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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada


Report 98-14





FEBRUARY 28, 1998




YEAR: 1752

MAP 1752 - 03


TITLE (A) ISLE ROYALLE 1752 (B) PROFILE d'une Redoute a Construire avec fossé Sur un Plateau de terres Ordinaires (C) PROFILE coupé Sur la ligne ,AB, d'une Redoute a Construire Sans fossé Sur un plateau de Roc (D) PLAN d'une des Redoutes projettées le long des Côtes de l'jsle Royalle

DATE 1752

AUTHOR Anonymous

DETAILS Archives Nationales, Colonies Stamp; Legend; 2 Profils; Scale: X (toise);

DESCRIPTION: Chambre de de l'Officier; Cuisine, et logement de Son Valet; Magazin a poudre et aux munitions de guerre; Magazin des Vivres; Logement des Soldats; Corps de Garde; Chambre du Sergent qui sera chargés des Magazins

ANALYSIS: For Additional Map Details, See Fortress of Louisbourg Architectural Report: Preliminary Architectural Studies (1971-1972): Architectural Features 1 - "Windows - A Preliminary Study" by Linda Hoad(988)

MAP 1752 - 07



DATE: 1752

AUTHOR: Anonymous

DETAILS: Service Hydrographique de la Marine Stamp; Legend; Scale: X (lieue)

DESCRIPTION: Port Toulouse; Chemin du portage de St. Pierre a la Brador

ANALYSIS: (A) General Details (B) Pointe a Coste; Roadway from harbour to the Bras d'Or Lakes.(989)

1752 - JANUARY 04

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... Autres Depense

[January 04, 1752] ... Marché Certifft ordce et quittce au Nommé Bressel pour Lentretian des draps paillasses matelats & Couvertes de vingt Cinq Lits Etablis au port Toulouze pour Coucher Les Soldats de la Garnison aud. Lieu Ladt année ..375 .... (990)

1752 - JANUARY 12

Raymond would forward a proposal affecting Port Toulouse, among other places, but from which nothing would ultimately develop:

Etat Estimatif des Ouvrages proposé a la Construction d'une des Redouttes projettées le long des Côtes de Lisle Royalle.

Na. que les Redoutes Sont proposées quarreés Sur 18 Toises de Longueur au parapet interieur, qu'elles Seront Etablies Les unes Sur des terres Ordinaires, et les autres Sur des plateaux de Roc

Que Celles a Construire en terres Ordinaires Seront Eleveés de 7 pieds d'hauteur Exterieurement avec fossé de 6 pi de profondeur Sur 18 de Largeur au Sommit, et 9 dans le fond, et quil y aura une palissade quelineé planteé Sur la beriue Conformement au premier profil rapporté en teste de la feuille du plan; que les autres a Etablir sur le Roc, n'auront point de fossé par la difficulté d'en Ouvrir; que le Revetement de 10 pi: Exterieurement Sera traversé a 7 d'hauteur par une palissade en fraize Conformement au Second profil.

Et que les bâtiments, et autres Ouvrages Seront Execictés comme le plan les revresente sur les Sujetions d'un dévis, et aux prix qui Seroit Acordes pour Chaque nature d'Ouvrages

Detail des Ouvrages

393to cubes de terre a 6# ... 2358#: .. 0s: ..0d"

205to: quarreés de Gazons a 5# ... 1025: .. 0: .. 0:

6to: 3 pi: cubes de maconnerie en pierres a 108# ... 702: .. 0: 0:

3to: 4 pi: 6po: cubes de maconnerie en briques a 190# ... 712: .. 10: .. 0:

76# courantes de plantage de palissades en
fraize, fourniture de palissades, deux cours de
litteaux et Chevilles Compris a 14# ... 1064: .. 0: .. 0:

760 Solives de bois de pin a 3# ... 2280: 0: .. 0:

87to: quarrés de couverture de bardeaux a 14# ... 1218: .. 0: .. 0:

37to quarreés de planchers de 2 pouces a 5# ... 555: .. 0: ..0:

37to quarrées de planchers d'un po: dEpaiss a 10# ... 370: .. 0: ..0:

6 Cabannes doubles a 10# ... 60#: ..0: ..0:

1: Cabane Simple ... 5: .. 0: .. 0:

7 portes de madriers de deux pouces, ferrures
Comprises a 24#... 168: ..0: ..0:

12 Chassis avec Contrevent a 30# ... 360: ..0: ..0:

2 autres portes de 4 pouces dEpaisseur a 30# 60: ..0: ..0:


                               Total des dits Ouvrages ... 10517#: 10s : 0d:

Na que depuis Larreté des dits Ouvrages, Mr . le Cte
de Raymond a Ordonné une Chapelle, un Endroit 
pour L'Aumonier, un four, une Chambre pour la 
manutation du pain, et des Latrines, qu'on a estimé

a ...                                                                        1482#: .. 10s .. 0:


Total General des dits Ouvrages pour une 
Redoute ...                                                         12000#: ...0s: ...0d

fait a Louisbourg le 12 janvier 1752 ...(991)

1752 - JANUARY 14

According to Franquet:

Monsieur le Comte de raymond, étant dans le deissein de faire Construire Sur les Côtes de cette isle, 10 a 11 Redoutes, m'a demandé un Plan et une Estimation de chacun, je les luy ay donné Conformer aux pieces cy jointes [Louisbourg Map Number 1752-3] Il a eté Visiter L'Emplacement des Cinq les plus a la porte de la place ...

Jobserve que quoique j'eusse avancé par ma dernier du 14 decembre de reduire ces redoutes a la dépense de 8000#: Que leurs Ouvrages Sont trop Etendue a pour pouvoir les y Soumetttre; Que leur Construction ne Sera pointe uniforme; Que Celles a Etablir en terre Ordonaires Seront Envelopeés, d'un fossé, avec palissades inclinées Sur Berme; et que les Autres a Elever Sur des platteaux de Roc, auront un Revetement de 10 pieds d'hauteur, traversé par une palissade en fraize, que les bâtimens a toutes, Seront Semblables, et que leur depense Sera la même a peu de chose prés

En Consequence de Ses Ordres, il y a un attalier actuelement dans le bois, Composé de 7 a 8: hommes qui travaillent a faire les palissades necessaires a la Construction de ces Redoutes et un Charpentier partira demain avec 28 hommes pour aller coupes tous les bois qui entreront dans la Construction des bâtimens qu'elles renferment; Ce dernier les fournira tous travaillés et montés dans Chaque Endroit Suivant le prix du marché passé pour les Ouvrages des fortifications pendant les années 1750 et 1751; Cette Convention Signeé de moy, au bas du Devis des bois, a eté ordonné, et approuveépar monsieur le Comte, il y a bien desraisons qui Concourent a L'Etablissement des redoutes, independament de celles de la Sureté des habitations, Contre les Corsaires, de la police a y faire observer, et de l'interest des Commerce dont je suis convent avec lui; Et en est beaucoup d'autres Monseigneur qu'il doit vous produire tendantes a la Deffense de L'isle ...(992)

1752 - JANUARY 18

According to a Raymond proposal affecting Port Toulouse, among other places, but from which nothing developed:

Memoire concernant quelques Redoutes qu'on avoit projetté d'etablir le long des côtes de l'isle Royale et dont on proposé d'un reduire plusieurs en maisons retranchées de palissades

La partie du Nord de Cette Isle qui est au de là de La brador est inhabitée et inaccessible. Elle est coupée d'ailleurs par le Lac de La brador qui va du Port Toulouse au Port D'Auphin ainsy il n'y a absolument rien à craindre de le côté la de la part de l'Ennemy. C'est un fait certain

Les Ports et havres qu'il Seroit essentiet d'occuper par des Redoutes ou Maisons palissadées ... Ceux de la partie de l'Ouest sont ... [among other places] Le Port Toulouse .. .


Le Port Toulouse. Tout ce qui vient d'être dit pour le Port Dauphin convient à ce Poste ...

Pour éviter la depense que ces Redoutes occasionneroient, on propose de faire dans les lieux designés des maisons retranchées Simplement de palissades qui puisse contenir environ une vingtaine dhommes

Il est à observer qu'on excepte de cette proposition Les Ports D'auphin et Toulouze et la baye de gabarus où l'on ne peut Se dispenser, ainsy qu'il à être dit, de faire construire des redoutes

Ls depense pour la construction des d. maisons retranchés ne sera certainement pas bien considerables, et il y a deja une partie des bois de Charpente et des palissades qui sont faites ... (993)

1752 - JANUARY 18

According to a Raymond proposal affecting Port Toulouse, among other places, but from which nothing developed:

Estimation d'un Bâtiment avec enceinte de palissades proposé en charpente pour loger un officier, huit hommes et un Sergent dans les havres, Bayes et Portes habités de cette Isle ou M. Le Comte de Raymond jugera a propos de les detacher.

