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  Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada


The National Parks and National Historic Sites of Canada
Les Parks Nationaux et Les Lieux Historiques Nationaux du Canada

June 2001

3.0 Strategic Direction for Commemorative Integrity, 
Stewardship & Visitor Services ~

3.1 Vision Statement

Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada will be a centre of excellence in ensuring commemorative integrity and in meeting its stewardship responsibilities for the protection of ecosystem features. 

The primary focus of this vision will be on ensuring commemorative integrity, specifically the protection and presentation of Level 1 cultural resources from the commemorated period. A secondary focus will be on the protection and presentation of Level 2 cultural resources. The reconstructed townsite will be maintained. Increased emphasis will be placed on the protection, presentation and enjoyment of the cultural and natural resources beyond the reconstructed townsite. Research, evaluation, consideration of historic value and monitoring will support these actions. 

The communications program will be of high quality to sustain visitor and public interest. The gaps in the presentation of the Level 1 messages will be addressed. The Site will present the 18th century sense of the past within the reconstructed townsite. Accuracy will be an important consideration in maintaining the reconstructed buildings, structures and landscapes, and the animation program. The multicultural nature of 18th century Louisbourg society will be a recognizable component of the interpretation program. The presentation of the underwater cultural resources in the harbour will be realized. 

High quality services will be a tradition in keeping with the 18th century ambience in the Fortress and the appreciation of the cultural and natural resources throughout the Site. These will be directed to satisfying visitor needs and expectations. The Site will entertain a variety of external proposals for services and facilities that will help staff facilitate greater use of the reconstructed townsite. The provision of modern services within the reconstructed townsite will be undertaken while ensuring commemorative integrity, meeting presentation objectives, and maintaining a sense of the past. All decisions taken in this regard will reflect value for investment of Parks Canada's limited funding. Revenues and costs will be important considerations in providing these facilities and services. The Site will be a major tourist attraction on Cape Breton Island contributing positively to the regional economy. The Site will be known nationally and internationally through marketing efforts undertaken with partners to ensure its stature as one of Canada's renowned national historic sites. 

The Site will have progressive working relationships with local communities, agencies, interest groups and the private sector that will help lead to positive benefits based on commemorative integrity, environmental stewardship and sustainable tourism. The Site will contribute positively to Canadian identity and be a source of pride to Canadians.


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