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to the Samuel Sparrow Home Page
This Indenture
made the Twenty fifth Day of September in the Twenty Seventh Year of the Reign
of King George the Third, and in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred
and Eighty Seven, between Samuel Sparrow of Sydney in The Island of Cape
Breton Esquire of the one part and Colin Frasier of the same place
Labourer of the other part, ~ Witnesseth that the said Samuel Sparrow for and in
Consideration of the Sum of Sixty Pounds Current Money of Nova Scotia to him the
said Samuel Sparrow in hand well and truly paid at or before the Sealing and
delivery of these Presents, the Receipt whereof the said Samuel Sparrow doth
hereby Acknowledge and thereof and there from and from every part and parcel
thereof, doth acquit and release and exonerate and forever discharge the said
Colin Frasier his Heirs, Executors and Administrators and every of them by these
Presents, hath Granted Bargained and sold aliened released and Confirmed and by
these Presents doth Grant Bargain Sell alien release and Confirm unto the said
Colin Frasier, in his actual Possession now being by Virtue of a Bargain and
sale to him thereof made of one whole year by Indenture bearing date the Day
next before the Day of the date of these Presents and by force of the Statute
made for the Transferring of uses into Possession and to his Heirs and Assigns
all that Messuage and Lot of Land situate lying and being in the Town of Sydney
and known and distinguished by Lot No. 27 in North Charlotte Street
being the corner of Amelia Street in the said Town of Sydney together with all
Houses out Houses, Gardens Water Courses easements Profits Commodities
advantages emoluments, and heriditaments whatsoever to the said Messuage and Lot
belonging or in any wise appertaining or which to any with the, same now are or
at any Times heretofore have been held used occupied taken or known as part or
parcel thereof or of any part thereof, and the reversion and reversions,
remainder and remainders rents Issues and Profits of all and Singular the said
Colin Frasier and every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances and also
all the Estate right, property, Title Interest claim and [de?] whatsoever in Law
or Equity of him the said Samuel Sparrow of in and to all and Singular the said
Premises above mentioned and of in and to every part and parcel thereof with the
Appurtenances and also all Deeds Evidences and Writings touching and Concerning
the said Premises. To have and to hold all and Singular the said Messuages or
Tenements Land and Premises above and by these presents released and Confirmed
and every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances unto the said Colin
Frasier his Heirs and Assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said
Colin Frasier, his Heirs and assigns forever, and to and for no other use intend
or purpose whatever. And the said Samuel Sparrow his Heirs Executors and
Administrators doth covenant and agree to and with thee said Colin Frasier his
Heirs and Assigns that he the said Samuel Sparrow now is the true and lawfull
owner of all and Singular the said Messuage and Lot of Land, heriditaments and
Premises above mentioned and of every part and parcel thereof with the
Appurtenances and also that the said Samuel Sparrow hath Good right and full
power and Sufficient Authority in Law to Grant release convey and confirm all
and Singular the said Messuages and Lot heriditaments and Premises above granted
and released with the Appurtenances unto the said Colin Frasier his Heirs and
assigns to the only proper use and Behoof of the said Colin Frasier his heirs
and Assigns forever according to the intent and meaning of these Presents, and
also that the said Colin Frasier his Heirs and Assigns shall and may at all
times hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold occupy and enjoy all and
Singular the said Messuage and Lot of Land and hereditaments and Premises
aforesaid with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof without the
lawful let Suit hindrance or disturbance of him the said Samuel Sparrow his
Heirs and Assigns or of any other Person or Persons Claiming or to Claim by from
or under him or any them and that [?] and discharged or otherwise well and
sufficiently saved kept [?] and indemnified of from and against all [?] and
other Gifts Grants leases Morgages entails fines amercements Bonds Anuities,
Writings Obligatory Statutes and of and from all other Charges rights Titles
Troubles and incumbrances whatsoever had made done or suffered by the said
Samuel Sparrow or his Heirs or any other Person or Persons lawfully Claiming or
to Claim by from or under him them or any of them, And further that the said
Samuel Sparrow his Heirs and all and every Person or Persons and his and their
Heirs having or lawfully Claiming any Estate right Title Interest of in or to
the said premises in and by these Presents released and Confirmed or any part
thereof by from or under them, shall and will from Time to Time and all Times
hereafter upon the reasonable request and at the Cost and Charges in Law of the
said Colin Frasier his Heirs or Assign make do Seal and Execute or cause or
promise to be done Sealed and Executed and all every such Grant lease or other
fair and reasonable Act and Acts, thing and things device and devices Conveyance
and Conveyances Assurance and Assurances-in law whatsoever for the further and
more perfect granting Conveying releasing and confirming all and Singular the
Premises aforesaid with the Appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto
the said Colin Frasier his heirs and assigns for ever as aforesaid as by the
said Colin Frasier his heirs or Assigns shall reasonably advise
In witness whereof the parties have hereto these Presents interchangeable set
theirs Hands and Seals the Day and year first above written.
Saml Sparrow
Sealed and
in the presence
D. Taitt
Colin X Frasier
Margaret McCarthy
[Source: NSARM,
MG 10, Volume 24, Number 3 [2 items], September 25, 1787, photocopies [NSARM, Vert Mss File, Sparrow, Indenture, September
25, 1787]]