1 to. 5. p. 6. pouces cubes de maçonnerie

en briques a 190# ...                                         364#... 3s ...4 d

380. Solives de bois de pain

a 3# ...                                                           1140 .. //~ ~.//~

44. Toises quarrées de couvertures

en bardeaux a 14# ..                                     616 ..// ~ ~//~

18. Toises quarrées de planches

de 2. pouces d'Epesseur a 15# ...                279: // ~ ~//~

18. Toises quarrées de planches

d'un. pouces d'Epes a 10# ...                     180: // ~ ~//~

3. Cabannes a 10# ...                                   30 ..//~ ~//~

4. portes de Madriers de 2. pouces

d'Epaisseur ferrures comprises

a 30# ..                                                         120.. //~ ~//~

32. Toises courantes de plantage de

palissades a 14# ..                                       448# ... //~ ~//~


                         Total ... .                           3168 ..3 .. 4 ..(994)


According to the LaRoque 1752 census [English Translation] of Port Toulouse:


Tour of inspection undertaken by le Sieur de la Roque, King's Surveyor, by order of M. le Comte de Raymond ... This tour through all the ports, harbours, creeks, rivers and to all places in Isle Royale, generally, where there are settlers, was commenced on the fifth of February, 1752.

This said 5th day of February, 1752, we, Joseph de la Roque ... left the town of Louisbourg ...


... Georges Barbudeau, master-surgeon of St. Esprit, native of the island of Oléron, diocese of Saintes. He has been 36 years in the colony; married to Françoise Vrigneau, aged 52 native of Plaisance. They with them their nephew Simon Halbert, native of the island of Oléron, aged 16 years. He is to remain in the country in the capacity of a surgeon.

They have no grant of the land they occupy. They have a garden but no live stock or poultry ...

... Jacques Lirard, fisherman, native of the parish of Plerin, diocese of St. Brieux, aged 40 years of which he has passed 26 in the colony. Married to Catherine Clément, aged 22 years, native of Port Toulouse.

They have one daughter Marie, aged 14 months.

Two hired fishermen.

Nicolas Joasse, aged 18 years, native of Quarolle, diocese of Avranche.

Joannes Dharouenaut, aged 24 years, native of Charau, diocese of Bayonne.

Five fowls. They have no dwelling place ...


... François Bonnieu, fisherman, native of the place, aged 24 years. Married to Marguerite Lavaudiere native of Port Toulouse.

They have one son and one daughter.

Jean aged 5 months.

Barbe, aged 3 years.

And one mare for the whole of their live stock ...

... Left St. Esprit on the 11th of February and arrived at L'Ardoise ...

The bay de l'Ardoise is adapted to the cod-fishery. The family of the Sieur Coste, who took refuge here at the time of the last war with the English, makes good catches of codfish of a very merchantable quality ....


François Coste, native of the parish of Marteque, diocese of Marseille, aged 90 years; has been in the colony 30 years. Married to madeleine Martin, native of Port Royal, aged 89 years.

They have with them:

Joseph Dugas, aged 21 years;

Madeleine Dugas, aged 12 years; their son;

Louis Mercier, aged 17 years, native of Canada, engaged for one year in the capacity of servant.

Five cows, two mares, one sow, six fowls, and a garden.

Pierre Boy, fisherman, native of St. Jean des Camps, diocese of Coutances, aged 70 years of which he has spent 40 in the colony. Married to Marie Coste, aged 56 years, native of Port Royal.

They have two sons, and five daughters.

Joseph, aged 19 years;

François, aged 17 years;

Judith, aged 27 years;

Cecile, aged 21 years;

Madeleine, aged 17 years;

Charlotte, aged 14 years;

Geneviève, aged 11 years.

One ox, two cows, three calves, one bull, two pigs, seven fowls, one boat and a large garden.


Madeleine Coste, widow of the late Barthelemy Petitpas, native of Port Royal, aged 54 years.

She has five sons and one daughter:

Jean Petitpas, aged 24 years;

Pierre Petitpas, aged 21 years;

Claude Petitpas, aged 18 years;

Guillaume Petitpas, aged 17 years;

Paul Petitpas, aged 12 years;

Pelajie Petitpas, aged 14 years. All natives of Port Toulouse.

One ox, four cows, one calf, two pigs, five fowls, one boat, and a large garden.

Gervais Brisset, fisherman, native of Condé, diocese of Bayou, aged 50 years, of which he has passed 30 in this colony. Married to marie Joseph Le Roy, native of Port Toulouse, aged 36 years.

They have five daughters;

Marie Joseph, aged 16 years;

Catherine, aged 12 years;

Brigide, aged 8 years;

Suzanne, aged 6 years;

Gervaise, aged 3 years.

One ox; one cow, two pigs, six fowls, one schooner of the capacity of 15 cords of wood, and a garden like the others.

Charles Lavigne, coaster, native of Port Royal, aged 34 years. Married to Madeleine Petitpas, aged 34 years, native of Port Toulouse.

They have two sons and three daughters:

Benoist, aged 3 years;

Joseph, aged 5 months;

Anne, aged 6 years;

Charles, aged 6 years;

Cecile, aged 5 years.

Gilles Poirier, aged 13 years, native of St. Esprit, in the capacity of a domestic.

One ox, four cows, one calf, two pigs, seven fowls, one boat of the capacity of ten cords of wood and a garden.

Joseph Petitpas, fisherman, native of the Port Toulouse, aged 29 years. Married to Anne Lafargue, aged 25 years, native of Petit Degras.

They have one son aged 15 months.

One cow, five fowls and a garden.

Jean Coste, coaster, native of Port Royal, aged 38 years . Married to Madeleine Lafargue, native of Petit Degra, aged 29 years ... Ambroise Lebandon, aged 24 years, native of Port Toulouse, in the capacity of domestic ...

Pierre Brisson, fisherman, native of Nantes, aged 52. Married to Anne Boy, native of Port Toulouse, aged 33 years.

They have two sons and one daughter:

Jean, aged 5 years;

Pierre, aged 18 months;

Marie, aged 11 years.

Louis Minereau, native of Rochfort, aged 20 years, as a domestic.

Five head of cattle, one mare, two pigs, five fowls, one boat and a garden

Noel Amiot, fisherman, native of Quiberon, diocese of St. Malo, aged 40 years, and in the colony since 1728. Married to marguerite Boy, native of Port Toulouse, aged 30 years.

They have two sons and two daughters.

Jean, aged 4 years, and the other is not yet named;

Margueritte, aged 8 years;

Madeleine, aged 2 years;

Seven head of cattle, one pig, five fowls, one boat, and a garden.

The land on which the family of François Coste is settled was granted to Sieur Coste by Messrs. de Saint Ovide and de Soubreas ...


... Left l'Ardoise on the 13th and arrived at Port Toulouse on the same day, the distance between the two points being estimated at two leagues ... Finally a blazed road is taken which leads to the further end of the barachois to the east of Port Toulouse. All this part of the country is covered with mixed timber, but fir is the predominant wood.


Port Toulouse is situated to the right as you enter the little channel. The mouth is formed by the Pointe à Coste, on the lands of Isle Royale, and the Cap de la Ronde, on the isles Madame. The port extends three leagues running east and west. The breadth varies at divers points but is estimated to average from 150 to 200 toises. Vessels of 150 tons could not pass on account of two shoals that are in the centre of the said channel and it would take good seamanship to work small vessels through.

Port Toulouse is formed by the Pointe à Coste and the Pointe de la Briquerie, which are reckoned to lie north-west and south-east, and to be three quarters of a league apart. There is one channel which the king's vessels of 30 to 36 pieces of cannon could enter, but it is winding, and it is necessary to buoy the course on port and starboard in order that vessels may pass up the middle of the channel without fear of coming to grief. It is pity that this port is not practicable to vessels of all kinds; it presents a charming perspective and could be easily fortified, but it would be impossible to prevent an enemy effecting the landing of troops without the construction of several forts at the various points suitable for that purpose, between the Pointe de l'ancienne Intendance and the rivière à Tillard. On this rivière, in the creek de la Briquerie defence is everywhere quite easy, and without being visible from the present settlement.When near the land one estimates that la Briquerie is a good league from the settlement, and the rivière à Tillard three-quarters of a league. Vessels of 100 tons can enter and find shelter in this river. secure from winds from all points generally. The basin is not very large but is well adapted for sheltering ships. The settlers of Port Toulouse beach their boats and schooners here for the winter. It is the only spot that is concealed from observation from the King's Post. From Pointe à Coste to the King's Post there lies a sand bank which leaves a small space between it and the land on the north side where the Post stands and between this sandbank and the land on the north sidethere is an arm running inland to the east for about a good half league. It is just as easy to effect a landing in this spot as in the preceeding. The land of l'ancienne Briquerie is found to be stony and not capable of producing marketable stuff. Half a league east-south-east from Port Toulouse lies the Grande Grave. It is borderd by Pointe Pinet on the east and by Pointe à Coste on the west. The entrance lies north-east by south-west. Vessels can find anchorage here and shelter from the winds from almost every point, only those blowing off shore dangerous. The anchor in five to six fathoms of water. Two reefs lie opposite to pointe à Coste. They are visible at low water and left on the starboard beam as one enters. At the far end of the creek there is a barachois running a good quarter of a league inland in a north-westerly direction. All this section is covered, with a mixed timber.


Jean Baptiste Martel, coaster, native of Quebec, aged 42 years. Married to Marie Poujet, native of Port Royal, aged 48 years.

They have three sons and two daughters:

Charles, 18 years;

Joseph, 16 years;

Baptiste, aged 13 years;

Madeleine, aged 11 years;

Epotille, aged 8 years;

Four oxen, eight cows, one horse, eleven fowls, three ducks, six gueese, and a gander.

