Maanguy Leon, emp D
I & S Co, h 4 Armstrong ct
Mackie I C, chemist D
I & S Co, h Rigby -
Mackley J C, supt blst fcs D
I & S Co, h O Vic rd [Old Victoria] -
Maddin Edward, emp D
I & S Co, bds 37 Ferris -
Maddin Miss Georgie, stngrphr, bds
472 Twnsnd [472 Townsend] -
MADDIN J W, of Maddin & Smith, h 18
Beacon -
MADDIN & SMITH, Barristers, 200
Charlotte, Ross Block. See adv. -
Maddin Wm, ex-mine inspector, h 472
Townsend -
Mader Albert, engnr D I & S Co, h Hankard Road -
Mader Oban, teamster A McLean, bds
Lingan road
Mader William, engnr D I & S Co, h East -
Madge Mrs, widow J, bds 8 Morrison -
Madigan Edward, laborer, bds 602
Victoria road -
Madigan John, laborer, bds 602
Victoria road -
Madore Edward, teamster, bds Dolbin -
Madore Edwin, hostler, bds 19 r
Douglas place -
Madore James, driver hose waggon No
2, bds 19 r Douglas place -
Magee John, emp D
I & S Co, h off Shore road -
Maguire Miss C, operator E Telph Co,
bds Ashby -
Mahan John, bds 1462 Victoria road -
Mahan Morris, trimmer D Coal Co, h
1462 Vic rd [1462 Victoria] -
Mahar Michael, teamster, bds 122
Brookland -
Mahoney F A ( dry goods and gents'
furnishings, Wm T Condon, mgr, 764 Victoria road -
MAHONEY T S, local manager Havelock
Bottling Co, Ltd, bds Grand Hotel Dorchester -
Malloy Thomas, emp D
I & S Co, bds 614 Vic rd [614
Victoria] -
Malmgren Ernest, painter, h 74
Esplanade -
Malone Edward, cooper S Cem Co, h
113 Vic rd [113 Victoria] -
Malone George, emp D
I & S Co, mds Hankard rd -
Maloney James, emp D
I & S Co, bds 139 Laurier -
MANN A W, manager Cape Breton
Wholesale Grocery Co, Ltd, h 383 Townsend -
Mann Douglas, agent, bds 193
Bentinck -
Mann J L, clerk C B Who G Co, bds
Hardwood Hill [Hardwood Hill] -
Mann Miss Josephine, stenographer,
bds 20 Tain -
Mann O N, bookkeeper C B Who G Co, h
20 Tain -
Mann Rosala, widow E, bds 20 Tain -
Manning Miss, nurse, bds 793 George -
Manning William, bds 793 George -
Mason W H, proprietor Victoria
Pharmacy, Victoria road; h 118 Bay -
Mant Wm, emp Dom Tar & Chem Co, h
741 Vic rd [741 Victoria] -
Manufacturers' Life Insurance Co, C
W Semple, manager, 217 Charlotte -
McDonald, Mngr, Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods,
Pianos, Organs, Music, &c, 219 Charlotte. P O Box
261 -
Manufacturers of Full Cream Cheddar Cheese, Choice
Creamery Butter, &c. Head office, Sussex, N.B.
Branch 135 Townsend. Phone 426
Maritime Dental Parlor, 314
Charlotte -
Marchant John, emp D
I & S Co, h Hankard -
Martell W T, clerk, bds Grand Hotel -
Marine Hospital, R Muggah, supt,
George -
Mark Thomas, machinist, bds 19 Glebe
avenue -
Mark Walter, tram conductor bds 19
Glebe Ave -
Maroon Lewis, pedlar, bds McKenzie -
Marr Charles, laborer, h Old King's
road -
Marr Duncan, laborer, bds Old King's
road -
Marr Henry, flagman I C R, h Argyle -
Marr John, gardener, bds Old King's
road -
Marr Miss M A, milliner, 323
Charlotte -
Marshall B, engineer D I & S Co, h 231 Lingan
rd -
Marshall Dominick, foreman yard dept D
I & S Co -
Marshall Ed, emp D
I & S Co, bds 192 Henry -
Marshall Elias, emp D
I & S Co, bds 192 Henry -
Marshall Richard, emp D
I & S Co, bds 1424 Vic rd [1424
Victoria] -
Marshall Thomas, bricklayer, h 270
Park -
Marshall Wm, emp Sydney Hotel, h 12
Brookland -
Marshall William, painter, bds 48 r
Dodd -
Martell Albert, emp D
I & S Co, bds 25 Hrngtn ct [25
Harrington] -
Martell Simon, emp D
I & S Co, bds 25 Hrngtn ct [25
Harrington] -
Martell Simon A, clerk, bds 343
Esplanade -
Martin Angus, carpenter, h 399
Townsend -
Martin Colin M, driver Park-Blkwl,
bds 106 Argyle -
Martin Henry C, electrician, bds 182
Townsend -
Martin Jeremiah, conductor I C R, h 26 Beacon -
Martin John R, carpenter, h Margaret -
Martin Kenneth A, driver Imp O Co, h
106 Argyle -
Martin M H, foreman, R, C & Co, h 87
George -
Martin Rosana, widow P, h Frederick -
Martin T, stableman, bds Revere
House, Esplnde [Esplanade] -
Martinello Alley, emp D
I & S Co, h 101 Tupper -
Martinello John, grocer & Feed,
119-121 Tupper; h 101 do [101 Tupper] -
Martinello M, laborer, h 124 Tupper -
Mason James, painter, h 86 Henry -
Mason James, emp D
I & S Co, bds 23 Davenport -
Mason Lambert, moulder, S Fy Co, bds
Townsend -
MASON THOMAS P, secy-treas Shaw &
Mason, Ltd, h Cromarty -
Masters Augustus, clerk, bds
Charlotte -
Matchelinne H S P, shipping clerk,
bds Prince -
907 George -
Matheson A, emp E Tel Co, bds Leonia
House -
Mathews Alb E, emp D
I & S Co, bds 125 Vic rd [125
Victoria] -
Matheson Alex, shipper Int Pier, 204
Townsend -
Matheson Allan, carpenter, bds 206
Townsend -
Matheson Angus, h 14 Wentworth -
Matheson D F, coal trimmer, h Shore
road -
Matheson Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, bds 173 George -
Matheson Daniel A, carpenter, h 1412
Victoria rd -
Matheson Daniel N, emp D
I & S Co, bds McLeod -
Matheson Daniel N, engnr I C R, h
177 Dorchest [177 Dorchester] -
Matheson Hugh, Painter, bds 48
Woodill -
Matheson John A, h McLeod -
Mathews Malc, blksmth D
I & S Co, h 125 Vic rd [125
Victoria] -
Matheson Mrs Mary D, boarding, 907
George -
Matheson Neil, carpenter, h 37
Catherine -
Matheson Norman, fireman I C R, h 17 Campbell -
Matheson Ronald, emp D
I & S Co, h Old Vic rd [Old
Victoria] -
Matheson Rod D, emp D
I & S Co, bds McLeod -
Matheson Miss Sarah, boardong, h 173
George -
Mattock Albert, coremaker D
I & S Co, bds 1107 Victoria road -
Mattock Ebenezer, em D
I & S Co, bds 1107 Vic rd [1107
Victoria] -
Maxwell Charles S, liv stbls, 67
Charlotte; h do -
Maxwell James, emp D
I & S Co, h 238 Park -
Maxwell James, jr, mach D
I & S Co, bds 238 Park -
MAWXELL JAMES R, of Mckay & Maxwell,
h Lovers' lane [MAXWELL JAMES R] -
Maxwell John R, driver, h 344
Townsend -
Mayde Jean, laborer Sydney Cement Co -
McAdam Allan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 104 r Intclnl [104 r
Intercolonial] -
MacADAM'S BOOKSTORE 299 Charlotte
MacADAM REV D M, Catholic, h 217
George -
McAdam Flora, widow D, bds 104 r
Intercolonial -
MacADAM HUGH, Bookseller and
Stationer, 299 Charlotte; h 121 Pitt. See adv. above
[... P.O. Box 530 ...] -
McAdam Miss Isabelle, houskpr, bds
104 r Intclnl [104 r Intercolonial] -
MacAdam John, bds 217 George -
McAdam John, blacksmith, h 31
Glenwood -
McAdam Joseph, mechanic, h 104 r
Intercoloial [104 r Intercolonial] -
MacAdam Miss Kate, bds 217 George -
McAdam Miss May, clerk Reg Deeds,
bds 45 High -
McAdam R J, amusement pronoter, bds
Alfonse H [Alfonse Hotel] -
McAllister Patrick, of Nash &
McAllister, h 106 Townsend -
MacAlpine Daniel G, marine supt Dom
Coal Co, h 106 Dominion -
McArthur Hugh, machinist, h
Alexandra -
McArthur Jordan, machinist, bds
Alexandra -
McArthur Kenneth, teamster, bds 87
King's road -
McAskill Allan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 1444 Vic rd [1444
Victoria] -
McAskill Archd, emp D
I & S Co, bds 1444 Vic rd [1444
Victoria] -
McAskill Miss Christie, cook Brklnd
Hosp; bds do [Brookland Hospital] -
McAskill Miss Isabelle, dressmkr,
bds 1444 Vic rd [1444 Victoria] -
McAskill Murdoch, teamster, h 463 r
McAskill Ronald, emp D
I & S Co, h 1393 Vic rd [1393
Victoria] -
McAulay ----, emp D
I & S Co, bds Vidal Hotel -
McAulay Alex, emp D
I & S Co, bds 107 Ferris -
McAulay Capt Alex, emp D
I & S Co, h Lingan rd -
McAulay Angus, farmer, h Grand Lake
road -
McAulay Angus, emp D
I & S Co, bds 467 Prince -
McAulay Angus B, blacksmith, h 449
Townsend -
McAulay Daniel, carpenter, h 28
Lovers' lane -
McAulay Hugh, truckman, h Inglis -
McAulay James, postal clerk, h 79
George -
McAulay John, emp D
I & S Co, h 467 Prince -
McAulay Ken, fireman I C R, bds 41 Dolbin (N) -
McAulay Malcolm, horseshoer, bds
Davenport rd -
McAulay Malcolm, blksmh D
I & S Co, bds Whit a [Whitney] -
McAulay Mrs Malcolm, widow, rms 438
Charlotte -
McAulay Mrs Mary, h off Victoria
road -
McCabe Miss Georgie, tchr C Sch, bds
Westmount -
MacCabe John J, barrister, 40 Pitt;
h Westmount -
McCALLUM JOHN A, General Blacksmith,
511 Esplanade, corner Townsend; h 210 Bentinck. See
adv. above [... P.O. BOX 537 ...Cor. Townsend Street
and Esplanade ...] -
McCallum Miss M, tchr Domestic
Science, bds Pitt -
McCallum Susan C, wid O F, bds 532
George -
McCann H J, supt store D Coal Co, h
31 Argyle -
McCarthy Arthur K, supt C B E Co,
bds 126 Chrlt [126 Charlotte] -
McCarthy Chas, emp D
I & S Co, bds 614 Vic rd [614
Victoria] -
McCarthy D McC, rep Greenshields, h
48 Park -
McCarthy George, emp D
I & S Co, h 165 Vic rd [165
Victoria] -
McCarthy Mich, emp D
I & S Co, bds 614 Vic rd [614
Victoria] -
McCarthy Thomas, stone mason, h 34
Gritton ave -
McCarvell James J, clerk, bds 52
Nepean -
McCawley Alexander, laborer, h
Prince -
McCawley Archibald, farmer, h Prince -
McCawley Catherine, wid A, bds
Prince -
McCawley Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, bds Prince -
McCawley D R, coal trmr D
I & S Co, bs Prince -
McCawley Neil, emp D
I & S Co, bds Prince -
McCharles Dan A, coal trimmer, h
Tupper -
McClancey Seward, emp D
I & S Co, bds 171 Geo [171 George] -
McClatchy Miss Maggie, clerk, bds
Rockdale ave -
McClaverty Mrs James, widow, h 59
Ferry -
McClaverty Miss Lollie,
stenographer, bds 59 Fry -
McClay Robt, emp D
I & S Co, bds 10 Armstrong -
McCleary R S, emp D
I & S Co, bds 185 Bentinck -
McCodrum John, laborer, h 49
Woodill -
McColough Mrs C T, bds 81 Park -
McConnell Miss Agnes, milliner, rms
25 Esplanade -
McConnell Alexander, com traveller,
h Rigby -
McConnell, h 131 George -
McConnell Miss Kate, bds off
Victoria road -
McCormick Allan Y, emp D
I & S Co, bds 158 Brookland -
McCormack Angus, emp D
I & S Co, bds 111 Pnce [111 Prince] -
McCormack Angus, carpenter, bds 300
Charlotte -
McCormack Archibald, clerk I C R, h Leonard -
McCormack Dan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 19 Ritchie -
McCormack Daniel, emp Dom Coal Co, h
23 Wm [23 William] -
McCormack Dan G, D
I & S Co, h 120 Argyle -
McCormack Dennis, clerk D
I & S Co -
McCormack Gordon, emp D
I & S Co, h 34 Ferry -
McCormack J, emp D
I & S Co, h 27 Davenport -
McCormack Jos B, chief police, h 158
Brookland -
McCormack Jos emp D
I & S Co, rms 342 Charlte [342
Charlotte] -
McCormack Samuel, blacksmith, h 34
Ferry -
McCormack Stephen, tmstr Andws Br &
McCoubrey & Bulman, gen commission
merchants, 158-160 Prince -
McCoubrey A A W, of McCoubrey &
Bulman, bds Alfonse Hotel, George -
McCoubrey L D H, of McCoubrey &
Bulman, bds 400 Townsend -
McCourt James, emp D
I & S Co, bds 453 r Prince -
McCowan Christie, widow R, bds 132
Argyle -
McCowan John, emp D
I & S Co, h st Peter's road -
McCowan Richard L, barber, Sheriff
ave; h 3 Trce [3 Terrace] -
McCOWAN ROBERT, Livery, Sale and
Boarding Stables, 201 Charlotte near Publicover
Block; h St Peter's road -
McQUAIG DANIEL, of Sydney Baking Co,
h Rigby road -
McCuish Hugh, shipper, h Lingan road -
McCuish John, fireman, h Lingan road -
McCully Miss M F, clerk P O, bds 286
George -
McCURDY & CO, Ladies Goods,
Millinery, Mantles, Furs and Fine Dry Goods, 238
Charlotte -
McCurdy C K, clerk McCurdy & Co, bds
"Ingleside," King's road -
McCurdy David, D
I & S Co, bds 115 George -
McCurdy David D, bookkeeper, bds
"Ingleside," King's road -
McCURDY HARRY B, of McCurdy & Co, h
808 George -
McCURDY JOHN E, of McCurdy & Co, h
"Ingleside," King's road -
McCurdy Sarah, w H H, bds
"Ingleside," King's rd -
McDermid Enoch, sash maker, bds r Gd
Lake rd [Grand Lake] -
McDERMAID J A, Proprietr Arlington
Hotel, 558 George. See adv.
