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Researching the
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada
Copy of
Journal kept by ____ Gordon,
One of the Officers engaged in the Siege of Louisbourg
under Boscawen and Amherst, in 1758
Commanding Officers on the Expedition against the Fortress of Louisbourgh were,
Of the Army :
Major General Jeffry
Amherst, Commander-in-chief of His Majesty's forces to be employed on the Island
of Cape Breton, &c.
Brigadier General Edward Whitmore,
Brigadier General Charles Lawrence,
Brigadier General James Wolfe.
Of the Navy :
The Hon'ble Edward Boscawen, Admiral of His Majesty's Blue Squadron,
Sir Charles Hardy, Knight,
Rear Admiral of the White,
Philip Durell, Esqr., Commodore.
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[The Army consisted of the following Regiments] [The Royal Train of
Artillery, commanded by Colonel George Williamson] [Engineers]
[The Fleet consisted of the following Ships] [Return of Cannon] [Return of
[Return of the quantity and different Kinds of Shot] [Return of the Number
and different sorts of Shells and Carcasses]
[Return of Flannel and Paper Cartridges for Cannon and Howitzers] [Return of
intrenching Tools]
THURSDAY, .................................................18 May.
The following orders, given by Major-General Abercrombie, to be strictly obeyed :
New York, 29th April, 1758. - When the Troops are on board the Transports, they are to be upon the same allowance as last year, according to the printed Tables, viz. : 6 men to 4 Men's Allowance, officers included in the order, which is two-thirds allowance in the navy. After they disembark they are to have their full allowance according to the contractors agreement, but all officers whatever from the day of the Regiments embarking, or taking the field, until the day of their entering quarters, are to have only one Ration per day, and the order of the 25th Novr., 1757, for the allowance given in lieu of provisions to cease on the Embarkation of the Regiments or Companies.
20th. The following officers are to be employed on the Expedition as Engineers :
Collins, }
} Mr. Cuthbert, 63rd.
Mitchell, } 45R. } Mr. Peach
} 47. } Mr.
Benzell, Royals
Mr. Tonge }
} Mr Goddard
} Mr. Holland, R 'IAm's
The Regiments to be employed on the present expedition are to be put into Brigades in the following manner : -
First Brigade to be commanded by Colonel Monckton consists of the Royals, 47th, 2nd B'n of R'l Americans and the 28th Reg'ts.
Second, commanded by Colonel Murray, consists of the 15th, 35th, 40th and 63d Reg'ts.
Fourth, commanded by Colonel Wilmot, consists of the 22nd, 45th and 3rd B'n of R'l Americans.
The 1st and 3rd Brigades to compose the Right Wing of the Army; the 2nd and 4th the left.
The Royals, 40th and 47th embarked this day; yesterday the 45th.
Sunday. - Upon the firing 3 Guns from the Battery before the Governor's house, all Officers and Soldiers are to repair on board their respective Ships, and no person whatever is afterwards to come on shore without the Admiral's or Governor's express leave.
The Grenadiers of the Army and 2 or 3 of the eldest Reg'ts will probably be the first to land, unless the Admiral finds it necessary from the situation of the Transports or other circumstances to order it otherwise.
The boats of the Ordnance Ships, as well as the rest, will be employed in landing the first body of men ; except such a number as are requisite to carry on shore the light 6 prs. Those of the Hospital Ships will be solely employed for the use and assistance of any men that may happen to be wounded, a place of rendezvous will be appointed for the boats when the landing is fixed upon. The Seamen that row the Transport Boats are not to have fire-arms.
When the Troops are ordered to land, Officers are to go into the boats in proportion to the number of Men without crowding, and particularly if there is any swell or surf.
The Admiral will order some light empty boats to save the men that may fall into the sea by accident.
The first body that is ordered to land in Chaberoose bay must take nothing in the boats but their arms and ammunition, with Bread and Cheese in their pockets for two days.
....................................... and blankets of the Troops that land first are to be carefully bundled up, ready to be carried on shore after they have landed, and have beat the Enemy. Three days' provisions to be prepared, at a proper time, in readiness to be sent on shore after the Troops.
Trusty persons to be left in every ship, to superintend and take charge of the baggage and provisions. No women are permitted to land until the army are all on shore, and their Tents, Blankets, Provisions and Necessaries are likewise landed.
An officer commanding a boat shall be answerable that no man fires from out of that boat.
There have been examples of men fixing their Bayonets in boats ; but the practice is so absurd that it seems hardly necessary to forbid it. Bayonets are fixed in a moment after landing.
As fast as the men get out of the boats, they must form, and march directly forwards, to clear the beach and charge whatever is before them. They are not to pursue far, but will be ordered to take post, so as effectually to secure the landing of the rest of the army.
The Commander of the Grenadiers and all the Field officers employed in the first landing are to embark into the light rowing boats, that they may lead their respective corps and give their Orders readily.
The Transports of the Regiment of Artillery and the Corps of Rangers must keep as much together as possible, that when a signal is made for any particular Corps it may be in rediness to act. As this, depends in a great measure on the Masters of Transports, they must be desired to endeavor to effect it, but if the Admiral should think proper that the boats of every Transport without regard to Corps should bring away as many men as they can safely contain to any particular place of rendezvous then the Commanding officer of every Ship is to make choice of good men under proper commisioned and Non-Commissioned officers that the first attack may be carried on with spirit and vigor.
Colonels & Field Officers will be named to Command every Regt. as they know the number of men their boats can hold will send Captains in proportion and give them directions to be ready before they leave this Harbour. As there may be occasion to detach the Schooners and Sloops a Signal will be appointed for them.
Monday, 22d. - Experience having discovered that Ginger & Sugar mixed with the water of America prevents the ill effects of it, and preserves the men from Fluxes & fevers better than anything yet found out, Brigadier Lawrence does therefore in the strongest manner recommend the use of it to the Troops.
Any of the volunteers that choose to serve with the Light Infantry till the Trenches are opened are at liberty to do it, taking care to be provided with a good Cloak or blanket and a good quantity of Ammunition.
As there is no provision of buntein or other Materials for making distinguishing Vanes the Reg'ts are to endeavor to procure it for themselves so as at least to know the ships of their own Corps and to distinguish particulars in particular a Commanding officers ship.
* .......................................... When the Fleet shall arrive at the Island of Cape Breton, if the Grenadiers are ordered to land in one body they are to be put under the charge of a Colonel, Lt. Colonel and 2
* Some acid having been spilt at the top of the MSS., it has obliterated throughout part of the writing in that part.
Majors, .................. and land each as many men as they can put into ; ........................
They are to be under the orders of 3 Colonels, 1 Lt. Colonel and 4 Majors, the officers of these commands to be taken according to Seniority, and if both the Grenadiers and Battalion Men are commanded upon the same service, then the whole Body will receive directions from Brigadier-General Wolfe.
The Disembarkation of the Grenadiers is to be commanded by Colonel Monckton, Lt. Colonel Fletcher, Major Farquhar and Major Murray, that of the Battalion men is to be commanded by Colonel Murray, Colonel Burton, Colonel Wilmot, Lt. Colonel Handfield, Major Provost, Major Darby, Major Clephane and Major Hamilton.
28. The Signal being made according to the orders of
the 2ist and the Troops all on board Admiral Boscawen sailed
with the Squadron and Transports. Off Cape Sambro' we met the
Dublin from England with General Amherst, who went on board the
Namur ; Capt. Rodney proceeded to Halifax ; The Hawk Bomb
Ketch conveying the 28th Regt. from Chignecto in the Bay of
Fundy The Detachments of the several Corps from
Lunenburg. The Kennington from England, and the Essex Transport from
Madeira with an officer of the 40th and another of the 45th Regt.
who was on board the men of war at the time of the violent storm
when the Tilbury was lost off Louisbourg.
Saturday 3d of June.
After a favourable passage nothing happening particular except Colonel Monckton being ordered back to Halifax and General Whitmore to join the Army in his room we came to an Anchor at about 5 o'clock in the morning in Gabreuse bay - The Admiral with a few ships getting in yesterday.
Saw many small encampments along the shore with Batteries here and there. The Kennington hawl'd in and played upon one of 2 Guns for several hours the Enemy returning the fire, kill'd 3 and wounded 6 men on board the Frigate.
Major General Amherst having received His Majesty's orders to land the forces under his command upon the Island of Cape Breton and to Beseige and attack the Town of Louisbourg in conjunction with the Fleet, and Brigadier General Lawrence having in conformity to the Kings commands used the utmost dispatch in preparing every thing for that end ; the Major General will prosecute it with the utmost vigor, in which he expects to be seconded by the zeal and valor of the Troops. His Majesty & the Nation have their eyes fixed upon the operations of this great Fleet and Army ; their Union and Mutual good inclinations promise success, neither side it is hoped will be wanting in their best endeavors to deserve it.
The Troops must pay exact obedience to all orders ..... be treated with the most impartial justice. It is recommended to them to live in great friendship and harmony to assist each other, and to carry on public business as becomes Soldiers and Englishmen, to do honor to themselves and to their country by their behaviour. A sufficient quantity of provisions and Stores of all kinds ... in the Fleet, no care or attention will be wanting for the subsistance and preservation of the Troops, such as our situation will allow of. There will be an Hospital, and in time it's hoped there will be fresh meet for the sick and wounded men. and it is not doubted but the Commanders of Corps will in every respect have due regard to health and welfare of their Soldiers. On the other hand the least murmur or complaint against any part of duty will be checked with great severity, and any backwardness in sight of the Enemy will be punish'd with immediate death. If any man is Villain enough to desert his colours and go over to the Enemy he shall be excepted in the Capitulation and hang'd with infamy as a Traitor.
