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By Eric Krause
(Krause House Info-Research Solutions)
to the Samuel Sparrow Home Page
YEAR ? |
date | Sparrow of South Lambert, Surry |
date | Late of Shadds Place, Peckham, in the parish of St. Giles, Camberwell, Surry |
c. 1774 - 1776 |
1774 or, more likely, 1775 or most probable, 1776, Halifax |
Samuel Sparrow, by his own admission, arrived in Halifax at about 1774. According to DesBarres, it was 1776, arriving from Wapping. Sparrow was a merchant. |
1779 |
1779, April 15, Halifax |
William Randall gave Sparrow, a merchant of Halifax, his power of attorney to sell Randall's North Suburb "Red Hospital" Halifax property. |
1780 |
1780, May 16, Halifax |
Sparrow, present at that time in Halifax, sold the North Suburb Randall "Red Hospital" property to William Slater for £ 100 |
1781 |
1781, August 7, Halifax | Newspaper advertisement that Sparrow has goods, just imported upon the Rialto and Maria, available for sale |
1782 |
1782 or Earlier | Sparrow formerly occupied the store operated by Louis Poesche |
1782, January 1, Halifax | Newspaper advertisement that Sparrow has goods available for sale |
1782, March 5, Halifax | Newspaper advertisement that Sparrow has purchased the two adjoining North Suburb houses of Andrew Cuenod who is leaving for London, England |
1782, May 2, Halifax |
Sparrow, who perhaps at that time was not present in Halifax, purchased the North Suburb Cuenod property for £ 450 |
1782, June 18 | Sparrow no longer is occupying the Louis Poesche store |
1782, July 9, Halifax | Sparrow sells the remaining stock of Mr. Louis Poesch at an auction on Sparrow's premises |
1782, November, Halifax | Sparrow is the Agent and Attorney for William Randall and is petitioning for the return of the newly granted North Suburb Whiston water lot property opposite the "Red Hospital" to Randall the previous owner |
1782, December 2, Halifax | Sparrow (through an auction house and private sale) is attempting to sell off all the stock that he has on hand |
1783 |
1783 |
Joseph Gravois vs Samuel Sparrow, Supreme
Court of Halifax (Debt: £40)
Sparrow was absent from Nova Scotia when Joseph Gravois (mariner) commenced this Supreme Court law-suit |
1783, January 20, Halifax |
Sparrow (possibly not present in Halifax) purchased 1/2 of the former Randall property that contained the "Red Hospital", a portion of the property (sold in 1780 to William Slater) from William Slater Plus their Water Lot that stood in front for £320 |
1783, July 22, Halifax | Sheriff ordered to attach Sparrow's goods, chattels and/or estate for payment of wages in the Gravois law suit |
1783, September 6, Halifax | Sparrow 's Hollis Street house ("of large value"), occupied by Rundel, was attached to satisfy the Gravois suit before the Supreme Court |
1783, October, Halifax | Sparrow ordered to appear before the Supreme Court of Halifax to answer the Gravois suit |
1784 |
1784, January 20, Halifax | John Rundle selling goods off the General Elliott at the Hollis Street Store lately occupied by Sparrow |
1784, April 15, Halifax | Sparrow was shortly expected to arrive back shortly in Nova Scotia. |
1784 | Mary Cannon, of Falmouth (New Brunswick), applied to Samuel Sparrow, Merchant of Halifax, for an assortment of different kinds of merchandises, proper for supplying the Estates of Lieutenant Governor DesBarres , at Pettitcoudiac and Memramcook ( New Brunswick) and for some other Goods, for the use of the said Lieutenant Governor DesBarres and his Family which Sparrow would furnish on April 7, 1785 |
date? | J. F. W. Desbarres applied to Sparrow to supply his Cape Breton Government with building materials, provisions, and money to pay workmen |
1785 |
1785 | Samuel Sparrow vs. Lachlin Donnelly, Supreme Court of Halifax [Easter Term - Note: Began two weeks (and a day) after Easter Sunday that fell on March 27, 1785] (Debt: £34 3 3 ) |
1785, Halifax | Samuel Sparrow vs. Alexander Leslie, Supreme Court of Halifax [Trinity Term - Began a week and day after Trinity Sunday] (Debt: £40 2) |
1785, February 2, Halifax | Lachlin Donnelly was found in arrears to Sparrow for merchandise delivered before February 1 |
1785, April 7 | Sparrow supplies Mary Cannon with articles worth £ 115 1p (Account #1) as well as, on a later date, other articles worth £ 757 14s (Account #2) |
1785, April 19, Halifax | Sheriff directed to retain Alexander Leslie, accused of owing Sparrow |
