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to the Samuel Sparrow Home Page
[f. 133]
of first of Attachments and Sheriffs Return
Des BarresThe Estates called Minudie, Makan and Nappan, and Cumberland.
N.B. The within Estates were appraised by three of the most respectable Freeholders, at Two thousand five hundred Pounds, Nova Scotia Currency. Equal to about £ 2000 Guineas which Estates Mr Des Barres presented here worth in pounds of Twenty Thousand Pounds.
[OCTOBER 23, 1787]
[f. 127]
... "To the Sheriff of the County of Hants or his Deputy Greeting, We Command you to attach the Goods, Chattels or the Estates of Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres late of the Island of Cape Breton Esquire on absent Debts, to the value of four thousand pounds, and also to summon the said Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres (if to be found within your precinct) to appear before our Justices of our Supreme Court to be holden at Halifax on the first Tuesday of April next then and there to answer the suit of Samuel Sparrow Merchant in a place of trespass on the Case for not paying him the Sum of four thousand and Forty one pounds Currency here on his several Bills of Exchange protested for non payment and returned to the Said Samuel as by Declaration will appear.
To [ f. 128] the damages of the said Samuel Sparrow as he says the Sum of Five thousand pounds. Hereof fail not, and make return of this writ, and your doings therein according to the twelve days before the first Tuesday of April next Witness Isaac Deschamps Esqr. this twenty third day of October in this Twenty seventh year of our Reign Anno Domini 1787.
[f. 130]
In the Supreme Court, Michaelmas Term, A. D. 1789.
Octr. 23d. The court opened present Mr. Justice Deschamps & Mr. Justice Brenton
Samuel Sparrow Plaintiff against Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres Defendant by Mr. Blowers Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Nova Scotia } Supreme Court
Halifax [?s. }I certify that this and the foregoing pages contain true copies of the writ of Attachment, Sheriffs return, and of the Discontinuance of the Cause Samuel Sparrow Plaintiff against Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres Defendt.
Given under my Hand and this Seal of this Supreme Court at Halifax this Twenty Sixth Day of April in the Thirtieth year of his Majesty's Reign ... [1790]
(L.S.) Will: Thompson
Endorsed. ~
Copy of writ of Attachment & Sheriff's return
Sparrow v. Des BarresThe Estate called Castle Frederick
N.B. The within Estate was not appraised as a part of it was too Rocky & Barren to be [for?] the Enumerating & the cost being Mortgaged & attached by several Persons under Nil & [insurability?] ...
[f. 132]
Octr. 23d. The court opened present Mr. Justice Deschamps and Mr. Justice Brenton
Cause. Samuel Sparrow - Plaintiff against Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres Defendant
Nova Scotia } Supreme Court
Halifax [?s. }I certify that this and the foregoing Pages contain true Copies of the writ of Attachment, Sheriffs Return, and discontinuance of the Cause Samuel Sparrow Plaintiff agst Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres Defendant
Given under my Hand & Seal of this Supreme Court at Halifax this Twenty Sixth Day of april in the Thirtieth year of his Majesty's Reign a. d. 1790
(L.S.) Will: Thompson
/ Endorsed ...
Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, Original Correspondence (CO 217), Colonial Office, Cape Breton "A", DesBarres and Macarmick, 1787, M.G. 11, C.B., Vol. 4, October 23, 1787, pp. 127-128, 130, 132-133 [A & W.J. Vol. 598, October 23, 1787]
C- 1456
"George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c To the Sheriff of the County of Hants or his Deputy we command you to attach the goods, Chattels, or Estate of Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres late of the Island of Cape Breton Esquire, an absent Debtor to the value of four thousand pounds, and also to summon the said Joseph Frederick Walter Des Barres, if found within your Precinct to appear before our Justices of our Supreme Court to be holden at Halifax on the first Tuesday the 17th of April next and there to answer the Suit of Samuel Sparrow Merchant in a plea of Trespass on the Case of not paying him four thousand and forty one pounds Currency due on his several Bills of Exchanged protested for non payment and returned to him the said Samuel Sparrow as by Declaration will appear, To the Damage of the said Samuel Sparrow, as he says, of the Sum of five thousand pounds; Hereto fail not, and make due Return of this writ and your doing thereon according to Law, this 23d. Day of October in the 27th. year of our Reign anno Domini 1787"
DesBarres Papers, Series 5, M23, F 1-5, Volume 6, Accounts, 1767-1794, May 3, 1790, p. 1169.