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Researching the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of
Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du
Administration Of Justice At The Fortress Of Louisbourg (1713-1758)
Procédure criminelle contre Pierre Sedoyen, matelot, accusé de révolte contre le Sieur Ignace
Vincelot, son capitaine. (pièces cottées l à 32.) Folios 628-733: 1725 G2 178 Folios 628-733 H J
31 Archives Nationales, Section Outre-Mer, G2, Volume 178
Complaint of Ignace Vincelot against Jacques Morphé and Pierre Sedoyen,
October 8, 1725
[629] Vincelot, captain of the "batteau l'envieux de present en ce port," declared on the
9th of October"ayant commandé partie de son Equipage pour sembarquer dans le Canot et
aller chercher du fardage, "Morphé and Sedoyen, "Matelots sur le d. batteau," said that
they did not wish to go. Vincelot
"a passé sur le pont pour les faire embarquer et comil
saprochoit du d Pierre sedoyen ce dernier s'arma d'une hache disant a son capne. que s'il
avançoit davantage, et s'il le frapoit, il luy comperoit le Col, cequi et une action qui. mette
[630] punition Exemplaire ..."
Vincelot requested that he be allowed to bring charges against the two men and have them
condemned to lose "leurs salaires et congedies de bord sauf a Mondt. sr. Le procureur du
Roy de prendre telles conclusions quil avisera pour la Vindicte publique et feres Justice."
Signed by Vincelot.
La Vasseur ordered him to appear before him to bring
charges against the two men.
October 8, 1725. Signed by him.
Order for the assignation of witnesses, October 8, 1725
[631] Louis Le Vasseur, "coner du Roy lieutenant general Civil Et Criminel au Siege de
lamirauté a l'Isle Royale," ordered, at the request of Vincelot, that witnesses be called to
appear before him at his "hotel" at 8am the next day to give information concerning the
charges laid by Vincelot. Signed by Vincelot.
[632] Jean François Lorant,'"huissier audiencier au siege de l'amirauté," certified that at
the request of Vincelot, "qui Elu son domlle. en cette Ville chez le Sr. La Riviere
aubergiste," he had ordered "Srs. adrien Martin capne. du batteau la princesse, et a francois
cochu Maitre sur le batteau lenvieux de present en ce port ..." to appear before Le Vasseur
in his "hotel" at 8am that day. He declared to them that they would be paid their "Salaires
suivant la taxe qui Sera faitte par" Le Vasseur. Signed by Lorant, October 9, 1725
Information given by Adrien Martin, October 9, 1725
[634] Adrien Martin appeared before Le Vasseur to give information concerning the
charges brought by Ignace Vincelot against Jacque Morphé and Pierre Sedoyen, sailors on
his batteau "lenvieux." Martin was the captain of the "batteau la princess de la
guadeloupe," and was a native of Toulon, parish St. Louis. He was 30 years of age and of
the Catholic religion [635] Martin declared that on the previous day at about 9am he was
"dans la chambre de son batteau" when one of his sailors by the name of Maturin came to
him and said that one of the sailors of Vincelot wished to kill him and that he had a
"hache" raised against. him. Martin went to the "pont" from which he could hear the noise
on Vincelot's batteau, but he was unable to see "les matelots saisis de la hache..." When
asked if he required a "salaire," Martin answered that he did not. (Before testifying Martin
took the appropriate oaths. Signed by Martin, Le Vasseur and Demarest.