McDermid James, seaman, h Buller -
McDermid James, shoemaker, Prince; h
Alexandra -
McDermid John, seaman, h r Grand
Lake road -
McDermott Catherine, wid J, h 203
Dorchester -
McDonald A, carpenter I C R -
McDonald A, clerk, bds Grand Hotel -
McDonald A.A, brakesman I C R -
McDONALD A C, of A C McDonald & Co,
h 10 Douglas -
McDONALD A C & CO, Painters,
Decorators, &c, 278 Esplanade. See adv. -
McDonald A C, timekeeper D
I & S Co -
Manufacturer, Carriage Repairing, Farming
Implements, 532 Esplanade; h do -
McDonald A. J, yard man I C R -
MACDONALD A J, of A J MacDonald &
Sons, h 87 King's Road -
MacDONALD A J & SONS, Dealers in
Groceries, Flour, Meal, Feed, & 37 Pitt and 57
King's Road. Phone 283. P O Box 269 -
MACDONALD REV A J, Presbyterian, h
Brow, off Broadway -
McDonald A L, emp D
I & S Co, bds Vic Hotel [Victoria
Hotel] -
McDonald A N, emp D
I & S Co, h 115 Rockdale a -
McDonald A P, frmn Dom Coal Co, h 98
Dominion -
McDonald A R, carpenter, h 433
Prince -
McDonald A W, clerk D
I & S Co, h 21 Queen -
McDonald Miss Aggie, dressmaker, rms
Glebe ave -
McDonald Miss Agnes, bookbndr, bds
365 Esplnde [365 Esplanade] -
McDonald Albert, blacksmith, h East
Bay road -
McDonald Alex, lumberman, h 14 r
Morrison -
McDonald Alex, carpt D
I & S Co, h 290 Park -
McDonald Alex, blrmkr D
I & S Co, h 180 Union -
McDonald Alex, emp D
I & S Co, bds Leonia Hse [Leonia
House] -
McDonald Alex, sergt police, h 54
Dolbin (N) -
McDonald Alex, machinist, bds 186
King's road -
McDonald Alex, driver, h New Mira
road -
McDonald Alex, jr, clerk 54 Dolbin
(North) -
McDonald Alex A, clerk Crowell's,
bds 14 Prince -
McDonald Alex A, carpenter, bds 300
Charlotte -
McDonald Alex F, emp D
I & S Co, h 83 Twnsnd [83 Townsend] -
McDonald Alex L, timekpr D
I & S Co, h 245 Park -
McDonald Allen, brakesman I C R, bds 76
Intclnl [76 Intercolonial] -
McDonald Allan, carpenter, h Forbes
court -
McDonald Allan A, brksmn, rms 46
Dolbin (N) -
McDonald Allan A, emp D
I & S Co, h 44 Dodd -
McDonald Allan C, painter, h 10
Douglas -
McDonald Allan Jos, emp D
I & S Co, bds 44 Dodd -
McDonald Allan M, 45 Pleasant -
McDonald Andrew, carpenter, bds 298
George -
McDonald Anderson, clerk, h 54
Charlotte -
McDonald Angus, truckman, h 435
George -
McDonald Angus, tinjsmith, bds 33
Charlotte -
McDonald Angus, Inmn C B E Co, bds
53 Douglas -
McDonald Angus, carpenter, h 241 r
Rockdale ave -
McDonald Angus, truckman, h Prince -
McDonald Angus, emp D
I & S Co, bds 393 Geo [393 George] -
McDonald Angus, brksmn D I & S
Co, bds 1419 Victoria
road -
McDonald Angus, emp D
I & S Co, bds 27 Alxndra [27
Alexandra] -
McDonald Angus, tailor, bds 140
Brookland -
McDonald Angus, h 213 Lingan road -
McDonald Angus, emp D
I & S Co, h 414 r Chrlte [414 r
Charlotte] -
McDonald Angus D, clerk, bds 802
Victoria road -
McDonald Angus H, brksmn I C R, bds 76
Intclnl [76 Intercolonial] -
McDonald Angus L, col Inland Revnue,
h King's rd -
McDonald Angus J, emp D
I & S Co, h Tupper -
McDonald Angus M, pipe fitter, h 76
Intercolonial -
McDonald Angus R, carpenter, bds 443
Esplanade -
McDonald Miss Annie, h 536 George -
McDonald Miss Annie, telp opr, bds
290 Townsend -
McDonald Miss Annie, pckr L B D Co,
bds Twnsd [Townsend] -
McDonald Miss Anna B, asst dntst,
bds 428 Twnsd [428 Townsend] -
McDonald Annie, wid A, bds 31
Victoria road -
McDonald Annie, wid D M, h 59
Douglas -
McDonald Annie, wid J, bds 21 Dolbin
(North) -
McDonald Annie, wid J, h 13 Bentinck -
McDonald Archie, h McKenzie -
McDonald Archibald, shoemkr, bds 427
Prince -
McDonald, private bdg, h 308
Charlote -
McDonald Arthur J, h 285 r Esplanade -
McDonald Miss Bessie, telp opr, bds
87 King's rd -
McDonald Miss C A, bookkeeper, res
Reserve -
Macdonald Miss C S, bookeeper, bds
George -
McDonald Miss Cassie, clerk, bds 231
King's road -
McDonald Miss Cassie, of the Misses
McDonald, h 300 Charlotte -
McDonald Miss Cassie, nurse, h 50
Esplanade -
McDonald Catherine, wid A, bds 21
Harrington ct -
McDonald Chas, frmn D
I & S Co, h 44 Ashby rd -
McDonald Chas, plmbr D J Smith, bds
22 Walker -
McDonald Mrs Chas, bds 139 Prince -
McDonald Charles, carpenter, h 139
Falmouth -
McDonald Miss Christina, tlrs, bds
428 Townsend -
McDonald Cline, parlor car cndctr, h 763 George -
McDonald Colin, mach D
I & S Co, h 404 Charlotte -
McDonald Colin, groceries and feed,
23 Alexandra; h 227 Argyle -
McDonald D G, clerk D
I & S Co, h 149 Brookland -
McDonald D H, emp D
I & S Co, h 126 Vic road [126
Victoria] -
McDonald D J, trader, h Lingan road -
Macdonald D J, physician and
surgeon, 333 Charlotte; h 880 George -
McDonald D J, blacksmith, bds 27
Alexandra -
McDonald Mrs D J, wid, brdng hse,
201 Bentinck -
McDonald D J, clerk D
I & S Co, h 173 Whitney a -
McDonald D Ross, chief clerk P O, h
138 George -
McDonald D W, carpenter, bds St Anne -
McDonald Daniel, prop Cape Breton
Bakery, 414 Charlotte; h 404 do -
McDonald Daniel, jr, emp D
I & S Co, bds 217 King's road -
McDonald Daniel, teamster, h 217
King's road -
Macdonald Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, bds George -
Macdonald Daniel, teamster, h
McKenzie -
McDonald Daniel, laborer, h 642
Douglas -
Macdonald Daniel, clerk, bds 60
Douglas -
McDonald, Daniel, laborer, h 459
Charlotte -
McDonald Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, h Old Vic rd [Old
Victoria] -
McDonald Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, h French -
McDonald Daniel, conductor I C R, h 51 Brookland -
McDonald Daniel, prov constable, h
36 Victoria rd -
McDonald Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, h 635 Vic rd [635
Victoria] -
McDonald Daniel, engineer I C R, bds 15 Ritchie -
McDonald Daniel, laborer, bds
Cromarty -
McDonald Daniel A, clerk, bds 64 r
Douglas -
McDonald Daniel A, teamster, h r
1446 Vic rd [1446 Victoria] -
McDonald Daniel C, P O clerk, bds
231 King's rd -
McDonald Daniel C, laborer, George -
McDonald Dan D, lemve wpr I C R, bds
21 Dgls [21 Douglas] -
McDonald Daniel H, bricklayer D
I & S Co, bds 52 Amelia -
McDonald Daniel J, bds 102-104
Intercolonial -
McDonald Daniel J, emp D
I & S Co, bds 44 Dodd -
McDonald Daniel J, emp D
I & S Co, h 284 Esplnd [284
Esplanade] -
McDonald Daniel J, truckman, h 65
Tupper -
McDonald Daniel N, clerk, bds
Alfonse Hotel -
McDonald Daniel H, engr D
I & S Co, h 99 Vic rd [99 Victoria] -
McDonald Daniel P, clerk, bds 33
Charlotte -
Macdonald Dan S, emp I C R bds 207
Townsend -
McDonald David, teamster, bds
Victoria road -
Macdonald Donald J, printer, bds 15
Douglas -
McDonald Dougald, clerk, bds cor
East and South -
McDonald Duncan, blacksmith, bds
Charlotte -
McDonald Duncan, carpenter, h 365
Esplanade -
McDonald Duncan, tlr, \J H Morrison,
h 103 Terris [103 terrace] -
McDonald Duncan A, driver, h 368
Esplanade -
McDonald, clerk, bds 205 Charlotte -
McDonald Edward M, physician, 17
Bentinck; h 8 Park -
Macdonald Eunice, widow Dr M, h 290
Townsend -
Macdonald Miss Eunice, telg opr, bds
290 Twnsnd [290 Townsend] -
McDonald Evan, clerk, bds 98
Rockdale avenue -
McDonald F J, acctnt Bk Montl, h 216
King's rd -
McDonald Mrs F S, widow D, h Henry -
McDonald Frank, carpenter. bds
Forbes court -
McDonald Frank, emp D
I & S Co, bds 300 Chrlte [300
Charlotte] -
McDonald fred, emp D
I & S Co, bds 173 George -
McDonald Fred, drftsmn D Coal Co,
bds Forbes ct -
Macdonald Fred, dist frmn E T Co, h
10 Bentinck -
MacDONALD FINLAY, barrister, 337
Charlotte; h 108 Park -
McDonald Miss Flora, D I & S Co's
restaurant, bds 126 Victoria road -
McDonald Miss Flora, clerk, bds 601
George -
McDonald Miss Florence, typesetter,
bds Prince -
McDonald Geo, mach D
I & S Co, bdcs 148 Crescent -
McDonald H C, Royal Bank Can, rms 54
Prince -
McDonald H J, motorman C B E Co. bds
Tensnd [Townsend] -
Macdonald Harris, foreman D
I & S Co, h 18 Geo [18 George] -
McDonald Hugh, bds 126 Victoria road -
McDonald Hugh, emp I C R, bds Forbes
court -
McDonald Hugh, brksmn I C R, bds 76
Intedrcolnl [76 Intercolonial] -
McDonald Hugh, emp D
I & S Co, h 10 Armstrng [10
Armstrong] -
McDonald Hugh, metal worker, h Ashby -
McDonald Hugh, contractor, h 65
Argyle -
McDonald Hector, truckman, h 21
Dolbin (North) -
Macdonald Miss Helen, artist, bds 15
Douglas plc -
McDonald Miss Helen, dressmaker, h
50 Esplnde [50 Esplanade] -
Macdonald Miss Helen C, clk P O, bds
353 Twnsd [353 Townsend] -
McDonald Miss I B, opr W U T Co, bds
King's rd -
McDonald Ira, emp D
I & S Co, bds 59 Ferry -
Macdonald Mrs Isabelle, wid A, bds
142 Morrison -
Upright and Grand Pianos, Reed and Pipe Organs,
Gramophones and Phonographs, 210 Charlotte -
McDonald J A, clerk I C R freight
dept -
McDonald J C, clerk, h 80 South
Bentinck -
McDonald J C, bricklayer open hearth D
I & S Co -
McDONALD J G, of A J McDonald &
Sons, bds 87 King's road -
McDonald Miss J H, retoucher, bds
Douglas place -
McDonald J J, baker, h 423 Charlotte -
McDonald J L, clerk U Bk Hx, bds 358
Townsend -
McDonald James, emp D
I & S Co, h 8 Nepean -
McDonald James, pattern maker, bds
33 Charlotte -
McDonald James, chief engnr ore bins D
I & S Co -
Macdonald James, carpenter, h
Alexandra -
McDonald James, truckman, h r Grand
Lake road -
McDonald James, carpenter, h 63
Catherine -
McDonald James, mldr D
I & S Co, bds St Anne -
McDonald James, emp D
I & S Co, bds 15 Park -
McDonald James, emp D
I & S Co, h 34 Charlotte -
McDonald James, emp D
I & S Co, h Railroad plce -
McDonald Jas, operator D "Record,"
bds Forbes ct -
McDonald James A, h 41 Gritton
avenue -
McDonald James E, carpenter, h 2
Esplanade -
McDonald Miss Jane, h 15 Campbell -
McDonald Miss Jean P, teacher, bds
353 Townsend -
McDonald Jennie, opr E Tel Co, bds
290 Park -
McDonald Jossie, widow A h 105
Cottage -
McDonald Jessie, widow J R, h 1400 r
Victoria rd -
Macdonald Jessie, widow J, bds 353
Townsend -
McDonald Jessie, widow Neil, bds 447
George -
McDonald Jessie I, widow D, h 1097
George -
Macdonald John, lineman C B E Co, h
Prince -
McDonald John, bricklayer D
I & S Co, bds 727 Victoria road -
McDonald John, bds 219 Victoria road -
McDonald John, clerk I C R, h 283
Charlotte -
McDonald John, emp D
I & S Co, bds 28 Ferry -
McDonald John, emp D
I & S Co, bds 404 Chrlte [404
Charlotte] -
McDonald John, electrician, h 378
Charlotte -
McDonald John, baker, h Charlotte -
McDonald John, coal trimmer, bds
Paine -
McDonald John, emp D
I & S Co, bds 111 Prince -
McDonald John, carpenter, h 98
Rockdale avenue -
Macdonald John, electen C B E Co,
bds 17 Douglas -
Macdonald John, driver, bds 60
Douglas -
Macdonald John, em D
I & S Co, bds 146 Bentinck -
McDonald John, emp G L Murphy, h 80
So Bntnck [80 South Bentinck] -
McDonald John, emp L B D Co, bds 443
Esplanade -
McDonald John, carpenter, bds 298
George -
McDonald John, carpenter, h 231
King's road -
McDonald John A, emp D
I & S Co, bds 173 Geo [173 George] -
Macdonald John A, mach D
I & S Co, h 127 Twnsd [127 Townsend] -
McDonald John A, emp D
I & S Co, bds 1400 r Victoria road -
McDonald John A, em D
I & S Co, h 1454 r Vic rd [1454 r
Victoria] -
McDonald John A, nurse, h 90
Esplanade -
McDonald John A, firmn D I & S Co, h 631
Vic rd [631 Victoria] -
McDonald John A, freight clk I C R, h 391
Twnsd [391 Townsend] -
McDonald John C, bklyr D
I & S Co, 1097 Geo [1097 George] -
McDonald John D, truckman, bds 41
Gritton ave -
McDonald John Dm emp D
I & S Co, bds 173 Geo [173 George] -
McDonald John D, emp D
I & S Co, h 26 Intelnl [26
International] -
McDonald John D, clerk mech dept I C
R -
McDonald John F, teamster, bds
Charlotte -
Macdonald John E, driver, bds 64 r
Douglas -
Macdonald John H, bds 15 Douglas -
McDonald John H, fisherman, h 1444
Victoria road -
McDonald John J, coutny constable, h
52 Amelia -
McDonald John J, emp I C R, h 138
Henry -
McDonald John J, moulder D
I & S Co, bds 127 Victoria road -
Macdonald John J, emp D
I & S Co, h 443 Twnsnd [443
Townsend] -
McDonald John Patrick, cabman, h 189
York -
McDonald John R, emp Tar & C Wks, h
802 Vic rd [802 Victoria] -
McDonald John S, chief weightmaster D
I & S Co, h 147 Whitney avenue -
McDonald John T, cndetr I C R, bds 33 Charlotte -
Macdonald John Y, carpenter, h 263
Townsend -
McDonald Joseph, sec hand I C R, bds 216 Bncnck
(216 Bentinck] -
McDonald Joseph, teamster, bds 346
Esplanade -
McDonald Joseph, carpenter, bds 241
r Rockdale a -
McDonald Jos, edit Syd "Record." h
174 Brookland -
McDonald Jos, time ofce D
I & S Co, bds 89 Vic rd [89
Victoria] -
Macdonald Josephine, stenogrphr, bds
290 Twnsnd [290 Townsend] -
McDonald Miss Kate, bookbinder, bds
Prince -
McDonald Kate, widow A, bds Grand
Lake road -
McDonald Miss Kate, bds 217 George -
McDonald Kenneth, electrician, bds
55 George -
McDonald Mrs L, widow, h Mitchell's
place -
McDonald L J, emp D
I & S Co, bds 126 Vic rd [126
Victoria] -
MacDONALD L W, Proprietor Victoria
Hotel, 220 George; h do. See adv.