1785, May 24, Halifax | Sparrow, agent, advertises for freight and passengers to go on the Betsey bound for Sydney [Note: Betsey, in Halifax cleared out, July 19, 1785, for Annapolis Royal; Betsey, in Halifax, arrived from Sydney, September 6, 1785] |
c. Spring 1785, Halifax |
Sparrow, as an Agent of Lieutenant Governor J. F. W. DesBarres, provided the Governor with building materials, provisions, and money to pay workmen, for the construction of the public works of Cape Breton Island. He shipped from Halifax to Sydney using at least the schooner Betsey (May 24, 1785 advertisement), the Sydney, and the Swallow. |
(Date?) |
Having abandoned his affairs in Halifax, and leaving the collection of his Halifax debts to others, Sparrow arrived in Sydney, seeking payment for the bills which he held. |
1785, June, Sydney, Cape Breton Island |
Sparrow had already improved and enclosed a town property, and was awaiting his Crown land grant to a lot in Block C [W. John Wilkinson was also awaiting a Crown land grant] |
1785, June 13, [Sydney] | Rundle, master of the 20 ton, 3 man crew Betsy, entered inwards [to Sydney] from Halifax with Naval stores and dry provisions |
1785, June 20, [Sydney] | Rundle, master of the 20 ton, 3 man crew Betsy, entered outwards [from Sydney] to Halifax with coals |
1785, June 24, Halifax | Sparrow present in Halifax before the Supreme Court concerning Alexander Leslie's law suit |
1785, c. 1 October- 31 December, Sydney | Governor DesBarres paid Sparrow as per voucher (Debt: £432 2 6) |
1785, October 6, Halifax | Supreme Court of Halifax found Lachlin Donnelly guilty in the Sparrow law suit |
1785, October 28, Halifax | Newspaper advertisement that Sparrow has goods available for sale |
1785, October 28, Halifax | Newspaper advertisement that Wilkinson, from London, has goods available for sale at Sparrows |
1786 |
1786, Halifax | Samuel Sparrow vs. Alexander Clunes, Supreme Court of Halifax (Debt: £14 14) |
1786, Halifax | Samuel Sparrow vs. Joseph White, Supreme Court of Halifax (Debt: £36 8) |
1786, May 9, Sydney |
Sparrow first took his seat as a member of Executive Council |
1786, May 9, Sydney |
Sparrow nominated as a Justice of the Peace for Cape Breton |
1786, May 9, Sydney | Sparrow moved that a Committee be struck to examine the Public Accounts for the period November 19, 1784 to March 24, 1786 which DesBarres had laid before the Board |
1786, May 9, Sydney | Sparrow and George Rodgers appointed the Committee to examine the Public Accounts |
1786, May 11, Sydney | The Executive Council meets with Sparrow in attendance |
1786, May 15, Sydney | The Executive Council meets with Sparrow in attendance |
1786, May 17, Sydney | The Executive Council meets with Sparrow in attendance |
1786, May 23, Sydney | The Executive Council meets with Sparrow in attendance |
1786, June 2, Sydney | The Executive Council meets with Sparrow in attendance |
1786, June 2, Sydney | Sparrow and George Rodgers appointed Assistant Justices of Peace during the absence of the Chief Justice |
1786, post June 2, Sydney | Samuel Sparrow acquires the Henry Archer Block 27, Lot A property to which Archer received a grant on June 2 |
1786, June 4, Sydney | The Executive Council meets with Sparrow in attendance |
1786, June 4, Sydney | Sparrow and George Rodgers report upon the Public Accounts (£14,145 14 s 4 p) for the period November 19, 1784 to March 24, 1786 |
1786, June 5, Sydney | The Executive Council meets in the morning with Sparrow (but not DesBarres) in attendance |
1786, June 5, Sydney | The Executive Council meets in the afternoon with Sparrow in attendance |
1786, September 14, Halifax | Sparrow, present in Halifax, issued a promissory note to pay Thomas Medcalf on demand £181 8 1 that on the same day Robert Heywood [accepted] |
1786, September 15, Halifax | Sparrow present in Halifax before the Supreme Court to satisfy Sparrow lawsuit against Alexander Clunes |
1786, October 19, Sydney | Governor DesBarres drew a Bill (Debt: £547 18 2 = £493 2 5) on the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in favour of payment to Sparrow |
1786, October 20, Sydney | Governor DesBarres drew a Bill (Debt: £40 17 1 = £36 15 5) on the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in favour of payment to Sparrow |
1786, October 24 | Sparrow initiates lawsuit against John George and Andrew Cumming for payment of debt |
1786, October 28, Sydney |