Information given François Cochû, October 9, 1725
[637] Cocû appeared before Le Vasseur to give information concerning the charges
brought by Vincelot against Morphé and. Sedoyen. Cochû was "maitre sur le d. batteau
l'envieux" and a native of Québec. He was about 30 years of age and was "Etablis de
present a la martinque." [638] After taking the appropriate oaths, he declared that on the
previous day at about 9am,
"la Capitaine ayant commandé cinq hommes de l'equipage
pour aller chercher du fardage dans le bois Jacques Morphé ... dit qu Il ny Iroit pas, et
quIl ne sembarqueroit pas alors le Capitaine commanda au Nommé Pierre sedoyen de
s'embarquer pour aller au bois le dernier fit réponse quil Navoit pas déjeuné et quil ne
sembarqueroit point, le Capitaine luy dit qu Il navoit qu'a prendre son déjeuné, quil y avoit
du pain et de la Viande quil mangeroit en chemin faisont, ou lors quIls Seroient arrivés au
bois, et comm'il continuoit de dire quIl ne sembarqueroit point quIl vouloit Manger du
poisson abord comme les autres matelots le sr. donna un souffle & voulant Le faire
embarquer qu'alors Pierre sedoyen pris un hache qui etoit sur le pont et la leva contre d. sr.
Vincelotte luy disant N'avance pas ou qu'alors le deposant s'aproche du d. Pierre et luy ôta
la d. hache quIl tenoit encore levée, quensuite le Capne Vint a terre ..."
He added that in
the evening when he ordered Morphé to go ashore to look for the captain, he refused to
obey him and "ne voulut s'embarquer Disant quIl Netoit qun homme comme luy cequi
obligis le s. galien Second sur le d. batteau de le commander, Mas il ne voulut nonplus luy
When asked if he required a "salaire," he answered that he did. Signed by Cochû, Le
Vasseur and Demarest.
[640] Cochû further added to his statement that when Morphé refused to go to the "bois,
il dit quil nembarrqueroit pas parcequils n'etoient pas asses de Cinq quils devoient être Six
que c'est Sur cela que s. Vincelotte commanda Pierre sedoyen :..." Signed again by the
Taxé outemoin par sa deposition quarante sols"
Information given by Maturin Felipeau [Phelipeaux] October 10, 1725
[641] Phelipeaux appeared before Le Vasseur to give information concerning the charges
brought by Vincelot against Morphé and Sedoyen. Phelipeaux declared that he was a
sailor on board the Princesse de Guadaloupe, commanded by Martin, and was a native of
Narmontier, the bishopric of Lusson. He [642] gave his age as 24 years. After taking the
appropriate oaths, he testified
that on Monday morning at 9 o'clock he was on the bridge
of the "batteau la princesse mouillé en ce port broche le batteau l'envieux" when he saw
one of the sailors on the ship seize a "hache" and raise it against Vincelot, his captain.
was not able to make out what they were saying. and he did not see if the sailor held the
"hache" to hit the captain or to defend himself from the captain's blows. He did not see the
captain strike the sailor, but the former did have a piece of wood in his hand.
He stated
that he did [643] not know the sailors by name, "et quil auroit même de la peine a
reconnoitre celuy qui avoit pris la d. hache."
When asked if he required a "salaire,"
Phelipeaux replied that he did.
He received the sum of 40 sols.
Phelipeaux declared that he
did not know how to write.
Signed by Le Vasseur and Demarest.
Information given by Martin François Torsse, October 10, 1725
[644] Torsse appeared before Le Vasseur to give information concerning the charges
brought by Vincelot against Morphé and Sedoyen. Torsse stated that he was a sailor "sur
le batteau St. Joseph capne. le sr. baptiste Guyon, agé denviron dixhuit ans natif de St. surin
faubourg de Bordeaux ..." After [645] taking the appropriate oaths, he declared that on the
previous Monday at 9am he was
"sur le pont du d. batteau le St. joseph; il vit abord du
batteau lenvieux que le sr. Vincelotte Capne. dIcluy, Voulant faire embarquer son Equipage
dans son Canot, comme qu[?] Matelot refusoit de sy embarquer, le d Capne. prit un
Morceau de bois et ayant frappé un des d Matelots que le deposant Ne connoit pas, ce
Matelot sen fut contre le [Gu] indeau et Se Saisy, Ne scait le d deposant Sy socit un
batton ou une hache, quil pris sur le pont et le leva contre son Capne. quIl napas peu
entendre cequils disoient [646] Mais quIl Vu rentrer le d sr. Vincelotte dans la chambre et
ensuite descendit a terre."