McDonald L X, barrister and judge
Jrobate Charlotte; bds 148 Crescent -
McDonald Lauchlin, emp D
I & S Co, h 22 Reserve -
McDonald Lauchlin, laborer, h 126
Tupper -
Macdonald Lauchlin, endtr Tram Co, h
60 Douglas -
McDonald Lauchlin, clerk, h 6
Armstrong court -
McDonald Leo V, chmst D
I & S Co, bds 140 Chrlt [140
Charlotte] -
Macdonald Miss Linda, stenogrphr,
bds 1097 Geo [1097 George] -
McDonald Lizzie, widow M, h 89
Victoria road -
McDonald Miss M, ch opr E T Co, bds
290 Twnsd [290 Townsend] -
McDonald Miss M A, Clerk, bds Henry -
McDonald Miss M F, stngrphr, bds 149
Brookland -
McDonald Miss Maggie, clerk, bds 365
Esplanade -
McDonald Miss Margaret, music
teacher, bds 497 Esplanade -
McDonald Miss Margaret, tailoress,
bds 290 Park -
McDonald Miss Margaret, of The
Misses McDonald, h 300 Charlotte -
McDonald Miss Margaret, bkpr, bds
186 King's rd -
Macdonald Miss Margaret, bds
McKenzie -
McDonald Miss Margaret, dressmaker,
h 544 Geo [544 George] -
Macdonald Miss Margaret,
stenographer, bds 353 Townsend -
McDonald Margaret, widow D, bds 50
Esplanade -
Macdonald Malcolm, stblmn, Lynch
Bros Dolan Co, Ltd, bds Dorchester -
McDonald Malcolm, fireman, h Alexandra
McDonald Malcolm D, emp D
I & S Co, bds 443 Townsend
McDonald Malcolm, teamster, bds 21
Harringron c -
Macdonald Malcolm R, laborer, h 198
Dorchester -
McDonald Martin, asst pressman Syd
"Record," bds 241 r Rockdale avenue -
McDonald Miss May, clerk, bds 1097
George -
McDonald Mary, widow A, h 26
Intercolonial -
Macdonald Miss Mary, laundress, bds
428 Twnsnd [428 Townsend] -
Macdonald Miss Mary, pckr, L B D Co,
bds Twnsd [Townsend] -
McDonald Miss Mary, tailoress, bds
31 Victoria rd -
Macdonald Michael, tram conductor C
B El T Co -
McDonald Mich, linotype operator,
bds 15 Douglas -
McDonald Mich A, emp D
I & S Co, h 266 Lngn rd [266 Lingan]
McDonald & Sons, bds 87 King's road -
McDonald Murdoch, emp Sand Mfg, bds
292 r Geo [292 r George] -
Macdonald Murdoch, laborer, bds 12
Morrison -
McDonald Murdoch, emp D
I & S Co, bds 27Alexandra
McDonald Murdoch, h 35 Alexandra
McDonald Murdock D, fireman, bds 17 Douglas
Macdonald Murdoch D, mgr Cold
Storage, corner High and Townsend -
McDonald Miss Navima Clyde, bds 44
Ashby road -
McDonald Neil, bookkeeper, h 447
George -
McDonald Neil, blacksmith, bds 34
Charlotte -
McDonald Neil, teamster, bds Leonia
House -
Macdonald Neil H, driver, bds 642
Douglas -
Macdonald Neil J, fireman C B Elec
Co -
McDONALD N L, mgr Maritime Book &
Music Co, h 32 Woodill -
McDonald Miss Nellie, teacher, bds
Convent Holy Redeemer -
MacDONALD NORMAN, dry goods,
groceries, boots and shoes, &c, 210 King's rd; h 186
do [186 King's] -
McDonald Norman A, carriage bld, h
225 King's rd -
Macdonald Norman P, emp D
I & S Co, bds 443 Townsend
McDonald Mrs P J, h 205 Charlotte
McDonald Peter, drug clerk Vic Phar,
bds West -
McDonald Peter, laborer, h 158 r
Prince -
Macdonald Peter, carriage bldr, bds
228 Bentinck -
McDonald Peter, blrmkr D
I & S Co, h 179 Uhion -
MsDonald Peter J, hackman, h 49
Gritton avenue [McDonald Peter J] -
McDonald Peter W, draftsman, h Rigby
McDonald Pius, emp D
I & S Co, bds Shore road
McDonald R A, clerk, D
I & S Co, h East -
McDonald R J, contractor, bds 926
George -
McDonald Rannie, frmn D
I & S Co, bds 165 Pitt -
Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware, &c, 714-716
Victoria road; bds cor East and South -
McDonald Rod, emp D
I & S Co, bds 404 Charlotte
McDonald Rod D, coal trimmer, h 194
Dominion -
McDonald Rod J, emp D Coal Co, h 204
Dominion -
Macdonald Robert, carpenter, bds 6
Morrison -
McDonald Robt, electen D
I & S Co, bds 308 Chrlt [308
Charlotte] -
McDonald Robert, agent Mooney
Biscuit Co, bds 103 Brookland -
McDonald Ron, motorman C B E Co, h 12 Argyle
McDonald Ron, driver S & Proc, bds
New Mira rd -
Macdonald Ronald, emp D
I & S Co, h 274 Twnsnd [274
Townsend] -
Macdonald Ronald, carpenter, h
Forbes court -
McDonald Ronald, col customs, h 148
Crescent -
McDonald Ronald, emp D
I & S Co, h 219 Vic rd [219
Victoria] -
McDonald Ron, emp D
I & S Co, bds 1400 r Vic rd [1400 r
Victoria] -
McDonald Ronald, carpenter, h 31
Victoria road -
McDonald Mrs Ronald, widow, h Lingan
road -
McDonald Ronald, carpenter, h Lingan
road -
McDonald Miss Sadie, stngrphr, bds
105 Charlotte -
McDonald Miss Sadie, dressmaker, bds
447 Geo [447 George] -
McDonald Miss Sadie, waitress, bds
44 Ashby road -
Macdonald Sarah, widow J, h 428
Townsend -
McDonald Samuel, emp E Tel Co, bds
290 Park -
McDonald Stephen, fireman I C R
Macdonald Stephen R, msgr City Hall,
bds 15 Dgls [15 Douglas] -
McDonald The Misses, private bdng,
300 Charltte [300 Charlotte] -
McDonald Thomas, clerk, bds cor East
and South -
McDonald W G, engnr I C R, h 21 George
McDonald W J, acctnt Tar & Chem
Works -
Macdonald W N, real estate agent and
insurance, 290 Charlotte; h 1097 George -
McDonald Wm, dealer in hides and
tallow, 502 Esplanade; h 496 do [496 Esplanade]
Macdonald William, emp I C R, h 207
McDonald William, emp D
I & S Co, rms 342 Chrlt [342
Charlotte] -
McDonald Wm S, melter open hrth, bds
1097 Geo [1097 George] -
Macdougall Mrs A K, bds 105 Whitney
avenue -
McDougall Alex, emp D
I & S Co, h 991 Vic rd [991
Victoria] -
McDougall Allan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 35 William
McDougall Allan, laborer, bds 480
Prince -
McDougall Angus, carpenter, h 149
Argyle -
McDougall Angus, teamster C B Who G
Co, Ltd, h Argyle -
McDougall Angus, shoemaker, 480
Prince -
McDougall Angus J, em D
I & S Co, bds 140 r Bay
McDougall Annie, wid D, bds 1400
Vivtoria road -
McDougall Archie, laborer, h 153
Falmouth -
McDougall Capt Archibald, h George
McDougall B D, com traveller, 214
Charlotte; h 58 Union -
McDougall Charles, emp D
I & S Co, h Hankard -
McDougall Christina, widow J, h 324
McDougall D H, supt mines and
quarries D
I & S Co, h 99 Charlotte
McDougal Donald, truckman, h 38
William -
McDougall Dunc, emp D
I & S Co, bds 324 Twnsd [324
Townsend] -
McDougall Mrs E, bds 263 Bentinck
McDougall Miss Flora, car cleaner I
C R -
McDougall Geo, emp D
I & S Co, bds 38 William
Macdougall Geo D, chief engnr D
I & S Co, h 7 Charlotte -
McDOUGALL H F, building material,
Royal Bank Building, 164 Charlotte; res Christmas
Islnd -
McDougall James, clerk Campbell
Bros, bds Bay -
McDougall Miss Jennie, dressmkr, bds
26 Reserve -
McDougall John, emp D
I & S Co, h French -
McDougall John, emp I C R, bds 48 r
Dodd -
McDougall John, laborer, bds
Alexandra -
McDougall John, clerk, bds 346
Esplanade -
McDougall Joseph, emp D
I & S Co, h 218 Roberts -
McDougall Joseph R, emp D
I & S Co, bds 35 Wm [35 William]
McDougall Miss M F, teacher, bds 105
Cottage rd -
McDougall Mary, widow J S, h 140 r
Bay -
McDougall Richard, emp Chappell B,
bds 38 Wm [38 William] -
McDougall Sarah, widow J, h 35
William -
McDougall Sarah, widow M, bds 1416
Victoria rd -
MacECHEN A J G, Barrister, Notary
Public, &c, 8 Dorchester; h 101 Bentinck. See adv.
p. 1250 -
McEchen Mrs F A, bds 630 George
McEachern Allan, pattern maker, h
Inglis -
McEachern Allan, emp D
I & S Co, bds Leonia H -
McEachern Miss Alice, nurse, h 147
Prince -
McEachern Angus J, shipper, bds 300
Charlotte -
McEachern Angus J, trimmer, h 1416
Victoria rd -
NcEachern Archibald, porter, bds 147
Prince -
McEachern Dan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 28 Ferry -
McEachern Dan, jntr Y M C A, bds 86
So Bentck [86 South Bentinck] -
McEachern Duncan, chief police, h r
Gd Lake road [Grand Lake] -
McEachern Duncan, jr, emp D
I & S Co, bds r Grand Lake road
McEachern Hugh D, hrns mkr, h 107
Rockdale ave -
MvEachern Jas, emp D
I & S Co, bds 614 Vic rd [614
Victoria] -
McEachern James, printer Sydney
"Post." bds 86 South Bentinck -
MvEachern John, clerk, bds 86 South
Bentinck -
McEachern John, shoemaker, 21
Falmouth; h do -
McEachern Joseph, emp D
I & S Co, h 1176 Vic rd [1176
Victoria] -
McEachern Kate, widow A J, h 86
South Bentinck -
McEachern Michael, emp D
I & S Co, h 6 Amstg c [6 Armstrong]
McEachern Murdoch, smn D
I & S Co, h Curry's l -
McEachern Oius, driver, N S F Co,
bds 219 King's r -
McEachern Rod, emp D
I & S Co, bds 28 Ferry
McFadden Charles, car repr I C R, bds 48 Wnewth
[48 Wentworth] -
McFadden John, chainman, h 38
Wentworth -
McFadden Lauchlin, emp D
I & S Co, h 91 Ferris -
McFadden Mrs Wm, h 48 Wentworth
McFadyen Alexander, clerk, bds 50
Esplanade -
McFadyen Angus E, street entretr, h
49-51 Frnce [49-51 Furnace] -
McFadyen Calvin, emp D
I & S Co, h 236 Roberts -
McFadyen Edward, bookkpr, bds 501
Townsend -
McFadyen Edward, salesman, h 515
Townsend -
McFadyen Edward, deliv clrk, bds 50
Esplanade -
McFadyen Frank, chemist Sydney
Cement Co -
McFadyen Michael, magistrate, real
estate, etc., 200 Charlotte; h 50 Esplanade
McFarlane Hugh C, ticket agt I C R, h 54 Union
McGibbon Alex, emp D
I & S Co, bds 115 Prince
McGillivray Alex, emp I C R, bds 36
Reserve -
McGillivray Mrs Andrew, bds 139 r
Prince -
McGillivray Miss Bessie, tlrs, bds
160 Rockdale av -
McGillivray Colin, moulder D
I & S Co, h Louisa -
McGillivray Dan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 115 Prince
McGillivray Dan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 404 Chrlte [404
Charlotte] -
McGillivary Dan A, emp I C R, bds 181 Prince
McGillivray Frank, emp D
I & S Co, h 73 Esplnde [73
Esplanade] -
MacGillivray Gordon, druggist, 307
Charlotte; h 132 Brookland -
McGillivray Isabelle, widow D, bds
1411 Vic road [1411 Victoria] -
McGillivray J E, emp D
I & S Co, bds 183 Bntnck [183
Bentinck] -
McGillivray James, tel opr, h 126
Charlotte -
McGillivary jos, emp Round House, h 536 George
McGillivray Miss Lenore, clerk, bds
1470 Vic rd [1470 Victoria] -
McGillivray Miss Mary, emp Dodge's
Studio, bds 98 Charlotte -
McGillivray Miss May, clk McA Bkste.
