(Fortress of Louisbourg
Report MRS 60)


9 novembre 1739, AC C11B , vol 21, ff 31-33(v), Boucher [Translation]

Estimation of the expense required to repair generally the bridges, roadways, and marshes on the Mira road


20 bridges of pine pickets containing a total of 228 running toises, 10 pieds wide, which are 3 rotten, some broken and burned which must be replaced, plus 5 small bridges which should be added, 84 running toises, 10 pieds wide, supported in the largest streams by 12 trestles . .

The trestles and bridges will be built of birch since it has more stability and lasts longer .

All the pieces comprising the trestles, the beams (lonzerons) and the supports on top of the abutments will be square hewn, 8 by 9 pouces, built according to the design given ..

Plus 24 ties, each 20 pieds long by 4 by 6 pouces, to join the trestles together ..

2L small posts to hold together the supports (arcboutants) 4 pieds long by 6 by 6 pouces . .

6000 pieds of boarding, birch planks, 1 pied wide by 4 pouces thick ..

5366 cubic pieds of timber, labour, the iron hinges or pins (fiches) for assembling the beams to the tops of the trestles and on the supports on top of the abutments, with the 8 pouce nails for the planking [?] (solage) of the bridge .

To form 50 abutments, one at each end of the bridges, 12 pieds wide at the top and 6 toises long, one carrying the other [?] which will give 180 cubic toises at 10 1ivres the cubic toise for a 3 pieds thick dry stone wall, sloped to hold up the earth of the abutment.

For the conservation of these bridges which might be destroyed by fire, all the wood will be cleared away for 10 toises at each end of the bridge.

9 cross drains (cassis) to be made where there are streams of water and where the earth is firm.

Each drain will be 12 pieds long and 12 pieds wide, paved with the best rubble available.

At each end of the drain a piece of timber 8 by 9 pouces will be placed on the same slope as the drain and fastened on the outside by 5 posts 3 pieds long by 5 by 6 pouces thick, driven in with a sledge hammer. Each drain should contain 4 square toises of pavé, which, with the timber and posts will be paid at 40 livres each. The water must be conducted far enough so that it does not stay in the drain ...

Roads of pickets and earth to be rebuilt in different parts of the road and built in the swamps and bogs.

2400 running toises of road to be rebuilt, 20 pieds wide including ditches 4 pieds wide and 2 1/2 pieds deep on either side. There are about 900 toises covered horizontally with pickets which are rotting and which make the road impracticable. To repair this, the pickets should be removed, and the ditched should be dug out in as straight a line as possible, 12 pieds apart. The earth from the ditches will be used to build up the centre of the road ...

In places where the ditches do not provide enough earth to make a solid road, it should be brought from nearby ...

The 900 toises of road built with pickets with the 1500 toises built through flat country will be built with ditches on both sides and paid at the rate of 2 livres a running toise, including widening the road where necessary ..,

4600 running toises of road on higher marshy ground can only be made practicable by removing the roots which were left in the road, and by making a small ditch on either side, or only on one side. The ditches will be 12 pieds apart, 2 pieds wide and 1 1/2 pieds deep. The earth from the ditches will be used to build up the road ...

The remaining 6500 running toises of road which are on dry ground should be checked, and the saplings and windfalls removed, as well as the stones which are on the road.

[The rest of the document outlines Boucher's plan to appoint two caretakers to maintain the road once it has been repaired.]

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