When asked if "il Na pas entendû quelques autres fois lequipage du sr. Vincelotte avoir
bruit contre luy," he answered in the negative.
He declared that he did require a "salaire," and accordingly received
40 sols.
The witness did not know how to write. Signed by Le Vasseur and Demarest.
Conclusions du procureur du Roy, October 11, 1725
[647] Having considered the charges laid by Vincelot against Morphé and Sedoyen and
the information given by the witnesses, de la Forest requested for the King that the two
men be taken into custody and questioned regarding the affair. Signed by de la Forest.
"Decret deprise de Corps des Nommée Morphé et Sedoyen" from
the records of
the admiralty in Louisbourg, October 11, 1725
[649 - Document begins with: "Louis a1exandre de bourbon comte de Toulouze amiral de
france a ceux qui ces presentes Verront Salut." From there on it is the usual form used by
the Lieutenant General of the Admiralty.]
Le Vasseur, Lieutenant General of the Admiralty, at the request of Vincelot and the
"procureur du Roy," ordered that Morphé and Sedoyen, "accusez de desobeissance et
d'avoir Levé une hache pour maltraiter Leur Capne. En Le menaçant" be taken into custody
and imprisoned in order that they might be questioned concerning the charges against
them. Their goods were to be seized "et a Jceux Etably [650] Commissaire, Cequi Sera
Executté Nonobatant opposition ou appellations quelconques et Sans prejudice d'Icelles ...
" Signed by Le Vasseur and Demarest, and "scellé dis Sceaux de Lamirauté de Louisbourg
Isle Royale."
Lorant, huissier au siege de l'Amirauté, certified that he
"pris aux corps [651] Les
Nommes Jacques Morphé et Pierre Sedoyen et Jceux Constitués prisonniers en prisons du
fort de cette ville a la consignation du sr. Milest Sergent Suisse de garde au d. fort pour
Jceux y être detenus jusqu'a ce quatrement ait êté ordonné par Monsr. Le Lieutenant
general de la d. amiraute, et a ceque les d accusés N'en Ignorent je leurs ay a chacun
Separement Laisse coppie tant du decret deprise de corps que proces Verbal de Capture
parlant a Leurs personnes ..."
Signed by Lorant.
Interrogation of Jacques Morphé, October 12, 1725
[652] At "les cinq heures du Relevée" Morphé appeared before Le Vasseur who had gone
to "une chambre joignante le corp de garde du fort de Cette ville ..." After swearing to tell
the truth, Morphé declared
that his name was Jacques [653] Morphé "fils de Jean et de
Marguerite hemery Natif doublin en Irlande" from which he'd been gone nearly 10 years;
that at that time he was a sailor on the "batteau lenvieux;
that he was 21 years old and a
Roman Catholic;
that on the day in question he was on board his ship and Vincelot was his
that he had not refused to get in the canot, but had said to other sailors - not to
the captain - that he would not go unless another man was sent;
that [654] that Vincelot
ordered Sedoyen to go, but the latter had not had his "dejeuné" and refused to go until he
that the captain had said he could eat some bread and meat on way;
that then
Vincelot "donne un soufflet au d. sedoyen pour le faire embarquer; ce dernir pris une
hache sur le pont, quil [655] vit bien quIl la leva, pour parer les coups que le Capne.