bds Louisa -
McGillivray Michael D, boilermaker D
I & S Co, h 105 Victoria road
McGillivray Capt W H, clerk, h 160
Rockdale ave -
McGillivray Wm, conductor I C R, h
Chappel crt -
McGillivray Wm J, coal trimmer, h
1411 Vic road [1411 Victoria] -
McGine Fred, emp D
I & S Co, bds Victoria Hotel
McGonnigal Frank, bushelman, 150
Twnsnd; h do [150 Townsend] -
McGown Harry, emp D
I & S Co, bds Gr Lake rd [Grand
Lake] -
McGown Miss Myrtle, dressmaker, bds
Gd Lk rd [Grand Lake] -
McGown Walter, emp D
I & S Co, bds Gd Lake rd [Grand
Lake] -
McGown Wm, sr, emp D
I & S Co, h Gd Lake rd [Grand Lake]
McGown Wm, jr, cooper, T & C Co, bds
Gd Lk rd [Grand Lake] -
McGowan John, bookkeeper, h 55
Rockdale road -
McGowan John, h 443 Prince
McGowan R, collector C B E Co, bds
193 Bentinck -
McGowan Thomas, motorman, bds 247
Esplanade -
McGrath Edward, stableman, bds
George -
McGrath Harris, emp D
I & S Co, h Cornishtwn rd [Cornishtown]
McGrath John, plasterer, h
Mitchell's place -
McGrath Nicholas, wheelwright, h 179
Bentinck -
McGRATH PATRICK, of A C McDonald &
Co, h 549 George, near Falmouth -
McGrath Patrick, emp D
I & S Co, bds 576 Vic rd [576
Victoria] -
McGrath Patrick, emp D
I & S Co, bds 40 Bryan -
McGregor Frank, clerk P Blake, h 132
Argyle -
McGregor Lauchlin, bookkeeper, h 42
Gritton ave -
McGregor Fred, stableman, bds 491
Esplanade -
McGuigan George, emp Rhodes, Curry &
Co -
McGuigan John B, emp D
I & S Co, h 155 Twnsnd [155
Townsend] -
McGuire Miss Clare, telephone opr,
bds Margaret -
McGuire Donald, laborer Sydney
Cement Co -
McGuire John, blm mills, D
I & S Co, h 61 Dvnprt [61 Davenport]
McGuire Mrs William, h Margaret
McHeffey W L, acctnt R Bk Can, bds
658 George -
McInnis Mrs, cook Royal Hotel, bds
do -
McInnis Capt, master mariner, h 119
Catherine -
McInnis Alex, laborer, h Alexandra
McInnis Angus R, checker D Coal Co,
h Shore rd -
McInnis Clark, emp D
I & S Co, bds McLeod -
McInnis Daniel, driver Co-op Stre, h
305 Esplnde [305 Esplanade] -
McInnis Daniel, emp I C R, h 198
Dorchester -
McInnis Daniel, emp I C R, h 104
Townsend -
McInnis Donald J, laborer, bds
Alexandra -
McInnis Frank, fireman, bds 8 Ritchie
McInnis Frederick A, of Morrison &
McInnis, h 107 Catherine -
McInnis Hugh, carpenter, h 8 Ritchie
McInnis James, emp D
I & S Co, bds 495 Charlte [495
Charlotte] -
McInnis Miss Jessie, clerk, bds
Johnston -
McInnis John, emp I C R, bds 48 r
Dodd -
McInnis John, emp D
I & S Co, h 275 Prince -
McInnis John, gen mcht, 473
Esplanade; h 475 do -
McInnis John, h 1454 r Victoria road
McInnis John, emp D
I & S Co, bds 8 Ritchie -
McInnis John, car inspct I C R, bds
198 Dorchester -
McInnis J D, emp Rhodes, Curry & Co
McInnis John D, emp I C R, h
Alexandra -
McInnis John N, farmer, h 16
Jamieson -
McInnis John Peter, emp I C R, bds Alexandra
McInnis Jonathan, coal trimmer, h
Lingan road -
McInnis Joseph, laborer, bds
Alexandra -
McInnis L H, chief engnr ore bins D
I & S Co, h 85 Ferris -
McInnis Maggie, widow D, h 197
Lingan road -
McInnis Mrs Mary, bds 61 James
McInnis Neil, tailor, bds Lingan
road -
McInnis Mrs Neil, widow, h Royal
avenue -
McINNIS REV R, Catholic, h 61 James
McInnis William, engineer, h St. Anne
McInnis Wm H, emp D
I & S Co, h McLeod -
McIntosh Angus, firemn I C R, bds 41 Dolbin (N)
McIntosh Miss Anna B, sch tchr, bds
790 George -
McIntosh Daniel, carpenter, h
Frederick -
McIntosh Daniel, truckman, h 241 r
Rockdale ave -
McIntosh Mrs Eliza J, bds 247
Esplanade -
McIntosh G S, prop Palace Cafe, 255
Esplanade; rooms Charlotte -
McIntosh J H B, The Commercial Sales
Agency, 291 Charlotte -
McIntosh James, dentist, bds 208
Charlotte -
McIntosh Miss Margaret, millinery,
bds 404 Chrlte [404 Charlotte] -
McIntosh Mary, widow John, h 46
Alexandra -
McIntosh Murd, fireman I C R, rms 37
Dolbin (N) -
McIntosh Peter, emp D
I & S Co, bds 298 George
McIntosh Mrs Rebecca, nurse, bds 46
Alexandra -
McIntyre Alex, emp D
I & S Co, h Sheriff avenue
McIntyre Alex, teamster, bds 447
George -
McIntyre Alex, groceries, 362
Esplanade; h 364 do [364 Esplanade] -
McIntyre, h 76 Whitney avenue -
McIntyre Angus, emp D
I & S Co, h 158 r Prince
McIntyre Angus D, mech frmn D
I & S Co, h 78 George -
McIntyre Miss Bride, bds 213
Victoria road -
McIntyre Miss Christie, cook Vidal
Hotel; bds do -
McIntyre D K, physician, 491
Esplanade; h do -
McIntyre Daniel A, driver, bds 560
Esplanade -
McIntyre Daniel F, driver, bds 181
Prince -
McIntyre Duncan, bds 212 Dominion
McIntyre Edw, draftsmn D
I & S Co, bds Sheriff a -
McIntyre Harold, clerk, bds Louisa
McIntyre Harry M, clerk Oak Hall,
bds George -
McIntyre Hector, frmn D
I & S Co, h 213 Victoria road
McIntyre Hector, car cleaner C B E
Co. h King’s rd -
McIntyre Hugh, tailor, h 110
Townsend -
McINTYRE J J, PROP Central Meat
Market; mgr, Leonia House, 384-412 Charlotte; h 384
do. See adv. [384 Charlotte] -
McIntyre James, boilermaker I C R, h Louisa
McIntyre John, bookkeeper, bds 181
Prince -
McIntyre John, oiler Sydney Cement
Co -
McIntyre John, carpenter, bds 300
Charlotte -
McIntyre John D, mach D
I & S Co, bds 393 Geo [393 George]
McIntyre John D, policeman, h McLean
McIntyre J J, groceries, 129 Henry;
h do -
McIntyre John W, shoemaker, h
Sheriff avenue -
McIntyre Joseph J, lab, bds 364
Esplanade -
McIntyre Miss Kate, waitress, Leona
Hotel -
McIntyre Lizzie Mrs, frt confec, 381
Charlotte, h do -
McIntyre Matilda Miss, tchr, bds
Cnvt Hly Redmr -
McIntyre Michael, brakeman I C R, bds 76
Intercnl [76 Intercolonial] -
McIntyre Norman D, blksmth 225 Kings
Rd, h 27 Alexandra [225 King's] -
McIntyre P J, barrister, 200
Charlotte, bds Inglis -
McIntyre Wm H, lab Chappell Bros,
bds 433 Esple [433 Esplanade] -
McIsaac A W, emp Tram Co, h 124 Bay
McIsaac Miss Agnes, dressmaker, bds
140 Pitt -
McIsaac Alex, emp Rhodes, Curry Co
McIsaac Alex, shppr Lynh Brs & Doln,
bds 5 Amsg [5 Armstrong] -
McIsaac Allan R, ins agt, bds 300
Charlotte -
McIsaac Angus, emp D
I & S Co, bds 24 Fairview
McIsaac Angus, elec C B E Co, h 124
Bay -
McIsaac Angus, h 381 r George
McIsaac Miss Annie, tailoress, bds
381 r George -
McIsaac Miss Annie, clerk, bds 140
Pitt -
McIsaac Annie, widow John, bds 243
Roberts -
McIsaac Bernard, I C R fireman, bds 24 Fairview
McIsaac Charles J, barber, 285
Charlotte, rooms 22 Glebe avenue -
MeIsaac Christina, widow J H, h 140
Pitt -
McIsaac Daniel, emp I C R, bds 36 Reserve
McIsaac Dan A, teamster, h 776
George -
McIsaac Duncan, blacksmith, 109
Argyle h 107 do [107 Argyle] -
McIsaac Elizabeth, widow P, h 206
Roberts -
McIsaac Hugh, carriage builder, 562
George; h 38 Gritton avenue -
McIsaac Isaac, emp I C R, bds 300
George -
McIsaac J, emp D
I & S Co, h West -
McIsaac D R, shipping supt and asst
sales agent D
I & S Co, h 28 Bay View -
McIsaac John, emp D
I & S Co, bds 24 Fairview
McIsaac John, h 211 Victoria road
McIsaac John Alex, emp D
I & S Co, bds 140 Pitt -
McIsaac John B, bds 44 William
McIsaac John H, trader, h Gatacre
McMcIsaac Joseph, painter, bds 380
George -
McIsaac Joseph, car cleaner, bds 133 Johnston
McIsaac Joseph, emp D
I & S Co, bds 614 Vic rd [614
Victoria] -
McIsaac Leslie, emp D
I & S Co, bds 206 Roberts
McIsaac M D, blacksmith, 170 Henry;
h do -
McIsaac Miss M, operator E T Co, bds
George -
McIsaac Miss Mabel, emp Ladies Hair
Dressing Parlr, bds McLean Court -
McIsaac Miss Maggie, clerk, bds 24
Fairview -
McIsaac Malcolm, emp D
I & S Co, h 211 Vic rd [211
Victoria] -
McIsaac Mrs Mary, dressmaker, 309
Charlotte; bds 140 Pitt -
McIsaac Miss Mary J, school tchr,
bds 206 Roberts -
McIsaac Michael, emp D
I & S Co, bds 512 Vic rd [512
Victoria] -
McIsaac Miss Winnie, clk, bds cr
Terrac & St P rd [Terrace & St Peter's]
McIsaac Miss Minnie, tailoress, bds
36 Interconlnl [36 Intercolonial] -
McIsaac Neil, jr, barber, bds 24
Fairview -
McIsaac R A, salesman, bds 52 Nepean
McIsaac Roderick, emp D
I & S Co, h 168 Falmouth
MsIsaac Stephen, frmn power house D
I & S Co -
McIsaac Wm ,B Clerk bds 36 Wentworth
McIvor Angus, emp D
I & S Co, h 379 Townsend
McIvor Miss Katie, milliner, bds
1169 Victoria rd -
McKay Mrs D, h 362 George
McKAY A R, of McKay & Maxwell, h 69
Rckdle av [69 Rockdale] -
McKAY ALLAN, Carriage and Sleigh
Builder. Best Seasoned Stock always on hand, 520
Esplanade; h cor Townsend and Bentinck -
McKay Andw, whse clk D
I & S Co, h 189 Whit av [189
Whitney] -
McKay Miss Catherine, clerk, bds
Brookland -
McKay Miss Christie, stngrphr, bds
cor Townsend and Bentinck -
McKay Christina, widow A, h 258
Lingan road -
McKAY D, Proptr Savoy Hotel, 225
Dorchester. See adv. -
McKay Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, h Kitchener -
McKay Duncan F, carpenter, h 241
King's road -
McKay Miss Emily, milliner, bds 228
Bentinck -
McKay Eric L, stenographer, h 128 r
King's road -
McKay George, printer, bds 103
King's road -
McKay Geo, emp D
I & S Co, rooms 211 Esplanade
McKay Ira P, horseshoer, bds Leonia
House -
McKay Jack, traveller, bds 58 Union
McKay John, emp Hav Bot Co, bds 300
George -
MacKAY L G, of W A MacKay & Co, bds
223 Espd [223 Esplanade] -
McKay Lawrence, emp D
I & S Co, h 192 Vic rd [192
Victoria] -
McKay Malcolm N, driver, h 440
George -
McKay Margaret, wid Wilmot, h 103
King's road -
McKay Miss Marion, confectionery and
stationery, 274 George; h do -
MacKAY & MAXWELL, Waggon Makers,
Carriages, Rubber Tires and Farming Implements, 169
to 183 Pitt. Phone 6. P O Box 113 -
McKay Norman, emp D
I & S Co, h 33 Alexandra
McKay Richard, bds 128 r King's road
MacKAY W A, of W A MacKay & Co, res
Purvis, North Sydney -
MacKAY W A & CO, Electrical
Contractors, 23 Dorchester. See colored slip
McKay W A, foreman Machine shop D
I & S Co -
Mc|Kay Welsford D, emp D
I & S Co, bds Gd Hotel [Grand Hotel]
McKay Wm D, melter D
I & S Co, h 270 Whit ave [270
Whitney] -
McKeen Archibald, emp D
I & S Co, bds 36 Argyle -
McKeen Miss Clare, cashier McCurdy &
Co, rooms 25 Esplanade -
MacKEEN E T, editor Sydney "Post," h
36 Argyle -
McKeen Miss Flora E, clerk S & G B
Ry, bds 36 Argyle -
McKeen Miss Hattie, milliner, rooms
25 Esplanade -
McKeen J, emp Chem Works, bds
Hankard -
McKeen Roy, clerk, D
I & S Co, bds 36 Argyle -
McKeigan Archibald, h 74 Falmouth
McKeigan Christopher, carpenter, h
18 Gritton ave -
McKeigan D, car oiler I C R
McKeigan P.J, brksmn I C R rms 143 Dolbin (N)
McKenna Arthur V, baker, h 244
Bentinck -
McKenna Jack, sign painter, bds
Pitt, cor Johnston -
McKenna James, clerk open hearth D
I & S Co -
McKenna James E, clerk, bds Alfonse
Hotel -
McKenna John P, bricklayer, h 407
Townsend -
McKenna Joseph D, brksmn I C R, bds 76
Interclol [76 Intercolonial] -
McKenna Joseph L, desptchr I C R, bds 224
Bntck [224 Bentinck] -
McKenna Miss M, sch teacher, h
George -
McKenna Miss Mary, sch teacher, bds
244 Bentinck -
McKenzie A. F, fireman I C R
McKenzie Albert, truckman, h 170
Falmouth -
McKenzie Alex, emp I C R, bds 14 Morrison
McKenzie Alex, farmer, h Alexandra
McKenzie Alex, emp D
I & S Co, h 1 Armstrong ct
McKENZIE ALEX J, of O'Callaghan &
McKenzie, h 838 George -
McKenzie Miss Alice, stenographer,
bds 86 Argyle -
McKenzie Allan E, egr D I & S
Co, bds 183
Dchstr [183 Dorchester] -
McKenzie Angus, teamster, bds Pitt
McKenzie Angus, clerk, bds 165 Pitt
McKenzie Angus D, emp I C R, h 7
Armstrong ct -
McKenzie Annie, widow Rod, bds 35
Argyle -
McKenzie Miss Annie, stenogrphr, bds
280 Twnsd [280 Townsend] -
McKenzie Miss Annie, dressmaker, bds
201 Bntnck [201 Bentinck] -
McKenzie Archibald, tel lineman, bds
24 Johnston -
McKenzie Miss Beatrice, milliner,
bds 112 Argyle -
McKenzie Bros, livery stables, 117 &
119 Falmouth [117 Falmouth] -
MacKENZIE BROS, Dealers in
Groceries, Meats, Vegetable and Provisions, 282
Townsend -
McKenzie Charles, clerk, bds 403
Townsend -
McKenzie D, emp D
I & S Co, bds Victoria Hotel
MacKENZIE DANIEL A, of MacKenzie
Bros, bds 403 Townsend -
McKenzie Daniel, laborer, h
Frederick -
McKenzie Daniel, blacksmith, h
McKenzie -
McKenzie Daniel, blacksmith, bds 472
Charlotte -
McKenzie Dan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 22 Gritton ave
McKenzie Dan, emp D
I & S Co, bds 14 Morrison
McKenzie Mrs Donald, bds Paine
McKenzie Duncan, mach I C R, h 183 Dorchester
McKenzie Duncan R, fitter I C R, h 34 Cossitt
McKenzie Elizabeth, widow Rod, h 86
Argyle -
McKenzie George, truckman, h 112
Argyle -
McKenzie George W, foremn carpt, h
77 Bentinck -
McKenzie Hugh, machinist, h McKenzie
McKenzie Hector, plumber, bds 286
Townsend -
McKenzie Isabelle, widow H, h 286
Townsend -
McKenzie J, emp D
I & S Co, rooms 51 Falmouth
MacKENZIE JOHN K, of MacKenzie Bros,
h Townsend -
McKenzie J M, chemist D
I & S Co -
McKenzie J W, mach D
I & S Co, h Wentworth -
McKenzie James, teamster, h 472
Charlotte -
McKenzie James H, conductor S & G
B Ry Co, bds 86
Argyle -
McKenzie Mrs Jean, trained nurse,
337 Charlotte -
McKenzie Miss Jenette, estms ck, bds
137 King's rd -
McKenzie Miss Jessie, bookkeeper,
bds 472 Chrlote [472 Charlotte] -
McKenzie John, pmpmn D
I & S Co, bds McLeod -
McKenzie John, tmstr W & McC, bds
McKenzie -
McKenzie John, teamster, 14 Morrison
McKenzie John, truckman, h 22
Gritton avenue -
McKenzie John, driver, bds 192
Douglas place -
McKenzie John, h 289 Townsend
McKenzie John, clerk, bds 219 King's
road -
McKenzie John brakesman I C R, h 37 Dolbin (N)
McKenzie John, of McKenzie Bros, bds
112 Argyle -
McKenzie John A, of McKenzie Bros, h
403 Twnsd [403 Townsend] -
McKenzie John A, bookkeeper, h 23
Park -
McKenzie John H, stationery engr, h
42 DesBarres -
McKenzie John W, painter, Ingoville
McKenzie Kenneth, grocer, 28
Johnston; h 24 do [24 Johnston] -
McKenzie Kenneth W, of McKenzie
Bros, h 118 Argyle -
McKenzie Miss Lily, h Paine
McKenzie Margaredt, widow P, h 14
Morrison -
Mackenzie Mrs Margaret, bds Paine
McKenzie Miss Margaret, h 167
Falmouth -
McKenzie Miss Margaret M, clerk, bds
112 Argyle -
McKenzie Mary, widow N, bds 37
Dolbin (North) -
McKenzie Mary, widow Hugh R, h 43
Argyle -
McKenzie Mary, widow James, h 137
King's road -
McKenzie Murdoch, marble wokr, bds
286 Twsnd [286 Townsend] -
McKenzie Murray A, clerk, h 93
Catherine -
McKenzie Neil, truckman, h 625
George -
McKENZIE NEIL, agent Crown Tailoring
Co, 342 Charlotte; h 83 Pitt -
McKenzie Norman, restaurant, 794 Vic
road; h do [794 Victoria] -
McKenzie Peter, baggage master I C R, h 28
Plsnt [28 Pleasant[ -
McKenzie Robert, truckman, bds 112
Argyle -
McKenzie Robt, emp D
I & S Co, h 276 Whit ave [276
Whitney] -
McKenzie Miss Robena,
dressmaker, h 22 Gritton a -
McKenzie Roderic, h McLeod
McKenzie Roderick, prop Hotel Minto,
239 Charlotte; h do -
McKenzie William, clerk, bds 24
Johnstone -
McKeough Wm T, teacher, bds 1169
Voctoria rd -
McKillop Alex, emp D Coal Co, h off
Broadway -
McKillop John, electrien D
I & S Co, bds McLeod -
McKimmie John R, clerk, h 308
Charlotte -
McKinlay H H, tmkpr D
I & S Co, bds 437 Prince
McKinlay Henry, fremn D
I & S Co, h 437 Prince -
McKinlay James, com traveller, h 1
Lovers' lane -
McKinlay Walter, emp S Fdy, bds 437
Prince -
McKinnon A D, D
I & S Co, h r Gd Lake rd [Grand
Lake] -
McKinnon Miss Agnes, bds 630 George
McKinnon Alex, music teacher, bds
Paine -
McKinnon Alex, em D
I & S Co, bds 64 Dolbin (N)
McKinnon Angus, laborer, bds 213 r
Bentinck -
McKinnon Angus, em D
I & S Co, bds 11 Hrngtn ct [11
Harrington] -
McKinnon Archie, laborer, bds 213 r
Bentinck -
McKinnon Archibald, carpenter, h 294
Charlotte -
McKinnon Mrs Arch, proptrs Cen Hse,
294 Chrlte [294 Charlotte] -
Tailors, P O Box 242. 344 Esplanade -
Mckinnon Miss Catherine, sch tchr,
bds George -
McKinnon Charles, tax collector, h 36
Wentworth -
McKinnon Chas B, fnce tender & Bdg,
h 111 Prince -
McKinnon Colin, foreman I C R, h 394 George
McKinnon D F, brakesman I C R
McKINNON D J, of McKinnon &
Cameron,, h 15 Douglas -
MacKINNON D J, Commission Merchant,
&c, MacKinnon's Wharf, 276-282 Esplanade; h 25 do.