When any of our Troops are to attack the French regular forces, they are to march close up to them discharge their pieces loaded with two bullets and then rush upon them with their bayonets ; and the Commander of the Highlanders may when he see's occasion order his Corps to run upon them with their drawn swords.
A Body of
light troops are now training to oppose the Indians,
Canadians and other painted Savages, of 'the Island ; who will
entertain them in their own way and preserve the women and children of
the army from their unnatural barbarity. Indians spur'd on
by our inveterate Enemy the French are the only brutes and Cowards
in the creation who were ever known to exercise their cruelty's upon
the sex and to scalp and mangle the poor sick Soldiers and defenceless Women. When the light troops have by practice and experience
acquired as much caution and circumspection as they have spirit and
activity these howling barbarians will fly before them. The Army
under the Fire and protection of the Fleet will land perhaps if the
wind favors in face of the Enemy, or we may attempt it perhaps at
different parts of the Island, that by dividing their force we may be
sure to succeed somewhere. When the Troops, Artillery Stores &c.,
are all landed in which the Troops must exert themselves to assist
and the business is half done. The camp will be slightly intrench'd
or Pallisadoed that the men may be quiet in their Tents and that
the Sentries may not be exposed to the Shot of a miserable lurking
Mick-mack whose trade is not war but murder. The Troops may
expect some cannon shot and a feeble opposition at landing, but
those and other obstacles, the British Grenadiers supported by the
Battalions will easily overcome.
If any body of men are detached to get footing to the Eastward of the Harbour The Commander when he has landed his men must possess himself advantageously and send immediate notice to the Admiral and General of his situation.
Officers must be extremely vigilant in their duty throughout . . . . . Campaign and obstinate in the defence of any post ... in charge.
Drunkeness in general is forbid, but a man that is drunk on any
part of his duty will be punished without mercy. The Commanding
Officers of Regiments shall be answerable for the behaviour of their
sutlers, and that nothing be sold by them that may hurt the men or
induce disorder and irregularities in the Army, the General will
encourage a Market for Provisions, Beer and other necessaries for
the Troops, no person whatsoever shall presume to sutle in the Army
without his particular permission. It is strictly ordered that the
Soldiers of all Regiments do pay the same respect and obedience,
to the officers of other Corps as to their own, distinctions of the
sort are inconsistent with His Majesty's Service and not to be
permitted in a well disciplined Army. The Pioneers of the Army
will be
paid the usual allowance when they work upon the Trenches,
Battaries, Sap or Mines, and when Volunteers are wanted for any
act of vigor the General will pay and reward them in proportion to
their merit and behaviour. Great care must be taken of the arms
and ammunition and such repairations made to the firelocks as may
be requisite. A constant fire from the Trenches will destroy the
arms unless there be continual repairs. Reports are to be made to
the Colonels Commanding Brigades by the Regiments under their
orders, and by the Colonels to the Brigadiers Commanding the
wings. Major Barry is Major of Brigade of the right wing and
Major Dobson of the Left. The Subaltern Officers servants are to
do all duties with them and a Captain shall only exempt one man of
his Company from the duty of the Siege. As the air of Cape Breton
is moist and foggy there must be a particular attention to the fire
arms upon duty that they may be kept dry and always fit for use and
the Light Infantry should fall upon some method to secure their
arms from the dews and the dropping of the Trees when they are in
search of the Enemy. The Commander of the Light Troops must
teach his Corps to attack and defend themselves Judiciously, always
endeavoring to get upon the Enemy's flank and equally watchfully to
prevent their surrounding them. They must be instructed to choose
good posts and to lay themselves in ambuscade to advantage, to be
alert, silent, vigilent and obedient, ready at all times to turn out without
the least noise or the least confusion. They must always march in
files and generally fight in a single rank pushing at the Enemy when
they see them in confusion and that the ground favors their efforts
never persue with too much eagerness nor to give way excepting a
very great unequality of numbers.
The signals to row ashore will be three guns from the Sutherland repeated from the Admiral.
Although the Highlanders, Light Infantry and Irregulars are a separate attack upon the left yet when they land they are to consider themselves part of the left wing and immediately under the command of Brigadier General Lawrence.
The Field Officers of the right attack for the Grenadiers Colonel Murray, Lt. -Colonel Fletcher, Major Farquhar and Major Murray ..... of the right wing Col. Burton ... Col. ... and Major Darby.
.... officers of the centre attack or Detachment of the left ... Wilmot, Lt.-Col. Handfield, Major Hamilton ... Hussey all the remaining Field Officers of the Army are to come ashore with the second disembarkation. As Bragg's Regt. is to be detached for particular duty they are not to furnish Grenadiers for the Right Attack, and the whole of the Highlanders are to be employed with the Light Infantry and Irregulars on the left Captain Amherst and Capt. Darcey are appointed to act as Aid-De-Camps to Major-General Amherst.
Lieutenant Tonge of General Warburton's Regiment is to attend on the Deputy Qr. Mr. Genl. on the landing of the Troops.
Col. Frazer's Company of Grenadiers in the Princess Amelia's boats will row to join their own Regiment.
Gabreuse bay is above three leagues by sea from the harbour of Louisbourg to the South-west of it. Sunday, 4. - A hard Gale and foggy. The Trenk struck unshipped her Rudder, made repeated signals of distress ; got off with great difficulty, proper assistance being given her by the other ships. The Transports in danger of driving ashore suffer'd much in their Cables and anchors.
General Orders.
As the Surf is so great that the disposition for landing in three Divisions cannot take place, and as the Men of War cannot be carried near enough to the shore of the Bay within the white point to cover the landing there, The General not to lose a moment of time has thought proper to order that an attack be made upon the little Intrench ments within the fresh water cove with four companies of Grenadiers. That no Body regulars or irregulars, may dare stand before them. These Detachments are to be commanded by Brigadier General Wolfe.
The Detachments of the Left Wing under Brigr. Genl. Lawrence are to draw up as was before order'd behind the Frigates of the Centre Attack; in readiness if the weather permits to run ashore on the opposite beach or if not to follow the Grenadiers when it is judged necessary.
The right wing to draw up to the Right as in the orders of yesterday opposite to the Bay that is on this side, of the white point to fix the Enemy's attention, or to follow the Troops of the left wing when they shall receive orders for that purpose.
The boats of this division are to keep out a mile and a half or two miles distant from the land, extending in a considerable length of line.
As the Grenadiers are now to Assemble towards the left instead of the Right the Captains must be attentive to the Red flag in Brigadier General Wolfe's boat which is to be the centre of their Line and range. themselves accordingly.
The Detachments of the Right wing must have the same attention to Brigadier-General Whitmore's Flags and those of the left wing
General Lawrence's Flag, and the whole to Assemble Posts immediately after the signal is made to
four oldest Companies of Grenadiers are to attack first Forbes under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel on the little Bay upon the right. Amhersts and
Whitmores under the Command of Major Murray in another little Bay upon the left. The Field Officers and Captains will receive their particular instructions from Brigadier General Wolfe.
They must avoid huddling together and running into a lump in such a situation, they are a fair Mark for their Adversaries and not able to employ their arms to purpose.
When these men use their Powder Horns to Load they must take particular Care, not to put to much Powder into their Pieces, and to have paper ready Cut or Tow to charge with in proper portions. The evolutions and movements of these Bodys for the ready forming in, a variety of situations will be regulated hereafter.
The Commdg. Officers of Regiments, Captains of Companies and other Officers are to read and explain all the orders that Concern them, taking great care to inform them of every part of their duty, and shewing them upon all occasions examples worthy of their immitation.
The Army is to land and attack the French in three different Bodies and at three different places, all the Grenadiers and Detachments of the right Wing land upon the right in the bay within the White Point, the Light Infantry, Irregulars and highlanders are to land in the fresh Water Cove in order to take the Enemy in flank and rear, and cut some of them off from the Town.
The Men
of War are ordered to each of those places to scour the
Posts and Protect the Troops at their landing, the Grenadiers are
to draw up as they lay in their Brigades upon the right of the right
attack, and to Rendezvous in a line behind a Boat with a Red Flag
in which Brigadier General Wolfe will be. The Detachment of the
Right Wing are to assemble in a line as they are in their Brigades
behind a Boat with a White Flag where Brigadier General Whitmore
will be. The Detachment of the left Wing are to Rendezvous in
the same manner behind a Boat with a Blue Flag where Brigadier
General Lawrence will Command.
The Highlanders, Light Infantry, and Irregulars are to Rendezvous to the right of the Island lying before the fresh water Cove to be ready to run in the Cove when the Signal is given.
After the Grenadiers are landed and have taken Post along the Entrenchments, The Light Infantry are to land, push forward into the Wood and force the Enemy's Irregulars to retire.
Monday 5. Very Foggy and a great Surfe.
Tuesday 6. Rain and Fog. It was thought proper on an appearance of change of Weather to make an attempt of landing the Troops after the signal made they Boats they debarked in, rowed near the shore, But Captain Gambier who was sent to reconnortre the Beach reporting that the Surge was to High and a violent Shower of Rain comming on the Troops were ordered to embark.
Wednesday 7th. The Fog cleared, discovered a chain of Works that the French had all along the shore, Surge continued still high.
Brags regiment detached by the mouth of the Harbour in the small craft in which they came down the Bay of Fundy, to make a show of Landing at Loumbeik and draw the Enemy's attention that way cannonaded as they got near Louisbourg from the Barbet Batterys toward the sea.
General Orders.
If the Surfe should be so great that the Troops cannot land this afternoon, the General intends to attack the Enemy to morrow at the dawn of Day, unless the Weather is so bad as to make it impracticable.
The Boats are to Assemble in three Divisions as before, the right wing at the Violet Transport where there will be three Lights hung upon the off side near the water edge.