vouloit luy donner avec un bout de bois, quIl a bien ouydire au d sedoyen, parlant au
Capne., Ne me frapp; pas Navancé pas, Mais quIl neluy a pas ouydire quIl Luy couperoit
le Col;"
that he was not sure, but he thought that the captain had struck a blow which
Sedoyen had warded off with the"hache";
that later when he was "Venant du bois tout
Mouillé, Il fut a son amak pour changer, le d. Maitre luy commanda [to go ashore and
look for the captain]; Il luy fit reponse quIl vouloit changer de hardes, quil y avoit dautres
Matelots a commander [656] qu etoient sec qu'alors le susd Maître prit une barre du
gouvernail et menaçeant de la [?] sur le deposant, luy disant, quIl la luy payeroit a terre en
quelque temp que ce fusse, qu'Il es vray quIl luy dit pour lors quIl n'êtoit qun homme
comme luy, quIl na jamais entendu luy direCela par desobeissnce, Mais seulement pour
repondre au Menaces quIl luy faisoit;"
that when Sieur Galien "Son second" commanded
him to go to find the captain, he gave him the same answer he'd given the Master
"exposant toujours quIl [657] êtoit Mouillé;"
that "Il a seulement ouydire quIl faloit
prendre patience jusqu'a cequIls fussent rendus a la martinique, ou Ils seroient congediés
quIls N'avoient pas beaucoup de temp a attendre;"
that he did not "entend prendre droit
sur les informations faittes contre luy."
After giving testimony Morphé was handed over to
the Corporal of the Guard to be returned to prison. Signed by Morphé, Le Vasseur and
Interrogation of Pierre Sedoyen, October 12, 1725
[658] Sedoyen was interrogated by Le Vasseur at 3 pm "dans une chambre joignante le
corp de garde du fort de Cette Ville ..." After swearing to tell the truth he declared
that his
name was "Pierre sedoyen fils de Joannes et Marie Renion [659] Natif de la Ville de
Domquerk agé de vingt trois ans, Matelot Sur le batteau lenvieux ... Catolique apostolique
Et Romain;"
that on the day in question he vas on board the ship, and Vincelot was his
captain; that Vincelot had commanded him to get into a "Canot" to go "au bois chercher
du fardage;"
that he had told Vincelot that he "N'avoit pas dejeune;"
that the captain had
said that he could [660] eat some bread and meat on the way, but '"comme le jour
precedant il avoit peché du poisson qui êtoit pour lors a Cuire, il dit quIl en Vouldit
Manger avant de s 'embarquer;"
that the captain had given him "un soufflet, qui le renversa sur le pont, et quayant amassé son bonet Il prit une hache pour aller au bois, que le d.
Capne. ayant couru sur luy avec un baton pour le frapper il tacha [661] de parer les coups
avec la d hache;"
that the "Maitre" had taken the"hache" away from him, but at the time he
did, he no longer held it raised to the captain;
that it was by that time "possé sur le pont
qutil ne, la tenoit que par le bout du Manche;"
that after the "hache" was taken away from
him, he got into the "canot" to go "au bois;"
that he could not recognize the "hache" because "il y en a plusieurs abord, et quIl ne croit pas que l'on puisse reconnoitre celle quIl
avoit entre les autres; [Le Vasseur: "Et a êté la d. hache envelopée dune bande de papier
et Cachetée du cachet de Nos armes, laquelle bande de papier a Etée paraphzée par Nous,
le d accusé ayant [662] declare Ne scavoir signer"];
that "apres quIl eut été frappé commil
pleuroit quIl est vray que quelqun de lequipage luy dit prent patience le plus fort est fait,
Nous N'avons pas tant arester, abord que Nous y avons deja demeuré;
that Morphé had
refused to get into the "canot" because "il falloit quIl y [663] eut Six hommes a lieux de
Cinq quIls êtoient, que Cest a ce sujet que le Capne. commanda le deposant;
that Morphé
had been ordered to go and look for the captain, but this was just after their return and
Morphé was wet and wanted to change;
that he had overheard Morphé say that the
"Maitre" was only a man like him, but "Il ne scait pas a quelle occation il le disoit;
that "Il
Na entendu dire au sr. galien autre chose sinon, comment personne [664] Ne montera sur
le pont, qualors le Canot êtoit partit; "
that he wished to add that "Il ne sembarqué dans le
d. Canot pour aller au bois qu'apres que le canot fut revenû de terre y porter le Capitaine;"
that the crew was witness to what he said.