The land for his dwelling place was sold to him by Jean Clement. He did not know the extent, nor that of a meadow from which he carries hay for wintering his live stock.

Jean Boy, coaster of the neighbourhood, aged 22 years. Married to Judict Coujet, native of Port Toulouse, aged 23 years.

They have one cow with a calf, four turkey hens, five gueese, three fowls, and one schooner.

The land they occupy was sold to them by Sieur Boudrot. They have partly cleared a piece of ground for a garden. They, as well as the preceeding family, have been granted rations for two years.

Nicolas Beriot, coaster, native of la Cadie, aged 49 years. Married to Ursul le Gotre, native of des Mines, diocese of Quebec, aged 34 years. They have taken refuge in the island for two years.

They have three sons and three daughters:

Olive, aged 12 years;

Pierre, aged 10 years;

Joseph, aged 7 years;

Marie, aged 16 years;

Joseph, aged 14 years;

Madeleine, aged 4 years;

One cow, three gueese, and five fowls;

The land they occupy was granted to them in 1749 by M. Duhaget, then Commandantat Port Toulouse. They have made a small clearing for a garden, and uncultivated land for a meadow. They have been granted rations for two years.

Pierre Degré, carpenter, native of la Cadie, aged 56 years. Married to Marie Testard, widow of the late Charles Pinet Jr., native of Port Royal, aged 41 years.

She has five children by her first marriage, three sons, and two daughters:

Joseph Pinet, aged 24 years;

Pierre Pinet, aged 22 years;

Pierre Pinet, aged 12 years;

Marie Joseph, aged 23 years;

Madeleine Pinet, aged 15 years;

All natives of Port Toulouse.

The land they occupy was given to them by M. de Rouville, then Commandant at Port Toulouse.

The only clearings they have made are one for a garden, and one for pasturage, where they cut about thirty quintals of hay. The receive rations according to the King's regulations.

Three cows and nine fowls.

Michel Samson, coaster, native of la Cadie, aged 40 years, of which he has spent 25 years in the colony. Married to Jeanne Testard, native of Port Royal, aged 35 years. They have been granted two years.

They have four sons and four daughters:

Jean, aged 17 years;

Michel, aged 13 years;

Sebastien, aged 11 years;

Fabien, aged 11 years;

Jeanne, aged 22 years;

Jeanette, aged 15 years;

Judic, aged 8 years;

Joseph, aged 3 years;

The land they occupy was granted verbally by Messieurs de Saint Ovide and le Normand. They have two oxen, eight cows and six fowls.

They have cleared two or three arpents of land, which they have turned into meadows, where hay comes up best, and a garden where vegetables thrive best.

Charles Pinet, coaster, of Port Toulouse, native of that place, aged 27 years; married to Jeanne Samson, native of Port Royal, aged 32 years.

They have one son who is not named.

The land on which they dwell belongs to Sr. Samson, their father-in-law, and he has given them land for building and to make a small garden where garden products do best. They have two cows and six fowls. They have been granted two years rations.

Mathieu Samson, coaster, native of Port Royal, aged 42. Married to Marguerite Lapierre, native of la cadie, aged 42 years.

They have four sons and three daughters:

Pierre Samson, aged 17 years;

Jean Samson, aged 16 years;

François Samson, aged 14 years;

Bruneau Samson, aged 7 years;

Isabelle Samson, aged 13 years;

Charlotte Samson, aged 8 years;

Jeanne Samson, aged 3 years;

They have been granted two years rations, and have been in the colony since 1730.

They have three oxen, two cows, and seven fowls.

The land they occupy was granted to them verbally by Messieurs de St. Ovide and Le Normand. They have made a clearing for a garden and a piece of ground four arpents in extent for a meadow.

Habraham Du Gas, coaster, native of Mount Royal, aged 36 years; married to Marguerite Fougère, native of La Cadie, aged 28 years.

They have five children:

Jean Dugas, aged 13 years;

Marguerite, aged 16 years;

Marie Dugas, aged 11 years;

Geneviève, aged 9 years;

Joseph, aged 18 months.

They have been in the colony since 1719, they have been granted rations conformably to the King's ordinance.

The land on which he is settled was granted to him, verbally, by Messieurs de St. Ovide, and Le Normand. They have made a clearing for a garden, and the rest is in pasture, with a second meadow above the dike of the Isles Madame.

Their live stock consists of two oxen; three cows; one sow; seven fowls; and one batteau.

Marie Marchand, widow of the late Charles Pinet, native of la Cadie; aged 43 years.

She has three sons [Sic:As in the original French version, only two sons are identified below] and two daughters:

Jean Pinet, aged 21 years;

Jean Baptiste, aged 13 years;

Jeanne Pinet, aged 18 years;

Angelique, aged 12 years;

The land she occupies was granted in form to Sr Louis Marchand by Messieurs de St. Ovide, and le Normand, but they lost their title deed during the late war. She has no clearing except for a small garden.

Charles Pinet, Jr., coaster, native of the place, aged 25 years. Married to Helène Guedry, native of la Cadie, aged 22 years.

They have neither live stock nor dwelling place.

Pierre Sauvage, coaster, native of la Cadie, aged 27 years. Married to Jeanne Pinet, native of Port Toulouse, aged 22 years.

They have Josette Sauvage, their daughter, aged 17 months.

They have neither live stock nor dwelling place.

Louis Dantin, native of Paris, aged 50 years. Married to Marguerite La Soude, native of Saint Pierre, aged 36 years.

They have four sons and one daughter;

Gabriel Dantin, aged 10 years;

Louis Dantin, aged 7 years;

Barthélémy, aged 4 years;

Joseph Dantin, aged 2 years;

Jeanne Dantin, aged 9 years;

One ox, one cow and one hen.

Their house is situated on the land of marc la Soude, their father.

Judicth Petitpas, aged 60 years, native of Port Royal, widow of the late Marc la Soude.

She has two sons:

Jean Baptiste La Soude, aged 24 years;

Joseph La Soude, aged 21 years.

They had a grant in form of the land they occupied from Messieurs de saint-Ovide and Le Normand, but they lost the deed in the late war.

One ox, three cows, two calves and four fowls.

They make their hay on the banks of the rivière à Tillard, where their meadows lie. They were granted to them in the same deed as their homesteads.

Honoré Boucher, native of la Cadie, aged 36 years, of which he has passed 30 in the colony. Married to Marie Anne La Soude, native of Port Toulouse, aged 24 years.

They have two sons and one daughter:

Bellony Boucher, aged 8 years.

Jean Boucher, aged 2 years;

Marie Joseph, aged 4 years;

They have two oxen, two cows, and four fowls. Their house is on their mother's homestead.

Michel Boudreau, coaster, native of la Cadie, aged 35 years. Married to jeanne Fougère, native of Port Toulouse, age 27 years.

They have one son and one daughter:

Joseph Boudrot, aged 2 months;

Jeanne Boudrot, aged 2 years;

One ox, one sow; six fowls and one schooner.

The land they occupy was granted to them by Messieurs Saint Ovide and le Normand. They have made a small clearing for a garden.

Jacques Coste, builder, native of Port Royal, aged 47 years. Married to Françoise Petitpas, native of la Cadie, aged 45 years.

They have Claude Coste, their son aged 22 years.

They hold in live stock, two oxen, three cows; two pigs, one horse, tem fowls; one bateau and a skiff.

The land on which they are settled was given them verbally by Messieurs de Saint Ovide, and le Normand. They know nothing as to its extant, and have cleared ground for a garden only.

Joseph Dugas, coaster, native of la Cadie, aged 38 years, widower of the late Margueritte Le Blanc.

He has one son and four daughters:

Joseph, aged 5 years;

Margueritte, aged 10 years;

Anne, aged 8 years;

Françoise, aged 3 years;

Marie, aged 5 years,

Marie Braud, his niece, native of la Cadie, aged 22 years.

One ox, two cows, two pigs, and 12 fowls.

The land on which he is settled was granted to his late father, by Messieurs de Sainte-Ovide and le Normand, but they lost the deed in the last war. They have cleared about two arpents of land where they have several times sown turnips, but they have never come up well.

Pierre Boy, coaster, native of the place, aged 19 years. Married to Jeanne Dugas, native of Louisbourg, aged 22 years. They are on the land of Joseph Dugas, their father. They have two cows and one hen.

Claude Clerget, coaster, native of the parish of Acre, diocese of Langres, aged 60 years, of which he has passed 25 in the country. Married to Françoise Lavergne, native of Port Royal, aged 50 years.

They have three sons and three daughters:

Joseph Petitpas, aged 21 years;

Abraham La Vaudière, aged 17 years;

Gabriel Clerget, aged 14 years, natives of the place;

Felicité Clerget, aged 12 years;

Françoise Clerget, aged 11 years;

Anne Clerget, aged 10 years.

They have live stock consisting of two oxen, two cows, two heifers and three fowls.

The land they occupy is situated at the further end of Bras d'Or. It was granted to them by Messieurs de St. Ovide and le Normand. They have cleared about two arpents of ground, where they raise all sorts of garden stuff.

Jacques Petitpas, of Port Toulouse, is a coaster, and native of Canceau, aged 28 years. Married to Françoise Breaud, native of la Cadie, aged 28 years.

They have Marie Petitpas, their daughter, nine days old.

One ox, one sow, four fowls and a bateau. The land they occupy was given them by their mother, out of her homstead.