The Left Wing at the St. George's Transport with two lights hung in the same manner.
The Rendezvous of the Grenadiers &c. will be at the Neptune Transport where a single light will be hung out.
As the Generals intentions are to surprise the French as well as to attack them, he depends upon the care and vigilance of the officers, commanding Transports, that his orders be strictly complied with.
The Troops are to be in their Boats at two o'Clock exactly.
No Lights are to be shewed in any of the Transports except the signals above mentioned after Twelve o'Clock at night and there must be profound silence throughout the whole Army and above all things, the firing of a single Musquet must be avoided.
The men of wars Boats will be sent to their respective Transports by one in the morning.
The General is sufficiently convinced of the good disposition of the Troops by what he has already seen, he desires they will not hollow nor cry out at Landing, but be attentive to the commands of their Officers by which they can never be put in any confusion or fail of success. Their officers will lead them directly to the Enemy.
If the Admiral and General should think proper to alarm the Enemy in the beginning of the night the Troops are to take no notice but prepare themselves to obey their orders.
Thursday, 8th. - At the hour appointed the Boats attended the Transports, the Troops debarked and formed according to orders. Men of war Stationed to Cover the Landing in the following manner :
The Sutherland and Squirrel on the right near white Point, the Kennington and Halifax Snow on the left near the Cove, the Grenidiers &c were to land in ; and the Gramont, Diana and Shannon in the Centre, at the dawn they began a most heavy Cannonade on the Enemy's Works on Shore ; They making a feeble return, and throwing Shells at the Boats, at the same time lining their Intrenchments.
When the Fire from the Ships was thought Sufficient the Signal was made for the Grenadiers to row into the Cove which they accordingly did. The Enemy began a very hot fire of Musquetry and Swivels, from their Intrenchments, and the same with Grape from their Batteries in Flank. After standing this some time still making for the shore, a small body of Light Infantry Commanded by Lieutenants Hopkins & Brown and Ensign Grant of the 35th Regiment seeing a convenient place on the right of the Cove that is free from the Enemy's Fire, the Surge being equally or more violent than in the Cove, made for it, and getting ashore, were soon followed by the whole ; came upon the Flank and back of the Enemy drove them, and Brigadier General Wolfe with a small Body pursued them within Cannonade of the Town.
The right and Left Wings landed afterwards and were followed by the Second Embarkation. The Line was formed and marched nearer the Town, laid out the Encampment for the Army, every Corps taking up their own ground.
The Loss we Sustained this day was
Of Amhersts. Lieutenant Nicholson, 1 Sergeant, 1 Corporal and 38 of the whole, 21 with the above mentioned officer of the 15th were Drowned, a shot of the Enemy taking place sunk their Boat. Of the Highlanders Captain Baillie and Lieut : Cuthbert.
Lieutenants, 2 Serjeants 1 Corporal, and 51 Privates. The
officers names were of the Royals, Lieut. Fitzyrnonds, Bailey Fenton.
Of Whitmore's Lieutenant Butler ; of the Highland Regiment
Lieutenant Frazer, who with Fenton, afterwards died of their
Of the Rangers Ensign Crothers and 3 Privates Killed 1 Wounded and 1 Missing.
On the Enymy's Side 2 Captains of Grenadiers and two Lieutenants with about 70 Regulars, Canadians &c were made Prisoners. 1 officer killed with an Indian Chief and several other men.
Took from the French Three 24 Pounders, Seven 9 Pounders, Seven 6 Pounders, Fourteen Swivels, and Two Mortars, which were placed along the Shore, and a continuation of the Intrenchment to prevent our Landing with ammunition Tools and Stores of all kinds.
obstacles the Troops had to Surmount in landing was an
Enemy Posted to the greatest advantage, their intrenchments being
15 feet above High Water mark, the approaches to which was
rendered impracticable by large Trees being laid very thick together
upon the Beach, all round the Cove, their Branches laying towards
the Sea, the distance of 20 yards in some places, and 30 in others
between their lines, and the Waters edge. Then the Surge was
extremely violent, most of our Boats being staved, and the Rocks
coming out so far that the greatest part of the Army landed to their
middle in Water, many were much hurt, others crushed to Pieces
being carried away by the Surge, and the Boats driving over them
with the return of it.
Had the Enemy permitted the Troops of the Left attack to have landed in the Cove, They must certainly have put it out of our power to have troubled them afterwards, as by reserving their Fire till then in all probability they would have put us in confusion, and we afterwards must have been at their mercy.
The advantages mentioned given them so much the superiority.
Colonel St. Julien Commanded the French Lines which consisted of about 3000 Regulars, and Irregulars 1500 of which were posted at the Place French Officer with his Party, Posted at some of the Batteries to some of our Flying Parties being cut off from the Town
Sir Charles Hardy who had sailed from Halifax the latter end of March with 9 Ships of the Line and some Frigates with Troops on Board. to Block flp, and cruise off the Harbour of Louisbourg joined Admiral Boscawen.
The Picquets to lay out all night and be Posted by the Field officers partly in the Front, but chiefly in the Rear of the Camp and then all the out Posts to be called in except the Detachment with Colonel Burton, - who was Posted at the Landing Place.
9th. Brags Regiment returned, clearing the Encampment.
The Surf so high that very few Tents or Baggage of the Army could
be landed.
If there are any French Prisoners, they are to be brought to Major General Amherst in the rear of the Centre of the Army.
All the Tools that may have been taken at the different Posts of the Enemy to be collected together in the rear of the Royals.
Lieutenant Tonge will mark out the Ground in the Rear of the Corps where it may be necessary to throw any works, which each Regiment will do for themselves taking half of the Interval to secure the whole rear of the Camp.
The 1st Brigade consists of the Royals, Hopsons, Lawrences, Webbs and Whitmores.
The 2nd of Brags, Anstruthers, Frasers, Warburtons & Amhersts.
The 3rd of Forbes, Lascelles, Moncktons and Otways.
Brigadier General Whitmore to have the Inspection of the 1st Brigade, Brigadier General Lawrence the 2nd and Brigadier General Wolfe the 3rd.
The Major General in Camp is in the Centre of the Army, the Brigadier Generals in the Centre of their respective Brigades The Brigade Majors in the Rear of the Centre of the Army. Orderly time at 10 o'clock.
All the standing orders given out by His Royal Highness the Duke, of the Duty in Camp to be strictly obeyed.
Saturday 10. Still clearing our Camp, Pitching Tents, and getting our Baggage on Shore which was attended with great trouble on account of the Surge it being equally violent as at the place we landed.
Began to throw up the works in the rear as ordered yesterday.
A Captain of a Man of War ordered daily to inspect and direct the landing of all the Stores Artillery &c.
Sir Charles Hardy with 7 or 8 ships sailed from Gabrouse and anchored off the mouth of the Harbour.
Sunday 11th. The Army employed in the same manner as yesterday with the addition of beginning to make Roads through the Camp and to the Cove where the Artillery &c. was landing.
The Serjeant Major and 4 Men of Fishers Regiment of Volunteers deserted from the Enemy, said that the Garrison was not more than 3000 and including every Body that Could bear arms 5000, that they might expect a good many if not the whole of their Regiment, they not liking a Service in which they had been trepanned that the Enemy had destroyed the Grand & Light House Batteries and Called in all their out posts.
Some Light Artillery and Stores were Landed.
Orders of the 10th.
When the rear of the Army are sufficiently Secured against incursions of the Barbarians, two or three small Detachments will be guard enough for each Regiment.
All the Tents taken at the different Posts which were abandoned by the Enemy to be collected by Lieutenant Lesley, and given to the Five Companies of Rangers.
The Grenadiers are to do Duty entirely by themselves, except the Camp Duty.
Orders of this Day.
The Grenadiers of Otways, Hopsins, Warburtons, and Lascelles are ordered to hold themselves in readiness to March.
Evening 7 oClock.
Four hundred of the Light Infantry and Rangers are to march this night, and take Post in the Woods, round the upper part of the north East Harbour, there lay in Ambush, and cover the March of a Detachment of the Army, which will be ordered to take Post at Lorembeck, at the end of the North East Harbour, and upon the Light House Point.
The Detachment to consist of four Companies of Grenadiers who were mentioned this Morning to hold themselves in readiness to march under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel Nale of the 47th Regiment, and of the following number of Men to be Detached from every Corps.
These 1220 men are to be put into three Battalions, the 1st to be under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Morrice, the 2nd by Lieutent Colonel Rollo, the 3d by Major Ross.
The Detachments of the Right Brigade, are the ist Battalion, those of the left the 2nd and those of the centre the 3rd.
The Grenadiers are to be the Van Guard of their Detachments preceeded only by some of the Light Infantry, They are to be formed into Battalions, on the left of each Brigade, and march from them by the left by files to the general place of Rendezvous, the Rear rank of each Regiment is to serve as Light Infantry for their own Corps and to move in a single File upon the left of the march about 50 or 60 yards from the Line.
This Detachment is to have 40 Rounds of Ammunition as many Hatchets as can be spared from the Regiments, at the rate of a Hatchet per man or one for every two men, at least Six days Provisions Tents and Camp necessaries for every Eight men, The officers must be contented with Soldiers Tents, till better Provision can be made for them.
The whole to assemble in the front of Amhersts to-morrow by Five in the Morning, but so as not to be perceived by the Town or Ships in the Harbour.
The whole of this Detachment from the Line, to be under the Command of Brigadier General James Wolfe.
Monday, 12th. At 2 oClock this Morning, the Light Infantry and Rangers under the Command of Major Scott, marched according to orders.
About Five General Wolfe with the Four Companies and Detachment followed to take possession of the Light House Battery.