The accused was put in the hands of the
"caporal de garde" and returned to prison. Signed by Le Vasseur arid Demarest.
Nouvelle plainte du sr. Vincelot [1725]
[666] Vincelot declared that
"Son Equipage quils disent continuellement dans cette Ville
et abord du batteau quIls veulent prendre patience icy mais qu'en Mer ils de Vengeront. Et
Nottament Les Nommes Noel le Riche, jean batiste bonnet, florent coutron dit goudront
& Pierre fetu matelots du d. Equipage qui ont dit abord presence du sr. galien Second Et
du sr. Cochu Maitre su le d. battenu quils vouloient commencer par le grandMat & finir"
[667] par le batton de pavillon, voulant dire par la commencer par le Capne & finir par le
[second - deleted in document] Maitre, ces parolles, Monsieur, Jointes au proceedé de
tout l'equipage depuis qu'ils sont en ce port font bien connôitre quIls sont Caballé et
capelles dentreprendre un sedîtion lorsquIls seront en Mer cequi obligé le plaignant tant
pour la suretté de sa vie que la conservation du bien du bourgeois de Requerir."
He asked,
therefore, that Le Vasseur "permettre de faire informer contre les sus Nommés & Sur les
charges des informations être les d matelots congedies de bord et privés de leurs salaires
comme seditieux sauf a M. le procureur du Roy aprendre telle conclusions quil avisera Et
ferez justice." Signed Vincelot.
"ordonnance pour assigner temoins" October 16, 1725
[668] Le Vasseur ordered assignation of witnesses to testify concerning the new complaint
lodged by Vincelot. They were to appear before him in his "hotel" the following day at
8am. Signed by him.
Lorant certified that he notified Cochû and Galien to so appear. Signed by him
Information given by Andre Galien, October 17,1725
[670] Galien "second sur led. batteau lenvieux," appeared before Le Vasseur in his "hotel"
and declared
that he was a native of Rochefort, 30 years of [671] age and of the Catholic
that he was "couché dans la dunette du batteau etant Indisposé, depuis quelques
jours" when he heard that the "Maitre" had ordered some men to go "au bois faire du
that Morphé and Sedoyen had refused to go, so Vincelot went to the "pont" to
make them go;
that he over heard Sedoyen insisting that he did not want to go, and the
captain give him "un soufflet que le d sedoyen Sarma. d'une hache quil leva contre [son -
crossed out] le e d sr. Vincelotte que sur le bruit quIls faisoient sur le pont, le Deposant Se
leva pour Voir ceque estoit Il Vit que le d sedoyen tenoit encore la hache levée [672] que
le Maitre luy ota, quIl Na pas ouydire au d sedoyen quIl vouloit couper la Col a son
capitaine qui sembarqua sur le champ pour venir porter sa plainte;"
that later that day
Morphé refused to go ashore to look for the captain "sans ... aucune raison Valable,
puisquil y avoit plus de cinq heures quils etoient arrives du bois et quil êtoit a Rien faire;"
that the crew were plotting together and "menacent continuellement de se Vanger contre
leurs officiers, lorsquils seront en Mer que le deposant a ouydire par le Nomme fetus aussy
Matelot que lors quils seroient en Mer, Ils Vouloient commencer par le grand Mat & finir
par le baton de pavillon, Voulans dire parla quIls commanceroient a se Vanger sur le
Capitaine et finiroient par le Maitre: dit aussy quIl ne scavoit sexposer de continuer leur
retour a la martinique Si une partie de lequipage Nest congediée;
that he did not require a "salaire"
Signed by Galien, Le Vasseur and Demarest.