See adv [25 Esplanade] -
McKinnon D H, emp D
I & S Co, bds 8 Armstrong
MacKinnon D L, groceries, 1293
Victoria and 451 to 453 Charlotte; h do -
McKinnon Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, h 157 Henry -
McKinnon Daniel, emp I C R, h 141 Johnston
MacKINNON DON., Printer, Book,
Society and General Job Work, 194 Charlotte; bds 540
George -
McKinnon Donald, emp D
I & S Co, bds 113 Ferris
McKinnon Dougall, emp D
I & S Co, h 247 Roberts -
McKinnon Miss Edith, stenographer,
bds 394 Geo [394 George] -
McKinnon Edward, electrician, bds
558 George -
McKinnon Miss Elizabeth, bds 630
George -
McKinnon F W, artist 290 Charlotte;
h 85 S Bntck [85 South Bentinck] -
McKinnon Frank, emp D
I & S Co, h Glebe lane -
McKinnon Gordon, emp rail mill D
I & S Co, bds 394 George
McKinnon Hector, emp D
I & S Co, bds 76 Intclnl [76
Intercolonial] -
McKinnon J G, clk Town Hall, rms 211
Esplanade -
McKINNON REV J J, Catholic, h 217
George -
McKinnon John, carpenter, h Paine
McKinnon John, laborer, h 213 r
Bentinck -
McKKINON, cor Charlotte; h 630
George -
McKinnon John, D
I & S Co, bds Savoy Hotel
McKinnon J, emp D
I & S Co, bds 41 Dolbin (N)
McKinnon John, emp D
I & S Co, bds 44 Tupper -
McKinnon John A, clerk, h 49
Charlotte -
McKinnon John A, emp I C R, bds 47
Dolbin (N) -
McKinnon John Alex, emp I C R, bds 104
Intclnl [104 Intercolonial] -
McKinnon John D, emp D
I & S Co, h 200 Vic rd [200
Victoria] -
McKinnon John M, clerk, bds 440
Prince -
Mckinnon James, emp E Tel Co, bds
447 George -
McKinnon Joe D, brksmn, rms 46 Intercolonial
McKinnon Miss Katie, tchr S Acdmy,
bds 394 Geo [394 George] -
McKinnon Kenneth, wharf bldr, h 25
Esplanade -
McKinnon L H, clerk P O, bds
Charlotte -
McKinnon Malcolm D, clerk, h 73
Furnace -
McKinnon Martin, emp D
I & S Co, bds 111 Prince
McKinnon Mrs Mary, ast cook Hotel
Vidal; bds do -
McKinnon Miss Maud, clerk P O, bds
Charlotte -
McKinnon Michael, emp D
I & S Co, bds 100 York -
McKinnon Michael M, emp I C R, h 7 Mitchell’s p
McKinnon Murdoch, h 366 Esplanade
McKinnon Murdoch D, lab I C R, h
Wentworth -
McKinnon N, hostler I C R
McKinnon Neil, butcher, h 44 Milton
McKinnon Norman, em D
I & S Co, bds 192 Henry -
McKinnon Peter, blacksmith, bds 210
Bentinck -
McKinnon Pius, cutter J MvKinnon, h
73 Falmth [73 Falmouth] -
McKinnon Robert, emp D
I & S Co, h 403 r Chrlte [403 r
Charlotte] -
McKinnon Roy, clerk I C School, bds
73 Furnace -
McKinnon Sarah, widow J, bds Prince
McKinnon Stephen A, emp D
I & S Co, bds 11 Harrington court
McKinnon Stephen N, brksmn, bds 46
Interclnl [46 Intercolonial] -
McKinnon Miss Susie, bds 394 George
McKinnon Thos J, emp D
I & S Co, h 168 Laurier -
McKinnon W, furnace man, h 159
Esplanade -
McKnight Dr A J, of Maritime Dental
Parlor, 314 Charlotte; bds Hotel Alfonse
McKnight John, plumber, h 203 r
Bentinck -
McLaughlin Charles, clerk, bds 12
Brookland -
McLaughlin Frank, barber rooms 578
Victoria rd -
McLaughlin Peter J, foreman yard dep D
I & S Co, h 14 Victoria road
McLean Miss, stenographer A M
Crofton, McLean A & Co, meats and provisions,
crockery and furniture, 600-604 Victoria road
McLEAN A G, Stipendiary Magistrate
Commissioner, Coroner, Notary, &c, 332 Charlotte; h
11 Wentworth. See adv. above [... Rooms No. 2 and 4,
Ingraham Block .... Lock Box 59 ... Phone 579 ...]
McLean Alex, sr, carpenter, h Old
King's road -
McLean Alex, jr, h King's road
McLean Alex H, motorman, bds 165 Townsend
McLean Alex C, emp D
I & S Co, h 171 Dorchester
McLean Alonzo A, eng drvr I C R, h 43 Dolbin (N)
McLean Angus, farmer, h Lingan road
McLean Angus J, carpenter, h 76 r So
Bentinck [76 r South Bentinck] -
McLean Angus W, bds 43 Dolbin
(North) -
McLean Annie, widow Peter, bds 197
King's road -
McLean Charles, mariner, bds
Broadway -
McLean Chester, emp D
I & S Co, h 9 Terrace -
McLean Christy, milliner, bds
Central House -
McLean Christie, widow Hector, h 4
Ritchie -
McLean Miss D, opr E Tel Co, bds
Dorchester -
McLean D J, foreman quarryman, h New
Mira rd -
McLean Alex H, motorman C B E Co, bds Townsd
[Townsend] -
McLean D J, pipe fitter, bds 96
South Bentinck -
McLean D C, truckman, h 124 Argyle
McLean Daniel, teamster, bds
Dorchester -
McLean Daniel, shoemaker, 345 r
Charlotte; h 211 Dorchester -
McLean Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, bds Leonia Hse [Leonia
House] -
McLean Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, h Curry's lane
McLean Daniel D
I & S Co, rms 26 Glebe ave
McLean, Daniel, rail mill D
I & S Co, h 137 Brklnd [137
Brookland] -
McLean Daniel, barrister, bds 64 r
Douglas -
McLean Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, bds 387 Twnsnd [387
Townsend] -
McLean Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, h r Gd Lake rd [Grand
Lake] -
McLean Daniel, emp D
I & S Co, h 1486 Vic rd [1486
Victoria] -
McLean Daniel, emp Cement Wks, h
Frederick -
McLean Daniel A, emp D
I & S Co, bds 171 Dchstr [171
Dorchester] -
McLean Daniel A, clerk, bds 211
Dorchester -
McLEAN DAN J, of McLean & Holman,
bds Alfonse Hotel -
McLean Donald, clerk A D Gunn, bds
George -
McLean Duncan, emp Rhodes, Curry &
Co -
McLean Everett, carpenter, h
Shandwick -
McLean G T, dentist, 333 Charlotte;
h 12 Bay View -
McLean Hattie, stenographer, bds 4
Ritchie -
McLEAN & HOLMAN, Groceries &
Provisions, 366 George. See adv. opposite [PHONE 238
P.O. BOX 72 ....] -
McLean Hugh J, baggage master, h 146
Johnston -
McLean Isabelle, widow N, h 96 South
Bentinck -
McLean J A, emp I C R, bds 171
Dorchester -
McLean James, teamster, h McLean
McLean James, asst bookkeeper, h
George -
McLean James, conductor S & I, Ry,
rooms 43 Dolbin (North) -
McLean James A, h 540 George
McLean Mrs Jas A, dressmaker, 542
Geo; h 540 do [540 George] -
McLean John, butcher, h Old Ling's
road -
McLean John, blacksmith, bds 54
Dolbin (North) -
McLean John, stableman, bds King's
road -
McLean John, emp D I & S Co, h
French -
McLean John, emp D I & S Co, h 50
Gritton ave -
McLean John, enfineer D I & S Co,
h McLeod -
McLean John, emp D I & S Co, bds
Leonia Hse [Leona House] -
McLean John D, train despatcher I C
R, h Forbes c -
McLean Joseph, emp D I & S Co, h
Hankard -
McLean Julia, tailoress, bds Rigby
road -
McLean Kate, widow A, bds Whitney
avenue -
McLean Miss Kate, clerk, bds Old
King's road -
McLean Laughlin, bds 50 Gritton
avenue -
McLean Lauchlin, emp D I & S Co,
h Whitney ave -
McLean Miss Maggie, laundress, bds
Alexandra -
McLean Miss Margaret, bookkpr, bds
Broadway -
McLean Miss Margaret, stenogrphr,
bds 4 Ritchie -
McLean Mary A, boarding, h 308
George -
McLean Malcolm, carriage builder and
blacksmith, bds 151 Townsend -
McLean Malcolm, laborer, bds Old
King's road -
McLean Malcolm, grocery and meat
market, 215 King's road; h Alexandra -
McLean Michael, emp D I & S Co,
bds Windsor H -
McLean Murdoch, painter and paper
hanger, bds 115 Prince -
McLean Murdoch, carpenter, bds 443
Esplanade -
McLean Murdoch D, driver I Oil Co, h
Argyle -
McLean Neil, emp D I & S Co, h 99
Henry -
McLean Neil, ep D I & S Co, bds
160 York -
McLean Neil J, emp D I & S Co, h
96 Victoria rd -
McLean Norman, emp D I & S Co, h
Broadway -
McLean R B, of McLeod, ltd, bds 286
George -
McLean R J, constable, bds 380
George -
McLean Robert, emp D I & S Co,
bds 112 Bay -
McLean Roy D, clerk, h 1201 Victoria
road -
McLean Sarah, widow D, h Inglis
McLean Miss Sarah, milliner, bds 257
Charlotte -
McLean Miss Sadie B, clerk P O, bds
Central Hse [Central House] -
McLean Miss Tena, clerk, bds
Victoria road -
McLean Thomas, emp D I & S Co, h
78 Ferry -
McLean Thomas, emp D I & S Co,
bds 1 Jamieson -
McLean W E, manager The Harris
Abattoir Co, Ltd, h 4 Douglas place -
McLELLAN J A, eye, ear, nose and
throat specialist, Royal Bank Building, 164
Charlotte; h 104 Park -
McLellan J E, conductor I C R, h 120
Crescent -
McLellan Alexander, lineman, bds 470
Townsend -
McLellan Archibald, carpenter, bds
300 Charlotte -
McLellan Bernard C, tailor, bds 40
Dodd -
McLellan Emma, clerk, bds 140
Charlotte -
McLellan Fabian, well borer, h 40
Dodd -
McLellan John, weighman D I & S
Co, bds Paine -
McLellan John, tinsmith, 138-140
Charlte; h 140 do [140 Charlotte] -
McLellan Joseph H, painter, h 490
Townsend -
McLellan Miss M, sch tchr, bds 160
Pitt, c Jhnstn [160 Pitt; Johnston] -
McLellan Michael, fireman, h 470
George -
McLellan Michael I, painter, bds 40
Dodd -
McLellan Neil, emp D I & S Co,
bds 140 Charlotte -
McLellan Patrick, electen Fire
Station, bds George -
McLELLAN P, Proprietor The Grand
Hotel, 233 Dorchester, opposite I C R Station. See
adv. -
McLENNAN A N, of A N McLennan & Co,
mngr S & G B Ry Co, Ltd, h cor Park and High
McLENNAN A N & CO, Stock and Bond
Brokers, Insurance and Real Estate Agents, Sydney
Hotel Block, 21 Dorchester.. See adv. [... Phone 4.