The Regulation of our March strictly kept up to, and without any interruption, a thick fog favoured us from the Cannonade of Five Ships of the Line and some Frigates that were in the Harbour ; Heard very plain the noise they made on Board in the Course of their duty.
About 2 oClock came to our Ground, two Small Encampments with the Tents Pitched, some Provisions and Tools remained.
The Shore Intrenched in the same manner as heretofore described, two Pieces of Cannon with their Trunnions Knocked off on the flank of a Cove where the stores &c for this little Army were to be Landed, Three Eight Pounders in the upper Encampment, two of which were Spiked.
The Detachment that was ordered to Lorembeck marched under Captain Sutherland of the 45th Regiment, They found a great quantity of Salt Fish, a small Encampment and one piece of Cannon.
Left that, ordered to be Posted at the head of the North East Harbour, in our Way, under the Command of Major Ross of the 48th Regiment.
Wolfe having reconnoitered, the Light House Point The
Detachment Encamped about 4 oClock, and the Light Infantry and
Rangers returned to the Grand Camp.
Several Vessels with Artillery, ammunition &c. covered by the Diana and Hunter, anchored off the Cove.
Part of the Intrenchment pulled down to make a Communication between the Cove and - Encampment.
The Tools left by the Enemy were collected and amounted to a considerable number.
The Enemy Fired a Shot or two from their Ships, on Seeing some of our People walking backwards and forwards about the Light House an officers Guard mounted there.
Tuesday 13th. At Day Break a road began from the Cove for drawing Artillery to the Point, and along the shore opposite the Harbour where it was intended Batteries should be erected.
About 9 o'clock an alarm in the Camp occasioned by a message from Major Ross, that a large party of French were advancing towards his Post, upon which the Grenadier Companies with a Detachment from the Line marched to sustain him. But it turned out that the Enemies intentions were only to burn some Houses they had neglected, when the Grand Battery and other Buildings were set fire to the day they landed on the execution of their design they retired to their Garrison, our Troops returned to Camp and continued the work began this morning.
A great Fire of Musquetry on the right supposed to be a sally from the Town, and so it proved, a party of about 300 came out, but was - drove back by the Light Infantry, with the loss of 5 killed, and 40 wounded, it ended with a Cannonade from the Ramparts, Pickets from the Line marched, but the affair was over before they could get up. Lieutenants Allen and Lilley the former of the 35th and the latter of the 40th were wounded.
The Fire from the Island Battery rather incommoding our Camp, The Tents were struck, and about 9 o'clock the line marched to a place of more security. The Grenadiers remained.
The right was employed, making Roads, and finishing the Works in the Rear of their Corps in the day, and at night threw up a redoubt on a Hill by the water side half a mile in the front of the Royal.
Wednesday, 14th. At Day break the four Companies struck their Tents, while on their march received an. order to sustain Major Ross' Post, who had notice from the Rangers that a Body of the Enemy appeared to move that way, But before the Grenadiers joined him their proceeding was countermanded, and they encamped on the right of the line.
The Enemy
towed a Sloop mounting two 32 Pounders on her bows, under cover of the Island Battery to annoy our landing of
Stores and play on the Men of War and Transports, she fired for
some hours without doing any damage; went back to the Fleet and
came to her station again in the afternoon, continued firing for an
Hour and a half. Returned by the Ships of War but to little
purpose there being great difference in the Weight of Metal, the shot
of the Sloop going over and the others not above the third of the
way, neither was it in their power to approach nearer without exposing
themselves to a Hot and unequal fire from the Battery on the Island.
The Diana had six men killed and wounded on Board of her, she
with the Hunter Sloop convoyed Transports that came round from
Gabarus Bay with Artillery, Ammunition & Anchored off a convenient
Cove to the Eastward of the Light House for the getting these stores
on Shore.
Several Cannon and Mortars landed this night.
The Right still continued to work on their Roads and landing Stores.
Three Redoubts began last night on the Eminences from right to left to secure a communication in the Front of the Camp. A Flag of Truce from the enemy.
Thursday, 15th. Large Party's at Work in landing and Drawing Artillery, carrying Fascines and Picketts to the places where the Batteries were to be ; cutting sods at the Light House and filling Sand Bags Cannonading and some Shells thrown from the Island at those Partys going backwards and forwards, and those employed on the spot.
Orders given on the right.
Whenever a Drummer may be sent from the Town of Louisbourg he shall be stopped by the first Sentry of whatever advanced Post he may come to, and the officer Commanding that Post will send the Letter or Letters to the General keeping the Drummer so that he cannot see any of our works or the Camp, till the answer from the General is returned.
If the Governor should send an officer with a letter who may say he is ordered to deliver his dispatches to the General himself and will not give them to any one else. He shall not on any account whatsoever be permitted to advance through any of our Posts, but shall be kept till he deliveres his dispatches and remain there for an answer ; or if he persists in not sending them he shall be kept at the out Post where he cannot see our Works or Camp, and the officer Commanding at the Post, to send a Report of it to the General.
A Market to be established at the centre of the line in the Rear of Lascelles and Moncktons no Provisions or Liquors of any kind shall be permitted to be sold at any place but at the fixed market.
All officers who make reports of any motions of the Enemy to the General, the Brigadier-General of the Day, or any Superior officer are desired if possible to make it writing, particularly what they see themselves, and specifying any thing they report of what others may have seen and report to them.
Two Deserters from the Voluntaires Etrangers came into Grand Camp, confirm the Enemys Loss in the Skirmish of the 13th.
Friday 16th. Continuation of the Works, Carried on with all possible Despatch four Mortars with a quantity of Provisions and Stores, sent round from Gabarus Bay. A vessel dispatched from this Post with an officer of each Corps on Board for the Baggage, &c., of this Army.
The Right Still at Work on the Redoubts began the 13th. Thisday landed Artillery, Provisions &c.
Saturday 17th. The Line employed in the same manner as yesterday.
The Enemy Cannonading and throwing Shells as usual. Two Eight Inch Mortars, and Three Royals sent to this Post. Strong Parties at Work on the Batteries at night.
Sunday 18th. Landing Howitzers. The Echo Frigate of 32 Guns bound to Quebec with Stores and Provisions brought in by the Juno. She got out of the Harbour by favor of a Dark Foggy night, and a brisk Gale which drove Sir Charles Hardy and his Squadron to Sea.
At night drawing Cannon, Mortars, Howitzers and Royals, also Carrying Shott and Shells to the Batteries for the Completing of which Parties were at Work using all possible expedition.
Some 24 Pounders landed on the Right ; the Road for their Artillery, and in the Front of their Line carried on by large working Parties, - Several of the Transports men made Prisoners by the Indians at the head of Gabereuse Bay.
Orders for the Evening Gun to be Fired this day at Sun setting.
Monday 19th. Sir Charles Hardy returned to their Stations off the Harbours Mouth. The vessel arrived with the necessaries of this Army.
Between Nine and Ten this night several Batteries of Cannon Mortars, Howitzers, and Royals, were opened against the Island and Shipping in the Harbour.
The Bomb Battery consisted of Two Thirteen Inch, 2 of Eight and 6 Royals, some distance from them were two Eight Inch Howitzers add to these Batteries of 1, 2, and 3 Pieces of Cannon each 12 & 24 Pounders, which with those mentioned before made 7 properly desposed of along the Shore from the Light House.
The whole line marched to sustain these Batteries in case the enemy should Land and Attack them in front. Four Picquets moved half a mile beyond the Left Wing of the Grand Army, Between them and Major Ross' Post Major Scott and a Body of Light Infantry were Posted with orders to secure the communication to the end of the North East Harbour by placing small parties properly : and to be ready to attack and fall on flank of detachments, that might attempt to land, or come out of the Town on that side to attack General Wolfe in Flank, and that on his seeing a Rocket fired on the Hill by the Wharf which would be answered by one of Sir Charles Squadron, and a third from the Centre Redoubt to light Fires on the Back of the Hills behind the Grand Battery, making all the Shew he could of having a large Body of Troops there, and to inform the officer commanding the Picquets of anything extraordinary that might happen, who was to report it immediately to Brigadier Lawrence who was to support if necessary.
To confuse and draw the Enemy's attention different ways They fired from the Right towards the covered way.
A Road began by the Parties at Grand Camp, by which Artillery Stores &c were to be transported to an eminence called Green Hill conveniently situated for erecting Batteries against the Town.
The fire from the Batteries opened, continued very smart all night, was equally returned from the Shipping, after they had recovered their surprise. The Island added to their cannonade as brisk a Bombardment as two Mortars would allow them
Tuesday, 20th. A Warm Fire on both sides. In the Evening drawing Artillery, At night the Mortar Batteries Played chiefly on the Island the Ships having Warped in 600 yards nearer the Town. The Enemy burnt an old vessel in the Harbour.
The right attack carrying on the Works they began yesterday.
Wednesday, 21st. Bombarding the Island, who returned the fire from Cannon and Mortars, The Ships added a warm Cannonade upon our Batteries, but without any Material effect.
The fired several shot into the left of the Grand Camp, as did the Garrison upon the Redoubts, and into the Right Wing.
parties of this Camp were employed in Landing Stores &c at
night they threw up a Redoubt between those on the right and centre
to defend the Road making for the Artillery.
Thursday, 22d. It being ordered that a Battery of six 24 Pounders should be erected at the Light House Point for the entire distruction of the Defence of the Island 400 men under the command of Lieut. Colonel Nale began this work at Daybreak this morning. Foggy Weather gave the Parties on the right an opportunity of finishing the Redoubt began last night. They also continued the Work on the roads and erected a Block house to secure the communication to the Light House.
