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Report/Rapport © Parks Canada / Parcs Canada  --- Report Assembly/Rapport de l'assemblée © Krause House Info-Research Solutions

Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada



MARCH 12, 1985

(Fortress of Louisbourg
Report H F 25 1985 01)



3. 5 May 1971 - Missing

[extracted  from the Structural Design Team database - Nov. 20, 2001:

Dauphin Demi-Bastion Outer Defensive Works Palisade Ribband and  Ribband for King's-Queen's Bastion Outer Defensive Works 

1. Dauphin Demi-Bastion palisade ribband:

- To cut the ribband out of a 4 pouces x 4 pouces piece of wood (spruce) band sawn diagonally and nailed in place in a staggered manner. 

- The joint to be wood pegged (1/2" hardwood dowels) 

- all joints to be scarfed, palisade to be squarely notched in to receive the ribband. 

2. The ribband on the King's-Queen's Outer Defensive Works:

- to be of a rectangular shape 2 pouces by 4 pouces spruce and could be cut out of a 4 pouces x 4 pouces timber such as were used for rafters. 

- to be nailed in place, except at the joints where scarf-joints would be provided and pegged with 1/2" hardwood pegs. 

- Palisades are 

- to be pointed with an axe (4 sided only) pyramid style.

- to be squarely notched in to receive ribband. ]

4.  November 1971 - Clotures et Barrières: Fences and Gates - Report by Linda Hoad on Fences and Gates specifically mentioned in Louisbourg documents

a) Domestic Piquet fences

- diameter:

- 6-8 pouce corner posts

- diameter probably varied considerably

- height: 

-4 pieds for corner posts

-7 pieds for a garden fence

-5-10 pieds as scaled off plans but never higher than wall plates of buildings

- depth: 

- 2 1/2 to 3 pieds

- material: 

- fir in one instance

- finish: 

- no mention of bark removal

- space between piquets

- yes, and varied

- heads: 

- some pointed

- ribbands:

- yes, at least one

- location inside or outside varied

- trenches: 

- yes

- braces: 

- variety

b) Domestic Masonry Fences: King's Properties

- thickness: 1/2 to 2 pieds

- height: 9-12 pieds (10 pieds most common)

- tops: pointed or sloped or round

- capping: once slate

c) Domestic Plank, Rail and Brush

- planks: horizontal

- rails: horizontal

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