"audition. par addition de cochu 2e temoin" October 17. 1725
[674] Cochû again interrogated by Le Vasseur concerning Morphé and Sedoyen. After
swearing to tell the truth, he declared
that when Sedoyen was commanded to embark the
"hache" was not in the "canot", but on the [675] "pont;"
that the "canot" had returned
between one two o'clock in the afternoon;
that it was 7 pm when he had asked Morphé to
go ashore and look for the captain;
that he had not noticed if Morphé were wet, but did not think so
because he had had plenty of time to change;
that he had heard the crew talk about having
"patience" until they were at sea at which time they would seek revenge, but he did not
know "positivement [676] Si C'est par le Nommé fetus ou le Riche & goudrot, que tout
lequipage et Caballé, quils sentretienment continuellement et dident hautement que leur tous
viendral, Menaceant par le leurs officiers;"
that "Si partie de lequipage N'est pas
changé Il ne scauroit semposer a finir leur voyage et retourner a la martinique avec Eux;"
that he did not require a "salaire."
Signed by Cuchû, Le Vasseur and Demarest.
"Decret dassigné pour etre ouy" October 18,1725
[677] Le Vassseur ordered that Pierre Fetus, Noel La Riche, Jean Baptiste Bonnet and
Florent Coutron dit Goudron" - all sailors on the "batteau" of Vincelot - to appear before
him to give information and answer concerning the charges against them. Given at the
"chambre d'audce." and "Scellé des sceaux de lamirauté de louisbourg." Signed by Le
Vasseur and "Collationné" by Demarest
[678] Lorant "huissier audcer. au d. siege de 1 amirauté", certified that he notified the
above named sailors - whom he found on the quay. - to appear that day at 2 o'clock before
the "lieutenant de la d amirauté" to be inter [679] rogated concerning the charges made by
Vincelot. Signed by Lorant.
Interrogation of Noel Le Riche October 18, 1725
[680] Le Riche appeared in the "chambre d'audience" at 5 PM before Le Vasseur to
answer concerning the charges against Morphé and Sedoyen. After taking the usual oath,
he declared
that he was a sailor on the "batteau lenvieux," 30 years [681] of age, native of
Nante - parish of Ste. Croix, and of the Catholic religion;
that he had not heard members
of his ship's crew say that '"Il falloit prendre patience que quant ils seroient en Mer ils
commenceroient par le grand mal jusqua baton depavillon, " but that they said they would
wait until they returned to Martinique where they would receive justice;
that he had seen
Sedoyen defend himself against the captain who had "donné un soufflet et commil vouloit
le Maltraiter avec un morceau de bois le d. sedoyen leva la d hache latenant avec les deux
Mains levée sur son Epaule que le d sr. Vincelotte luy donne un coup du d.. baton cequIl
para avec la d. hache que le maitre vint se mettre entre les deux Pour les. Separer;"
that he
had not heard [682] Sedoyen say "je vous couperay le Col;"
that Sedoyen did tell the
captain not to advance or hit him "car Malgeur pour vous, luy disant je Me font de vous,
qualors les Equipages luy crierent de laisser Cela;"
that he had heard that Morphé ("dit
gemy") had refused to go ashore to look for captain;
that after the hachet had been taken
away from Sedoyen, he "se Mit apleurer, [683] connoissant bien quil avoit
Riche did not know how to write. Signed by Le Vasseur and Demarest.
'Interrogation of Jean Batiste Bonnet, October 18, 1725
[684] Bonnet appeared before Le Vasseur in chambre d'audience at 5:30 PM to answer
concerning the charges against Morphé and Sedoyen. After taking the oath he declared
that he was "Natif de Domquerque âgé denviron trente un un Matelot sur le batteau
lenvieux," and of the Catholic religion;
that he'd heard no talk of mutiny at sea, but had
heard the sailors say that they should have [686] patience because the "voyage Sera
bientot finy;"
that "Vincelotte eut donné un Souffet au d sedoyen qui reffusoit dembarquer
dans le Canot le d sedoyen prit une hache qui etoit sur le pont la leva contre son capitaine
disant ne me frapé pas davantage pour la Mour de Dieu;"
that the "Maitre" and Le Riche
had come between the two and he had not been able to hear what Sedoyen then said;
he had heard Morphé refuse to go ashore to look for the captain and had heard him say
"quil "Netoit qun homme comme luy parlant au [687] Maitre ou au Second;"
that he did
not know how to write.