Friday 23rd. A Grenadier Company used all Despatch in forwarding the Work of the Light House Battery, an indulgence to the 400 men who were volunteers for the erecting of it. Work of another (to play on the Shipping) carried on situated beyond Major Ross' Post in going to the Grand Battery from General Wolfe's Camp, intended for 4 Pieces of Cannon, but never more than a 12 and 24 Pounder were planted in it, a Brisk fire was kept on it by the French men of War, The same from the Island on our Parties going backwards and forwards to the Six Gun Battery.
The Parties of the Grand Camp began the epanlement, a work of a quarter of a mile in length nine feet high and Sixteen Broad for covering and facilitating the approaches to the Town by the Green hill. They had Twelve 24 Pounders and Seven 12's in their Park of Artillery.
Saturday, 24th. Strong Parties still at Work on the Batteries. The Island fired at the Light House Point by Day break, and the Shipping at the New Work beyond Major Ross' Post.
The Right employed as yesterday, found great difficulty in carrying on the epanlment, it being upon a Wet morass they were to make their Road, and throw up this work with Earth brought distant from the Place.
General Orders.
The Officers of the Army on Board His Majesty's Ships Terrible and Northumberland, are ordered to join their Corps and both the Officers and Soldiers are likewise to join their Corps from on Board his Majesty's Ship Captain.
These Detachments went on Board at Halifax before the Grand Armament sailed.
Sunday, 2$th. The Light House Battery opened at Break of day with 5 24 Pounders, a Sergeant of Warburtons killed not far from it by a shot from the Ships, another from the Island broke an Iron Piece of ordnance.
The Half Moon Battery at Point Mirepoix and the Men of War kept a constant Fire on the Battery on the Point, but with little success as the distance is great.
Monday, 26th. At one this Morning the Four Grenadier Companies, with the Detachment of Amhersts, and Anstruthers as also Gorhams Rangers marched from the Light House point, and took post to the Westward of the Grand Battery in order to fortify a Camp, and erect a Battery against the Shipping, they having Warped close under the Town, out of Reach of our other Works.
Continued all day in entrenching, and Covering our Camp from the Fire of the Ships, which was very Hot, but fortunately without effect, a Redoubt threw up on the Right, of the Intrenchment and another on an Eminence adjacent.
A Party of the Enemy came out to set fire to the Block House and met with success so far as getting a Barrel of Pitch into it. Its Guard was too weak for resisting so large a Party but being speedily reinforced by Detachments from Grand Camp forced the Enemy to retire.
This night the Right Attack took possession of Green Hill, and a large Party of Workmen were employed.
Tuesday, 2jth. Continuing the Work of the Entrenchment and Redoubts. Three Grenadiers of the 4/th dangerously wounded by Canon Shot.
The Embrazures of the East end of the Island Battery very much shattered, and by their not firing anything but shells since four in the morning of the 25th gave reason to imagine all the Guns on that side were dismounted.
A constant Fire from the Ships and Garrison on the Working Parties of General Amherst's Camp. A 24 Pounder lost in bringing on Shore. Two hundred Marines landed, took Post at Kennington Cove.
Wednesday, 28th. Finishing our Works, and at night a Battery for Five Pieces of Cannon began, as, also one for Mortars.
It being very Dark and foggy, The Enemy under Cover of it, Sunk four large Ships at the entrance of the Harbour.
Thursday, 2Qth. Work of the Batteries Carrying on. A Grenadier of the 40th killed in his Tent by a Shot from the Ships whose fire was very Hot, but rather abated towards the Evening, by the explosion of a 13 Inch Shell taking Place in one of them who had kept up the principal Cannonade, Her crew were put into great Confusion, and used all Despatch in throwing her Powder over Board.
A man on the Right killed and Scalped by the Indians who were pursued and two killed.
The Work of the Epaulment much interrupted by the Enemy's Fire particularly from Le Arethusa Frigate Stationed as High up the Harbour as the depth of Water would permit with her broadside towards a low pass by which the troops were obliged to advance.
Strong Parties every night on the Green Hill covered by many Picquets.
Friday, 30th. Sir Charles Hardy sailed in quest of two French Men of War that were seen in the offing.
Some Shells thrown from the Island and cannonading from Point Mirepoix to the Light House at the Parties there.
Drawing Cannon to our New Post this Night.
Brigadier Wolfe's Orders.
When the Batteries begin to Play the Enemy will probly throw Shells into the Camp, the Detachment is therefore to be in readiness to change their situation and to get out of the reach of any mischief.
When the cannon and mortars are placed in Battery The Brigadier purposes to carry one Establishment nearer to the Town and to take possession of two Eminences not far from the West Gate to shut them close within their Fortifications to Force the Frigate out of its present situation, and to assist in the Attack of the Place, in which undertaking he does not doubt but that the Officers and Soldiers will co-operate with their usual Spirit, that they may have at least their share in the honor of this enterprize.
Saturday 1 July. Two more Vessels sunk at the Harbours Mouth, and the masts of the others cut away. About 6 o'clock this morning 200 of the Enemy came out of the Garrison to get Wood. The Light Infantry with a Detachment of Highlanders (who joined us on our forming our present Camp) marched and soon obliged this Party to give way, retreating from Hill to Hill facing about at times & returning the Smart Fire of our Troops. General Wolfe was in this Skirmish and as usual in the most Danger several men were Wounded but none of any. consequence.
At Dusk the General with his Grenadier Companies marched and took Post on the Eminences mentioned in yesterdays orders, within 7 or 800 yards of the West Gate were joined by Brag's, and Webb's Grenadiers, Highlanders and Light Infantry were advanced in front, and upon the Flanks, and Pickets from Grand Camp were formed in rear. Before these things were properly settled it was near break of day, so we covered ourselves from the Enemy's sight by keeping at the bottom of the Eminences and lay on our arms.
Skirmish on the right, a Party of French attempted surprising our Workmen, but were repulsed and drove back with great precipitation to Cape Noir. The Ramparts and Ships kept up a Hot fire all night on the advanced Posts of this attack.
Sunday 2nd. Continued on our Arms all day, Skirmishing between the Light Infantry and Straggling French, each one making a Stone his Breast Work, 10 o'clock at night the Grenadiers began a Semicircular Redoubt on the Commanding Eminence.
A Hundred Marines sent on Shore and Joined General Wolfe's Army.
The Right carried on their Lines, and other Works on the Green Hill with as much dispatch as possible. The Epaulment very tedious on account of the reasons afore mentioned and the incessant Fire of the Frigate, frequent Skirmishes this day between their advance Parties, and those of the enemy. Several Deserters from the latter within this day or two who were always sent on Board the Ships.
Monday 3rd. By Day break got ourselves pretty well covered, As soon as the Enemy discovered us, they began a most violent Cannonade, from the Ships and West Bastion, and continued the whole day, The Troops went on with their Work and by 10 oClock at night got the redoubt very near finished. It was capable of holding 4,or 500 men, and the Parapet Cannon Shot proof.
In the
afternoon The French added to their Fire a Bombardment,
but providentially with all not a soul hurt, other Works were carried
on by the Highlanders on the left of the Redoubt, for the placing of
Chorus, Royals &c. in -
Battery which were finished by the Evening,
and began playing upon the Frigate, at the same time the
Gun and Mortar Batteries at the Grenadier Camp, (The name of that we left) opened, the latter consisted 2 Thirteen, and 2 Eight Inch
Mortars. At night Parties employed in thrown up a Redan an the
Eminence advanced about 100 yards nearer the Town, than that on
which the Redoubt was. Sir Charles Hardy returned to his Station
without meeting with any success, Austruthers Detachment moved
nearer us since since the ist July, and had some Works in forwardness.
Very large Parties of Grand Camp were kept at Work, found great difficulty in Landing Stores, occasioned by the constant Surf.
Tuesday 4th. The Work of the Redan continued, a Traverse began in the Redoubt as a prevention against Shells. A Grenadier of the 35th and another of the 45th killed. The Mortar Battery at the Green Camp Played on the Ships. They joining the Town in a warm Cannonade on us, In the afternoon some Shells thrown from the Ramparts.
The Grenadiers being much exposed to the Enemy's Fire General Wolfe thought proper to remove them for which purpose he was pleased to give the following Orders.
Countersign Fondroyant.
The Four
Companies of Grenadiers are to Encamp behind the Hills near where the advanced Picquets were Posted.
One Company to be constantly on duty in the Redoubt detaching
a Subaltern officer and 20 men to the Redan.
If the Enemy should attack the Redoubt, Lt. Colonel Nale marches with two Companies of Grenadiers more to defend it, and the Highlanders are to reinforce it with 50 of their men. The fourth Company of Grenadiers, marches to the right of the Highlanders, along the bottom to attack the Enemy's Rear, and to endeavour to cut off their Retreat to the Town.
At Dusk they marched and encamped in Compliance to that part of the order, as for the Companies of Brags and Webbs they joined their Regiments on the Right.
A Brisk Cannonade was kept on the advanced Works of General Amherst.
Wednesday, 5th. A Battery of Four 12 Pounders, 1 Howitzer, and 2 Eight inch Mortars, opened upon the Men of War by Day break from the Post Anstruthers Detachment had taken. The Batteries at the Grenadier Camp played at the same time, and the 17 Cohorns, &c., on the left of the Redoubt. About 100 of the Enemy came out towards our advanced Posts, but returned without attempting anything, a Party of Light Infantry Posted at the Foot of a Bridge over the Barrasoy every night to prevent the French from crossing, retired at the dawn. The Fire from the Town and Ships very smart the whole day, and at intervals shells thrown from the former.
A Gunner and Matross killed at the Batteries opened this morning.
The Frigate whose Fire had done so much mischief in retarding the Works on the right and killing many men at the Epaulment, being raked by Anstruther's Party, and a good deal hurt by the others left her station about 8 o'clock this night, and hauled under the Town. Some Sailors taken by the Indians beyond Grand Camp.
