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This Indenture made 27th Sepr in the twenty seventh year of the Reign of George the third of Great Britain King & in the year of our Lord 1787 between John Rundle [John Rundel] of Sydney Island Cape Breton Mercht of the one part & Samuel Sparrow of the said Town of Sydney Merchant of the other part Witnesses for and in Consideration & towards the satisfaction of the Sum of four Hundred & Twelve Pounds Nova Scotia Currency to the said John Rundle in hand by the said Samuel Sparrow at and before the Sealing & delivery of those Present, the receipt whereof the said John Rundle [John Rundel] hath hereby Acknowledge & Confess and thereof & of every part & [leave?] thereof, doth freely fully and Absolutely Acquit exonerate and discharge the said Samuel Sparrow his Executor Administrator and Assign by these Present, he the said John Rundle [John Rundel] Hath Demised Granted and to farme letton, and by these Present Doth Demise Grant and to Farme let unto the said Samuel Sparrow his Executor Administrator and Assign All that [piece of?] land or lott of land and laid out and plotted in Block C Adjoining and Butting to the North on a Lot of Ground in the same Block C belonging to Doctor Aubrey and to the South on a Lot of Ground belonging to the said Samuel Sparrow situated & being in a Street called North Charlotte Street extending in front on said street forty feet and carrying the same extent of Front backward to the Depth of One hundred feet with all the [right] Priviledges & benefits there unto belong or Appertant thereto, Together with a Dwelling House or Messuage [Iro tton?] high erected there on, and all the Appurtenances with the Gardens Fences, Water and Watercourses belonging or Appertaining to the same All which said land [piece?] or Lott of Ground Dwelling House or Tenements, Gardens, Fences, Water & Watercourses and the Revision or Revissions Remaindor or Remaining thereof, and all the Right Title Interest Property Claim on Demand whatsoever of him the said John Rundle [John Rundel] in and to the same, and all [Deeds] Writings and Evidences touching and concerning the said several [quite Nemisis?], which he the said John Rundle [John Rundel] hath in his hands or Custody To Have and to Hold, all and singular the said land [piece?] or lot of Ground Messuage or Tenements Heriditaments and Promises hereby demised intent mentioned or intended to be hereby demised with their and every of their rights Members and Appurtenances unto the said Saml Sparrow his Executor, Administrator and Assign from the day of the date here of unto the full end and Term of One thousand Years next ensuing and fully to be completed and ended Yielding and laying therefore yearly& every year during the said term unto the said John Rundle [John Rundel] his Hiers or Assign the yearly rent of one pepper Corn at the Feast of St. Michael [Note: from this point on, the left hand margin has missing letters designated by [?] owing to the tight binding] the Lawfully demands, Provided always and upon their condition [?]if the said John Rundle [John Rundel] his Heir Executor or Administrator, [shall?] and do will and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said [Sam?]uel Sparrow his Executor Administrator or Assign the sum of [?] & Hundred Twelve Pounds Nova Scotia Currency on the Twenty [?"] day of September next ensuing the day of the Date hereof without [any?] Deduction or Abatement or any Account or [pretence?] whatsoever [?]t then their [Inistet?] Indention and every matter [clause] or thing herein [con?]tained shall cease determine & be Void & of no affect to all intent and [?][?] whatsoever anything herein contained to the contrary thereof [?] any ways notwithstanding, and the said John Rundle [John Rundel] for himself [?] Heir Executor and Administrator doth hereby Covenant Promise [?]t and Agree to and with the said Samuel Sparrow his Executor Administrator and Assign by these Present that the said John Rundle [John Rundel] his Heir Executor or Administrator shall and will [well?] & truly or ensure to [?]len land unto the said Samuel Sparrow his Executor Administrator or Assign the said sum of four hundred Twelve pounds Nova Scotia Currency at the day and time before mentioned for payment [?] of According to the true intent and meaning of these present, And [?"]aid Samuel Sparrow his Executor Administrator and every [?]em shall or lawfully may from time to time in at all and every time & time, hereafter have hold Occupy use [Jopels] & enjoy [all and ?]singular the land here [?"]on lot of Ground Messuage or Tenements and Premises hereby granted or mentioned to be hereby Grants & every part & parcel thereof with all and singular their and every of their Appurtenances, Rents Issue & motif arising, accruing & Growing [?][ewc] & take without any manner of lot just trouble Reaction [?][bania] Hinderance or Molestation whatsoever of or by the said John Rundle [John Rundel] his Heir or Assign or any other Person or Persons whatsoever [?] lastly that the said John Rundle [John Rundel] his Heir the said hereby Grant [?][ing] unto and whom the said Samuel Sparrow his Executor Administrator Assign for and during the said Term against him the said John Rundle [John Rundel] and his Heir and all and every other Person or Persons Lawfully [?]ing or which shall or may at any time or time, hereafter lawfully [?]from by or under him shall and will warrant & defend by these Present in Witnes whereof the said John Rundle [John Rundel] & the said Saml Sparrow have hereunto [?] their Land & Seals the day & year above written [?][cite] & deliver in the presence of us
John Rundle [Seal] [John Rundel]
Saml Sparrow [Seal]
[?] laymen
Entered 20th Sept 1787 A Cuyler Register
[Source: Public Archives of Nova Scotia, RG 47, Registry of Deeds, Volume A, pp. 244-245 - Microfilm 17278]
According to "The Memorial of J.E. Acres the Representative of Saml. Sparrow" ... "lot No. 6 Block C" "was "Clear'd Fenc'd and Built uppon by Mr Sparrow and was held in Possession Fifteen Years by his Tennant J. Rundel also No. 6 Block C with all Wright and Claim J. Rundel Sold to the said Mr. Sparrow as Memorialist can produce by the Bond and Mortgage ..." SEE 1815 Petition of J. E. Acres for Land at Sydney