Signed by Le Vasseur and Demarest.
Interrogation of Florent Coutron dit Goudron, October 18, 1725
[688] Coutron appeared before Le Vasseur in the "chambre daudience" at 4:30 PM to
answer questions concerning the charges against Morphé and Sedoyen. After [689]
swearing to tell the truth, Coutron declared
that he was a "matelot sur le batteau lenvieux
agé denviron Vingt Six ans Natif Lisieux en Normandie catolique ... ;
that he had heard no
talk of mutiny among the crew, but that they did say "quelques fois prenons patience un
Voyage N'est pas Mariage;"
that Sedoyen had acted in self defence as the others had
that he did not know who had taken the hachet away from him.
Signed Coutron,
Le Vasseur and Demarest.
"Conclusions du procureur Du Roy" October 20, 1725
[694-695] After viewing all the facts of the case against Morphé and Sedoyen, De La
Forest ordered that Morphé, guilty of disobedience to his superiors, to be dismissed from
the ship, be deprived of his wages, be made to return the advance wages he'd received in
Martinique, and be made to pay half of the "depens Du proces, a quoy satisfaisant il Sera
Elargit des prisons." Sedoyen was ordered to confront those who had testified against him.
Signed by De La Forest.
"ordonnance pour assigner les temoins pour etre Recolles et confrontes a sedoyen"
October 24, 1725
[696-697] Le Vasseur ordered assignation of Galien, Cochu, Le Riche and Phelipeaux to
appear the next day at 8am to confront Sedoyen. Signed by him.
October 25, 1725 Lorant certified that he had carried out the above order.
"Jugement diffintif contre jacques morphé et preparatoire contre Pierre sedoyen
pour le recollement et confronton des temoins." October 24, 1725
[699] Le Vasseur declared that after reviewing the case, he found Morphé guilty of
disobedience and ordered that he be dismissed from the ship and be deprived of half of his
wages. He also ordered that Morphé be released from prison. Sedoyen was ordered to
face his accusers. Given at the "chambre d'audience." Signed by Demarest.
"Recollement des temoins" October 25, 1725
[701] De La Forest appeared before Le Vasseur and stated that he had assigned the
witnesses to hear their depositions and confront the accused. Le Vasseur [702] then
proceeded with the reading of the depositions. Galien, Cochu, Le Riche [703-705] and
Phelipeaux appeared in turn and after swearing to tell the truth, they heard their
depositions read and declared that they were true and did not require that any alterations
be made. None required a "salaire." Le Riche and Phelipeaux declared that they could not
write. The other two signed their statements. All signed by Le Vasseur and Demarest.
Phelipeaux said to have appeared "dans la chambre du corp de garde de cette Ville."
Confrontation between Sedoyen and Galien, October 25, 1725
[706] Sedoyen was brought before Le Vasseur "par le Caporal" in the "chambre du corp
[707] de garde" to confront Andre Galien. Both took an oath to tell the truth, following
which the greffier read the "premiers articles" of Galien's deposition. Sedoyen had no
objections to these statements. The remainder of the deposition was read. The "presente
confronton" was read. Galien signed; Sedoyen was not able to. Also signed by Le Vasseur
and Demarest.
"Confrontation between Phelipeaux and Sedoyen, October 25, 1725
[709] Same as previous confrontation [706-708] except that the accused that he had
nothing to say against the witness' account and the latter declared that "Il ne scait pas Si
C'est Laccuse present qui tenoit la hache Levee contre son Capne quIl ne le connoit pas."
Neither could sign. Signed by Le Vasseur and Demarest.
