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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada

John Darling's Jr.'s Journal: 
An Abstract contributed by the late R. C. Dodge of Bluehill, Maine

[Note: An abstract was originally published in: 
Bangor Historical Magazine
Volume 2, page 76, 
edited by R. G. W. Dodge of Bluehill, Maine]


"I Jonathan Darling son of Jonathan and Sara Darling, was born at Denvers, Mass, on July 14. 1741. My father died at Louisburg, March 21. 1746 after which my mother moved to her fathers, Will Wardwell of Andover (Mass).

1757 July 2 My mother died, leaving two children.

1759 May 2 The regiment ( in which I had enlisted) for Louisburg, drawn up for exercise. 

May 8 Four companies went on board. 

May 9 Six companies embarked.

May 14 I went ashore at Green Island

May 15 The signal made for sailing; 10 o'clock, under way with a fair wind.

May 21 Becalmed in bay of Fundy. 17 sail in sight, made land.

May 24 Went into Lewisburg Harbor.

May 25 Brought in prize, a ship 100 ton, laden with clothing and war like stores.

May 28 The ice came down the river and filled up the harbor, one third of our company on shore.

Aug 2 A flag of truce came in with prisoners, which the Indians had taken.

Aug 11 Arrived a packet, and brought news that Ticonderoga had been taken.

Aug 17 All the orderly sargents confined.

Oct 2 A sloop came in, and brought news that Quebec was taken, upon this we were informed that we must stay all winter.

Oct 5 Three men killed by Indians.

Oct 10 A sloop taken and brought into Louisburg Harbor.

Oct 19 Rejoicing for the taking of Quebec.

Oct 21 150 men went on board the European for Boston.

Nov 1 The regiment drawn up. The Colonel told them they must stay all winter.

Nov 2 The men refused to do duty and about 200 put into the black hole.

Nov 3 150 men went on board the Olive for Boston. The whole city being in arms. The Governor pardon(ed) those who mutinied and promised if they would be content till December 1st they should be dismissed.

Nov 10 A sloop came in. She had been taken by the French frigate, who put some French men on board, and bid her follow the frigate.

In the fog they lost the frigate and having no provisions, the French on board told the English that if they would carry them into any French harbor they should have their sloop; in the night they brought them into Louisburg. In the morning the French in their surprise saw English colors flying on every side.

Nov 12 The Olive sailed for Boston.

Nov 18 Some French and Indians brought in from Pigtoo.

1760 Feb 2 The harbor frozen up.

Feb 12 The snow said to be 10 to 12 feet deep in the woods.

March All hands employed in sleighing wood for the king.

April About 100 men employed to clear the street of snow and ice.

May 24 Came in, two 74s and two 64s with 100 miners and orders to demolish Louisburg.

June 2 Began to dig down the glass.

June 4 Began to undermine the walls.

July 16 Enlisted, because I saw that though I did not, I must stay all summer.

Nov 8 Finished blowing up the walls of Louisburg, marched around the town with our tools, the Governor gave us fur days pay, and a pint of rum a man for our good behavior.

Dec 2 Dismissed and embarked for Boston.

Dec 15 Set sail.

Dec 28 Came to anchor in the south of Casco Bay.

Dec 29 Being in danger, slipped cable and run into harbor.

Dec 30 Come on shore to come home by land.

1761 Jan 6 Come to Andover to my uncle Jonathan Wardwell; lived with his until July 14, 1762 (new stile), on which day I was 21 years of age.

1762 Aug Went to New Salem to see the land my father left me; not liking it, removed to look further.

Aug 18 Set out for Pigwooket.

Aug 21 Encamped in the woods.

Aug 22 Reached Salmon Falls and encamped.

Aug 24 Reached one mile beyond Little Ossipee, and lodged without camp.

Aug 26 Went down the meadows, and went over the mouth of Great Ossipee, and encamped one mile above Great Falls.

Aug 27 Reached the interval below Pigwooket.

Aug 29 and 30 Worked at clearing roads.

Aug 31 Went to the top of Mount Tom, and viewed the township.

Nov 9 Reached home at Andover.

1763 Jan 7 Removed to Simon Fry's* this winter very remarkable, from the last of December to the last of February, it was not known thaw. By this time the snow was four feet deep on level.

Feb 6 Not one horse at the meeting house in Andover.

Mar 12 to 20. The snow remaining three feet deep, and frozen over. Wood was sleded over fences, and so forth, on the coast.

May We hear from No.4 that on the 22nd of this month the snow fell a foot deep.

Sep 15 Married Hannah, daughter of Nicholas Holt of Andover Mass and Bluehill, Maine. (Settled in Bluehill 1764 and had nine children.)

Sep 17 Removed to my honored father Holt's to winter.

1764 May 3 Set out from Andover to go to Sagadahock.

May 7 Put to sea.

May 13 Reached No5 (Bluehill) almost sunset.

May 16 Cleared a place to plant peas and beans

Aug 4 My father Holt (father in law) came.

Oct 2 Set sail for Newbury.

Oct 11 At noon, reached Newbury, in the evening, reached home.

1765 Jan 27 The night between 26 and 27 said to have been the coldest known these 40 years. One Page, of Pelham froze to death on the highway.

Apr 12 Set sail for East Andover (Bluehill)

Apr 15 Reached East Andover.

May 21 Began to clear for a farm.

May 27 My wife arrived with all my effects.

Jul 29 My house raised.

Sep 19 Moved into my house.

1767 Jan 1 Moses Godfrey, apprentice to Mr. Roundy, crossing the falls was carried out by the current and drowned.

1768 Jan 23 Capt. Russ sailed for West Indies, being the first who ever sailed from this place to that part of the world.

1770 Bluehill Bay frozen over from January 22 to April 17.

1772 Sep 30 Rev. Mr. Little, pastor of the second church in Wells arrived here.

Oct 4 Rev. Mr. Little, preached to us. Six persons were baptised.

Oct 6 Mr. Little preached a lecture, three persons taken into covenant, and three children baptised.

1773 Captain Horton arrived with the sloop Sally. 

* Simon Frye, of Fryburg, First representative to General Court from Fryburg, 1781. He was many years a senator, and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He died in 1822. His will, Jan 22, 1823, bequeathed estate to his son Abiel; Hannah Whiting, widow of Joshua, Susannah Stearns, wife of Benj. Sterns of Lovell; Phebe Fitfield, wife of John Fifield, of Freyburg, Esther Holt, wife of William Holt of Freyburg; Sarah Andrews, wife of Abraham Andrews of Freyburg; daughter Lydia Frey, and son John Hancock
Frye, who was the executor.

[Source - only a reformatted version of the journal itself has been reproduced here. For the complete account on the web, see: ]