Thursday 6th. The Gun Batteries of the Grenadier Camp (where Major Ross now commanded, Captain Sutherland with Warburtons Detachment having taken up his Post at the head of the North East Harbour) Anstruthers Redoubt and Light House Point played off day, the two first at the Ships with great success, and the last at Maripoix. The Bomb Batteries chiefly confined their Fire to the Town, and many shells burst in it. A very brisk return from the Ships on the Batteries that fired on them joined by a Cannonade from the Ramparts.
In the afternoon a Flag of Truce went out of the Harbour to Sir Charles Hardy, with necessaries for their Officers that were Prisoners.
General Orders.
The Detachment of Forbes Regiment march's to-morrow to join their Corps, all the Highlanders are to join Captain McPherson at their new Post. Captain Sutherland sends an officer and 20 men into the Gun 4 Gun Battery to preserve the Communication, and keep a strict watch at and in the neighbourhood of his Post, that the Enemy's Savages may do no mischief.
The Magazines for Fascines, Tools, Picketts, and Materials for Platforms is to be in the hollow where the Highlanders are now encamped.
As soon as it is Dark, the Highlanders are to draw the two Light 6 Pounders and Place them in a Battery prepared for them upon the Right of the Redan. One of the Artillery and some of the Marines are to serve these two Pieces, and their Amunition is to be deposited in the Redan. The Cohorn Mortars are not to play any more at the Shipping, but the 5 Royals may be employed a day or two in the Redoubts construct by Austruthers and the Marines.
The Marines are to do duty with the Corps of Artillery by that means they will be able to keep their own Batteries in constant rpair. The Sappers are to be joined by the Corps of Artillery to be immediately under the directions and order of the Engineers. A List of the names to be given in to Captain Holland.
Two 24
Pounders to be added this Night to the last Battery.
Platforms to be prepared for these Guns, so that they may fire to
morrow morning.
7th. The Batteries very well Served against the Shipping,
and some shells thrown into the Town, - The Grenadier Company
on duty in the Redoubt and Redan strengthening those works
daily by thickening the Parapet, and carrying a ditch round them.
The Troops at the Light House under the Command of Colonel
Morris of the 17th were employed in forwarding things from them
to our different Posts, drawing Cannon, &c.
Orders of this Day.
When Colonel Morris Judges that 3 Picquets are sufficient to move the Stores from the Cove to the Camp, He must join their Corps bringing with them, the Detachment of General Hopsons Regiment.
As the Island is destroyed the Frigate removed, and considerable damage done to the French Fleet so as to make escape difficult if not improbable Brigadier Wolfe proposes to erect one great Battery more which he hopes will ruin the Fortifications in such a manner as to Shorten the Seige. A collection of Fascines, Picketts, Timbers and Platforms, are forthwith to be made, and the work shall be divided to the different Corps as to be easy to all. m Any men who choose to be employed in this work out of their turns off Duty, shall receive half a Pint of rum, with one Fish and a shilling each. The Merlins must be made with great care, the Earth well rammed, and proper precautions taken to construct a firm and durable Work. The Admiral has sent 4 32 Pounders on Shore for this Battery, and has ordered his own Ships Company to Draw them to the Blockhouse from whence they will be Transported to the Battery by a machine lately provided for that purpose.
About 9 o'clock a Flag of Truce from the Town with Letters for General Amherst desiring that the Tents in which were the Sick might not be fired on ; But they being in a line with the Battery at Mourepas, it could not have been hurt from the Light House Point, and further They would have had in their power to make a place of safety for their Troops off duty, and receptacle for Magazine Stores, so their request was refused ; but as it never was intended the sick should be molested if clear of the Works against the Town or its defences, offered that they might either put their Sick on Board a vessel, and drop under Sir Charles Hardy's Stern, or on the Island letting our Guard Boats keep round it, - never heard of any answer being sent back to this proposal.
Saturday, 8th. The Fire from our Batteries, The Town and Shipping continued as usual. Parties employ'd Cutting Fascines for a Battery between the Grenadier Redoubt and Anstruthers mentioned in the orders of yesterday.
Orders this Day.
The officers Commanding at the Batteries, either when they are constructed, Repaired or in Working the Guns are not to permit the Soldiers to expose themselves unnecessarily. The lives of such Brave men cannot be too carefully preserved for the Public Service.
The men who worked upon the Merlins yesterday under the Enemy's hottest Fire will receive a little money and some refreshment from the General as a Mark of his Esteem.
Whenever any Dead Bodies are found they are to be Buried by the nearest Detachment, and with that decency that humanity can require.
The Orderly hours in this Camp is 4 o'Clock in the afternoon as the General must send to the Grand Army for the Parol and Orders, it cannot be sooner.
An officer of the Grenadiers, an Officer of Highlanders, and an Officer from the Cove are to attend the Artillery. The Engineers, the Rangers, the Marines, with Austruthers send each a volunteer or Sergeant to take the Orders from Colonel Morris' Adjutant in this Camp.
An Orderly man from each of these Corps is to attend at Head Quarters and remain with the Brigadiers Guard till called for.
A Serjeant and 12 men of the Higherlanders to join Lieut. Brown near the Barrasoy at Dusk, and return to their Encampment at Day Light.
If the Commanding Officers of the different Detachments under the Brigadiers Command, thinks that any Tents are crowded the may permit the Soldiers to erect Huts for their better convenience.
The Epaulment on the right pretty near finished their working parties lessend on that account. An Attack intended by the Grand Army but prevented by the Enemy making a Sortie about 11 o'Clock this night from Cape Noir, they passed an advanced Party and carried a Redan, in which were posted the Grenadiers of Forbes' who by the remissness of the Guard advanced were rather surprized.
Major Murray of the i5th Commanded three Companies of Grenadiers to sustain some Work adjacent, detached part of them, who behaved very well forcing the Enemy out of the Redan, which they had began to demolish ; and other Troops coming obliged them to retreat under the Ramparts from whence they kept up a brisk Cannonade. This Sortie was made by Five Picquits supported by a Detachment of 6 or 700 men, the most of them much in Liquor. Colonel Bastide received a contusion.
Sunday, 9th. At Day Break the Enemy desired a Truce to bury their dead our loss in this affair was Lord Dundonald Captain of Forbes Grenadiers 1 Corporal and 3 Private men killed, Lieutenants Ten wounded and Prioners 17 Private Men Wounded Captain Bontein, Engineers taken Prisoner, 1 Serjeant and 11 Private men missing.
That of the French Captaine de Chavelin, and 17 Private men Killed, most of them in the Post they gained : a Lieutenant and 4 Wounded, and brought off Prisoners : many of their Wounded they Carried into Town, an officer among the number who died soon after.
The Fire of all sides kept up with great Warmth the Shipping in particular played without intermission on our Batteries. Materials of all sorts getting ready for New Works intended to be constructed.
Head Quarters of this little Army was above the Grenadier Camp in the centre as near as possible of that of the Light House and the Grenadiers present Encampment. Scarce a night but the Brigadier visited all his Posts, and besides his being indefatigable in the forwarding this attack, he took his Tour of duty on the right. So noble an Example as this General shewed in every Point and each Particular (?) striving to gain his esteem and notice made it very improbable any attempt he undertook should fail of success.
Monday, 10th. Carrying Fascines to the Place where the New Battery was to be erected, no abatement in the Fire from us and the Enemy. At Dusk the Battery began. In the night a small alarm occasioned by a large Fire in the Woods in the Rear of the Grenadier Camp (where Colonel Morris now commanded) supposed to be a Body of Canadians and Indians under the command of Monsieur Boisbiere a French Partizan.
Tuesday, 11th. By Day Brake, the Parapet of the Battery Cannon Proof, which enabled the Sappers to work under cover. The Fire from the Town and Ships on this Work was very Hot. a Waggon taken by Indians between the Block House, and North East Harbour
The officers of Artillery that Command at the Batteries are immediately upon any accident happening to their Guns, Carriages or anything under their care to report to Captain Strichy who is without a moments loss of time to acquaint the Brigadier that the necessary orders may be issued for repairing any such damages.
The Officers of Artillery are to take particular notice of the Hurts their Batteries receive from the Enemys Fire and to send word in time to the Generals Aid de Camp that a proper Party may be forthwith ordered to repair the above damage.
Wednesday, 12th. The Enemy still kept a smart Cannonade on the New Battery which was in great forwardness, a Company of Grenadiers worked at it all night, at the same time the Mortars were served against the Town and Shipping against Shipping, and after going through them struck the Town in Ricochet. The Waggoner made his Escape, informed the General of 260 Canadians being in the Woods.
Some Works thrown up this Night by the Right Attack adjacent to the Green Hill.
Thursday, 13th. Fire from the Town and Ships much slackened, Five Deserters from the Island, They were employed in Fishing, three of them intended coming off from their first setting out. We learned by them that the Enemy had not more than three Guns mounted at the Post they left.
Another Battery of 2 Guns began this night, called after Warmburtons Company, they having made it.
Four or Five Gun Batteries, 12 and 24 Pounders, also one of Mortars Traced out by the Right Attack.
Friday, 14th. Fire from the Enemy very Slack, our Battery on the left of Anstruthers Redoubt Played on the Ships and Town as usual.
The French threw Shells for the first time out of a Mortar near the West Bastion at our New Battery. Warburtons Grenadiers worked at theirs all night.
The approaches of the Grand Army advanced 200 yards nearer the Town within the two last days.
Orders on the Right.