Phone 53. ...] -
McLennan Allan, crpt D I & S Co,
h 166 Dominion -
McLennan Dan, emp D I & S Co, bds
Paine -
McLennan Duncan, mech frmn I C R, h
154 Dchstr [154 Dorchester] -
McLennan Frank, coal trimmer, h
McLeod -
McLennan Gordon, em D I & S Co,
bds 154 Dchstr [154 Dorchester] -
McLennan Hugh, grocer, Vic rd; h 200
Dominion [Victoria] -
McLennan Hugh, emp D I & S Co,
bds 149 Park |
McLennan J, brakesman I C R
McLennan J S, managing director Post
Pub co, Ltd, res Petersfield -
McLennan John, emp D I & S Co, h
214 Lingan rd -
McLennan John G, contractor, h 667
George -
McLennan Joseph, clerk Quirk Bros, h
McLennan Kenneth, fireman I C R, bds 154
Dchstr [154 Dorchester] -
McLennan Michael, fireman, R, C &
Co, h Wntwth [Wentworth] -
McLennan Patrick, city electen, bds
667 George
McLennan Roderick, laborer, h 36
Campbell -
McLellan Stewart, em D I & S Co,
bds 154 Dchstr [154 Dorchester] -
McLeod ____, laborer, h 195 Rockdale
avenue -
McLeod A D, teller Un Bk Hx, bds
Brookland -
MacLeod A G, dry goods, groceries,
&c, 1359 Victoria road; h do -
McLeod A K, carpenter, h Paine
MacLEOD ALBERT M, Bookseller and
Stationer, 265 Charlotte; rooms corner Wentworth and
Esplanade. See adv. above -
McLeod Alex, coal trimmer, h Brow,
off Broadway
McLeod Alex, miner, bds 181 Victoria
road -
McLeod Allan, h McLeod
McLeod Allan, mach Syd Fdy, bds 76
Intercolonial -
McLeod Angus, emp D I & S Co, bds
76 Intercolnl [76 Intercolonial] -
McLeod Angus, clerk, h 100 Catherine
McLeod Angus, ferry boat capt; h 410
Charlotte -
McLeod Angus, emp D I & S Co, bds
379 Twnsnd [379 Townsend] -
McLeod Angus, president McLeod
Hardwarde Co, Ltd, h 196 Bentinck [McLeod Hardware]
McLeod Mrs Angus, dressmaker, 165
Prince; h do -
McLeod Angus G, emp C B E Co, bds
1382 Vic rd [1382 Victoria] -
McLeod Angus H, coal trimmer, h
Paine -
McLeod Miss Annie T, stenographer,
bds 790 Geo [790 George] -
McLeod Archie, emp D Coal Co, h
Broadway -
McLeod Archibald K, sash maker, h
368 Ssplanade [368 Esplanade] -
McLeod Augustus, of McLeod Hardware
Co, Ltd, h 64 Union -
McLeod Mrs Belle, widow M, h 53
McLeod Miss Bella, bds Tupper, off
Broadway -
McLeod Miss Bessie, tailoress, bds
73 Falmouth -
McLeod D A, buthcher, bds 54
Alexandra -
MacLEOD D A, of D A MacLeod & Co,
264 Charlotte; h Woodill -
MacLEOD D A & CO. Fruits and
Confectionery, Ice Cream and Soda Fountain, 264
Charlotter, cor Pitt -
McLeod D B, of D B McLeod & Co, h
440 Prince (Ashby) -
McLeod D B & Co, groceries and
provisions, 440 Prince (Ashby) -
McLeod D J, city treasurer, h 441
George -
McLeod D J, shoemaker 1382 Victoria
road; h do -
McLeod Dan N, emp D I & S Co, bds
19 Ferry -
McLeod D P, clerk, h 113 Catherine
McLeod Daniel, painter, h 15 Union
McLeod Daniel, blacksmith D I & S
Co, bds Paine
McLeod Daniel H, coal trimmer, h off
Paine -
McLeod Dan M, emp D I & S Co, bds
Paine -
McLeod Donald, h 1473 Victoria road
McLeod Donald R, emp D I & S Co,
h St Anne -
McLeod Don A, roll trnr D I & S
Co, bds 532 Geo [532 George] -
McLeod Duncan, salesman, bds 532
George -
McLeod Miss Catherine, bds 814
George -
McLeod Catherine, widow Don, h Paine
McLeod Christina, bds 532 George
& Co, props, 264 Charlotte -
McLEOD E & CO, Dealers in General
Merchandise, Gents' Furnishings, Groceries,
Provisions, &c, 1350 Victoria road, corner Catherine
McLEOD MRS EMILY, of E McLeod & Co,
h Broadway -
McLeod Flora, widow A, h 76 r
Intercolonial -
McLeod George, printer, h 103 King's
road -
McLeod H G, buyer of McLeod Hardware
Co, Ltd, bds 196 Betinck [196 Bentinck] -
general hardware merchants, wholesale & retail, 303
McLeod Harvey, emp D I & S Co,
bds 53 Argyle -
McLeod Harvey G, clerk, bds 196
Bentinck -
McLeod Hector, emp D I & S Co,
bds 19 Ferry -
McLeod Hector, laborer, h 414 r
Charlotte -
McLeod J, bottler, bds Victoria
Hotel -
McLeod J D, carpenter,, h
Cornishtown road -
McLEOD J K, Physician, 291
Charlotte; h "Sherwood," cor George and Cromarty
McLeod J M, grocer, 261 Townsend
McLeod J W, engineer, bds 558 George
McLeod Jas A, emp D I & S Co, bds
108 Catherine -
McLeod John, laborer, rooms 11
Ritchie -
McLeod John, emp D I & S Co, bds
181 Vic rd -
McLeod John, janitor Ross Block, h
200 Charlotte -
McLeod John, gatekeeper, D I & S
Co, h Tupper -
McLeod John, tram conductor, h 275
Townsend -
McLeod John A, emp D I & S Co, h
152 Laurier -
McLeod John A, emp Hav Bot Co, h 168
King's rd -
McLeod John A, wharfinger ferry, h
253 Esplanade -
McLeod John A, blcksmith's helper,
bds 532 George -
McLeod John D, emp D I & S Co,
bds 108 Catherine -
McLeod John N, student, bds 441
George -
McLeod Joseph, laborer, h Mitchell's
place -
McLeod Jos N, emp D I & S Co, bds
11 Hrngtn crt [11 Harrington] -
McLeod Josiah, tailor, bds 294
Charlotte -
McLeod Miss Kate, bds Tupper, off
Broadway -
McLeod Kenneth, laborer, h Curry's
lane -
McLeod Kenneth, carpenter, h 108
Catherine -
McLeod Keneth, agt Met Life In Co, h
40 Ashby rd -
McLeod M D, shoemaker, 1210 Victoria
road; h do -
McLeod Malcolm, coal shipper, bds
McLeod -
McLeod Malcolm, h 19 Ferry
McLeod Malcolm J, pipe Fitr D I &
S Co, bds Paine -
McLeod Malc R, emp D McMillan, bds
Leonia Hse [Leonia House] -
McLeod Margaret, widow A, h r 453
Prince -
McLeod Miss Mary F, milliner, bds
441 George -
McLeod Michael, bds 410 Charlotte
McLeod Miles, emp D I & S Co, h
149 Catherine -
McLeod Murdoch, carpenter, h 366
Esplanade -
McLeod Murdoch D, carpenter, h 176
Union -
McLEOD N J, mgr E Mc Leod & Co, h
Broadway [E McLeod] -
McLeod N K, gen dealer, 530 George;
h 532 do [532 George] -
McLeod Noramn, emp D I & S Co,
bds 1473 Vic rd [1473 Victoria] -
McLeod Norman, bricklayer, h Tupper,
off Bdwy [Broadway] -
McLeod Norman, photographer, bds
Victoria -
McLeod Neil, fireman D I & S Co, h 181
Vic road [181 Victoria] -
McLeod Neil J, mgr E M McLeod & Co,
h Brdwy [Broadway] -
McLeod R D, clerk & Tmstr, bds 384
Charlotte -
McLeod Rod, brakesman D I & S Co, h Paine
McLeod Roderick, bricklayer, h off
Victoria road -
McLeod Miss Sadie, clerk, bds 53
Argyle -
McLeod Miss Sarah, bds 1473 Victoria
road -
McLeod Stanley, emp D I & S Co,
bds 53 Argyle -
McLeod W J, fruits and
confectionery, 261 Townsend; h Essex -
McLeod Wm M, salesman, bds 532
George -
McLeod Dr Wm McK physen, office & h
790 Geo [790 George] -
McLeod Wilson, emp D I & S Co,
bds Tupper -
McLure John, gro and prov, 435
Prince; bds do -
McManus Wm, emp D I & S Co, bds
20 Fairview -
McMarshall John, emp D I & S Co,
h Railroad plc -
McMaster Duncan, brakesman I C R, h 48 r Dodd
McMaster Gus, clerk, Crowell's, bds
257 Charlotte -
McMillan Mrs A, h St Peter's road
McMillan Alex, blrmkr D I & S Co,
bds 769 Vic rd [769 Victoria] -
McMillan Mrs Angus, widow, h 16
Leonard -
McMillan Miss Bertha, milliner, bds
Broadway -
McMillan Bert, engnr D I & S Co,
bds St Peter's rd -
McMillan Christy, widow J, h 21
Dolbin (North) -
McMillan C M, clerk, bds 601 George
McMillan City, clerk S & G B Ry, h
Broadway -
McMILLAN D M, groceries, meats and
provisions, 597-599 George; h 58 Inglis -
McMillan D P, blksmth D C Co, h
Broadway -
McMillan Daniel, emp D I & S Co,
bds 399 Twnsd [399 Townsend] -
McMillan Duncan J, rail stghtnr D
I & S Co, h 215 Whitney avenue -
McMillan Elizabeth, widow Jos, h 19
r Douglas plc -
McMillan F C, clerk Can Bk Com, bds
225 Esplnd [225 Esplanade] -
McMillan F M, postal clerk, h 122
George -
McMillan Herbert, deliveryman, bds
601 George -
McMillan J D, lineman D Coal Co, h
Broadway -
McMillan James, millwright R C & Co,
h r G Lk [Grand Lake] -
McMillan Miss Jessie, drsmkr, bds 21
Dolbin (N) -
McMillan John, emp D I & S Co,
bds 173 George -
McMillan Miss Kathleen, bds 601
George -
McMillan R D, shoemaker, 547 George;
h 588 do [588 George] -
McMILLAN R M, mgr W U Tel and Cable
co, bds 790 George -
McMillan Miss Sadie A, bookkeeper,
bds 601 Geo [601 George] -
McMillan Miss Sadie, sch tchr, bds
601 George -
McMillan Miss Sadie, steographer,
bds 588 George -
McMillan Miss Sarah, clerk, bds
Broadway -
McMillan Miss Susan, laundress, bds
Dolbin (N) -
McMullin Miss A, toll bookkeeper E
Tel Co, bds Glebe avenue -
McMullin Alexander, carpenter, h 135
Esplanade -
McMullin Angus, shoemaker, 153 Pitt;
bds 145 do [145 Pitt] -
McMullin Daniel J, barber, h 22
Glebe avenue -
McMullin James, firenman S F D, bds
135 Esplanade -
McMullin John, coal trimmer, h 985
Victoria road -
McMullin Joseph, coal trimmer, bds
985 Victoria rd -
McMullin Neil, eng driver I C R, h 12 Glebe
ave -
McMullin Peter, em D I & S Co,
bds 21 Dolbin (N) -
McMullin Pius, printer Record P Co,
bds 135 Sspld [135 Esplanade] -
McMullin William, emp D I & S Co,
h Kitchner -
McNab James, emp D I & S Co, bds
Savoy Hotel -
McNally Miss Kate, of McNally &
Stevens, bds 110 Townsend -
McNally & Stevens, dressmakers, 217
Charlotte -
MacNamara John, paymaster D C Co, h
114 Domn [114 Dominion] -
MacNamara Thos, cola trimmer, bds
1471 Vic rd [1471 Victoria] -
McNAUGHTON D W, Dealer in Groceries,
Meats, Fish, Poultry, Produce and Provisions. Phone
155. Phone 155. P O Box 570. 627 George; h 16
Brookland -
McNaughton J A, conductor S & G B Ry,
h Ferris -
McNaughton J P, sales agt D I & S
Co, bds Sd Htl [Sydney Hotel] -
McNaughton John, cndctr C B E Co, h 107 Ferris
McNeil A R, emp D I & S Co, h 81
Ferris -
McNeil Alex, carpntr D I & S Co,
h 20 Wentworth -
McNeil Alex, butcher, Pitt; h 110
Towsend [110 Townsend] -
McNeil Alexander, teller R Bk Can,
bds 304 Esplnd [304 Esplanade] -
McNeil Alex A, conductor I C R, h 101 George
McNeil Alex J, picture framing, 1140
Victoria rd; h 1192 do [1192 Victoria] -
McNeil Alex J C, policeman, h 26
Reserve -
McNeil Allan, car cleaner, I C R
McNeil Angus, policeman, bds 558
George -
McNeil Angus, mechanic I C R, h 64 Douglas
McNeil Angus J, cleaner I C R Round House
McNeil D J, emp D I & S Co, h 143
Laurier -
McNeil D W, flagman I C R, h Tain
McNeil Dan, clerk, bds 69 Henry
McNeil Daniel, clerk, bds 69 Henry
McNeil Daniel, electen D Coal Co,
bds 393 George -
McNeil Daniel, sectionman D C Co, bds 80
Domn [80 Dominion] -
McNeil Daniel C, emp D I & S Co,
h 93 Henry -
McNeil Dan S, emp D I & S Co, bds
1444 r Vic rd [1444 Victoria] -
McNeil Emily J, widow Rod, h Cottage
road -
McNeil Frank, shoemaker, Alexander;
h St Bridget -
McNeil Frank, emp D I & S Co, bds
44 Tupper -
McNeil Flora, widow M D, h 35
Glenwood -
McNeil Hamilton, clk A McLean & Co,
bds Vic rd [Victoria] -
McNeil Harper, clerk McR & Peters,
bds Vic rd [Victoria] -
McNeil Harry, emp D I & S Co, h 4
Armstrong crt -
McNeil Hector, emp I C R, h 23 r
Argyle -
McNeil Hector, bds 152 Bentinck
McNeil Hugh, fireman, bds 1409
Victoria road -
McNeil Hugh, coal cutter, h Lingan
road -
McNeil Hugh A, emp D I & S Co, h
152 Bentick [152 Bentinck] -
McNeil Hugh G, emp D I & S Co,
bds 173 George -
McNeil Miss Isabella, car cleaner
McNeil J A, dlvy clerk I C R freight
shed -
McNeil J C, grocer, 160 York; h do
McNeil J R, emp D I & S Co, bds
36 Reserve -
McNeil James, emp D I & S Co, bds
off Victoria -
McNeil James, emp I C R, h 89 South
Bentinck -
McNeil James, emp D I & S Co, h
1070 Victoria rd -
McNeil Jas, gov inspctr D I & S
Co, bds Vic Hotel [Victoria Hotel] -
McNeil Jas C, groceries and
crockeryware, 158 York; h 160 do [160 York]
McNeil James H, emp D I & S Co ,bds
160 York -
McNeil Jeremiah, blacksmith, h 304
Esplanade -
McNeil John, clerk, bds 124 Prince
McNeil John, cabman, h 292 r George
McNeil John, horse dealer, h 59
Tupper -
McNeil John, policeman, h Essex
McNeil John, emp E Tel Co, bds
Leonia House -
McNeil John, blksmth D I & S Co,
bds 601 George -
McNeil John, emp E Tel Co, bds 393
George -
McNeil John, emp D I & S Co, h 64
Douglas -
McNeil John A, mgr Boston Mrkt h 110
Townsend -
McNeil John A, driver, h 146 r
Bentinck -
McNeil John A, hackman, 203 Pitt; h
Gordon Hse [Gordon House] -
McNeil John D, emp D I & S Co, h
86 Esplanade -
McNeil John D, h 1444 r Victoria
road -
McNeil John D, emp D I & S Co,
bds 48 Dodd -
McNeil John H, brakesman I C R, h 8 Armstrong c
McNeil John Henry, blacksmith, bds
304 Esplanade -
McNeil John J, emp Chem Wks, bds 143
Laurier -
MvNeil John J, emp D I & S Co,
bds 49 Gritton ave -
McNeil John J, crnmn D I & S Co,
h 227 Vic road [227 Victoria] -
McNeil John J, conductor I C R, h 14 Ritchie
McNeil John J, emp D I & S Co, h
Prince -
McNeil John S, emp D I & S Co, h