Governor DesBarres acknowledged his unpaid debt for what Sparrow had provided to the colony in c. 1785. Prior to October 28, 1786, he had also converted the impressions and plates of the Atlantic Neptune into a pledge or security for payment to Sparrow [i.e. if the Board ever tendered and paid him for the plates - he wanted £5,000 ] for a part of the debt. |
1786, November 27, Halifax | Sparrow present in Halifax before the Supreme Court to satisfy Sparrow suit against Joseph White |
1786, November 29 | Sparrow receives a Crown land grant to Sydney River Lots 10, 11, 12 |
1786, December 19 | Governor DesBarres issues a Bill (Debt: £493 2s 5d - provisions) on the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in favour of payment to Sparrow |
1786, December 19 | Governor DesBarres issues a Bill (Debt: ££36 15s 5d - building materials) on the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in favour of payment to Sparrow |
1786, December 28, Lunenburg | G. Hirnish drew up a promissory note for £67 10 6 in favour of Sparrow |
1787 |
1787, Halifax | Samuel Sparrow vs. John George and Andrew Cumming, Supreme Court of Halifax (Debt: £22 11 4) |
1787, Halifax | Samuel Sparrow vs J. F. W. DesBarres, Supreme Court of Halifax (Debt: £4041) |
1787, Halifax | Samuel Sparrow vs. G. Hirnish, Supreme Court of Halifax (Debt: £67 10 6) |
1787, Mira, Cape Breton Island |
Sparrow receives Crown land grant to a Mira property |
1787, Sydney |
Sparrow purchased a Sydney property |
1787, March 24, Halifax | Sparrow present in Halifax before the Supreme Court to satisfy Sparrow suit against John George and Andrew Cumming |
1787, July 16, Sydney | The Executive Council meets with Sparrow in attendance |
1787, July 24, Sydney | Governor DesBarres issues a Bill (Debt: £375 7 9 = £337 17 0 - provisions) on the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in favour of payment to Sparrow |
1787, September 24, Sydney |
Sparrow, who was present at the sale, sold Sydney property Block A, Lot Number 27, corner of North Charlotte Street and Amelia Street to Colin Fraser for 5 shillings |
1787, September 25, Sydney |
Sparrow, who was present at the sale, sold Sydney property Block A, Lot Number 27, corner of North Charlotte Street and Amelia Street to Colin Fraser for £ 60 |
1787, September 26, Sydney |
Sparrow, who was present at the sale, bought from John Smith Block A, Lot 8, Esplanade, for £516 13 [this price included for 2 other properties as well] |
1787, September 26, Sydney | Sparrow, who was present at the sale, bought from John Smith a South Branch of Sydney River property (47 or 49) for £516 13 [this price included for 2 other properties as well] |
1787, September 26, Sydney | Sparrow, who was present at the sale, bought from John Smith Block K, Lot 6, [Bladein?], South Charlotte Street for £516 13 [this price included for 2 other properties as well] |
1787, September 27, Sydney | John Rundle sells Block C, Lot 6 property, North Charlotte Street, between Doctor Aubrey to the North and Sparrow, who was present at the sale, to the South, to Sparrow for £412 |
1787, September 27, Sydney | Sparrow, who was present, owned a Block C property, North Charlotte Street, to the south of John Rundle, North Charlotte Street |
1787, October 18, Halifax, Lunenburg | Sheriff ordered to attach the estate of Hirnish re promissory note re the Sparrow law suit |
1787, October 27, Sydney | Lieutenant Governor Maccarmick noted that Sparrow's attendance on the Executive Council was always uncertain and he was in danger of being replaced |
1786, October 27, Sydney | Lieutenant Governor Maccarmick nominated Sparrow and others as Justices of Peace for the Counties of Sydney, Louisbourg, and St. Peters |
1787, October 30, Halifax | Sparrow present in Halifax before the Supreme Court concerning his law suit against J. F. W. DesBarres |
1787, October 30, New Brunswick | New Brunswick Sheriff ordered to attach the New Brunswick Estate of J. F. W. DesBarres (Castle Fredericke in the Township of Falmouth and Menaudie in the County of Cumberland) as per Sparrow lawsuit (5 1/2 rights of farm and marsh land - this meant that Sparrow's suit had placed restrictions on the tenants and had attached DesBarres grain and cattle). [In one summary, DesBarres states that Sparrow had attached his Peticodiac Estate for the entire £4041 suit] |
1787, c. October 30 - c.November 25, Halifax | Sparrow possibly present in New Brunswick at Castle Fredericke |
