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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
  Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada


Seth Pomeroy's Journal, 
A Special Publishing Event (Forbes Library) 

[Note: This account is not formatted - The Forbes PDF version is formatted like the original journal]

32 Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745

Campaign Saterday 8 a Showry Day This Day ye Capt of ye Vigelan Sent a Letter to ye govener in ye Citty By a Flag of Truce; to Inform him yt he was used very well & advised him (yt is ye Govener) To give up ye Citty ye Latter being Red & they Came to understand yt ye Vigilent was Taken it Put ym into a grat Consternation For they much Depened upon it; ye Soldiers Came To here of it they Determined not To Fite; Except they ware Forc’ d & one of them was a Comeing to Bring Some Letters From ye Presiners & was Found out & they Directly hang’ d him this we understood by 2 men yt Came out ye night Folloing; This day a man Rideing a Long about half a mile From ye Citty his horse was Shott Dead with a Cannon bawl ye man not hurt Nathal Chamberlin Some Time Last week Recevd a blow in his Cheek with a Crow bar & Since at Turns has blead very much But This Day more & Brought he

33 Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745 Campaign

9th 23 is very Low ye next Day whas ye Sabath Blead more I got all ye Skilful Doctrs yt ware in ye army but at Turns Blead & to Shuch a Degree yt he became very weak & about 3 of ye Clock in ye afternoon had a Fainting Fitt yt we Thought was a Dieing But he Came Too & Revi [v]ed Somthing & ye bleading Stopt So yt there Seemd now to be more hops of him But in ye night Blead more A Fair Pleasent Day heard Preach ing boath Fore & after noon by M r Balek Betwen meetings workt att ye Trench & So after meeting att night att ye Trench in order to have our Camps all Fortted in yt we might be Safe From ye Enemy yt we heare are up in ye woods: The 2 men yt Came out of ye Citty give an account yt many wou’ d git out if they had opportunity & they themselves ware well Pleas’ d with their Exchang was Seen of at Some Distence a Chase of our men of war yt was after as it is Thought a Franch man of war & follow’ d with about 6 of ours & Follow’ d Till they got out of Sight So nothing Farther about it this Day


Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745 Campaign

Monday June 10: a Fair Day The Ship yt was Follow’ d yesterday: this Day we are Informed yt it is Fifty gun Ship yt has this Day Joynd Commodore Worren & gives an account of 2 more yt Partted with him a Little Time Past in a Fogg which ware Design’ d For this Place & we Dayly Expect here a man Kill’ d this Day From ye Island battre att ye Light House Battre Shot through with a Canon bawl Day began to Fire From ye Light house Battre at ye Island battre with a gun From ye Citty & From ye island Franch Fir’ d gratly wounded only 2 men & them but Slitely This was a Fair P [l]easant Day ware mustered ye Rigement in order To have our arms Revew’d Tues Day 11 This Day Being our Kings Accession Day it was oferred By ye army here att our Camp at Cape breton, order given att all our Battres to Fire Smartly att ye Citty: ye General with Some of ye Counsel waitted upon Commodor Worren on Bord his Ship: ye Remander of ye Councel Some other of ye offercers Din’ d att ye Generals & a Very Fine Entertainment with Every Thing yt was Convenient & Refrecing: att 12 of ye Clock ye Rigement Being in arm gave Three Cheers with ye Drums after &


Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745 Campaign

att our Enturnment [entertainment] at ye Generals we had Musick Violin fl ut & Vocal Musick & Staid all ye afternoon att night ye General with his atendence [attendants] Came on Shore was Welcom’ d By ye Gentelman yt was There Wedens Day 12 This a Fair Day; orders For Cuting 250 Faggotts in our Rigement To Fill up ye Trench with; ye afternoon orders for a grat Quantity of mors [moss] For ye Ships; The Franch Last night & This Day Fired a Vast many boms & Cannon Small arms also but no man kill’d wounded 3 but I hope not mortal This Day joynd with Commodore 2 Ships yt was Before Expected 60 gun Ships & one 40 gun Ship Thurs Day 13 a Fair Pleasens Day: Twenty One men out of our Rigement To go on board ye men of war under ye Command of Cole More Chief Commander of ye Detacment & Liut David King over ye Twenty Five men yt Tary’ d in our Rigement one out of my Company: Darbe Crowley The nights here are very Cold; a Frost Some nights & Ice of Considerable Thickness 24


Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745 Campaign

Fryday June ye 14th: 1745 A Fair Day in ye afternoon Some Fogg The Twenty Five men Commanded By Liut David King went on Board This Day in order For an atack upon ye Town with Commodor Worren as Soon as ye wind & weather Sutes orders to atack ye Citty upon ye Land at ye Same Time it is Said yt ye Franch Fir’ d about Fifty Boms this night at our People in ye Trench But hurt nobody Sater day 15 a Fair Pleasent Day: Commodore Worren Came on Shore our Rigement with other Rigements in ye Camp mustered in a Rigementle order Comodore Worren made a Fine Speech To ye army & march’t Through Together with ye General & Some other Gentlemen and agread with ye General & Pubblickly with ye whole army yt as Soon as ye wind & weather Should Favour he with all his Ships Shou’ d go into ye harber Ingage ye Island Battre & ye Citty: we upon ye Land with all our Forces at ye Same Time Shou’d Ingage them with all our artillary & Escaling Ladders


Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745 Campaign

25 the French sent out a Flag of Truce The Tearms yt was agread upon By ye Councel was yt they Should Deliver ym Selves up Prisners of war & ye Time alowd ym For Consideration was Till nex Day at 9 of ye Clock in ye morning So ware Dismist For yt Time Sabath Day 16 a Fogy misty morning; & all waiting For an answer From ye Citty; ye Time Befor appointed For ye Franch To give an answer was 9 of ye Clock; they Came & it was a gread yt they Deliver ym Selves up Prisners of war with yt Liberty yt they Should have there own money with there moveable Estate & Deliver’d a hostidge as a Pledge of there Faithfullness & next morning for ye army To Enter ye Citty; This night I with Majr Cut [t]Capt King & Liut Miller went ye Grands Rounds & this was ye wormest night yt has Ben Since yt we Came upon this Islan Return’d to my Tent just Brack of Day after This just Before Sun set

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March ye 24:th 1745 24 March June 25 I wou’ d now make Some Remarks upon ye Remarkable Providences in Favour of ye grate Design yt we ware upon: 1 I wou’ d Consider First Re mark Allthough there was about 80 Sail of Vessels; Yet They all arived Safe at Canso not one Lost; & in good health; we lay at Canso about 3 weeks 2ly [secondly] our Lying there So Long we Thought To be against us But Since See To ye Contrary; For in this Time our Cruzers Took 7 or 8 Vessels From ye Franch The F [l]eet at This ^Saild From King Rhode upon ye Expedition against Louis bourge in a Few words ye Scheem yt was Laid in Boston; yt was to hasten away as Fast as Possable (with But 4 or 5 Vessels of Force & they But Small; we had Some hopes of Commodore Worren But yt was very uncertin) To Canso & wait no longer then To have all ye Transports Come Togathar; & To Take ye First Fair wind & Sail to Chabarough Bay; Landing ye Evening with our whole army & To Take our Ladders axes Crows graplins & other Things needful in order To git over ye wals; all in one nig [h]t; this Since we know To be Imprecticable


Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745 Campaign

Commodore Worren Came with 3 Ships Besids his own For our help and Connecticut Fleet Came in all well; in this Time ye weather very Bad Cold & weet; Several Times Set To Sail; in this Time; But was Providencialy Prevented. 29 of April ye weather & wind this Day Being Right we Saild Early in ye morning; Expecting To Land yt night & To march with all our Utencels For war: To atack The Citty ye Same night allthough we had a good wind in ye morning yet it Died away So we was Prevented gitting To our Designed Place yt Day; ye nex morning a Pleasent Fair morning; & our Fleet ware Decovered [discovered]By ye Franch & they Came a Large Company of them out To prevent our landing; 4:ly [fourthly] this at First Look’d Dark upon us But was ordred in ye Taking a Large Ship well Loaded From ye Franch yt was Bound To Louisbourg & Several more Smaller Vessels it was agread in Councel To make a bold attempt with our whole army with our Ladders To Esclad [scale] ye wals but it was Mercyfully Prevented 3ly [thirdly] 5ly [fi fthly] 6ly [sixthly] Thurs day April 9 Mercy; For Several of them we kill d & Took; & those yt got in gave a grate Fright To ym in ye Citty; & at ye grand Battry & we apearing next Day with a grate Company in Sight Frighted ym out of ye grand Battry & we Took Poscession


Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745 Campaign

7ly [seventhly] another very Remarkable Thing; ye many Thousands of Boms & Cannon; & an Innumarable number of Small arms Fir’ d at us yet but about 17 Persons Kill’d by ym att any or all of our Battrys 8ly [eighthly] another; ye weather Fourty Seven Days yt we had Ben on ye Island & Engaging our Enemies; not one Bad Storm; & But very Little Rain or Fogg which is Common at yt Time in ye year; & Espacially at this Place (viz) Cape breton; ye Franch them Selves Take notice of it; & Say there hath not Ben For So Long a Time & at yt Time in ye year So much good weather Since ye Place was Settled as there hath ben This Spring; or Since we Came here & Say yt god Fights For ye English 9ly [ninthly] another Thing is haveing aded To Commodore Worrens Fleet 5 or 6 Ships of war For his assistance in Season 10 ly [tenthly] another Thing ye Commodore Being on Shore Satter Day he with ye advice of ye Councel agrea’ d yt ye First Fair wind yt Came he wou’ d go into ye Harber with all his Ships & ye Land Forces to make a bold Push by Land at ye

127 Seth Pomeroy His Book The 1745 Campaign

Same Time; Just after This Before ye Commodor had got on bord yeFranch Sent out a Flag of Truce & Terms was agrea’ d on for ym To Deliver up ye Citty: had it not ben at yt Very Time; ye next Day must have Ben ye Day To have made a bold Push at ye Citty; For ye wind did well Sute For it; & if we had it must in all human Probibility Prov’ d Fatal To our army & Destroy’d a grate Part of ym and this must be Look’d upon as A Remarkable Providence at yt very Time yt god Should Incline ym to give up ye Citty; it is Evidente & Plain yt god Ruls ye harts of men and There harts at yt Time he Mov’ d ym To give up; For they might have Keept us out & Distroyd us If we had gon on in ye way we had Just before Concluded upon 11ly [eleventhly] another Remarkable Thing ye very next Day after we had Taken Poscession; Rain & Fogg Dark weather 8 or 9 Days Togather & there had not ben So much Rain by one half in 47 Days as now in 4 Days which wou’d Doubtless have Scattered our Fleet & army given opportunity For ye Franch vessels To have

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got into ye harber & wou’ d have Sickened Discoraged If not wholy Brook up our Designs If it had Come Befor — These Things Considerd Togather with many other that might be mension’ d Doth Plainly Show yt god has gon out of ye way of his Common Providence in a Remarkable & all most miraculus manner it is Plain To any body yt will Consider; & think of these Things that ye Lord of Host ye god of armys hath both begun Carried on & Finnish’ d This grate work & Delivered this Strong Citty into our hands. My hartty Desire & Prayer is yt as Long as I have a being I May give ye grate name of god ye Praise of it; yt he has wrot [wrought]Salva tion For new England