Anne Baudreau, widow of Jean Braud, native of la Cadie, aged 54 years.

She has two sons and four daughters:

Joseph, aged 26 years;

Ermant, aged 20 years;

Marie, aged 22 years;

Anne, aged 18 years;

Margueritte, aged 15 years;

Magdeleine, aged 14 years.

She has no dwelling place, and has been granted a year's rations. Her children follow the coastal trade.

Jean Petitpas, coaster native of la Cadie, aged 30 years; married to Françoise Monthoty, native of la Cadie, aged 27 years. They have been settled in the Colony ten years.

They have Jean, their son, 5 months old and are settled in the dwelling place of her mother.


The character of the land in the further end of Bras d'Or is very well suited to the cultivation of much garden stuff, such as peas and other vegetables. Notwithstanding that the fogs are as prevalent as at Louisbourg in the spring, the Sr. Petitpas told me that one year his father sowed wheat and that it came up in fine condition and well nourished.

Joseph Vigneau, coaster, native of la Cadic, aged 37 years; married to Catherine Arceneau, native of Port Royal aged 33 years. They have been settled in the Colony 14 years.

They have five sons and two daughters:

Joseph, aged 13 years;

Nicolas, aged 11 years;

Jean, aged 10 years;

Pierre, aged 6 years;

Hippolite, aged 3 years;

Rose, aged 15 years;

Margguerite, aged 7 years.

And in live stock, two oxen, two cows, four pigs, ten fowls, and one bateau. They have Baptiste Bareu in the capacity of a domestic. He is to settle in the colony.

They have verbal permission from Messrs. Desherbiers and Prévost to settle on the land they occupy, and they have turned the whole into pasture.

Madeleine Soret, widow of the late Pierre du Mas, native of Quebec, aged 46 years.

She has two sons and one daughter:

Dominique Coulon, aged 20 years, by her first marriage.

Pierre Dumas, aged 12 by her second marriage.

Margaret Coulon, aged 18 years.

She has been in the colony 29 years.

Her land was granted to her by Messieurs de St. Ovide and Le Normand, but she lost the deed in the war. She has turned all the forepart of her homestead into meadow land from which she saves from 130 to 140 quintals of hay. She has no live stock.

Joseph Fougère, coaster, native of Port Royal, aged 36 years; married to Marguerite Coste, native of Port Toulouse, aged 32 years. They are in the colony 28 years.

They have Modeste Fougère, aged 4 years.

Marie Madeleine, aged 12 years, native of la Cadie, as a domestic.

In live stock, they have one ox, one cow, one heifer, two geese, four fowls, and a share in a vessel.

The dwelling in which he is settled, was sold to him by Claude Dugas.

Claude Dugas, coaster, native of this place, aged 26 years, married to Madeleine Béliveau, native of Port Royal, aged 34 years, widow of the late Jean Fougère.

They have four sons and two daughters:

Louison Fougère, aged 18 years;

Jean Fougère, aged 10 years;

Michel Fougère, aged 9 years;

Joseph Dugas, aged

Isabeau Fougère, aged 17 years;

Barb Fougère, aged 16 years.

In live stock they have two oxen, two cows; one mare; one goose, one pig, and five fowls. They have cleared a garden, and the remainder of the homestead is in meadow land from which they draw 20 to 30 quintals of hay.

The land they occupy was sold to them by the late Jean Robert Henry. The extent of the said land was not specified in the deed of sale.

Nicolas Préjean, coaster of Port Toulouse, native of Port Royal, aged 42 years.

He has two sons and four daughters:

Louison, aged 18 years;

Gabriel, aged 1 year;

Marie, aged 16 years;

Jeanne, aged 9 years;

Rose, aged 8 years;

Cecille, aged 4 years;

Two cows, two fowls, and a bateau.

The dwelling he occupies was sold to him, by the late Jean Robert Henry. There is a garden and the rest of the land is pasture.

Nicolas Lavigne, coaster, native of St. Denis, aged 68 years, of which he has spent 25 in the colony, married to marie Anne Demanceau, aged 43 years.

They have one son and five daughters:

Nicolas, aged 14 years;

Anne, aged 19 years;

Marguerite, aged 15 years;

Madeleine, aged 11 years;

Barbe, aged 7 years;

Geneviève, aged 2 years;

Of live stock they have two oxen, two cows, two bulls, four geese, and seven fowls.

The homestead on which they are was merely granted to them verbally by Messieurs de Saint-Ovide, and Le Normand. They have made a clearing for a garden and the rest of the land is in pasture.

Orré Marchand, widow of the late Breau, native of the said place, aged 36 years.

She has five sons and two daughters:

Joseph, aged 15 years;

Pierre, aged 14 years;

François, aged 11 years;

Jean, aged 7 years;

Georges, aged 4 years;

Jeanne, aged 20 years;

Célestine, aged 9 years;

In live stock she has two cows, and one sow.

The land she occupies was granted to her by Messieurs de Saint Ovide, and Le Normand. In the grant the extent of frontage of the said land is not stated, but it is clearly specified that its depth extends from the settlement to the further end of Bras d'Or.

Jean Marchand, coaster, native of Port Royal, aged 40 years; married to Geneviève Pouget, aged 35 years, native of Port Royal.

They have two sons:

Eustache, aged 2 years,

Louis, aged 1 year.

In live stock they have four oxen, two cows, eight geese, five turkey hens, eight fowls, and one skiff.

Their meadows are situated on the Grand Passage, from la Platriere to the Isle de l'Ours, the distance between these boundaries being one league, where they gather 60 to 70 quintals of hay.

They have two other dwellings, one granted verbally by M. de la Valière, subject to the good pleasure of Messieurs de St. Ovide and de Mézy. The other was sold to them by the widow Boudreau.

Note, that all the settlers enumerated above, were given two years rations, with the exception of several who complained of not having received their supplies from the store house, because the storekeeper had taken their orders from them, and gave them a supply on account, telling them to return another time, and when they went back for the balance, le Sr. lartigue did not remember the occurrence, and they never received the balance due to them.

Census of new settlers, refugee Acadians, throughout the command of Port Toulouse.

Jean Boudrot, native of Port Royal, aged 29 years, married to Francoise Harsenot, native of la Cadie, aged 23 years. They have been in the colony two years and have received rations during that period.

They have two sons and one daughter.

Joseph, aged 3 years, native of la Cadie.

Jean, aged 2 years, native of the same place.

Angélique, aged three months.

Nicolas La Treille, native of la Cadie, aged 10 years, a relative.

They have neither live stock nor dwelling. They have ten fowls, and a bateau they are building to carry wood to Louisbourg.

Baptiste Vigneau, native of Port Royal, aged 25 years, married to Anne Poirier, native of la Cadie. aged 28 years. They have been in the colony half a year, and have been granted rations for two years.

They have two sons and four daughters:

Jean Baptiste, aged 10 years;

Amant, aged 6 years;

Marie, aged 12 years;

Téotiste, aged 8 years;

Marguerite, aged 4 years;

Nastazie, aged 1 year.

In animals, one cow, one calf, one sow , eleven fowls, and a bateau. They have no dwelling place.

The land on which they are settled was marked out for them by M. de Villejoint. They have made no clearing.

Joseph Poirier, native of la Cadie, aged 47 years. Married to Jeanne Godet, native of Port Royal, aged 35 years. They have been in the colony two years, and have been granted rations for that time.

They have a son and three daughters:

Joseph, aged 15 years;

Anne, aged 18 years;

Marie, aged 10 years;

Modeste, aged 4 years;

In animals, one ox, one cow, one calf, four pigs, eleven fowls, and one bateau.

The land on which they are settled was given them by M. de. Villejoint. It was long ago cleared by fire. They have no clearing.

Vincent Arceneau, native of la Cadie, aged 32 years. Married to Marguerite Poirier, native of Port Royal, aged 21 years. They have been in the colony two years, and have been granted rations for that period.

They have only one cow.

The land they have was granted to them by M. de Villejoint. They have done no clearing.

Jean Maurice, coaster, native of la Cadie, aged 48 years. Married to Isabelle Arceneau, native of des Mines, aged 37 years. They have been for two years in the colony and have been given rations during that time.

They have three daughters and two orphans:

Marguerite, aged 18 years;

Anne, aged 15 years;

Marie, aged 9 years;

Charles Bourd, aged 14 years;

Simon Poirier, aged 8 years.

In live stock they own two oxen, one cow, two pigs, three geese, six fowls, and a bateau.

The land on which they are settled was marked out for them by M. de Villejoit.

They have made a clearing for a garden.

Jean Bte. Bouteau, of Port Toulouse, native of la Cadie, aged 27 years. Married to Jeanne Quéry, native of Port Royal, aged 23. They have been in the country for 18 months and have been granted rations for two years.

They have Margueritte, their daughter, aged 8 months, and Anne Clémenceau, aged 7 years.

One ox forms their whole stock.

The land which they have improved was given to them by M. de Villejoint.

They have cleared about two arpents to make a meadow and a garden; for as regards grain not only is the nature of the soil unsuitable for its growth but the fogs that prevail in the spring prevent it from being productive.

André Temple, native of the parish of Menibec [?] bishopric of Avranches, aged 24 years. Married to Marie Devot, native of la Cadie, aged 22 years. They have been three years in the colony, and have received rations during that period.