1787, November 6, Halifax | Sparrow, present in Halifax, appeared before the Supreme Court re his law suit against Hirnish |
1787, November 27, Halifax | Sparrow, present in Halifax, asserts his right to his seat on the Executive Council of Cape Breton, from which he had been removed on the grounds that he was not a resident |
1787, November 27, Halifax | John Stairs made a promissory note for £41 10 10 in favour of Sparrow |
1788 |
1788, Halifax | John Hockenhull vs. Samuel Sparrow, Supreme Court of Halifax [Trinity Term - Began a week and day after Trinity Sunday] (Debt: £181 8 1) |
1788, April, Halifax | Sparrow attachment against DesBarres in his law suit against DesBarres |
1788, April 14, Sydney |
Sparrow, now in Sydney, claimed that when he had been in England, some in Sydney had attempted to ruin him |
1788, April 14, Sydney |
Sparrow claimed he was a creditor of nearly £5000 of the protested bills of DesBarres |
1788, May 13, Halifax | April 15 arrest warrant issued for Sparrow as per the Hockenhull lawsuit |
1788, [May?] 16, Halifax | Sparrow is delivered to bail on arrest |
1788, May 27, Halifax | Timothy Newman issued a promissory note promising to pay Sparrow £18 |
1788, July, Halifax | Hockenhull for Robert Hayword (deceased) is suing Sparrow |
1788, July, Halifax | Sparrow put S. S. Blowers, his attorney, in his place in the Hockenhull law suit where he says Sparrow did not promise Hayword as stipulated |
1788, October 28, London |
Sparrow was in London, attempting to get payment for the DesBarres debt. He had also relinquished all his Halifax concerns. |
1788, October 28, London | Sparrow asks Evan Nepean if he may be permitted to hope for an appointment |
1788, November 3, London |
Sparrow was in London, where he noted that the protested DesBarres bills he held totalled £3103 14 10 [that included £493 2 5 + plus £36 15 5 + £337 17 0 + 17 other bills] + interest and other charges for which, at the time, he had only charged DesBarres a commission. |
1789 |
1789, Halifax | Samuel Sparrow vs. Timothy Newman, Supreme Court of Halifax (Debt: £18) |
1789, April 16, London | Sparrow, in London, was arrested for £400 on a bill endorsed by him for DesBarres |
1789, April 16, London | Sparrow suggest to Evan Nepean that he could be of use [i.e. he is looking for an appointment] to the finances of Cape Breton |
1789, July 8, London | Sparrow describes a a bill drawn in his favour by Lieutenant-Governor Fanning of St. John Island |
1789, August 4, Town | Sparrow receives news that the Admiralty Office will not purchase the Des Barres plates that Sparrow has in his possession |
1789, December 12, Halifax | John Kerby, attorney, represented Samuel Sparrow in his lawsuit against Timothy Newman in the Supreme Court of Halifax |
1790 |
1790, Halifax | John Hockenhull vs. Samuel Sparrow, Supreme Court of Halifax (Debt: £181 8 1) |
1790, October 4, London | Sparrow declared to be in London |
1790, October [19], Halifax | S. S. Blowers, attorney for Sparrow, sues John Stairs for £41 10 10 |
1790, October 4, London | Sparrow residing in London |
1790, October 18, London | The John Hockenhull vs. Samuel Sparrow, Supreme Court of Halifax law suit which first begun 1788 was being heard before a jury that day in the Supreme Court of Halifax |
1790, October 29, Halifax | A recovery judgement in the Hockenhull law suit against Sparrow was delivered, producing an arrest warrant for jail and an attachment within the County of Halifax on any of his goods, chattels, lands, or tenements until payment is received |
1791 |
1791, Halifax | Samuel Sparrow vs. John Stairs, Supreme Court of Halifax (Debt: £41 10 10) |
1791, March 11, London | Sparrow asks for the help of Evan Nepean to have his [protested] accounts settled |
1791, October 14, Halifax | Sparrow was awarded £19 9 2 in the law suit against Stairs |
1793 |
1793, January 7, South Lambert |
Sparrow letter to Treasury concerning Governor DesBarres [1785 voucher] of £432 2 6 |
Pre - 1793, February 15 [perhaps between 1789-1793], London | An arbitration decided that the claims of Mr. Sparrow against DesBarres were unfounded |
1793, February 15, London | Desbarres demands a trial upon, among other things: "Complaints of Samuel Sparrow, through Harrison & Co. Sparrow was a trader, who having sold articles to the government, seized DesBarres property for payment" |
London, November 7, 1793 |
Treasury finally approved DesBarres expenses as Lieutenant Governor for the period 1784-1787. |
1794 |