222 Roberts -
McNeil John Thomas, clerk, bds 304
Esplanade -
McNeil Joseph, teamster, h 33 Glebe
avenue -
McNeil Joseph, blcksmith's hlpr, bds
r Victoria rd -
McNeil Joseph, emp D I & S Co, h
6 Gritton ave -
McNeil Jos A T, emp D I & S Co,
bds 205 Vic rd [205 Victoria] -
McNeil Joseph E, brakesman I C R, h 133 Johnston
McNeil Miss Kate, car cleaner I C R
McNeil Miss Lizzie, packer Lynch
Bros Dolan Co -
McNeil Miss Lucy, milliner, bds 16
Douglas -
McNeil M A, janitor St Joseph's
School, George -
McNeil Malcolm, tube cleaner I C R Round House
McNeil Malcolm, private brdng, h 11
Harrington c -
McNeil Miss Marie, sch teacher, bds
375 George -
McNeil Mary, widow S, h 30 Johnston
McNeil Mich, ep Alexandra
Nickel, bds 304 Esplnd [304 Esplanade] -
McNeil Michael A, carpt D I & S
Co, h 206 Domn [206 Dominion] -
McNeil Michael B, emp D I & S Co,
bds 160 York -
McNeil Michael J, carpenter, h 218
Rockdale ave -
McNeil Michael M, emp D I & S Co,
h 166 Vic rd ]166 Victoria] -
McNeil Mich N, firmn D I & S Co,
h 150 Catherine -
McNeil Michael R, carriage mkr, bds
11 Hrngtn ct [11 Harrington] -
McNeil Murdoch J, linotype operator
Post Pub Co, bds 349 Esplanade -
McNeil Murray A, barber, bds
Bentinck -
McNeil Neil, general store,
Alexandra; h do -
McNeil Neil, teamster, h 139 r
Prince -
McNeil Neil, freight clerk I C R, bds 160 York
McNeil Neil, clerk I C School, bds
404 Charlotte -
McNeil Neil, emp D I & S Co, bds
Victoria Hotel -
McNeil Neil Pushie, laborer, h 170 r
Falmouth -
McNeil Paul, emp D I & S Co, bds
37 Ferris -
MACNEIL P D, mngr Sydney "Post," h
Esplanade -
McNeil Philip, sectionman D C Co. bds 80
Domn [80 Dominion] -
McNeil Mrs R B, h 41 Davenport
McNeil R D, brakesman I C R
McNeil R H, of A McLean & Co, h 761
Victoria rd -
McNeil R J, carriage builder, 124
Prince -
McNeil Rod, fireman C B E Co, h Victoria
road -
McNeil Rod, foreman D I & S Co, h
144 Prince -
MvNeil Roderick, teamster h 378
Charlotte -
McNeil Roderick, emp D I & S Co,
h 1409 Vic road [1409 Victoria] -
McNeil Roderick F, emp I C R, h 26 r Reserve
McNeil Roderick J, conductor I C R, h 346
Twnsnd [346 Townsend] -
McNeil Roderick N, clerk Crowell's h
668 Vic road [668 Victoria] -
McNeil Ronald J, emp D I & S Co,
bds 11 Hrngtn c [11 Harrington] -
McNeil Rory J, emp D I & S Co,
bds 160 York -
McNeil Miss Sarah, tailors, J
McKinon, bds Flmth [Falmouth] -
McNeil Sarah, widow D, bds 222
Roberts -
McNeil Stephen, emp D I & S Co,
bds 59 Tupper -
McNeil Stephen D, em D I & S Co,
bds 11 Hrngtn c [11 Harrington] -
McNeil W R, engineer, h 298 George
McNevin Angus, laborer, h 403
Esplanade -
McNevin Daniel, laborer, h 207 r
Bentinck -
McNevin Frank, emp D I & S Co,
bds 19 r Dgls p [19 r Douglas] -
McNevin Miss Margaret, drsmkr, h 19
r Dgls plac [19 r Douglas] -
McNevin Walter, tinsmith Shaw &
Mason -
MacNutt Miss H, stenographer, bds 30
Union -
McNutt L, emp D I & S Co, bds 121
George -
McPhail Angus D, sergt police, h 229
King's road -
McPhail Miss Ann, h Alexandra
McPhee Alex, laborer, h 45 Woodill
McPhee Alexandra, emp I C R, h 26
Reserve -
MvPhee Miss Annie, clerk, bds 49
Brookland -
McPhee Charles, emp D I & S Co,
bds 1198 Vic rd [1198 Victoria] -
McPhee Daniel, emp D I & S Co,
bds 173 George -
McPhee Daniel, carpenter Rhodes,
Curry & Co -
McPhee Daniel, clerk, bds 54 Dolbin
(North) -
McPhee Daniel, frmn D I & S Co, h
178 Union -
McPhee Daniel, harness maker, h 670
George -
McPhee Daniel J, teamster, bds 241
King's road -
McPhee John, emp D I & S Co, bds
1198 Vic rd [1198 Victoria] -
McPhee John, emp D I & S Co, bds
95 James -
McPhee John, emp D I & S Co, bds
Prince -
McPhee John C, bookkeeper, bds 126
Falmouth -
McPhee Joseph, laborer, h 241 King's
road -
McPhee M D, bookkeeper, bds 540
George -
McPhee Michael, gatekpr D I & S
Co, h 76 Argyle -
McPhee Michael, jr, roofer, bds
Prince -
McPhee Mich J, meat & fish,
Alexandra, h Ingovle [Ingoville] -
McPhee Margaret, milliner, bds 76
Argyle -
McPhee Neil S, emp I C R, h 128 Argyle
McPhee Norman, emp D I & S Co,
bds 76 Argyle -
McPhee Stephen, emp I C R, h 22 Reserve
McPhee William, teamster, bds Prince
McPherson Angus, emp D I & S Co,
bds 614 Vic rd [614 Victoria] -
McPhersen Angus, coal trimmer, h
Paine -
McPherson Bella, widow A, h Prince
McPherson Cecil, em D I & S Co,
bds 31 Dlbn (N) [31 Dolbin (N)] -
McPherson D J, fuelman I C R
McPherson Daniel, laborer, h 22
Newberry -
McPherson Dan, mtrmn S & G B Ry, bds
Argyle -
McPherson Daniel, h 416 Charlotte
McPherson Edward, preventive
officer, h 659 Geo [659 George] -
McPherson Elsworth, bookkeeper, bds
165 Pitt -
McPherson George, chemist D I & S
Co -
McPherson H J, fireman I C R, bds 76
Intercolonial -
McPherson Henry, mason, h 100 Argyle
McPherson J D, bricklayer, bds Henry
McPherson James, emp D I & S Co,
h 235 Whit av [235 Whitney] -
McPherson Jack, emp D I & S Co,
bds 298 George -
McPherson John, watchman, h 17
Gritton avenue -
McPherson John, truckman, h 104
Argyle -
McPherson John, carpenter, h 95
Victoria road -
McPherson John, emp D I & S Co, h
Cornishtown r -
McPherson Jos, track frmn C B E Co, h off
Vic rd [Victoria] -
McPherson Mary, widow M, bds 100
Argyle -
McPherson Miss May, stenographer,
bds 790 Geo [790 George] -
McPherson Neil, emp I C R, h 215
Townsend -
McPherson Neil, bds Cornishtown road
McPherson Neil A, barber, George;
bds Alfonse h [Alfonse Hotel] -
McPherson Neil A, emp D Cola Co, h
86 Dominion -
McPherson Neil P, emp D Coal Co, h
160 Domn [160 Dominion] -
McPherson Roderick, gas tender, h
Inglis -
McPherson Stan A, bksmn I C R, rms 46
Dlbn (N) [46 Dolbin (N)] -
McPherson William E, pattern maker,
h 14 Queen -
McPherson W J, I C R policeman, h 31 Dolbin (N)
McQuarrie A, h 1 Douglas
McQuarrie Clifford, emp D I & S
Co, bds 71 Pitt -
McQuarrie D L, hackman, rooms 24
Glebe avenue -
McQuarrie Donald J, clerk, bds 167
Prince -
McQuarrie Edw, emp D I & S Co,
bds 167 Prince -
McQuarrie Freddy L, emp D I & S
Co, bds 71 Pitt -
McQuarrie George, clerk, h 21
Douglas -
McQuarrie Laughlin, emp I C R, h 167 Prince
McQuarrie Lauchlin, boot & shoe mk,
71 Pitt; h do -
McQuarrie Robt, emp D I & S Co,
bds 2 Douglas p -
McQueen Miss Annie, h 45 High
McQueen Don H, patt mkr D I & S
Co, h 90 James -
McQueen Lauch, emp D I & S Co, h
201 Lingan rd -
McRae Miss, school teacher, bds 137
Brookland -
McRae Mrs Alexander, propts McRae
Lodge, h 443 Esplanade -
McRae Effie, widow Alex, h 387
Townsend -
McRAE & PETERS Farm and Dairy
Produce, 386-388 Esplanade. See adv. above
[Telephone 116 P.O. Box 74 ... Esplanade,
Corner Wentworth ...] -
McRAE R C, of McRae & Peters, h cor
Esplanade and Wentworth -
McRae Roderick, carpenter and
builder, Inglis -
McRae Dr W R, physician, office & h,
1289 Vic rd [1289 Victoria] -
McRitchie Kenneth, lcmtve cleaner I
C R Rnd Hse -
McRitchie John, mach Syd Fdy & Mach
Wks, Pitt -
McRitchie W J, wharfinger, bds 384
Charlotte -
McRury James, engine driver I C R, h
208 Twnsnd [208 Townsend] -
McSutten J, laborer I C R Round
House -
McSween Angus, tool dresser, bds 76
Alexandra -
McSween Dan, fuelman I C R
McSween Hector, machinist, bds 76
Alexandra -
McSween Hector, frmn bcklyr D I &
S Co, h 6 Trce [6 Terrace] -
McSween Hector, em D I & S Co,
bds Victoria Htl [Victoria Hotel] -
McSween Hugh, laborer, bds 76
Alexandra -
McSween John, emp I C R, bds 76 Alexandra
McSween John W, barber, bds 115
George -
McSween Joseph, emp D I & S Co,
bds Vic Hotel [Victoria Hotel] -
McSween Neil, foreman, h 76
Alexandra -
McSween Peter, emp D I & S Co, h
15 Dolbin (N) -
McSween Rod, blacksmith, bds 76
Alexandra -
McSween Thos, coremkr D I & S Co,
h 163 Vic rd [163 Victoria] -
McSween Wm, emp D I & S Co, bds
163 Vic road [163 Victoria] -
McSweeney G S, night editor Sydney
"Post." h Esplanade -
McVarish Clara, widow J, h 146
Bentinck -
McVarish Miss Emma, dentist's asst,
bds 146 Bntk [146 Bentinck] -
McVarish Joseph, preventive officer
custom house, h 263 Esplanade -
McVey James, h 102 Charlotte
MacVey Miss Maud, stenographer, bds
115 George -
McVey Wm, brcklyr D I & S Co, h
115 George -
McVicar Allan, emp McKenzie Bros,
bds 298 Geo [298 George] -
McVicar Angus, emp D I & S Co,
bds 19 Ritchie -
McVicar Duncan, plumber's hlpr H G
Hagen & Co, bds Walker -
McVicar H R, janitor Court Hosue,
Charlotte; h do [Court House] -
McVicar John, fireman D I & S Co,
bds 19 Ritchie -
McVicar John, tram cndctr, bds Court
Hse Chrlte [Court House Charlotte] -
McVicar Mary, widow N, bds 466
Charlotte -
McVicar Michael, painter C B E Co,
bds Crt House [Court House] -
McVicar Philip, miner, h 466
Charlotte -
McWilliams Herbert, em D I & S
Co, bds 59 Ferry -
Manager: Meats, Fish, Poultry and Produce. Phone
337. P O Box 9. 400 George, corner Prince
Proprietor: Drugs and Druggists' Sundries;
Prescriptions a Specialty. Phone 212. 302 Charlotte
MEIKLE A W, Dealer in Groceries,
Meats, Confectionery, &c, P O Box 328. Phones:
Store, 143A1; Residence 109B1. 18 Dodd; h 5 Douglas
Meikle Miss Eliza, tailoress, bds
437 Prince -
Meikle D F, shipper C B Wh Gro, h
George -
Meikle ____, drghtsmn D I & S Co,
rms 54 Prince -
Melanson Miss Maud, milliner, bds
Vidal Hotel -
Melanson Henry Joseph, cook
Windsor Hotel, bds 33 Dolbin (North) -
Melrose House, Alex Morrison, prp,
113-115 Prince -
Melville H A, clothes cleaner and
presser, 377 Geo; h 105 Prince [377 George]
Mentaquette P, laborer I C R Round House
MENZIES JOHN, Watchmaker and
Jeweller, 324 Charlotte; h 385 George -
MENZIES JOHN T, Dealer in Pianos,
Organs and Sewing Machines, 382 Charlotte; h 375
George -
Menzies Frederick, watchmaker,
bds 387 George -
Menzies James, water works supt,
h 387 George -
Menzies Richard, chief fire dept,
h No 2 Fire Stn, Bentinck -
Menzies Robert H, watchmaker, bds
387 George -
Mercer Louis, emp D I & S Co, bds
106 Victoria rd -
Mercer Wm, ladleman open hearth D
I & S Co -
MERCHANT F W, of J F Merchant &
Sons, h 140 Brokkland -
MERCHANT J F, of J F Merchant &
Sons, h 140 Brookland -
Ladies' and Gents' Tailoring and Raw Furs, MvVey
Block 230 Charlotte. See adv. above and line back
cover [... Phone 425 P.O. 503 ...] -
MERCHANT V W, of J F Merchant &
Sons, h 140 Brookland -
Merchison John, emp D I & S Co,
bds 25 Hrgntn ct [25 Harrington] -
Merkle A D, reporter Syd
"Record," bds 225 Esplnd [225 Esplanade]
Mervar Dennis, emp D I & S Co, h
212 Roberts -
Merne Alex, emp D I & S Co, rooms
25 Esplanade -
Merscreau Harry, em C P R Tel Co,
h 202 Rkdle av [202 Rockdale] -
Mersereau J E, mngr S Arscott &
Co, res King, North Sydney -
Messer Edward, emp D I & S Co,
bds 101 Henry -
J Dempster, supt 164 Charlotte -
Metzler Guy, parcel delivery,
21-23 York, h 2 Armstrong court -
Metzler Harry, grocer and
crockery, 21-23 York, corner Charlotte; h 83
Charlotte -
Metzler Roy B, stenographer, bds
83 Charlotte -
Metzler Wm A, master painter,
25-27 York; h 83 Charlotte -
Michael Bernice, of Michael Bros,
bds Charlotte -
Michael Bridget, widow E, h
Armstrong court -
Michael Bros, clothing, 199 and
330 Charlotte [199 Charlotte] -
Michael Morris, of Michael Bros,
h Lovers' lane -
Michand Charles, laborer, bds 4
Lovers' lane -
Michand Fred, pipe fitter, bds 4
Lovers' lane -
Michand Isabella, widow Jos, h 4
Lovers' lane -
Michand Wm, clerk P O, bds 4
Lovers' lane -
Mickey Thornton, emp D I & S Co,
h 202 Roberts -
Miko Josep, emp Coke Ovens, h
Tupper -
Miles Edward, emp C B E Co, h
1054 George -
MILLAR A C, agt Can Exp Co, h 75
Charlotte -
Miller Alex, emp D I & S Co, bds
Hankard -
Miller Edward, emp D I & S Co, h
Hankard -
Miller Harold, roll shop D I & S
Co, bds 149 Park -
Miller Isabella, widow H, h 247
Charlotte -
MILLER JOHN. prop Sydney Music
School, 247 Charlotte; h do -
Miller Margaret, widow Dan, h 149
Park -
Miller William, emp D I & S Co,
bds Hankard -
Mills J C, dry goods, boots and
shoes, 752-754 Victoria road; h Charlotte
Milsom G D, clerk R Bk Can, bds
69 Esplanade -
MINTO HOTEL, Rod MacKenzie, prop,
Charlotte -
& Co, agents, 21 Dorchester -
Miruzzi Carmelo, mcht tailor,
Geo; bds Alfonse Htl [George; Alfonse Hotel]
Mitchell W C, gen supt D I & S
Co, h 118 Kings rd [King's] -
Mitchell Wm, frmn Rd Hse D I & S Co, h 324
Geo [324 George] -
Mitchell Roderick, clerk, h 33
Esplanade -
Mitchelmore Bert, shipper, bds
181 Prince -
Mizzi Salvator, waitor, bds,
Alfonse Hotel -
Moffatt E W, carpenter, h 95