They have Margueritte, their daughter, aged three months.

The land they occupy was marked out for them by M. de Villejoint. They have made a clearing for a garden, and another of about four arpents in extent for a meadow.


Marie Quéry, native of la Cadie, aged 55 years, widow of Pierre Devot.

She has Pierre, her son, aged 18 years, and Anne, aged 13 years.

In live stock, one ox, one cow and a calf, one sow, ten fowls, three geese.

She is in the country since the month of August last, and she lives in the house of André Temple, her son-in-law.

Charles Poirier, native of la Cadie, aged 30. Married to Margueritte Vigneau, native of Port Toulouse, aged 25 years. They have been in the country 18 months, and have been granted rations for three years.

They have Charles, their son, aged 18 months.

In live stock they have one sow and ten fowls.

The homestead on which they are settled is owned by a man named Langlois, a settler in the Isle Madame. When they came there he promised to give them the freehold, but on seeing that they had improved the property and built a house on it, he declined to fulfil his promise and demanded the sum of 100 écus in settlement.

Joseph Le Blanc, native of la cadie, aged 55 years. Married to Anne Bourg, native of Des Mines, aged 53 years. They have been in the colony three years, and have received rations during that time.

They have two sons and one daughter:

Alexandre, aged 20 years;

Paul, aged 17 years;

Anne, aged 10 years;

Joseph Le blanc, aged 6 years, their nephew.

Anne Alain, aged 18 years, native of la Cadie.

Marie Joseph Alain, aged 15 years, their neices.

Alexander Bourg, her father, a native of la Cadie, aged 84 years, lives with them.

In live stock they have twenty-five cattle, ten fowls, and one skiff.

The dwelling in which they are belongs to Joseph Dugas, their son-in-law. He allows them to occupy it until such time as they are given land.


Honoré Préjean, coaster, native of la Cadie, aged 40 years. Married to Marie Brossard, native of Port Royal, aged 30 years.

They have five sons and three daughters:

Foelix, aged 11 years;

Ciprien, aged 5 years;

Julien, aged 2 years;

Two sons, each aged two and a half months, not yet named;

Marie Anne, aged 9 years;

Felicité, aged 7 years;

Madeleine, aged 2 years.

Thomas Nolen, aged 27 years, native of Ireland, in the capacity of a domestic.

In live stock, one ox, three fowls, one bateau. He is in the colony since 1732.

The land on which Sr. Honoré Prejean has built was sold to him by Charles Béoudrot. He has done no clearing.

Margueritte Dugas, widow of the late Joseph Boudrot, native of Port Royal, aged 46 years.

She has two sons and one daughter:

Louison, aged 19 years;

Charles Boudrot, aged 14 years;

Margueritte, aged 16 years;


Joseph Boudrot, coaster, her son, native of Port Toulouse, aged 30 years. Married to Judict Fougère, native of said place, aged 19 years.

They have Jeanne, their daughter, aged 4 months.


Pierre Boudrot, coaster, native of the said place, aged 25 years. Married to Josette Dugas, native of petit Saint Pierre, aged 19 years.

They have two cows, two calves, and eight fowls.

The land on which they are located was given them verbally by Messrs. de Saint-Ovide, and Le Normand, and is situate on the coast of Saint Pierre. Their meadows are a clearing for a garden, and the rest of the place is pasture land. Their meadows are on the Barachois à Descouts on the lands of the Isle Madame.

They could cut one hundred quintals of hay, if only it could be well saved, but they only grow, and cut grass sufficient for the live stock they have.

The lands were granted to them by the late Monsieur La Vallière, Commandant at Port Toulouse.

We left Port Toulouse on the twentieth of February and arrived at the riviere à Bourgeois at six o'clock in the evening of the same day.


The rivière à Bourgeois empties its waters in the little channel a league and a half from Port Toulouse ...



François Josse, coaster, native of Port Toulouse, aged 26 years, Married to Marie Margueritte Tardif, native of Louisbourg, aged 22 years.

They have one daughter, Jeanne, aged one year.

They own a cow, and a bateau.

The land he occupies was given to him verbally by the authorities. He has cleared about an arpent of land to make a garden ...

Nicolas Langlois, fisherman, native of Port Toulouse, aged 29 years. Married to Isabelle Pouchet, native of Port Royal, age 27 years.

They have one son Nicolas, aged 2 years.

They own two cows; three calves, an ox, a pig, and four fowls.

Their house is built on land owned by Langlois's father ...

All the above named settlers [of Isle Madame] have been a long time in the colony, and have had rations granted them for two years only ...

Throughout this account it is made very clear that if the settlers are obliged to clear land and are prohibited from fishing or embarking on vessels engaged in the coasting trade, it is certain that they will not be able to make a living ...


... The homestead on which he is settled was granted ... in 1722 by Monsieur de Rouville then commandant at Port Toulouse ...

They have no dwelling here, but only a house built in the woods ...

Jean Daguerre, fisherman, native of St. Jean de Luz, bishopric of Bayonne, aged 24 years. Married to Marie Decheverry, native of Port Toulouse, aged 22 years.

They have one son Jean Daguerre, aged 4 months ...

Pierre Giroir, fisherman, native of la Cadie, aged 24 years. Married to Cecille Detcheverry, native of the Isle Madame, aged 20 years.

They have one child, which is not yet named, and Madeleine Detcheverry, her sister, native of Port Toulouse, aged 17 years.

They have built their house in the woods

They own two fowls ...

We left on the 26th of February ...

Isle Brulée, which lies in the centre of the basin that forms the rivière aux Habitants, is situated half a league from the mouth of the river ...

On this island le Sr. Guillaume Benoist has constructed an ordinary saw mill ... The country is covered with all kinds of hardwood and fine fir trees, out of which the people make lumber for carpentry purposes, and boards two inches thick, and 12 to 14 inches wide ...

We left the rivière aux Habitants on the 29th of February and returned to Port Toulouse that same day.

On the 10th of March we left Port Toulouse taking the road for the Isle de la Sainte Famille, at which point we arrived on the same day ...

The 17th; 18th; 19th; and 20th days of march were spent in returning, and we reached Port Toulouse on March 21st., having retrached our road.

We remained at Port Toulouse during the 22nd., 23rd., and 24th., leaving on the 25th day of march to proceed to the pointe la Jeunesse ...


... Jacques Arete, ploughman, native of Port Toulouse, aged 30 years. Married to Roze Alitra, native of la Cadie, aged 28 years.

They have two daughters:

Mariie Roze, aged 2 years;

The last is not yet named.

The only description of live stock they have consists of five fowls ...


... Pierre Galloa ploughman, native of the parish of St. Pierre Langers, aged 42 years, has been in the country 30 years. Married to Marguerite Montaury, native of Port Toulouse, aged 33 years.

They have three sons and two daughters.

Felix Galloa, aged 7 years.

Jean Baptiste, aged 5 years.

Joseph, aged 2 years.

Marie Françoise, aged 13 years.

Henriette, aged 11 years.

Their live stock consists of two oxen, two cows, two calves, one wether, six ewes, three pigs and one hen.

The land on which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case and was granted to them by Monsieur Benoist. They have made a clearing on it sufficient for the sowing of nine bushels of which they have sown three bushels of wheat and one of peas.

... Jacques Haché dit Galland [Rivière de Peugiguit], ploughman, native of the country, aged 25 years. Married to Anne Boudrot, native of Port Toulouse, aged 25 years.

The have one son and two daughters: --

Pierre Haché, aged 4 years.

Marie, aged 30 months.

Geneviève, aged 10 months.

Louis Racicot, native of the island, aged 13 years.

Their live stock consists of the following: two oxen, five cows, four calves, six ewes, one wether, two sows and twelve fowls or chickens.

The land on which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was granted to them by Monsieur Duvivier. On it they have made a clearing and have sown ten bushels of wheat and one bushel of peas, and have fallow land for fourteen bushels in addition.


.. Christopher Potier, fisherman and ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years, he has been in the country 31 years. Married to Anne Boudrot, native of Port Toulouse, aged 29 years.

They have five daughters:

Marie, aged 11 years;

Anne, aged 11 years;

Charlotte, aged 8 years;

Margueritte, aged 5 years;

Marie, aged 18 months.

In live stock they have two oxen, two cows, two heifers, one bull, two calves, eight wethers, three pigs and ten fowls.

The land on which they are settled is situated on the east side of the harbour, aux Sauvages, and was given to them under a grant from Messieurs de Pensens and Potier Dubuisson in 1736, and homologated by Messieurs de Brouillant and Le Normant. It contains four arpents frontage by forty in depth. On it they have made a clearing and sown ten bushels of wheat, and they also have land in fallow for the sowing of another six bushels ...


... Charles Boudrot, ploughman and navigator, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years; he has been in the country 39 years. Married to Marie Fougère, native of Port Toulouse, aged 29 years.

They have four children, one son and three daughters:

Jean, aged 11 years.

Théotiste, aged 9 years,

Marie, aged 5 years.

In live stock, they have three oxen, four cows, six calves, two wethers, three ewes, three pigs and seven fowls.

The land on which they are settled was given to them verbally by Messieurs Duchambon and Dubuisson. On it they have made a clearing on which they have sown seven bushels and a half of wheat and one of peas.