The Enemy having become Masters of Fort William Henry by virtue of a Capitulation made the Qth of August last, which Capitulation they immediately broke in a most notorious and flagrant manner by Murdering, Pillaging, and Captivating many of His Majesty's Good Subjects, in violation of the said Capitulation, as well as of the Law of Nations. Upon these Considerations, and in Honor and Justice to His Majesty's Arms, it is hereby declared that the said Capitulation is null and void, and that all Officers and Soldiers serving the Qth of August last at Fort William Henry are hereby empowered and Commanded to Serve in the same manner as if no such Capitulation had ever been made. All which Major-General Abercrombie has notified to the Governor-General of Canada, signifying to him at the same time, that if any of His Majesty's Subjects supposed to be comprehended in the said Capitulation may fall into the Enemy's hands and any violence follow thereupon, that he will retaliate on the Persons of the French Prisoners now in his hands, as well as on all such as shall be taken hereafter by Sea or land.
Saturday, 15th. A Serjeant of Marines taken Prisoner by our Light Infantry he was at some distance from his Post without Arms. The French Frigate went out this night, proper Signals by Rockets were made from the Light House Point to the Admiral and she was Fired upon from the Battery at that Point. Sir Charles answered the Signals and gave chase.
The Enemy endeavoured to throw some Shells into General Amhersts Camp, imagined Deserters had informed them of the situation of the Powder Magazine, as they seemed to try getting that distance.
Sunday, 16th. At Day Break Captain Sutherlands' late Major Ross' Post was attacked by some Canadians and Indians, but they soon retired, however upon the Alarm all General Wolfe's detachment stood to their Arms, and some Parties marched to sustain the Post had it been necessary. A Deserter from them that morning told us the before mentioned Boisbere was in the Country with about 300 men, and offered to guide a Party of ours to those who had attacked Sutherland about 100 in number. But before our Party could get to them they were gone.
In the Evening General Wolfe ordered Lieut. Browne with his Rangers, sustained by Lieutenant Gore with 20 Grenadiers of Otways to pass the Bridge at Barrasay and drive a French Picquet from their Post just on the other side, Some Parties from the right advanced towards them at the same time. On Lieutenants Gore and Browne marching briskly up to the Enemy they soon retired into the Covertway.
To make the Enemy believe no more was intended then attacking their Picquet and returning, General Wolfe did not Order more Troops over till dark, when the four Companies of Grenadiers with other Detachments, marched and took Post, throwing up intrenchments which they effected by day break, within about 250 yards of the West Gate, three Grenadier Companies from the right, soon after we broke ground. The Fire was extremely hot all night from the Town with Grape, round and Shells, they imagining our Parties under Cover of the Dark were retreating as before they must have been greatly exposed to the Fire from the Ramparts, great part of which was directed towards the Bridge and struck some old Boats, &c. aground near it.
The Honble George Edgcomb replaced Sir Charles Hardy's Squadron off the Mouth of the Harbour.
Monday, 17th. Fire on both sides without intermission, the Enemy continued serving their Artillery with the same shot as Yesterday, three men of the Grenadier Company of the 40th killed by Shells. Lieutenant Howe of the Grenadiers of the Royal, by Grape Shot. Wolfe's Battery of 32 Pounders opened this morning at day break, and played against the Spur, West Bastion and Cavalier. The Troops working hard at the Parapet to make it Cannon Proof, resolved to carry on the Parallel from right to left. Sir Charles' Squadron returned without success. At night the Enemy's Fire with Musquetry from the Covert way was extremely hot, had they known our intentions last night, they certainly would have done the same by which they would have killed a great number.
Tuesday, 18th. Continued thickening our Entrenchments, our Batteries well served against the Bastion Dauphine. Enemy fired as last night from the Covertway. Eighteen officers and men killed their first 48 hours.
Wednesday, 19th. Except from the French Shipping, fire very hot from each Party. Ensign Godfrey Rowe of the 48th Regiment killed. A Deserter from the Enemy to our Trenches, says 20 men were killed, two Guns dismounted and a Mortar rendered useless that same day. Musquetry from the Covertway as usual.
The Trenches releived by Battalions, fourteen forming three Brigades.
Thursday, 20th. Our Batteries silenced the Spur and damaged the embrasures of the Cavalier very much. One of their Ships Masts knocked down, another Deserter came in. A Branch from the Parallel carried out this night, the Enemy's fire on our Works rather slackened from their Ramparts but that from the covered way continued.
400 Seamen sent on Shore to assist on the Right.
Friday, 21st. A very hot fire from our Batteries, very little return from the Enemy whose Shipping scarce fired a shot - continuing the Work began last night and filling Sand bags for a Battery.
About 2 o'clock there was a great explosion on board the Entreprennant, set her on Fire and her flames caught the Capricieux and Celebre by ten at night, the three were burnt to the Waters edge.
Their confusion as may be well expected was great and ours not a little between satisfaction at the accident and the uncertainty whether they would design to give up the Place had set fire to them, but found afterwards it was a Shot from the Marine Battery Striking an Iron bolt in the Intreprennants Powder room, - Execution done by a Field Piece from the left our entrenchment on Boats passing backwards and forwards from the Town and indeed from their own Guns for as they became Hot they went off, and the Shot took place in the other Ships. A fire from our Works of Musquetry on the Covert Way returned by them in short to humanity tho' an Enemy, the Scene was very Shocking.
Lieutenant Murray of the Highlanders Killed in the Trenches by Grape Shot.
Saturday, 22nd. At Day Break two Batteries of Cannon and two of Mortars opened from the right Viz :
One Gun Battery of Eight 24 Pounders another of Five.
A Mortar Battery of one 13 Inch, and two 10 Another of 4 -8 in. These joined to those of General Wolfe's on the left attack, made a fire of 37 Pieces of Cannon and 11 Mortars, besides great numbers of Coehorns, Royals, &c.
About 8 this Morning the Citadel Barracks took fire by a Carcass and burnt with great violence ; all the above mentioned Batteries playing extremely smart the whole time it lasted which was till 5 OClock in the afternoon - At 10 a Signal from Sir Charles Hardy for chasing. A Battery for four 24 Pounders began about 50 Yards beyond the Parallel did not meet with the obstruction we might have expected, the Enemy only firing a Shot now and then and two 8 Inch Mortars with about 17 Coehorns and Royals being placed to play into the Covered way, prevented a fire of Musquetry.
A number of Shells thrown from the right attended with Cannonading from all the Batteries.
The Branch from the first approach carried out a great way towards the right, so as to form a second, the end of it covered by a Redan ; a line of communication to the New Battery made from it.
Lieutenant Wellington of the Royal Americans loosing his way in going his rounds was made Prisoner by the Enemy near Cape Noir.
Sunday, 23rd. Our Batteries served as usual. The Enemy's Fire much decreased, a Shot now and then from the remaining ships.
Lieutenant Campbell of the i5th Regiment mortally Wounded in the Entrenchments, of which he afterwards Died.
A Deserter acquainted us that the Enemy could not stand to their Guns, on account of our Bombs, and that we had killed a good many within these two or three days.
Another Battery for Five 24 Pounders began advanced of that for four Guns, which latter was finished this night and the Cannon drawn up. About 12 the Citadel set on Fire again by a Shell, another fired off one of their Guns, and the shot had like to have killed one of their Officers. except this, they did not fire more till about 2 o'Clock, when the fire made such a light that they saw our People at work, and began firing Grape very fast, but providentially without other execution, than Wounding a man Slightly.
Monday, 24th. The four Gun Battery opened about 2 o'Clock this afternoon a great explosion from it occasioned by some Cartridges blowing up.
Captain Brown of the 28th Regiment wounded by it. Musquetry fired from our approaches into the Covered Way and Embrasures : returned by the Enemy. The Work of the 5 Gun Battery carried on and finished, an approach made to the foot of the Glacis, Workmen discovered about 12 o'clock, and fired at very Smartly with Musquetry from the covered Way, the Work of the Battery delayed for a while. But the Coehorns added to the small arms from the Trenches obliging the French to retire into Town ; our people returned to their Work and the Battery for 5 Guns as has been observed before was finished. A man at this employ and two at the other was wounded.
Deserters acquainted us that they had not above 2000 fit for duty in the Town. - Neither the Fire of the Citadel Barracks nor the Ships was entirely out - Bombarding and Cannonading all night as well as
Tuesday 25, this day little or no return from the Ramparts, small Arms from our entrenchments attended the above. The Prudent set on Fire, and the Beinfaisant towed off to the North East Harbour by the Boats of the Fleet which carried in about 450 Seamen, Marines &c. Commanded by Captains Laforey and Balfour ; boarded the Ships without opposition from them, but from the Town, who hearing the noise fired Grape, and Musquetry, did not kill above Seven, and wounded about as many, the Prudent being on ground obliged to set Fire to her, Eleven Officers mostly Marines, and about Sailors out of the two were made Prisoners. Some on Board the Prudent could not be persuaded to come from between Decks ; and day approaching it was necessary for our People to retreat ; but we heard they got on Shore. The Beinfaisant was given to Captain Balfour, the Echo to Capt. Laforey ; Mr. Afflick and Mr. Beckerton who boarded the Beinfaisant got the Atna fireship and Hunter Sloop.
Wednesday 26th. Our Batteries by our late Successes served with more spirit than ever - That of 5 Guns opened.
About 10 o'clock a flag hoisted on the jCavalier a Chamade beat and Monsieur Lopinivux Town Major came out with Letters for the General who finding them treat of terms sent the following.
In French.
En reponse à la proposition que de Je viens de recevoir de votre Excellence, Je nai autre chose à dire sinon, que son Excellence Mons' LAdmiral Boscawen et moi decidé que nas Vaisseaux entrevoient demain dans le Port, pour faire une attayne générale Votre Excellence Scare fort bein la situation de L'Armee, et de la Flotte, ainse que cella de la ville ; mais comme Mons. L' Admiral Boscawen et moi desirou d'eviter L'effusion du sang nous donnon, a votre excellence une heure pour se determiner á faire la seule capitulation que nous voulous accepter que est de vous rendre prisoniers de Guerre, sunon votre Excellence doit se prendre sur elle toutes funeste consequence d une defence inutile.