Confrontation between La Riche and Sedoyen, October 25, 1725
[712-714] Same as confrontation between Galien and Sedoyen [706-708]
Confrontation between Cochu and Sedoyen, October 25, 1725
Same as previous confrontations [706-708 and 712-714]
"Conclusions Diffinitives" October 27, 1725
[718-720] After reviewing the case against Sedoyen, De La Forest found him guilty of
having "levé Une hache abord; Contre le sr. Vincellotte son Capitaine; Et L'avoir Nemacé
de le fraper." He therefore sentenced Sedoyen to serve the King "En qualité de de forsa
sur les Galleres perpetuellement que Tous, Et Chacuns ses Biens soyent Declarer qcquis;
Et Confisqué A quil appartiendra." Signed by De La Forest.
[Good summary of procedures following case up to this point]
"Interrogatoire a 1 accusé sur la sellette" November 3, 1725
[721-725] Le Vasseur "etant en la chambre du conseil ou etoient aussy Messieurs Lambert
Micoin Nore. Royal et greffier de la d. amiraute; Et Pierre Carrerot garde des Magazins du
Roy appelles avec Nous pour a joints, ordered that Sedoyen be brought to him. The
accused was escorted by the "caporal" de [722] garde & Notre huisser. Once seated on
the sellette'" Sedoyen swore to tell the truth and answered the questions put to him.
Nothing was added to Sedoyen's previous testimony during this interrogation (658-665).
Signed by Micoin, Le Vasseur, Carrerot and Demarest.
"Jugement diffinitif contre Pierre sedoyen" November 3, 1725
[726-728] Again the procedures followed in the trial of Sedoyen are enumerated by Le
Vasseur, following which he declared the accused to be guilty of dis [727] obedience
to his captain and of "les exces mentionnes au proces." Sedoyen was therefore condemned
"a perdre les gages qui pouvroient luy etre deubs & en Vingt cinqs livres damande envers
Son altesse Sererissiume Monseigneur L'amiral ordonnons quIl Sera congedie de bord du
batteau l'envieux & le [728] condamnons aux depens du proces." Given in the "chambre
d'audience ou ont assistés ajoints Les Srs Pierre Carrerot ... Et Lambert Micoin ..." Copy
signed by Demarest.
De La Forest to the Superior Council, No date [November 1725]
[729] In the opinion of De La Forest the punishment ordered for Sedoyan was [730] not
"suffisante pour la Reparation d'un Tel crime." He asked that he be condemned "A
Maxima." Signed by him.
Note: "soit Comuniqué a Monsieur le procureur general" DeMesi
Note: Je NEmpesche pour Le Roy" Sabatier
Conclusions of the Procureur Général, November 15,1725
[731] After reviewing the case and the sentence imposed on "Sedoyen, Sabatier [732]
finally condemned the accused to make
"amende-honnorable Nud en chemise; La Corde
au Col tenant en ses mains Une torche de Cire ardente depuis la prison Jusqu'a lEglise
Paroissialle de la lieu, a la porte de laquelle [733] Etant nue teste et agenoux Il declarera. a
haute Et intelligible voix que mechamment et comme mal avisé Il a desobey a Son
Capitainé et la menacé avec Exces. dont Il Se repend et en demande pardon a Dieu, au
Roy et a Justice, après quoy il continuera Jusque chez Sr. antoine le passage[r] tout le long
de la marée et le ramenant a la place de le marine de cette Ville vis a vis langevin Il y Sera
attaché a un Carcan ou Il Sera Expose pendant trois heures avec un Ecriteau Sur le
Poitrine qui marquera le Sujet de Son Crime. Condamné en outre a perdre les gages qui
pouvroient luy estra deus, et en trente 1ivres damende, les quels gages et amende Seront a
la fabrique de lEglise paroissialle de ce 1ieu. Autres trois Livres damende Envers le Roy et
au depense de proces."
Court Cases,
Trials, and Interrogations: Criminal