Pierre Boudrot, fisherman and ploughman, native of Port Toulouse, aged 30 years.Married to Cecille Vescot, native of l'Acadie, aged 26 years.

They have one son and one daughter.

Foelix Boudrot, aged 2 months;

Marie Joseph, aged 19 months.

The land on which they are settled was given to them verbally by Messieurs de Pensens and Dubuisson. On it they have made a clearing where they have sown ten and a half bushels of wheat and three bushels and a half of peas, and they still have fallow land for the sowing of eight bushels more ...


... Census of the settlers at macpec in men, women and children

Joseph Arceneau, ploughman and navigator, native of l'Acadie, aged 35 years, and has been twenty-three years in the country. Married to Margueritte Boudrot, native of Port Toulouse, aged 29 years.

The have five children, four sons and one daughter:

Pierre Arcenaud, aged 10 years;

François, aged 8 years;

Cyprien, aged 6 years;

Joseph, aged 4 years;

Anne, aged 15 months.

Antoine Arcenaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years, his brother lives with them.

They have in live stock, two oxen, one cow, four ewes, one wether, three pigs, six fowls, together with one bateau.

The land on which they are settled was granted to them by Messieurs Duchambon and Dubuisson, under the fifth of September, 1742. On it they have made a clearing and sown twelve bushels of wheat and two bushels of peas and still have fallow land sufficient for the sowing of twenty-five bushels ...

Jean Arcenaud, son of Jacques, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years, ploughman, he has been given eleven years in the country. Married to Magdelaine Boudrot, native of Port Toulouse, aged 25 years.

They have Joseph, their son, aged one year.

In live stock they have one ox, two cows, one wether, one ewe, two pigs, one sow.

They hold their land upon verbal permission from Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing in which they have sown six bushels of wheat, one half bushel of oats and one bushel of peas ...

Joseph Boudrot, ploughman and navigator, native of Port Toulouse, aged 35 years. Married to Rose Arcenaud, native l'Acadie, aged 30 years.

They have six children, two sons and four daughters:

Joseph Boudrot, aged 8 years;

Charles, aged 5 years;

Marie, aged 6 years;

Anne, aged 4 years;

Marguerite, aged 2 years;

Marie Joseph, aged 3 months.

They have in live stock three oxen, one cow and her calf, five ewes, three pigs and one hen.

The land on which they are settled is situated in the preceding case, and was given to them by Messieurs Duchambon and Dubuisson. They have made a clearing on it where they have sown four bushels of wheat and have fallow land sufficient for the sowing of twelve bushels ...

Jean Arce aud, son of Charles, ploughman, native of Macpec, aged 23 years. Married to Magdelaine Boudrot, native of Port Toulouse, aged 22 years.

They have Andre Arecnaud, their son, aged 8 months.

And in live stock two oxen, one cow, two ewes and two pigs.

The land on which they are settled was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure in 1751. On it they have made a clearing where they have sown seven bushels of wheat.

Pierre Arcenaud, ploughman, native of Macpec, aged 23 years. Married to Judich Boudrot, native of Port Toulouse, aged 20 years.

In live stock they have two oxen, one cow, one heifer, five ewes, three pigs and two fowls.

The land on which they are settled is the same as that of Jean Arcenaud, his twin brother ...

Paul Richard, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years, he has been 11 years in the country. Married to Herre Boudrot, native of Port Toulouse, aged 23 years.

They have two sons and one daughter:

Joseph, aged 5 years;

Charles, aged one year;

Marie, aged two months.

In live stock they have one ox, two cows, two calves and five ewes.

The land on which they are settled was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of two bushels of wheat ... (996)

1752 - FEBRUARY 13-20

According to the LaRoque census [French original] of Port Toulouse:


Voyage fait par Le Sr De La Roque arpenteur du Roy ... commencé le Cinq fevrier 1752 ... (997)

1752 - MAY 01


Vente du bateau le St. Pierre. Passé par Jean et Jacques PETITPAS, habitants de Port Toulouze et propriétaires du dit bateau, à Michel DUBENCA, maître charpentier de cette ville.(998)

1752 - MAY 07

According to the following:

Vente 1752

Etat des Ventes faites dans le Magasins du Roy a Louisbourg aux particuliers cy a pris pendant les Six premieres mois de la presente anneé ... [Seventeen hundred] Cinquante duex


A Michel Boudrot habitant du port Toulouze

du 7e Du dt [May] 1 96.£ de farine a id[18 Le] ... 35.5 ... (999)

1752 - MAY 12


Vente du bateau le St. Pierre de 40 tonneaux. Passé par Nicolas PREJEAN, habitant du Port Toulouze, à François MANON, habitant de cette ville.(1000)

1752 - MAY 15



Vente de la goélette, La Réalle. Passé par Pierre VILLEDIEU, navigateur et propriétaire de la dite goélette, à Jean BEAUDRY, habitant de ce port.(1001)

1752 - MAY 20

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[May 20, 1752] ... facture, ordonnance et quittance a Michel Boudrot M du Bau le St Jean pour le fret des vivres munitions, et marchandises qu'il a transporté de ce Port [Louisbourg] au Port Toulouze ... 144 .. 43 .. 4 .. (1002)

1752 - MAY 25

Franquet (May 25, 1752) was commenting upon a letter from Rouillé dated March 18, 1752 who refers back to a letter of November 24, 1751. He has abandoned Raymond's Redoubt proposals:

[Franquet] ... L'augmentation des troupes de cette garnison, n'ayant pas Lieés c'est party forcé de Laisser Le projest des redoutes en Souffrance ...

[Rouillé] je ne Seais même Sil ne seroit pas preferable de faire quelques Ouvrages au Port Toulouze, et au Port Dauphin pour la sureté des habitants de ces Postes ... [Franquet] quant eaux ports toulouses, et dauphin Etant des chefs Lieux de L'isle, et L'appuy des habitations rep=dues Le Long de la côte ce ne Servoii qu'un bien d'ÿ construire une redoute d'une nature, a n'etre point En levés de vive force, et meme dÿ procurer des facilités pour La retreite des troupes y detacheés attendu, que L'ennemy parvenir devant cette place; elles ne pouvoient plus y rentrer, et se trouveroient abbandonnées a Leurs propres resources ...(1003)

1752 - MAY 25

According to Franquet:


Il envoi son mémoire sur l'isle St. Jean, La Pte. Beauséjour et le Port Toulouse. Il y a marqué son itinéraire et indiqué ce qui lui a paru interessant à l'établissement de ces endroits, à leur sureté ey protection. Il envoi 15 plans des ports, forts existants, et forts projetés, ainsi qu'une carte où il a indiqué leur position.

Les logements provisionnels des ports Toulouse et la Joye ont été si mal faits, qu'on a dépensé 3000 # en reparations cet hiver. Cesi sera le cas de tous les ouvrages construits par Mrs. les officiers. (1004)

1752 - JUNE 12

According to Franquet:


Réponse à la lettre su 27 mars dernier traitant des redoutes et de son mémoire sur l'isle St. Jean.

Franquet représents au ministre que, l'hiver dernier, il combatit de son mieux le projest des redoutes dans ses discutions avec de raymond.

Voyant qu celui-ci ne se rendait point à son avis, il lui présenta un mémoire tendant à balancer les avantages et les inconvénient de ce projet. Aprés l'avoir lu, de Raymond la pria de ne point le joindre au mémoire et au plan que Franquet a adressé au ministre.

Si les 2 premiers articles de ce mémoire sont en faveur des redoutes, le 3 ème s'y oppose formellement.

De Raymond persista dans son projet , avec intention d'en commencer l'exécution. Par mesure d'économie Franquet lui proposa alors un charpentier avec lequel il avait arrêté une convention, à raison des prix de la fortification de cette place. Cet entrepreneur nommé Dubinca se mit aussitôt au travail, il était chargé de la quantité de bois de 11 redoutes.

De Raymond craignant qu'il ne puisse remplir son marché pour 1er avril, en engage un 2ème nommé La Chappelle, aux mêmes conditions que Dubinca.

Les rigueurs de l'hiver ne leur permettent heureusement que de fournir une infime partie de leur travail.

Le nommé Pierre Lelièvre devait fournir 2000 palissades aux havres de lorrembec et de la Baleine, à raison de 40# le 0/0. Ce dernier a fourni un certificat de reception de 1995 [?]

Ces dispositions prises, de raymond voyant que Franquet se prêtait au projet des redoutes par obligation, il en fut plus question entre eux.

C'est à cette époque, avec l'arrivée du Chariot Royal, que de raymond apprit la suspension de son projet.

