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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada


An Event Chronology Based on Louisbourg Accounts Not Available in the Archives of the Fortress of Louisbourg, By Eric Krause, Krause House Info-Research Solutions, 2004 - Present


May 14, 1783

To His Excellency John Parr
Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His
Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia and its Dependencies
Vice Admiral of the same etc., etc., etc.

The Memorial of Wm Bagnell
Most Respectfully Represents, --

That Your Excellency's Memorialist had the Honour of Serving His King and Country last War as Serjeant in his Majesty's 45th Regiment of foot for the Space of fourteen Years as wile by hisdischarge will more fully appear,

That your Memorialist after the conclusion of said War Settled a Spot of Ground in Little Brasdore in the Island of Cape Briton where he lived with his family for 16 or 17 Years making Improvements and Cultivating the Same until the Commencement of the late Rebellion When he was plundered and robbed of all his property by the Americans and thereby enforced to quit his possessions and improvements which can be certified by his Honour Lieut. Col. Hierlihy.

Wherefore Memorialist having fourteen in family including himself Most of whom are now capable of assisting your Memorialist most humbly prays your Excy to give him & them a Grant of a Tract of Land in Jedore agreeable to his Rank and his Majesty's Royal Proclamation dated 7th October 1763
And Memorialist as in duty bound will ever pray

I certify that the Bearer, William Bagnall was well recommended to me by Gen'l Massey in 1778 for his faithful services in the 45th Reg't and that he was plundered as set forth in his Memorial during my Command at Spanish River
Given under my hand the 14th May 1783.

Tim Hierlihy, Lt. Col

[  - Transcribed by John Dow, Manuscripts at Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management]

June 7, 1783

John Parr, Esquire, Captain
General & Governor in Chief in &
over His Majestyts Province of
Nova Scotia & its dependencies &
Vice Admiral of the same &c, &c, &c.

To Charles Morris, Esquire, Chief Surveyor of Lands.

You are forthwith by yourself or your Deputy to Admeasure and lay out unto William Bagnell a discharged Serjeant, a Plantation containing two hundred acres, and make a return unto the Secretary's Office, within six Months from the date hereof, with a Plot or description hereunto annexed, as also to Certify the nature and Quality of such Land conformable to His Majesty's Instructions, and for so doing this shall be your Warrant.

Given under my hand at Halifax this Seventh day of June 1783

[  - Transcribed by John Dow, Manuscripts at Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management]
