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Annual Report of the Mennonite Church Pertaining to the Maintenance of the Forestry Service in 1908

[The list is found in the following report: Jahresbericht des Bevollmaechtigten der Mennonitengemeinden
in Russland in Sachen der Unterhaltung der Forstkommandos im Jahre 1908]

Transcribed by Michael Penner

[From 1880 - 1917 Mennonites in Russia were permitted by special legislation to fulfill
their military service obligations by working in forestry care camps under civilian administration ...

This document is an extensive list of estates, their owners and their "value" for tax purposes, divided by volost.
The assessment related to monetary support that the Mennonite colonies contributed to the state forestry service (Vorstei or Forstei) provided by their men. ]


Bericht der Halbstaedter Wolostverwaltung

Ueber das Vermoegen der Geschaeftsleute

[Report - Halbstaedt Wolost - Assets of Business People]


Name des Geschaeftsinhabers Benennung des Geschaefts Wert des Geschaeftes in Rubeln Wohnort des Geschaeftsinhabers
Heinrich Kornelsen Motormuehle [Motormühle=Motor driven mill] 2000 Tiegenhagen

Note: Kornelsen is identified as a shop keeper, not a land owner

Bericht der Halbstaedter Wolostverwaltung,  Ueber das Vermoegen der Geschaeftsleute,