Néamoins, il n'y renonce pas et demande à Franquet de lui faire l'estimation d'un bâtiment pour 8 à 10 hommes et 1 sergent. Cette estimation se monte à 3168#

De raymond attendra l'autorisation du ministre pour en ordonner l'exécution. Franquet approuve ce dernier projet. (1005)

1752 - JUNE 18

According to Boucher:


... les Estats des depenses qui ont esté faittes ... Ceux des Ports Toulouze et de L'Isle S.t Jean, pendant les années 1749; 50 et 51, (1006)

1752 - JUNE 20


Gabriel ROUSSEAU Ecuyer Sieur de VILLEJOUIN, Chevalier de l'Ordre militaire de St. Louis Capitaine des Compagnies des troupes détachées de la Marine, commandant au port Toulouse, Michel ROUSSEAU Ecuyer Sieur DORFONTAINE, Capitaine des troupes en cette garnison en cette ville, et Dame Marguerite ROUSSEAU DE VILLEJOUIN, épouse de Robert DUHAGET, Ecuyer Capitaine des troupes, ont fait cession et transport à Charles DAILLEBOUT, Ecuyer et Chevalier de l'Ordre Militaire de St. Louis, Lieutenant du Roi en cette ville, des droits, raisons, et actions dans tous les biens meubles et immeubles de la communauté du feu Gabriel ROUSSEAU DE VILLEJOUIN et de deffuncte Marianne BERTRAND.(1007)

1752 - JUNE 22

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[June 22, 1752] ... Memoire, Ordonnance et quittance au S. Clergion, chirurgien au Port Toulouze Pour remeder, Saignés, et Voyages qu'il a fait et fourni aux Sauvages Mikmak de Cette Colonie ... 145 .. (1008)

1752 - JULY 05

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[July 05, 1752] ... Ordre Certiffié ordonnance et quittce au S. Rouville Enseigne d'Infanterie Pour Douze Journée qu'il a eté employé Pour conduire du port Toulouze en ce Port des Deserteurs Anglois pret par Les Sauvages de Cette Colonie ... 60 ...(1009)

1752 - JULY 17


François JOSSE, habitant de Port Toulouse, cohéritier de la succession de feu François DARDY pour avoir épousé sa fille, Margueritte DARDY, a nommé comme sa procuratrice générale la personne de Magdelaine DUBOIS, sa belle soeur utérine.(1010)

1752 - JULY 25

According to Rouillé writing to Boucher:


Accuse réception des états des dépenses faites aux bâtiments du roi à Louisbourg en 1751, ceux de Port Toulouse et de Port La Joye pendant 1749, 1750 et 1751.(1011)

1752 - JULY 28


Procuration par laquelle les parties suivantes veulent venir à partager le terrain situé dans l'Isle du plan numéro 33, faisant le coin de la rue de l'Etang et de celle de France: André BONSINT, habitant de cette ville et son épouse Magdelaine DUBOIS; Jean Batiste DARDY dit LAMOUSTACHE, soldat de la Compagnie de Destimauville et aussi tuteur des enfants mineurs de feu Jean SIMONET et de Margueritte DUFAUD; François JOSSE, habitant de port Toulouze, faisant pour et nom de Margueritte DARDY, son épouse et fille de François DARDY et de Margueritte DUFAUD.(1012)

1752 - JULY 29


Jean Baptiste Dardy dit Lamoustache, soldat de la compagnie d'Estimauville, and Magdelaine Dubois, wife of André Bonsent, who was also selling on behalf of Marguerite Dardy, wife of Francois Josse, of Port Toulouse, sold the following to Marguerite Trechut, widow of Jacques Germain: [ ... un terrain situé dans l'isle no. 33 [of Louisbourg] ...(1013)

1752 - JULY 29


Vente d'un terrain situé dans l'Isle du plan numéro 33 [of Louisbourg]. Passé par Jean Baptiste DARDY dit LAMOUSTACHE, soldat de cette garnison de la compagnie de DESTIMAUVILLE, et Magdelaine DUBOIS, sa soeur, femme d'André BONSINT, habitant de cette ville, "de duy duement authorisée a l'effet des presente la dite DUBOIS fondée de procuration de Francois JOSSE, habitant du port Toulouze, faisant et agissant pour et au nom de Margueritte DARDY, sa femme, soeur germaine de Jean Baptiste DARDY ont vendu ce terrain à Margueritte TROCHUT, veuve de feu Jacque GERMAIN, habitante de cette ville.(1014)

1752 - JULY 30

According to Prévost:


L e 17 Juillet, de raymond est parti pour le Port Toulouze et I'Isle St. Jean, sur une geolette équipée et frettée à sa demande depuis le 26 juin. Elle est armée de 8 pièces de cononde 4, qu'il a fait embarquer de la place avec 1 compagnie d'infanterie et plusieurs officiers qui l'accompagnent. Il est bien arrivé à Port Toulouze et mouillet hier au passage de Fronsac.(1015)

1752 - AUGUST 31

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[August 31, 1752] ... Certifficat Ordonnance, et quittance aux nommés Jean Petitpas Et Jacques Petitipas habitans du port Toulouze, pour un voyage qu'il a fait au dt Lieu en ce Port, Pour les besoins du Service ... 70 .. (1016)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 05

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[September 05, 1752] ... Certifft Ordonnance et quittance au Sr Rousseau de Villejoin Enseigne pour Journées quil a eté Employés Conduire du port Toulouze En ce port vingt Deux anglaises pris par les Sauvages de cette Colonie .. 50 ...(1017)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 10

According to Prévost:


Les sauvages de cette Isle, mécontents de la conduite de ceux de l'Acadie, sont parti sur le champ pour les Isles d'où les autres se sont retirés. Le 15 août, ils enlevèrent 2 géolettes pêche, vennues mouiller sur les assurances que Piquet, habitant d'Halifax, avait donné de la paix avec les sauvages . Elles ont été conduites au Port Toulouze avec 22 anglais, que les sauvages ont remis à l'officier commandant sans aucune rançon.

Les Micmacks se sont également saisi d'une autre géolette de Pêche obligée par le mauvais temps de relacher au Petit Dégrat. Ils l'ont conduit au Port Toulouse.

Les sauvages de cette Isle ont découvert à leur missionnaire que si ceux de l'acadie n'ont pas voulu paraître, ce n'a été que pour être moins suspects vis à vis des anglais, et que Kop, (un sauvage de l'Acadie), et le chef du Cap de sable ont trompé Piquet, qu'ils les ont fait avertir de venir par une vieille habitante du Port Toulouze nommée La Sonde.(1018)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 17

According to de Raymond:


Mrs. de Sirignis et de Lisardais trouvant la saison trop avancée pour faire une escort ou se mettre en mer, resteront au port de Louisbourg jusqu'a leur départ fixé pour les 15 premieres jours d'octobre. Il n'y a pourtant aucune empèchement apparent, car tout est calme a la Pointe Beauséjour comme a Port Toulouze.(1019)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 18

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... Achats des Vivres munitions Et marchandises

[September 18, 1752] ... Certifft ordce et quittce au nommé Jean Marchand habitant au port toulouze pour le prix de cent fasgots de charge quil a fourni pour le feu de joyé qui a été fait au port toulouze pour la feste de la St Louis ... 75 ... (1020)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 18

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[September 18, 1752] ... Certifft Ordonnance et quittance a Jean Marchand, habitant du port Toulouze pour dix Journées qu'il a été Employé avec Son Esquif pour Les besoins du Service ... 90 ... (1021)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 21

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... Transmigration des habitants de l'accadie Sur L'Isle St Jean et Transport de leurs Vivres de Louisbourg en la dte Isle S.te Jean

[September 21, 1752] ... Certifft ordonnance et quittce au S. Villejoint Capitaine d'Infanterie pour un voyage qu'il a fait de ce Port au port Toulouze a la pointe a la Jeunesse, pour visiter et placer les habitant au d Lieu ... 108 ... (1022)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 25

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[September 25, 1752] ... Certifficat Ordonnance, et quittance a Joseph le Blanc habitant du Port Toulouze pour deux Voyages qu'il a fait du dt Lieu en ce Port pour apporter des Lettres concernant le service ... 100 .. (1023)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 25

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[September 25, 1752] ... Certifft Ordonnance, et quittance a Jean Marchand habitant du Port Toulouze pour onze Journées qu'il a été Employé avec Son Esquif a Locasion du Service de Sa Majesté ... 99 .. (1024)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 25

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[September 25, 1752] ... Certifft Ordonnance, et quittance a Jacques Coste M du Batteau L'heureux, Pour le fret des Vivres, et autres marchandes qu'il a transporté de ce Port [Louisbourg] au Port Toulouze ... 306 .. 13 .. 4 .. (1025)

1752 - SEPTEMBER 26

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[September 26, 1752] ... Certifft Ordce, et quittance a Louis Petitpas habitant du Port Toulouze pour Sept Journées qu'il a éte Employe avec Son Esquif a Conduire M Le Comte de Raymond en cette colonie ... 63 .. (1026)

1752 - OCTOBER 02

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses A L'occasion du Fortiffon

[October 02, 1752] ... Memoire Certiffié Ordonnance, et quittance a Michel du Benes Charpentier pour le prix de [xiiy : LxxEi?] Pieds [Ey?] pouces [iny?] ..Lignes de bois de pin Travaillé qu'il a fourny pour la Construction des redouttes projettées pour M Le C.te de raymond ... 2598 . 9 . 11 (1027)

1752 - OCTOBER 10



Transport de titres et papiers un terrain situé au Barachoix, situé au ouest de ce port. Francois BRIAND, porteur de procurations pour son frère, Jean, en a décharger Louis LOGIER.(1028)

1752 - OCTOBER 12

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... Autres Depense

[October 12, 1752] ... Certifft ordonnance et quittance au nommé Coste pour le prix de cinquante Cordes de bois qu'il a fourni au Port toulouze pour le chauffage des troupes de la Garnison du dte Lieu ... 400 ... (1029)

1752 - OCTOBER 14

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[Octonber 14, 1752] ... facture ordonnance et quittance au S Louis DeLort Propre de la Goelette la Victoire pour le fret des farines qu'il a transporté de ce Port au Port Toulouze Pour la Subsistance des Troupes ... 363 .. (1030)

1752 - OCTOBER 14



Vente d'un terrain situé au Barachois du Ouest de ce port joignant le pont du St Esprit. Passé par Francois BRIAND, navigateur de present en cette Ville, porteur de procuration pour son frère, Jean, domicillé en la paroisse de St Malo, à Martin HERON, habitant de ce port, et Marguerite LAMBERT, son épouse. (1752, 10 mars - document concernant BRIAND)(1031)

1752 - OCTOBER 15


La Jeunesse: Dangeac Company - Port Toulouze(1032)

1752 - OCTOBER 15


St. Germain: Villejoint Company - Port Toulouze(1033)

1752 - OCTOBER 18

According to Boucher:


Suivant L'état que Jay dressé du dépenses qui ont esté au ... celle des augmentations et reparations faittes au Port Toulouse a 2916#: 3: 9 ...