South Bentinck -
Moffatt L, of McLean & Co, bds
Victoria road -
Mombroquette Alex, carriage mkr,
h 150 Bentinck -
Monaghan M E, frmn Chappell Bros,
h Leonard -
Monaghan Edward, emp D I & S Co,
h Henry -
Monaghan Robert, emp D I & S Co,
h 112 Vic rd [112 Victoria] -
Monk Aubrey, rod mill D I & S Co,
bds 302 Park -
Monk Norman, finisher D I & S Co,
h 302 Park -
Montague John, machinist
Mooney Biscuit & Candy Co, ltd,
of Stratford, Can., R McDonald, agent, 62 Dodd
Moore Adam, laborer, h 121 Argyle
Moore Bernard, emp D I & S
Co, bds 576 Vic road [576 Victoria] -
MOORE C P, Hardware, Paints,
Guns, &c, 263 Charlotte, cor Pitt; h 688 George. See
adv. -
Moore C L, supervisor schools, h
169 Park -
Moore Cornelius, emp D I & S Co,
bds 128 Vic road [128 Victoria] -
Moore Ellen, widow E, bds Tain
Moore F, electrical foreman D I &
S Co -
Moore H S, emp D I & S Co, h 177
Henry -
Moore John, emp D I & S Co, bds
128 Victoria rd -
Moore John, emp D I & S Co, bds
614 Victoria rd -
Moore Martin, frmn coal washer D
I & S Co, bds 576 Victoria road -
Moore Terrance, emp D I & S Co, h
128 Vic road [128 Victoria] -
Moore William, barber, 672
Victoria rd; h 670 do [670 Victoria] -
Moore William, teamster, h Tain
Moore William, em I C R, bds 404 Charlotte
Moorehouse John, engineer, bds 87 King’s
road -
Moran Thomas, emp D I & S Co, h
Cottage -
Moran Catherine, widow J, bds
Paine -
Morgan Arthur, emp D I & S Co,
bds 26 Henry -
Morgan Wilson, brakesman D C Co, h Paine
Moriarty Edward, emp D I & S Co,
bds 124 Henry -
Moriarty John, emp D I & S Co,
bds 124 Henry -
MORLEY F & J, Groceries and
Crockery, 386 Charlotte. See adv. below [... PHONE
83 P.O. BOX 96 .... -
MORLEY F W, of F & J Morley, h 51
Falmouth -
Morley Harry F, of F & J Morley,
h 51 Falmouth -
Morley Harry F, foreman finishing
mill D I & S Co, h 45 High -
MORLEY J J, of F & J Morley, h
Westmount -
Morley James, emp D I & S Co, bds
289 Bentinck -
Morley John, conductor, h 289 Bentinck
Morley Joseph H, drftsmn D Coal
Co, h 36 Plsnt [36 Pleasant] -
Morley Mary, widow A, bds 36
Pleasant -
Morley Octavia, widow of W H, h
417 Charlotte -
Morley Walter W, frmn carpt D I &
S Co, bds 289 Bentinck -
Morris C C, supt. transportatn D I & S Co, h Inglis
Morris F, engnr D I & S Co, bds Pitt cor Johnston
Morris Harold, emp D I & S Co,
bds 1454 r Vic rd [1454 r Victoria] -
Morris John E, shipper D I & S
Co, h 70 Catherine -
Morris M, mcht 213 Dorchester; h
211 r do [211 r Dorchester] -
Morris Michael, coachman, bds
Charlotte -
Morris Solomon, chief Indian
Reserve, King's road -
Morris W, emp D I & S Co, h 1454
r Victoria road -
Morris Walter, clerk, bds
Victoria road -
Morrisey James, emp D I & S Co,
bds 576 Vic rd [576 Victoria] -
Morrisey John, emp D I & S Co,
bds 576 Vic road [576 Victoria] -
Morrison Alex, prp Melrose House,
h 113-115 Pnce [113-115 Prince] -
Morrison Alex, emp D I & S Co,
bds 443 Esplnde [443 Esplanade] -
Morrison Angus, fireman Sydney
Cement Co -
Morrison Angus C, em D I & S Co,
h 207 Lingan rd -
Morrison Angus, coal trimmer, bds
985 Victoria rd -
Morrison Angus J, truckman, h 242
Roberts -
Morrison Miss Annie, tailoress,
bds King's road -
Morrison Anne, widow Wm, bds
Alexandra -
Morrison Archie, barber, h
McKenzie -
Morrison Miss Bessie, clerk, bds
106 So Bentinck [South Bentinck] -
Morrison Charles R, h 149
Johnston -
Morrison Christie, widow Don, h
65 So Bentinck [65 South Bentinck] -
Morrison D A, emp Chappell Bros,
h 404 Charlotte -
Morrison Dan C, emp I C R bds 149 Johnston
MORRISON D N, Physician and
Surgeon, 309 Charlotte. Phones: Office 44; h 364; h
19 Union -
Morrison Daniel F, coal trimmer,
Lingan road -
Morrison Daniel, carpenter, h 39
Ashby road -
Morrison Daniel, emp D I & S Co,
h 250 Roberts -
Morrison Daniel, driver L & DeY,
bds 443 Esplnde [443 Esplanade] -
Morrison Dan, emp D I & S Co, bds
404 Charlotte -
Morrison Daniel, emp D I & S Co,
bds Savoy Hotel -
Morrison Daniel, tailor, bds
South Bentinck -
Morrison Donald John, tailor, bds
65 So Bentinck [65 South Bentinck] -
Morrison Don, pipe fitter D I & S
Co, h 101 Whit a ]101 Whitney] -
Morrison Donald, teamster, bds
443 Esplanade -
Morrison Duncan, bksmn D I &
S Co, bds 96
Intcnl [96 Intercolonial] -
Morrison E A, carpenter, h Paine
Morrison Edgar, emp Sd "Record."
bds 149 Jhnstn [149 Johnston] -
Morrison Flora, widow D W, h 254
Bentinck -
Morrison Frank, lab D I & S Co,
bds McLeod -
Morrison Fred C, lcmtve engr, bds
23 Douglas plce -
Morrison George, teamster, bds
Davenport road -
Morrison Mrs H, widow A, h 4
Wentworth -
Morrison H R, foreman yard dept D
I & S Co, h 741 Victoria road -
Morrison Harry, coal shipper, h
80 Dominion -
Morrison Hugh, laborer, h 6
Armstrong court -
Morrison J B, merchant tailor,
403-405 Charlotte; h 409 do [409 Charlotte]
MORRISON JOHN H, A full line of
Woollens and Worsteds always hand. 1041 Victoria
road; 1043 do [1043 Victoria] -
Morrison John, emp D I & S Co,
bds 51 Furnace -
Morrison John, emp D I & S Co,
bds Savoy Hotel -
Morrison John, plmbr Bayer & Co,
bds Dvnprt rd [Davenport] -
Morrison Jos D, coal trimmer, bds
985 Victoria rd -
Morrison Joseph, plumber, bds 59
Ferry -
Morrison Joseph, bell boy Sd
Hotel, rms 37 Esplnd [37 Esplanade] -
Morrison Joseph, coal trimmer, h
Prince -
Morrison Miss Katie, bds 101
Whitney avenue -
Morrison Kenneth W, city emp, h
340 Townsend Townsend -
Morrison M & Son, grocers,
mfrs feed, corn meal, &c, 10 and 23 Argyle [10
Argyle] -
Morrison Miss Mary, clerk, bds
106 So Bentinck [106 South Bentinck] -
Morrison Miss Mary, tailoress,
bds 6 Pitt -
Morrison Malcolm, of Morrison &
MvInnis, h 34 Catherine -
Morrison Malcolm, checker, h
Paine -
Morrison & MvInnis, dry goods,
groceries, etc, 1370 Victoria road -
Morrison Michael, driver D I & S
Co, h 442 Geo [442 George] -
Morrison Murdoch, of M Morrison &
Son, h 106 South Bentinck -
Morrison Murdoch, butcher, h
Alexandra -
Morrison Murdoch, laborer, bds 41
Catherine -
Morrison N R, grocer, 461
Charlotte -
Morrison Neil, lab city water
wrks, bds 241 Bntnck [241 Bentinck] -
Morrison Neil, laborer Sydney
Cement Co -
Morrison Miss Phoebe, tailoress,
bds 149 Johnston -
Morrison Peter, car inspctr I C R, h 14 r Morrison
Morrison Philip, laborer, bds
Alexandra -
Morrison R D, motorman S & G B Ry
Co -
Morrison Ronald, of M Morrison &
Son, bds 106 South Bentinck -
Morrison Ronald, tinsmith, bds
140 Charlotte -
Morrison Thomas, emp D I & S Co,
h Prince -
Morrison W, mineral water
manufacturer and prop Woodcock restaurant, 141-143
Prince; h Leonard -
Morrison Wm, emp D I & S Co, bds
Leonia House -
Morrison Wm, emp D I & S Co, bds
McLeod -
Morrison Wm P, fireman I C R, bds 149 Johnston
Morrow M, teamster, bds 257
Charlotte -
Morse C R, barrister, bds
Bentinck -
Mortimer Edgar, emp D I & S Co, h
88 Vic road [88 Victoria] -
Morton A J, emp D I & S Co, h
Cornishtown road -
Moseley Arthur, physician,
Charlotte; h 273 Bntck [273 Bentinck] -
Moseley Edgar W, barrister, 296
Charlotte; h 69 King's road -
Notary and Commissioner of Supreme Court of
Newfoundland, 296 Charlotte; h 213-217 Argyle. See
adv. [... P.O. Bow 149 Sydney, Phone 12,
Office Phone 543 Residence ...] -
Moser Dougald, upholsterer, bds
George -
Mosher F J, agt Mooney Bis Co,
rms 60 Esplanade -
Moss Thomas, emp D I & S Co, bds
Hankard -
Moules William, mason, h Lingan
road -
Moyneagh Miss Bertie, sch tchr,
bds 63 Rockdale a -
Moyneagh Henry, plasterer, h 63
Rockdale avenue -
Mugford Vernon, barber, bds
Victoria Hotel -
Muggah E J, engineer S & L Ry, h 2 Ritchie
Muggah David E, emp I C R, bds 167 George
Muggah Elizabeth, wid S, bds Mar
Hosp, George [Marine Hospital] -
Muggah Miss Emma, clerk, bds 304
Townsend -
Muggah F G, editor Sydney
"Morning News," h 304 Townsend -
Muggah George D, dep prothonotary
and clerk County Court, bds Minto Hotel -
Muggah Miss Gussie, stenographer
bds 304 Twnsd [304 Townsend] -
Muggah H F, meat market, 710 Vic
rd; h 69 Henry [710 Victoria] -
Muggah Henry W, emp I C R, h 167 George
Muggah Herbert, pipe fitter, h 16
Fairview -
Muggah John, supt of ferries, h
12 Charlotte -
Muggah Kate A, bds 167 George
Muggah Miss Louisa R, bds 167
George -
Muggah Miss Margaret, teacher
Central School -
Muggah Nelson E, emp I C R, h 44 Intercolonial
Muggah P N, carpenter I C R
Muggah Richard, supt Marine
Hospital, h George -
Muggah Sidney R, asst. trackmaster I C R, bds Marine
Hospital, George -
Muggah Susan, widow Capt Chas,
bds 44 Interclnl [44 Intercolonial] -
Muggah William, h 75 Ferris
Muggah William, carpenter, h
Mount Pleasant -
Muirhead Gilbert, bds r Grand
Lake road -
Muise James, student, bds 230
Dominion -
Muise John, machinist, bds 103
James -
Muise Patrick, bricklayer, bds
off Paine -
Muise Philip, emp D I & S Co, h
230 Dominion -
Mulcahy Thos, prop International
Hse, 1037 Vic rd [1037 Victoria] -
Mullins Miss Laura, tailoress,
bds 101 James -
Muillins Vincent, commision
broker, h 135 George -
Mulloney Miss Kate, char woman, h
110 Falmouth -
Mulverhill Thomas, laborer, h 105
Bentinck -
Mumblique Simon, em D I & S Co,
bds 25 Hngtn ct [25 Harrington] -
Munn W A, conductor I C R, h 83 Bentinck
Munn George, jeweller, bds 83
Bentinck -
Munn Miss Hattie, stenographer,
bds 83 Bentinck -
Munroe A E, clerk I C R, h cor George & Cromarty
Munroe Albert, barber, bds
Esplanade -
Munroe Alexander, em D I & S Co,
bds 350 Twnsd [350 Townsend] -
Munroe Andrew, emp D I & S Co,
bds 173 George -
Munroe Miss Annie, bookkpr, bds
350 Townsend -
Munroe Bert, barber, bds 272
Esplanade -
Munroe Miss Catherine, stngrphr,
bds 350 Twnsnd [350 Townsend] -
Muncoe Oaniel A, emp D I & S Co,
bds 404 Chrlte [404 Charlotte; Munroe Daniel A]
Munroe H D, city emp, h 241
Bentinck -
Munroe Harry, blower blast
furnaces D I & S Co, h 110 Esplanade -
Munroe Katherine, widow J, h 350
Townsend -
Munroe Miss M B, sch tchr, bds
350 Townsend -
Munroe Miss S C, asst postmaster
Whitney Pier P O, bds Victoria road -
Murcie Stewart, em D I & S Co,
bds 47 Dolbin (N) -
Murchison Arnold, em D I & S Co,
bds 238 Roberts -
Murchison Harper, barber, 722 Vic
rd; bds 238 Roberts [722 Victoria] -
Murchison Neil, emp D I & S Co,
bds 44 Tupper -
Murchison Samuel, laborer, h 238
Roberts -
Murdoch Chas, foreman Dom Coal
Co, bds Paine -
Murphy A E, bookkeeper, bds 50
Douglas -
Murphy Miss A V, stngrphr E T Co,
bds 152 Bklnd [152 Brookland] -
Murphy Mrs D, h 152 Brookland
Murphy Frank J, rep W R Brock Co,
Ltd, 269 Charlotte; h 40 Union -
MURPHY G L, manager and secy-treasurer
of G L Murphy & Co, Ltd, h 78 Park -
MURPHY G L & CO, LTD, Wholesale
Grocers, Produce and Commission Merchants, 522-526
George. See line front cover; also adv. opp. [P.O.
Box 620. Telephone 128, 129 ...]
Murphy Garris, emp D I & S Co,
bds 602 Vic road [602 Victoria] -
Murphy James, emp D I & S Co, bds
614 Vic road [614 Victoria] -
Murphy James W, truckman, h 242
Rockdale ave -
Murphy Maurice E, foreman pipe
fitter D I & S Co, h 36 Intercolonial -
Murphy Patrick, emp D I & S Co,
bds 92 Bay -
Murphy Miss Sadie, waitress,
rooms 288 Esplanade -
Murphy T J, clerk D Coal Co, h
Tain -
Murphy Thomas, bds 602 Victoria
road -
Murphy William, mach D I & S Co,
bds 95 James -
Murphy Wm, melter D I & S Co, h
119 Victoria rd -
Murphy Arthur, brakesman I C R, h 14 Pleasant
Murray C E, wholesale tobacconist
and broker, 319 George; bds Grand Hotel, Dorchester
Murray Daniel, laborer, bds
"Ingleside," Kig's rd [King's] -
Murray E A, warehouseman, bds 21
George -
Murray Fred, emp D I & S Co, bds
181 Prince -
Murray Miss Greta, asst manager
Boyd's Syllabie Shorthand College, bds 59 Ferry
Murry James, emp D I & S Co, bds
40 Bryan -
Murray James H, train dsptchr I C R, h 88
Rckdle a [88 Rockdale] -
Murray John H H, shoemaker, 276
Charlotte; bds Pitt, corner Johnston -
Murray Thomas, electrical
inspector D I & S Co, h 309 Whitney avenue
Murray William, emp D I & S Co,
bds 44 Tupper -
Musgrave C H, detective, h 30
Charlotte -
Musgrave Charles, plumber, bds
Leonia House -
Musgrave Harry B, engnr D D I & S
Co, h 101 Vic rd [101 Victoria] -
Musgrave Hedley V, train dsphr I C R, h Cromarty
Musgrave John R, brksmn I C R, h 41 Dolbin (N)
Myers George, tinsmith, bds 43
Gritton avenue -
Myers Joseph, emp D I & S Co, h
43 Gritton ave -
Myers Miss Nellie, clerk, bds 43
Gritton avenue -
Myers Samuel, emp D I & S Co, bds
43 Gritton av |