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Parks Canada Unless Otherwise Designated
the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
Recherche sur la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg Lieu historique national du Canada
National Parks and National Historic Sites of Canada
Les Parks Nationaux et Les Lieux Historiques Nationaux du Canada
June 2001
Foreward On behalf of all Canadians, I am delighted to approve the management plan for Fortress of Louisbourg, one of Canada's premier national historic sites. I hope you share with me my enthusiasm for this heritage treasure tucked away on the east coast of Cape Breton Island. In the first half of the 18th century, Louisbourg was a bustling French town, one of Canada's largest at the time, with a cosmopolitan society, supported by the fishery, a vast trading network, the government and military. It was also the scene of decisive battles that in 1745 and again in 1758 led to British control of eastern Canada - significant events in the early history of our country. Today, staff at the Fortress of Louisbourg protect the cultural resources associated with this period including a vast array of archaeological resources and artifacts from the fortified town, outlying suburbs and military works, landscapes and siege sites. These resources are truly outstanding. In addition, there is the reconstructed townsite, Canada's largest, that is a marvel of applied research and building techniques. The section of the former town that has been reconstructed provides visitors with a direct sense of another world and insight into earlier times. The Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada is indeed a heritage attraction that helps to contribute to Canadian identity and reflect Canadian pride. This management plan provides the direction to ensure the commemorative integrity of the National Historic Site. I want to thank all those who participated directly in the public consultations in helping Parks Canada officials complete a plan that identifies the strategic actions to protect and present the cultural resources and to enhance the tradition of providing first-rate services to the public. The Fortress of Louisbourg is one of Canada's special places and an icon within the Family of Canada's National Historic Sites. I encourage all Canadians to visit this wonderful place on Cape Breton Island. Sheila
-------------------------------------------- ©Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Canada, 2001. ISBN
R64-237/2001E Cette publication est aussi disponible en français. For more information about the Site Management Plan or about Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada: Fortress
of Louisbourg TEL:
(902) 733-2280 Front Cover - left to right and top to bottom IMAGE A. Children in period costume - the volunteer program at work, Parks Canada, Atlantic Service Centre; IMAGE B. Louisbourg fifers during the 1999 Grand Encampment, Parks Canada, Fortress of Louisbourg NHS, Vaughin Merchant, 1999, (catalogue #5J9122); IMAGE C. View of reconstructed townsite from harbour, Parks Canada, Atlantic Service Centre; IMAGE D. Parks Canada guide and visitors - interpretive talk, Parks Canada, Atlantic Service Centre, Chris Reardon, 1997; IMAGE E. Upper and lower class animators on the Frederic wharf, Parks Canada, Fortress of Louisbourg NHS, André Corneillier, (catalogue #5J459)