Détail des services et travaux exécutés par Boucher depuis 1747.(1034)

1752 - OCTOBER 18

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[October 18, 1752] ... Etat Certiffié Ordonnance, et quittce a M. Villejoint Capitaine dInfanterie Commandt au port Toulouze pour Son Remboursement de vivres Raffraichissement et gages de Gardiens ... 380 .. (1035)

1752 - OCTOBER 20

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[October 20, 1752] ... Certifft Ordonnance, et quittance a Joseph Vigneau habitant du port Toulouze, Propre du Bau le St francois Pour Son Dedomagement de Son dt Batteau qui a été arresté par ordre de M La Perelle Lieutenant d'Infanterie au dt Lieu .... 90. .. (1036)

1752 - NOVEMBER 02



Vente d'un terrain situé au Barrachoix de l'ouest de ce port. Passé par Jean MARCADET, habitant de ce port, à Jean Baptiste CUPIDON, negre libre habitant de cette ville.(1037)

1752 - NOVEMBER 08

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses Extraordres

[November 08, 1752] ... facture Ordonnance et quittance a Jean Coste M du batteau le Cozard pour le fret des Vivres qu'il a transportées [de ce] Port [Louisbourg] au port Toulouze ... 272 ..14 ... (1038)

1752 - NOVEMBER 24

According to de Raymond:


Dans ce mémoire, il propose la retraite de M. Duhaget et la nomination de M. de Villejouin à la majorité de la place (détail des raisons; allusion à la révolte des soldats du détachement de Duhaget lorsqu'ol commandant de Port Toulouse).(1039)

1752 - NOVEMBER 25


Gabriel ROUSSEAU DE VILLEJOUIN, Ecuyer, Chevalier de l'Ordre Royal et Militaire de St Louis Capitaine d'Infanterie, commandant pour le Roy au Port Toulouze, de present en cette ville, a été nommé, le 28 octobre 1752, tuteur des enfants mineurs de Michel DEGANNES DE FALAISE, Ecuyer Chevalier de l'ordre Royal et Militaire de St Louis et Lieutenant pour sa Majesté aux Trois Rivières au Canada, décédé le 23 octobre dernier.(1040)

1752 - NOVEMBER 27

According to Prévost:


Le S. Barbudeau, chirurgien entretenu depuis longtemps au Port Toulouse, qui a suivi le Habitants à Rochefort, et placé au Port la Joye depuis la reprise de possession, demand le même brevet de chirurgien que son prédécesseur le S. Descoux.(1041)

1752 - DECEMBER 04

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... depenses A L'occasion du Fortiffon

[December 04, 1752] ... Certifft Ordonnance, et quittance a Servant Commere dt La Chapelle pour [XEuy C Lxx?] pieds cubes de charpente de bois de pin qu'il a fourny et qui avoient été fait, pour le Construction d'une Redoutte projettée par M. Le Cte de Raymond pour la baye des espagnols ... 1083 .. 10 .. (1042)

1752 - DECEMBER 11



Gabriel ROUSSEAU DE VILLEJOUIN, ayant été nommé tuteur des enfants mineurs de Michel DEGANNES FALAISE (DE), par acte de deliberation faite au Baillage Royal de cette Ville, a nommé comme son procureur général Hérbert DUJARDIN, négociant résidant à la Martinique.(1043)

1752 - DECEMBER 15

According to the "Bordereau" of actual expenses:

... Achats des Vivres munitions Et marchandises

[Decenber 15, 1752] ... Certifft ordce et quittce au S. Nicquet pour le prix d'une demie Bquê d'huille de poisson, et d;une bquê de Sel qu'il a fourni pour les besoins du Service au port Toulouze ... 60 .. 10 .. (1044)


According to the "Etat des fonds necessaires" for 1752:

... Appointments des Officiers Majors et autres Entretenus

... Aux P. Recolets Servant daumonie a Loüisbourg au port dauphin et au port toulouze la somme de ... 1000 ...

a un Chirugien Entretenus au Port Toulouze pour idem la somme de ... 450 ...


... a lofficier Connandant au Port Toulouze pour idem [sa gratiffication] la somme de ... 300 ...

Autres Depenses

... aux P. Recolets pour lEntretien de trois Chapelles a loüisbourg au port d'auphin Et au port toulouse la Somme de ... 1200 ...

... Pour lEntretien des matelats paillaises Couvertes et draps des lits des trouppes de la Garnison des Port toulouze et le Blanchissage des draps la Somme de ... 300 ...


... Pour Les Redouttes projettées par M de Raymond Commant la Somme de 80000 # (1045)


988. France: Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11A, Volume 126, f. 42.

989. France, Bibliothèque Nationale , Cartes et Plans, Service Hydrographique de la Marine, 131-2-11d.

990. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, November 15, 1753, ff. 128-158v.

991. France, C11A, Volume 126, January 12, 1752, Pièce 34 [frames 43-44].

992. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11A, Volume 126, January 14, 1752, Pièce 32 [frames 40-42].

993. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, F3, Volume 50, ff. 479-479v, attached to a letter to the Compte de Raymond, January 18, 1752. See also: France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, June 12, 1752, ff. 291-294v.

994. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, F3, Volume 50, f. 486 (Follows the letter attached to a letter to the Compte de Raymond, January 18, 1752).

995. Canada, Public Archives, "Tour of inspection made by the Sieur de la Roque" in Report concerning Canadian Archives for the year 1905 in three volumes (Ottawa: S. E. Dawson, 1906), pp. 03-165.

996. Report Concerning Canadian Archives For The Year 1905, Volume 02 (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1906), Tour of Inspection Made By The Sieur De La Roque, Census 1752. A translation of the original: France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G1, Volume 466, Pièce 81, December 1752.

997. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G1, Volume 466, Pièce 81, December 1752.

998. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-2, May 01, 1752.

999. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, June 30, 1752, ff. 130-151v.

1000. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-2, May 12, 1752.

1001. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-2, Pièce 17, May 15, 1752.

1002. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1003. France, Archives de l'Inspection du Génie, Comte Technique du Génie, Article 14, pièce 45, March 18, 1752/May 25, 1752. See also for the same with better writing: France, Bibliothèque de l'Inspection du Génie, Comte Technique du Génie, Manuscript 205b, March 18, 1752/May 25, 1752. For a letter containing just Rouillé's writing, see: France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, B, Volume 95, 1752, ff. 269 (4) (253)-271v (6v) .

1004. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, May 25, 1752, ff. 283-286.

1005. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, June 12, 1752, ff. 287-290.

1006. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, June 18, 1752, ff. 259-260v.

1007. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2047-2, June 20, 1752.

1008. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1009. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1010. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-2, July 17, 1752.

1011. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, B, Volume 95, July 25, 1752, 314 (48).

1012. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-2, July 28, 1752.

1013. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-2, Pièce 188, July 29, 1752.

1014. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-1, July 29, 1752.

1015. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, July 30, 1752, ff. 153-154v.

1016. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1017. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1018. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, September 10, 1752, ff. 163-166.

1019. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, September 17, 1752, ff. 43-44.

1020. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1021. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1022. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1023. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1024. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1025. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1026. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1027. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1028. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-1, Pièce 156, October 10, 1752.

1029. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1030. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1031. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-1, Pièce 150, October 14, 1752.

1032. Canada, Quebec, Archives du Seminaire de Quebec, Surlaville Papers, Polygraphie 55, Number 9, October 15, 1752, "Etat de Habitans ... de Rouillé, L'Espagnol, et du Port Toulouze."

1033. Canada, Quebec, Archives du Seminaire de Quebec, Surlaville Papers, Polygraphie 55, Number 9, October 15, 1752, "Etat de Habitans ... de Rouillé, L'Espagnol, et du Port Toulouze."

1034. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, October 18, 1752, ff. 261-264.

1035. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1036. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1037. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-1, Pièce 161, November 02, 1752.

1038. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1039. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, November 24, 1752, ff. 72-77.

1040. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-1, November 25, 1752.

1041. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11B, Volume 32, November 27, 1752, ff. 220-226.

1042. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1043. France, Archives Nationales, Outre-Mer, G3, Carton 2041-1, Pièce 168, December 11, 1752.

1044. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, July 15, 1754, ff. 170-197.

1045. France, Archives Nationales, Colonies, C11C, Volume 13, December 10, 1751, ff. 162-168.