In English.
In answer to the proposals that I received from your Excellency I have nothing more to say, but that His Excellency Admiral Boscawen and I have determined, that our ships shall enter the Harbour to-morrow, and make a General Attack.
Your Excellency knows very well the situation of the Army and Fleet as well as that of the Town ; but as Admiral Boscawen and I desire to avoid shedding of Blood, we give your Excellency an hour to determine making the only Capitulation we will accept of which is your surrendering Prisoners of War, if not your Excellency must take upon yourself the fatal consequences of an useless defence.
They exceeded the Hour about twenty minutes when they demanded half an hour, a quarter was granted by General Whitmore, who commanded the Trenches, and took upon him the granting this liberty, at the expiration of Twenty Minutes Mons LOpinneax returned accompanied by Colonel Antoine, and Several Officers of Rank who all went to General Amherst, having power to settle every point regarding the Capitulation which was as follows,
Article 1st. The Garrison of Louisbourg shall be Prisoners of War, and shall be carried to England in the Ships of His Britannic Majesty.
2nd. All the Artillery, Ammunition, provisions as well as the Arms of any kind whatsoever, which are at present in the town of Louisbourg, the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John, and their appurtenances shall be delivered without the least damage to such Commissioners as shall be appointed to receive them for the use of his Britannic Majesty.
3rd. The Governor shall give his Orders, that the Troops which are in the Island of St. John, and its appurtenances shall go on Board such Ships of War, as the Admiral shall send to receive them.
4th. The Gate called Porte Dauphine shall be given up to the Troops of His Britannic Majesty, to-morrow at 8 o'clock in the morning, and the Garrison including all those that carried Arms, drawn up at noon on the Esplanade, where they shall lay down their Arms, Colours, implements and ornaments of War, and the Garrison shall go on Board in order to be carried into England in a convenient time.
5th. The same care shall be taken of the Sick and Wounded that are in the Hospitals, as of those belonging to His Britannic Majesty.
6th. The Merchants and their Clerks, that have not carried Arms, shall be sent to France, in such manner as the Admiral shall think proper.
Louisbourg 26th July 1758
No terms were allowed to Deserters, Canadians, nor Indians.
It being late before all these things were settled on, The Troops remained in the Trenches.
More Batteries were ready to open had not the Enemy Capitulated this day.
Thursday 27th. The West Gate taken possession of by the three Grenadier Companies Commanded by Major Farquhar, General Whitmore (afterwards Governor) went at the same time in order to post the proper Guards and see the Garrison lay down their Arms, to receive which with eleven stand of Colours, Waggons were sent.
the English Troops in this Seige killed & wounded] [Garrison of Louisbourg's
State on Capitulation]
[List of the French Ships, Burnt, Sunk, taken in, and out of the Harbour of
Louisborg, by whom burnt, and taken, and those that escaped]
[An account of the Guns, Mortars, Shot & Shells found in the Town of
Louisbourg] [Return of Lead, Iron, Entrenching Tools, &c., &c.]
[Returns containing the Expension of each Article during the Seige] [
Quantity & difft. kinds of Shot expended in the Siege]
[Number of difft. Sorts of Shells and Carcasses] [Flannel and Paper
Cartidges for Cannon and Howitzers] [Intrenching Tools]
28th July. Affairs settling in Town The 58 and 3rd
Battalion of the 6oth marched from the Line and encamped on the
Saturday 29h. The 4 Grenadier Companies under General Wolfe's Command marched and joined their respective Corps.
Sir Charles Hardy with three or four Ships of War went into the Harbour.
An order given forbidden any of His Brittanic Majesty's subjects buying things of those of the French Kings upon Pain of being deemed Plunderers.
Sunday 30th. More ships went into the Harbour.
Captain William Amherst, the Generals Aid-de-Camp went home express on Board the Shannon, Captain Edgecumbe.
Strong Parties at Work in Town and levelling our Batteries and other works raised in the Course of the Seige.
Monday, 31st. News from Halifax of General Ambercrombie's being repulsed with great loss from the Lines at Ticonderoga, Lord Howe and Colonel Beaver killed.
Saturday, 5th. Augt. A Party consisting of 1 Field Officer, 3 Captains 6 Subalterns 8 Serjeants, 8 Corporals and 200 Private Men marched to the Colliery.
A number of Transports entered the Harbour within these past few days.
Tuesday, 8th. A Party of 4 Captains 8 Subs. 12 Serjeants and 305 Rank and File with the Light Infantry of the 22nd 40th and 45th Regiments and 143 Rangers, an Engineer, Overseer & 10 Carpenters, the whole commanded by Lord Rollo of the 22nd Regiment went to the Island of St. Johns,
Wednesday, 9th. The Grenadier Companies of the 40th 47th 48th and 63rd Regiments attended the Embarkation of the French Garrison.
47th or
Artillery. Was raised in 1670 under the name of Fusileers
to Guard the Cannon, Louis the 14th gave them the name of Royal
Artillery in 1673. This Regiment has hitherto consisted of 5
Battalions, but by an Ordnance of the 8th December 1755, the
Corps of Artillery, and that of Engineers, were joined and called
the Corps of Royal Artillery and Engineers of France, and by
another Ordnance of the 1st December, 1756, His Majesty thought
proper to augment the said Royal Corps, one Battalion, a Company
of Miners and one of Artificers, which made Six Battalions, Six
Companies of Miners and the like number of Artificers, each
Battalion consists of Eight hundred men of 16 Companies, 50 men
each of which two are Sappers 9 Gunners and Five Bombadiers,
making in all 4800 Artillerymen. Each of these Battalions had as
their head a Colonel Commandt., a Lieut. Colonel, who has no
Company, and qui joinssent chaum dans leur grades les mimes
prerogatives des Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels enpied d'infantine
en suivant le rang du Corps. The Companies of Miners and
Artificers were separately or with the Battalions, those of the Miners
are each Sixty men, and those of the Artificers are forty, that makes
in all 360 miners, and 240 artificers, the Six Eldest Captains of the
Battalions, and the eldest Captain of Miners and Artificers rank as
Lieutenant Colonels.
Uniform - Blue Coat, lining, Cuffs, Waistcoat, Breeches and Stockings red ; Boot Sleeve, Cross Pockets, Brass Button Gilded. Gold laced Hat, and black Cockade.
31st or Artois. Was raised in 1610 under Henry the 4th it changed rank in 1670, with the Royal raised 1615, which became the 2nd Battn. of Orleans, so called from the Duke of that Brother to Louis i3th being their Colonel Uniform Greyish White Coat Red Waistcoat, Pockets, great escutchion fashion, nine Buttons on them, Brass, Colonel M. Le Chevalier de Brienne.
42nd or Bourgoyne - Has two Battallions, raised by Louis i4th in 1668 called after the Province of Bourgoyne.
Uniform - Greyish White Coat, Brass Buttons worked on Wood, Cross Pockets and Gold laced Hatt, Colonel M. L'Chevalier de Heronville.
62nd or Cambise Was raised by Marshall de Vivonne in 1676 in Sicily he was its first Colonel, Thyanges in 1688 Mortemart 1702, Laval 1712 Tonnay Charante in 1729, Mortemart in 1731 and afterwards Laval, it has 2 Battalions. Their having Party Colored lace and Buttons is said to be a mark of 'distinction for good behaviour, whereas it was put on at first for the Contrary.
Uniform Greyish White Coat, Red Cuffs and Waistcoat, Lace White and Yellow, Buttons Brass and Pewter to answer the Lace, a yellow thread and White thro' the whole Hat, Gold and Silver lace - Colonel M. de Cambis.
Voluntaire Stranger. - White Coat, Green Cuffs, White Buttons.
43rd Royal Marine - Raised in 1669 of Companies franches of Marines intended for the Sea Service in consequence of which, the Captains quitted their Companies to serve in quality of Lieutenants of Men of War, which many did, so this Regiment was put on Board the Navy and since that has been employed in the land service, it has two Battalions.
Uniform - Greyish White Coat, Cuffs, Collar, & Waistcoat blue, wrought pewter Buttons Silver laced Hat. Officers Silver Buttons on the Sleeves Collar and Waistcoat Colonel Monsr. De Levi Liran.
Thursday, 10th. The French Sailors Embarked.
Monday, 14th. The following Men of War with Six Transports went for England with the above mentioned Soldiers and Sailors viz. Doublin, Devonshire, Terrible, Northumberland and Kingston.
The same day the Army encamped near the Barrasoy.
Sunday, 20th. The Party from the Collery returned.
Monday, 21st. Amhersts, Braggs and Anstruthers, embarked with some of the Light Infantry under the Command of Brigadier General Wolfe destined for the River Gaspie.
Thursday, 24th. Otways & Lawrences Regiments Embarked for Halifax.
Monday, 28th. Brigadier General Wolfe with his Command Sailed.
Tuesday, 29th. The Regiments intended to compose the Garrison of Louisbourg encamped on the Glacis, Braggs excepted, Those destined for the Continent and Halifax Sailed.
Wednesday, 30th. General Wolfe sailed for Boston.
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[The Winter Quarters of
these Regiments that were at the Reduction of Louisbourg]
[Return of the number of Guns on the Walls of Louisbourg with their
different Calibres and the names of the Batteries they are on]
[Guns mounted on the Island Battery] [Detail of the Guards of Louisbourg
10th June 1760]
[Return of the Men who went as Volunteers to erect the two last
Batteries against Louisbourg with me]
[Source: Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society for the Year 1886-1887, Volume 5, Halifax: Wm. MacNab, 1887, pp.97-153 and ]