1794, January 16, London | The Treasury approved Desbarres expenses were declared before Pitt. As to what was authorized as owing to Sparrow, it was £2116 8 10 or c. 1/2 the £4041 0 that Sparrow was claiming |
1794, May 1, London | Sparrow asks Evan Nepean to suggest a situation to which he could apply |
1795 |
1795 | Lambeth, Surrey Land Tax (Samuel Sparrow) |
1795, June 5, [London?] | Sparrow asks Evan Nepean for an interview with Pitt regarding his suggestions for raising revenues [for Cape Breton?] |
1796 |
1796 | Lambeth, Surrey Land Tax (Samuel Sparrow) |
1798 |
1798, October 30 - post 1798, December | Selling Store and Wharf c. 51 feet long x 33 feet wide, located opposite Hattons, on Water Street, whose premises led to the Navy Yard |
1798, December 1, [Halifax] | Assignment [transfer, Conveyance] of Mortgage from Sparrow to John Wilson for £55 for [Sydney River, Lots 10, 11, 12] |
1798, December 1, Halifax | Property deed , from Sparrow, who was in Halifax, to John Wilson for £40 for Sydney River, Lots 10, 11, 12 |
1799 |
1799, July 7, Charleston, South Carolina | Sparrow, in Charleston, issued his last will and testament, leaving everything to his wife Sarah. He died perhaps here, and certainly somewhere in America. By the time of his death, besides in America, Sparrow had lived formerly in South Lambert, Surrey, and then in Shadds Place, Peckham, Parish of St. Giles, Camberwell, Surrey, and afterwards on the merchant ship Industry prior to going to Charleston. |
1799, Sydney and Sydney River |
The Sparrow mortgage had been assigned on several Cape Breton Island properties. |
1801, February | Sparrow, Samuel, formerly of Peckham. Surrey, afterwards of the merchant ship Industry, but late of Charleston. South Carolina. Administration of the will to the sister. Elizabeth Stansbury. |
1803 |
1803, May 15, London |
John Edward Acres married the widow Sarah Sparrow |
1803, December 20, London | Sparrow's South Carolina will was authenticated at probate |
1804 |
1804, January 7, Canterbury | Will of Samuel Sparrow of South Carolina, North America registered at the Prerogative Court of Cantebury - Administration which was granted to Elizabeth Stansbury was revoked and granted to Sarah Sparrow, now the wife of John Edward Acres |
1804, March, Canterbury | Administration of the will of Samuel Sparrow granted to Sarah Sparrow, now the deceased wife of John Edward Acres, granted to John Edward Acres |
1806 |
1806, February 9, Lambeth, Surrey |
Baptism of the various children - born 1796, 1797, 1798 - of Samuel and Sara Sparrow |
1815 |
1815, March 6, [Cape Breton Island] | John Edwards Acres petitioned to take up Block C, Lot 6, which Sparrow had cleared, fenced and built upon, and held by the tenant J. Rundel for the last 15 years |
1815, March 6, [Cape Breton Island] | John Edwards Acres petitioned for land grants to Lots 31, 32 and 33 [near] Sydney |
1815, March 6, [ Cape Breton Island] | John Edwards Acres sought Lot adjoining No 31 East of Doblien [Doblin?] Street, on the north by Meloneys arm so call'd and on the south by the Commones |
1815, June 12, Cape Breton Island |
Certificate of Registry granted to John Edward Acres for probate of the Estate of Samuel Sparrow on Cape Breton Island |
1815, September 11, [Cape Breton Island] |
John Edward Acres, Edward Kirby, and William Rogers, suretiers, bound to Charles Morris, surorgate general, for the probate of Sparrow's estate and for granting of letters of administration for £400 |
1815, December 9, [Cape Breton Island] | John Edward Acres to produce an inventory of the Sparrow estate and to exhibit it before the Register of the Court of Wills and Probate on or before this date |
1816, January 11, [Cape Breton Island] | John Edward Acres, having disposed of the Sparrow estate, and paid debts, to produce an inventory of the estate and to exhibit it before the Register of the Court of Probated Wills on or before this date |
1817, Cape Breton Island | John Edwards Acres granted warrants to survey Lots 31 and 32 [near] Sydney, but lot 33 was not mentioned |
1817, January 11, [Cape Breton Island] | John Edward Acres to produce a true and just account on or before this date |
1817, March 11, [Cape Breton Island] | John Edward Acres to make true account of the Sparrow Estate, and what's left will be distributed |
1817, September 26 | Order given for Lots 31 and 32, two areas each, to be layed out near the Town of Sydney for John Edward Acres |